"""Base class for protect data.""" from __future__ import annotations from collections import defaultdict from collections.abc import Callable, Generator, Iterable from datetime import datetime, timedelta from functools import partial import logging from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, cast from uiprotect import ProtectApiClient from uiprotect.data import ( NVR, Camera, Event, EventType, ModelType, ProtectAdoptableDeviceModel, WSSubscriptionMessage, ) from uiprotect.exceptions import ClientError, NotAuthorized from uiprotect.utils import log_event from uiprotect.websocket import WebsocketState from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.core import CALLBACK_TYPE, HomeAssistant, callback from homeassistant.helpers import device_registry as dr from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import ( async_dispatcher_connect, async_dispatcher_send, ) from homeassistant.helpers.event import async_track_time_interval from .const import ( AUTH_RETRIES, CONF_DISABLE_RTSP, CONF_MAX_MEDIA, DEFAULT_MAX_MEDIA, DEVICES_THAT_ADOPT, DISPATCH_ADD, DISPATCH_ADOPT, DISPATCH_CHANNELS, DOMAIN, ) from .utils import async_get_devices_by_type _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) type ProtectDeviceType = ProtectAdoptableDeviceModel | NVR type UFPConfigEntry = ConfigEntry[ProtectData] @callback def async_last_update_was_successful( hass: HomeAssistant, entry: UFPConfigEntry ) -> bool: """Check if the last update was successful for a config entry.""" return hasattr(entry, "runtime_data") and entry.runtime_data.last_update_success @callback def _async_dispatch_id(entry: UFPConfigEntry, dispatch: str) -> str: """Generate entry specific dispatch ID.""" return f"{DOMAIN}.{entry.entry_id}.{dispatch}" class ProtectData: """Coordinate updates.""" def __init__( self, hass: HomeAssistant, protect: ProtectApiClient, update_interval: timedelta, entry: UFPConfigEntry, ) -> None: """Initialize an subscriber.""" self._entry = entry self._hass = hass self._update_interval = update_interval self._subscriptions: defaultdict[ str, set[Callable[[ProtectDeviceType], None]] ] = defaultdict(set) self._pending_camera_ids: set[str] = set() self._unsubs: list[CALLBACK_TYPE] = [] self._auth_failures = 0 self.last_update_success = False self.api = protect self.adopt_signal = _async_dispatch_id(entry, DISPATCH_ADOPT) self.add_signal = _async_dispatch_id(entry, DISPATCH_ADD) self.channels_signal = _async_dispatch_id(entry, DISPATCH_CHANNELS) @property def disable_stream(self) -> bool: """Check if RTSP is disabled.""" return self._entry.options.get(CONF_DISABLE_RTSP, False) @property def max_events(self) -> int: """Max number of events to load at once.""" return self._entry.options.get(CONF_MAX_MEDIA, DEFAULT_MAX_MEDIA) @callback def async_subscribe_adopt( self, add_callback: Callable[[ProtectAdoptableDeviceModel], None] ) -> None: """Add an callback for on device adopt.""" self._entry.async_on_unload( async_dispatcher_connect(self._hass, self.adopt_signal, add_callback) ) def get_by_types( self, device_types: Iterable[ModelType], ignore_unadopted: bool = True ) -> Generator[ProtectAdoptableDeviceModel]: """Get all devices matching types.""" bootstrap = self.api.bootstrap for device_type in device_types: for device in async_get_devices_by_type(bootstrap, device_type).values(): if ignore_unadopted and not device.is_adopted_by_us: continue yield device def get_cameras(self, ignore_unadopted: bool = True) -> Generator[Camera]: """Get all cameras.""" return cast( Generator[Camera], self.get_by_types({ModelType.CAMERA}, ignore_unadopted) ) @callback def async_setup(self) -> None: """Subscribe and do the refresh.""" self.last_update_success = True self._async_update_change(True, force_update=True) api = self.api self._unsubs = [ api.subscribe_websocket_state(self._async_websocket_state_changed), api.subscribe_websocket(self._async_process_ws_message), async_track_time_interval( self._hass, self._async_poll, self._update_interval ), ] @callback def _async_websocket_state_changed(self, state: WebsocketState) -> None: """Handle a change in the websocket state.""" self._async_update_change(state is WebsocketState.CONNECTED) def _async_update_change( self, success: bool, force_update: bool = False, exception: Exception | None = None, ) -> None: """Process a change in update success.""" was_success = self.last_update_success self.last_update_success = success if not success: level = logging.ERROR if was_success else logging.DEBUG title = self._entry.title _LOGGER.log(level, "%s: Connection lost", title, exc_info=exception) self._async_process_updates() return self._auth_failures = 0 if not was_success: _LOGGER.warning("%s: Connection restored", self._entry.title) self._async_process_updates() elif force_update: self._async_process_updates() async def async_stop(self, *args: Any) -> None: """Stop processing data.""" for unsub in self._unsubs: unsub() self._unsubs.clear() await self.api.async_disconnect_ws() async def async_refresh(self) -> None: """Update the data.""" try: await self.api.update() except NotAuthorized as ex: if self._auth_failures < AUTH_RETRIES: _LOGGER.exception("Auth error while updating") self._auth_failures += 1 else: await self.async_stop() _LOGGER.exception("Reauthentication required") self._entry.async_start_reauth(self._hass) self._async_update_change(False, exception=ex) except ClientError as ex: self._async_update_change(False, exception=ex) else: self._async_update_change(True, force_update=True) @callback def async_add_pending_camera_id(self, camera_id: str) -> None: """Add pending camera. A "pending camera" is one that has been adopted by not had its camera channels initialized yet. Will cause Websocket code to check