{ "title": "Media player", "device_automation": { "condition_type": { "is_buffering": "{entity_name} is buffering", "is_on": "[%key:common::device_automation::condition_type::is_on%]", "is_off": "[%key:common::device_automation::condition_type::is_off%]", "is_idle": "{entity_name} is idle", "is_paused": "{entity_name} is paused", "is_playing": "{entity_name} is playing" }, "trigger_type": { "buffering": "{entity_name} starts buffering", "turned_on": "[%key:common::device_automation::trigger_type::turned_on%]", "turned_off": "[%key:common::device_automation::trigger_type::turned_off%]", "idle": "{entity_name} becomes idle", "paused": "{entity_name} is paused", "playing": "{entity_name} starts playing", "changed_states": "[%key:common::device_automation::trigger_type::changed_states%]" }, "extra_fields": { "for": "[%key:common::device_automation::extra_fields::for%]" } }, "entity_component": { "_": { "name": "[%key:component::media_player::title%]", "state": { "off": "[%key:common::state::off%]", "on": "[%key:common::state::on%]", "playing": "Playing", "paused": "[%key:common::state::paused%]", "idle": "[%key:common::state::idle%]", "standby": "[%key:common::state::standby%]", "buffering": "Buffering" }, "state_attributes": { "app_id": { "name": "App ID" }, "app_name": { "name": "App" }, "entity_picture_local": { "name": "Local accessible entity picture" }, "groups_members": { "name": "Group members" }, "is_volume_muted": { "name": "Muted", "state": { "true": "[%key:common::state::yes%]", "false": "[%key:common::state::no%]" } }, "media_album_artist": { "name": "Album artist" }, "media_album_name": { "name": "Album" }, "media_artist": { "name": "Artist" }, "media_channel": { "name": "Channel" }, "media_content_id": { "name": "Content ID" }, "media_content_type": { "name": "Content type", "state": { "album": "Album", "app": "App", "artist": "Artist", "channel": "Channel", "channels": "Channels", "composer": "Composer", "contributing_artist": "Contributing artist", "episode": "Episode", "game": "Game", "genre": "Genre", "image": "Image", "movie": "Movie", "music": "Music", "playlist": "Playlist", "podcast": "Podcast", "season": "Season", "track": "Track", "tvshow": "TV show", "url": "URL", "video": "Video" } }, "media_duration": { "name": "Duration" }, "media_episode": { "name": "Episode" }, "media_playlist": { "name": "Playlist" }, "media_position": { "name": "Position" }, "media_position_updated_at": { "name": "Position updated" }, "media_title": { "name": "Title" }, "media_track": { "name": "Track" }, "media_season": { "name": "Season" }, "media_series_title": { "name": "Series" }, "repeat": { "name": "Repeat", "state": { "all": "All", "off": "[%key:common::state::off%]", "one": "One" } }, "shuffle": { "name": "Shuffle", "state": { "true": "[%key:common::state::on%]", "false": "[%key:common::state::off%]" } }, "source": { "name": "Source" }, "source_list": { "name": "Available sources" }, "sound_mode": { "name": "Sound mode" }, "sound_mode_list": { "name": "Available sound modes" }, "volume_level": { "name": "Volume" } } }, "tv": { "name": "TV" }, "speaker": { "name": "Speaker" }, "receiver": { "name": "Receiver" } }, "services": { "turn_on": { "name": "[%key:common::action::turn_on%]", "description": "Turns on the power of the media player." }, "turn_off": { "name": "[%key:common::action::turn_off%]", "description": "Turns off the power of the media player." }, "toggle": { "name": "[%key:common::action::toggle%]", "description": "Toggles a media player on/off." }, "volume_up": { "name": "Turn up volume", "description": "Turns up the volume." }, "volume_down": { "name": "Turn down volume", "description": "Turns down the volume." }, "volume_mute": { "name": "Mute/unmute volume", "description": "Mutes or unmutes the media player.", "fields": { "is_volume_muted": { "name": "Muted", "description": "Defines whether or not it is muted." } } }, "volume_set": { "name": "Set volume", "description": "Sets the volume level.", "fields": { "volume_level": { "name": "Level", "description": "The volume. 0 is inaudible, 1 is the maximum volume." } } }, "media_play_pause": { "name": "Play/Pause", "description": "Toggles play/pause." }, "media_play": { "name": "Play", "description": "Starts playing." }, "media_pause": { "name": "[%key:common::action::pause%]", "description": "Pauses." }, "media_stop": { "name": "[%key:common::action::stop%]", "description": "Stops playing." }, "media_next_track": { "name": "Next", "description": "Selects the next track." }, "media_previous_track": { "name": "Previous", "description": "Selects the previous track." }, "media_seek": { "name": "Seek", "description": "Allows you to go to a different part of the media that is currently playing.", "fields": { "seek_position": { "name": "Position", "description": "Target position in the currently playing media. The format is platform dependent." } } }, "play_media": { "name": "Play media", "description": "Starts playing specified media.", "fields": { "media_content_id": { "name": "Content ID", "description": "The ID of the content to play. Platform dependent." }, "media_content_type": { "name": "Content type", "description": "The type of the content to play. Such as image, music, tv show, video, episode, channel, or playlist." }, "enqueue": { "name": "Enqueue", "description": "If the content should be played now or be added to the queue." }, "announce": { "name": "Announce", "description": "If the media should be played as an announcement." } } }, "select_source": { "name": "Select source", "description": "Sends the media player the command to change input source.", "fields": { "source": { "name": "Source", "description": "Name of the source to switch to. Platform dependent." } } }, "select_sound_mode": { "name": "Select sound mode", "description": "Selects a specific sound mode.", "fields": { "sound_mode": { "name": "Sound mode", "description": "Name of the sound mode to switch to." } } }, "clear_playlist": { "name": "Clear playlist", "description": "Clears the playlist." }, "shuffle_set": { "name": "Shuffle", "description": "Playback mode that selects the media in randomized order.", "fields": { "shuffle": { "name": "Shuffle", "description": "Whether or not shuffle mode is enabled." } } }, "repeat_set": { "name": "Repeat", "description": "Playback mode that plays the media in a loop.", "fields": { "repeat": { "name": "Repeat mode", "description": "Repeat mode to set." } } }, "join": { "name": "Join", "description": "Groups media players together for synchronous playback. Only works on supported multiroom audio systems.", "fields": { "group_members": { "name": "Group members", "description": "The players which will be synced with the playback specified in `target`." } } }, "unjoin": { "name": "Unjoin", "description": "Removes the player from a group. Only works on platforms which support player groups." } }, "selector": { "enqueue": { "options": { "play": "Play", "next": "Play next", "add": "Add to queue", "replace": "Play now and clear queue" } }, "repeat": { "options": { "off": "Off", "all": "Repeat all", "one": "Repeat one" } } } }