"""Module which encapsulates the NVR/camera API and subscription.""" from __future__ import annotations import asyncio from collections import defaultdict from collections.abc import Mapping import logging from time import time from typing import Any, Literal import aiohttp from aiohttp.web import Request from reolink_aio.api import Host from reolink_aio.enums import SubType from reolink_aio.exceptions import NotSupportedError, ReolinkError, SubscriptionError from homeassistant.components import webhook from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_HOST, CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_PORT, CONF_PROTOCOL, CONF_USERNAME, ) from homeassistant.core import CALLBACK_TYPE, HassJob, HomeAssistant, callback from homeassistant.helpers import issue_registry as ir from homeassistant.helpers.device_registry import format_mac from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import async_dispatcher_send from homeassistant.helpers.event import async_call_later from homeassistant.helpers.network import NoURLAvailableError, get_url from .const import CONF_USE_HTTPS, DOMAIN from .exceptions import ReolinkSetupException, ReolinkWebhookException, UserNotAdmin DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 30 FIRST_ONVIF_TIMEOUT = 10 FIRST_ONVIF_LONG_POLL_TIMEOUT = 90 SUBSCRIPTION_RENEW_THRESHOLD = 300 POLL_INTERVAL_NO_PUSH = 5 LONG_POLL_COOLDOWN = 0.75 LONG_POLL_ERROR_COOLDOWN = 30 # Conserve battery by not waking the battery cameras each minute during normal update # Most props are cached in the Home Hub and updated, but some are skipped BATTERY_WAKE_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 3600 # seconds _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ReolinkHost: """The implementation of the Reolink Host class.""" def __init__( self, hass: HomeAssistant, config: Mapping[str, Any], options: Mapping[str, Any], ) -> None: """Initialize Reolink Host. Could be either NVR, or Camera.""" self._hass: HomeAssistant = hass self._clientsession: aiohttp.ClientSession | None = None self._unique_id: str = "" self._api = Host( config[CONF_HOST], config[CONF_USERNAME], config[CONF_PASSWORD], port=config.get(CONF_PORT), use_https=config.get(CONF_USE_HTTPS), protocol=options[CONF_PROTOCOL], timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, ) self.last_wake: float = 0 self.update_cmd: defaultdict[str, defaultdict[int | None, int]] = defaultdict( lambda: defaultdict(int) ) self.firmware_ch_list: list[int | None] = [] self.webhook_id: str | None = None self._onvif_push_supported: bool = True self._onvif_long_poll_supported: bool = True self._base_url: str = "" self._webhook_url: str = "" self._webhook_reachable: bool = False self._long_poll_received: bool = False self._long_poll_error: bool = False self._cancel_poll: CALLBACK_TYPE | None = None self._cancel_onvif_check: CALLBACK_TYPE | None = None self._cancel_long_poll_check: CALLBACK_TYPE | None = None self._poll_job = HassJob(self._async_poll_all_motion, cancel_on_shutdown=True) self._long_poll_task: asyncio.Task | None = None self._lost_subscription: bool = False @callback def async_register_update_cmd(self, cmd: str, channel: int | None = None) -> None: """Register the command to update the state.""" self.update_cmd[cmd][channel] += 1 @callback def async_unregister_update_cmd(self, cmd: str, channel: int | None = None) -> None: """Unregister the command to update the state.""" self.update_cmd[cmd][channel] -= 1 if not self.update_cmd[cmd][channel]: del self.update_cmd[cmd][channel] if not self.update_cmd[cmd]: del self.update_cmd[cmd] @property def unique_id(self) -> str: """Create the unique ID, base for all entities.""" return self._unique_id @property def api(self) -> Host: """Return the API object.""" return self._api async def async_init(self) -> None: """Connect to Reolink host.""" await self._api.get_host_data() if self._api.mac_address is None: raise ReolinkSetupException("Could not get mac address") if not self._api.is_admin: raise UserNotAdmin( f"User '{self._api.username}' has authorization level " f"'{self._api.user_level}', only admin users can change camera settings" ) onvif_supported = self._api.supported(None, "ONVIF") self._onvif_push_supported = onvif_supported self._onvif_long_poll_supported = onvif_supported enable_rtsp = None enable_onvif = None enable_rtmp = None if not self._api.rtsp_enabled: _LOGGER.debug( "RTSP is disabled on %s, trying to enable it", self._api.nvr_name ) enable_rtsp = True if not self._api.onvif_enabled and onvif_supported: _LOGGER.debug( "ONVIF is disabled on %s, trying to enable it", self._api.nvr_name ) enable_onvif = True if not self._api.rtmp_enabled and self._api.protocol == "rtmp": _LOGGER.debug( "RTMP is disabled on %s, trying to enable it", self._api.nvr_name ) enable_rtmp = True if enable_onvif or enable_rtmp or enable_rtsp: try: await self._api.set_net_port( enable_onvif=enable_onvif, enable_rtmp=enable_rtmp, enable_rtsp=enable_rtsp, ) except ReolinkError: ports = "" if enable_rtsp: ports += "RTSP " if enable_onvif: ports += "ONVIF " if enable_rtmp: ports += "RTMP " ir.async_create_issue( self._hass, DOMAIN, "enable_port", is_fixable=False, severity=ir.IssueSeverity.WARNING, translation_key="enable_port", translation_placeholders={ "name": self._api.nvr_name, "ports": ports, "info_link": "https://support.reolink.com/hc/en-us/articles/900004435763-How-to-Set-up-Reolink-Ports-Settings-via-Reolink-Client-New-Client-", }, ) else: