{ "config": { "abort": { "already_configured": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::already_configured_account%]" }, "error": { "cannot_connect": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::cannot_connect%]", "invalid_auth": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::invalid_auth%]", "invalid_url": "Invalid URL", "invalid_url_schema_override_rest_url": "Invalid REST URL scheme.\nThe URL should start with `http://` or `https://`.", "invalid_url_schema_override_mqtt_url": "Invalid MQTT URL scheme.\nThe URL should start with `mqtt://` or `mqtts://`.", "unknown": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::unknown%]" }, "step": { "auth": { "data": { "country": "Country", "override_rest_url": "REST URL", "override_mqtt_url": "MQTT URL", "password": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::password%]", "username": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::username%]", "verify_mqtt_certificate": "Verify MQTT SSL certificate" }, "data_description": { "override_rest_url": "Enter the REST URL of your self-hosted instance including the scheme (http/https).", "override_mqtt_url": "Enter the MQTT URL of your self-hosted instance including the scheme (mqtt/mqtts)." } }, "user": { "data": { "mode": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::mode%]" }, "data_description": { "mode": "Select the mode you want to use to connect to Ecovacs. If you are unsure, select **Cloud**.\n\nSelect **Self-hosted** only if you have a working self-hosted instance." } } } }, "entity": { "binary_sensor": { "water_mop_attached": { "name": "Mop attached" } }, "button": { "relocate": { "name": "Relocate" }, "reset_lifespan_blade": { "name": "Reset blade lifespan" }, "reset_lifespan_brush": { "name": "Reset main brush lifespan" }, "reset_lifespan_filter": { "name": "Reset filter lifespan" }, "reset_lifespan_lens_brush": { "name": "Reset lens brush lifespan" }, "reset_lifespan_round_mop": { "name": "Reset round mop lifespan" }, "reset_lifespan_unit_care": { "name": "Reset unit care lifespan" }, "reset_lifespan_side_brush": { "name": "Reset side brush lifespan" } }, "event": { "last_job": { "name": "Last job", "state_attributes": { "event_type": { "state": { "finished": "Finished", "finished_with_warnings": "Finished with warnings", "manually_stopped": "Manually stopped" } } } } }, "image": { "map": { "name": "Map" } }, "number": { "clean_count": { "name": "Clean count" }, "cut_direction": { "name": "Cut direction" }, "volume": { "name": "Volume" } }, "sensor": { "error": { "name": "Error", "state_attributes": { "description": { "name": "Description" } } }, "lifespan_blade": { "name": "Blade lifespan" }, "lifespan_brush": { "name": "Main brush lifespan" }, "lifespan_filter": { "name": "Filter lifespan" }, "lifespan_lens_brush": { "name": "Lens brush lifespan" }, "lifespan_main_brush": { "name": "[%key:component::ecovacs::entity::sensor::lifespan_brush::name%]" }, "lifespan_side_brush": { "name": "Side brush lifespan" }, "lifespan_unit_care": { "name": "Unit care lifespan" }, "lifespan_round_mop": { "name": "Round mop lifespan" }, "network_ip": { "name": "IP address" }, "network_rssi": { "name": "Wi-Fi RSSI" }, "network_ssid": { "name": "Wi-Fi SSID" }, "stats_area": { "name": "Area cleaned" }, "stats_time": { "name": "Cleaning duration" }, "total_stats_area": { "name": "Total area cleaned" }, "total_stats_cleanings": { "name": "Total cleanings" }, "total_stats_time": { "name": "Total cleaning duration" } }, "select": { "water_amount": { "name": "Water flow level", "state": { "high": "High", "low": "Low", "medium": "Medium", "ultrahigh": "Ultrahigh" } }, "work_mode": { "name": "Work mode", "state": { "mop": "Mop", "mop_after_vacuum": "Mop after vacuum", "vacuum": "Vacuum", "vacuum_and_mop": "Vacuum & mop" } } }, "switch": { "advanced_mode": { "name": "Advanced mode" }, "border_switch": { "name": "Border switch" }, "carpet_auto_fan_boost": { "name": "Carpet auto-boost suction" }, "child_lock": { "name": "Child lock" }, "clean_preference": { "name": "Clean preference" }, "cross_map_border_warning": { "name": "Cross map border warning" }, "continuous_cleaning": { "name": "Continuous cleaning" }, "move_up_warning": { "name": "Move up warning" }, "safe_protect": { "name": "Safe protect" }, "true_detect": { "name": "True detect" } }, "vacuum": { "vacuum": { "state_attributes": { "fan_speed": { "state": { "max": "Max", "max_plus": "Max+", "normal": "Normal", "quiet": "Quiet" } }, "rooms": { "name": "Rooms" } } } } }, "exceptions": { "vacuum_send_command_params_dict": { "message": "Params must be a dictionary and not a list" }, "vacuum_send_command_params_required": { "message": "Params are required for the command: {command}" }, "vacuum_raw_get_positions_not_supported": { "message": "Getting the positions of the chargers and the device itself is not supported" } }, "selector": { "installation_mode": { "options": { "cloud": "Cloud", "self_hosted": "Self-hosted" } } }, "services": { "raw_get_positions": { "name": "Get raw positions", "description": "Get the raw response for the positions of the chargers and the device itself." } } }