"""The EnergyZero services.""" from __future__ import annotations from datetime import date, datetime from enum import Enum from functools import partial from typing import Final from energyzero import Electricity, Gas, VatOption import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry, ConfigEntryState from homeassistant.core import ( HomeAssistant, ServiceCall, ServiceResponse, SupportsResponse, callback, ) from homeassistant.exceptions import ServiceValidationError from homeassistant.helpers import selector from homeassistant.util import dt as dt_util from .const import DOMAIN from .coordinator import EnergyZeroDataUpdateCoordinator ATTR_CONFIG_ENTRY: Final = "config_entry" ATTR_START: Final = "start" ATTR_END: Final = "end" ATTR_INCL_VAT: Final = "incl_vat" GAS_SERVICE_NAME: Final = "get_gas_prices" ENERGY_SERVICE_NAME: Final = "get_energy_prices" SERVICE_SCHEMA: Final = vol.Schema( { vol.Required(ATTR_CONFIG_ENTRY): selector.ConfigEntrySelector( { "integration": DOMAIN, } ), vol.Required(ATTR_INCL_VAT): bool, vol.Optional(ATTR_START): str, vol.Optional(ATTR_END): str, } ) class PriceType(Enum): """Type of price.""" ENERGY = "energy" GAS = "gas" def __get_date(date_input: str | None) -> date | datetime: """Get date.""" if not date_input: return dt_util.now().date() if value := dt_util.parse_datetime(date_input): return value raise ServiceValidationError( "Invalid datetime provided.", translation_domain=DOMAIN, translation_key="invalid_date", translation_placeholders={ "date": date_input, }, ) def __serialize_prices(prices: Electricity | Gas) -> ServiceResponse: """Serialize prices.""" return { "prices": [ { key: str(value) if isinstance(value, datetime) else value for key, value in timestamp_price.items() } for timestamp_price in prices.timestamp_prices ] } def __get_coordinator( hass: HomeAssistant, call: ServiceCall ) -> EnergyZeroDataUpdateCoordinator: """Get the coordinator from the entry.""" entry_id: str = call.data[ATTR_CONFIG_ENTRY] entry: ConfigEntry | None = hass.config_entries.async_get_entry(entry_id) if not entry: raise ServiceValidationError( f"Invalid config entry: {entry_id}", translation_domain=DOMAIN, translation_key="invalid_config_entry", translation_placeholders={ "config_entry": entry_id, }, ) if entry.state != ConfigEntryState.LOADED: raise ServiceValidationError( f"{entry.title} is not loaded", translation_domain=DOMAIN, translation_key="unloaded_config_entry", translation_placeholders={ "config_entry": entry.title, }, ) coordinator: EnergyZeroDataUpdateCoordinator = hass.data[DOMAIN][entry_id] return coordinator async def __get_prices( call: ServiceCall, *, hass: HomeAssistant, price_type: PriceType, ) -> ServiceResponse: coordinator = __get_coordinator(hass, call) start = __get_date(call.data.get(ATTR_START)) end = __get_date(call.data.get(ATTR_END)) vat = VatOption.INCLUDE if call.data.get(ATTR_INCL_VAT) is False: vat = VatOption.EXCLUDE data: Electricity | Gas if price_type == PriceType.GAS: data = await coordinator.energyzero.gas_prices( start_date=start, end_date=end, vat=vat, ) else: data = await coordinator.energyzero.energy_prices( start_date=start, end_date=end, vat=vat, ) return __serialize_prices(data) @callback def async_setup_services(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Set up EnergyZero services.""" hass.services.async_register( DOMAIN, GAS_SERVICE_NAME, partial(__get_prices, hass=hass, price_type=PriceType.GAS), schema=SERVICE_SCHEMA, supports_response=SupportsResponse.ONLY, ) hass.services.async_register( DOMAIN, ENERGY_SERVICE_NAME, partial(__get_prices, hass=hass, price_type=PriceType.ENERGY), schema=SERVICE_SCHEMA, supports_response=SupportsResponse.ONLY, )