for channels to be initialized for the camera and issue a dispatch once they do. """ self._pending_camera_ids.add(camera_id) @callback def _async_add_device(self, device: ProtectAdoptableDeviceModel) -> None: if device.is_adopted_by_us: _LOGGER.debug("Device adopted: %s", device.id) async_dispatcher_send(self._hass, self.adopt_signal, device) else: _LOGGER.debug("New device detected: %s", device.id) async_dispatcher_send(self._hass, self.add_signal, device) @callback def _async_remove_device(self, device: ProtectAdoptableDeviceModel) -> None: registry = dr.async_get(self._hass) device_entry = registry.async_get_device( connections={(dr.CONNECTION_NETWORK_MAC, device.mac)} ) if device_entry: _LOGGER.debug("Device removed: %s", device.id) registry.async_update_device( device_entry.id, remove_config_entry_id=self._entry.entry_id ) @callback def _async_update_device( self, device: ProtectAdoptableDeviceModel | NVR, changed_data: dict[str, Any] ) -> None: self._async_signal_device_update(device) if ( device.model is ModelType.CAMERA and device.id in self._pending_camera_ids and "channels" in changed_data ): self._pending_camera_ids.remove(device.id) async_dispatcher_send(self._hass, self.channels_signal, device) # trigger update for all Cameras with LCD screens when NVR Doorbell settings updates if "doorbell_settings" in changed_data: _LOGGER.debug( "Doorbell messages updated. Updating devices with LCD screens" ) self.api.bootstrap.nvr.update_all_messages() for camera in self.get_cameras(): if camera.feature_flags.has_lcd_screen: self._async_signal_device_update(camera) @callback def _async_process_ws_message(self, message: WSSubscriptionMessage) -> None: """Process a message from the websocket.""" if (new_obj := message.new_obj) is None: if isinstance(message.old_obj, ProtectAdoptableDeviceModel): self._async_remove_device(message.old_obj) return model_type = new_obj.model if model_type is ModelType.EVENT: if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(new_obj, Event) if _LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): log_event(new_obj) if ( (new_obj.type is EventType.DEVICE_ADOPTED) and (metadata := new_obj.metadata) and (device_id := metadata.device_id) and (device := self.api.bootstrap.get_device_from_id(device_id)) ): self._async_add_device(device) elif camera := new_obj.camera: self._async_signal_device_update(camera) elif light := new_obj.light: self._async_signal_device_update(light) elif sensor := new_obj.sensor: self._async_signal_device_update(sensor) return if model_type is ModelType.LIVEVIEW and len(self.api.bootstrap.viewers) > 0: # alert user viewport needs restart so voice clients can get new options _LOGGER.warning( "Liveviews updated. Restart Home Assistant to update Viewport select" " options" ) return if message.old_obj is None and isinstance(new_obj, ProtectAdoptableDeviceModel): self._async_add_device(new_obj) return if getattr(new_obj, "is_adopted_by_us", True) and hasattr(new_obj, "mac"): if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(new_obj, (ProtectAdoptableDeviceModel, NVR)) self._async_update_device(new_obj, message.changed_data) @callback def _async_process_updates(self) -> None: """Process update from the protect data.""" self._async_signal_device_update(self.api.bootstrap.nvr) for device in self.get_by_types(DEVICES_THAT_ADOPT): self._async_signal_device_update(device) @callback def _async_poll(self, now: datetime) -> None: """Poll the Protect API.""" self._entry.async_create_background_task( self._hass, self.async_refresh(), name=f"{DOMAIN} {self._entry.title} refresh", eager_start=True, ) @callback def async_subscribe( self, mac: str, update_callback: Callable[[ProtectDeviceType], None] ) -> CALLBACK_TYPE: """Add an callback subscriber.""" self._subscriptions[mac].add(update_callback) return partial(self._async_unsubscribe, mac, update_callback) @callback def _async_unsubscribe( self, mac: str, update_callback: Callable[[ProtectDeviceType], None] ) -> None: """Remove a callback subscriber.""" self._subscriptions[mac].remove(update_callback) if not self._subscriptions[mac]: del self._subscriptions[mac] @callback def _async_signal_device_update(self, device: ProtectDeviceType) -> None: """Call the callbacks for a device_id.""" mac = device.mac if not (subscriptions := self._subscriptions.get(mac)): return _LOGGER.debug("Updating device: %s (%s)", device.name, mac) for update_callback in subscriptions: update_callback(device) @callback def async_ufp_instance_for_config_entry_ids( hass: HomeAssistant, config_entry_ids: set[str] ) -> ProtectApiClient | None: """Find the UFP instance for the config entry ids.""" return next( iter( entry.runtime_data.api for entry_id in config_entry_ids if (entry := hass.config_entries.async_get_entry(entry_id)) and hasattr(entry, "runtime_data") ), None, ) @callback def async_get_ufp_entries(hass: HomeAssistant) -> list[UFPConfigEntry]: """Get all the UFP entries.""" return cast( list[UFPConfigEntry], [ entry for entry in hass.config_entries.async_entries( DOMAIN, include_ignore=True, include_disabled=True ) if hasattr(entry, "runtime_data") ], ) @callback def async_get_data_for_nvr_id(hass: HomeAssistant, nvr_id: str) -> ProtectData | None: """Find the ProtectData instance for the NVR id.""" return next( iter( entry.runtime_data for entry in async_get_ufp_entries(hass) if entry.runtime_data.api.bootstrap.nvr.id == nvr_id ), None, ) @callback def async_get_data_for_entry_id( hass: HomeAssistant, entry_id: str ) -> ProtectData | None: """Find the ProtectData instance for a config entry id.""" if (entry := hass.config_entries.async_get_entry(entry_id)) and hasattr( entry, "runtime_data" ): entry = cast(UFPConfigEntry, entry) return entry.runtime_data return None