ir.async_delete_issue(self._hass, DOMAIN, "enable_port") if self._api.supported(None, "UID"): self._unique_id = self._api.uid else: self._unique_id = format_mac(self._api.mac_address) if self._onvif_push_supported: try: await self.subscribe() except ReolinkError: self._onvif_push_supported = False self.unregister_webhook() await self._api.unsubscribe() else: if self._api.supported(None, "initial_ONVIF_state"): _LOGGER.debug( "Waiting for initial ONVIF state on webhook '%s'", self._webhook_url, ) else: _LOGGER.debug( "Camera model %s most likely does not push its initial state" " upon ONVIF subscription, do not check", self._api.model, ) self._cancel_onvif_check = async_call_later( self._hass, FIRST_ONVIF_TIMEOUT, self._async_check_onvif ) if not self._onvif_push_supported: _LOGGER.debug( "Camera model %s does not support ONVIF push, using ONVIF long polling instead", self._api.model, ) try: await self._async_start_long_polling(initial=True) except NotSupportedError: _LOGGER.debug( "Camera model %s does not support ONVIF long polling, using fast polling instead", self._api.model, ) self._onvif_long_poll_supported = False await self._api.unsubscribe() await self._async_poll_all_motion() else: self._cancel_long_poll_check = async_call_later( self._hass, FIRST_ONVIF_LONG_POLL_TIMEOUT, self._async_check_onvif_long_poll, ) ch_list: list[int | None] = [None] if self._api.is_nvr: ch_list.extend(self._api.channels) for ch in ch_list: if not self._api.supported(ch, "firmware"): continue key = ch if ch is not None else "host" if self._api.camera_sw_version_update_required(ch): ir.async_create_issue( self._hass, DOMAIN, f"firmware_update_{key}", is_fixable=False, severity=ir.IssueSeverity.WARNING, translation_key="firmware_update", translation_placeholders={ "required_firmware": self._api.camera_sw_version_required( ch ).version_string, "current_firmware": self._api.camera_sw_version(ch), "model": self._api.camera_model(ch), "hw_version": self._api.camera_hardware_version(ch), "name": self._api.camera_name(ch), "download_link": "https://reolink.com/download-center/", }, ) else: ir.async_delete_issue(self._hass, DOMAIN, f"firmware_update_{key}") async def _async_check_onvif(self, *_) -> None: """Check the ONVIF subscription.""" if self._webhook_reachable: ir.async_delete_issue(self._hass, DOMAIN, "webhook_url") self._cancel_onvif_check = None return if self._api.supported(None, "initial_ONVIF_state"): _LOGGER.debug( "Did not receive initial ONVIF state on webhook '%s' after %i seconds", self._webhook_url, FIRST_ONVIF_TIMEOUT, ) # ONVIF push is not received, start long polling and schedule check await self._async_start_long_polling() self._cancel_long_poll_check = async_call_later( self._hass, FIRST_ONVIF_LONG_POLL_TIMEOUT, self._async_check_onvif_long_poll ) self._cancel_onvif_check = None async def _async_check_onvif_long_poll(self, *_) -> None: """Check if ONVIF long polling is working.""" if not self._long_poll_received: _LOGGER.debug( "Did not receive state through ONVIF long polling after %i seconds", FIRST_ONVIF_LONG_POLL_TIMEOUT, ) ir.async_create_issue( self._hass, DOMAIN, "webhook_url", is_fixable=False, severity=ir.IssueSeverity.WARNING, translation_key="webhook_url", translation_placeholders={ "name": self._api.nvr_name, "base_url": self._base_url, "network_link": "https://my.home-assistant.io/redirect/network/", }, ) if self._base_url.startswith("https"): ir.async_create_issue( self._hass, DOMAIN, "https_webhook", is_fixable=False, severity=ir.IssueSeverity.WARNING, translation_key="https_webhook", translation_placeholders={ "base_url": self._base_url, "network_link": "https://my.home-assistant.io/redirect/network/", }, ) else: ir.async_delete_issue(self._hass, DOMAIN, "https_webhook") if self._hass.config.api is not None and self._hass.config.api.use_ssl: ir.async_create_issue( self._hass, DOMAIN, "ssl", is_fixable=False, severity=ir.IssueSeverity.WARNING, translation_key="ssl", translation_placeholders={ "ssl_link": "https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/http/#ssl_certificate", "base_url": self._base_url, "network_link": "https://my.home-assistant.io/redirect/network/", "nginx_link": "https://github.com/home-assistant/addons/tree/master/nginx_proxy", }, ) else: ir.async_delete_issue(self._hass, DOMAIN, "ssl") else: ir.async_delete_issue(self._hass, DOMAIN, "webhook_url") ir.async_delete_issue(self._hass, DOMAIN, "https_webhook") ir.async_delete_issue(self._hass, DOMAIN, "ssl") # If no ONVIF push or long polling state is received, start fast polling await self._async_poll_all_motion() self._cancel_long_poll_check = None async def update_states(self) -> None: """Call the API of the camera device to update the internal states.""" wake = False if time() - self.last_wake > BATTERY_WAKE_UPDATE_INTERVAL: # wake the battery cameras for a complete update wake = True self.last_wake = time() await self._api.get_states(cmd_list=self.update_cmd, wake=wake) async def disconnect(self) -> None: """Disconnect from the API, so the connection will be released.""" try: await self._api.unsubscribe() except ReolinkError as err: _LOGGER.error( "Reolink error while unsubscribing from host %s:%s: %s", self._api.host, self._api.port, err, ) try: await self._api.logout() except ReolinkError as err: _LOGGER.error( "Reolink error while logging out for host %s:%s: %s", self._api.host, self._api.port, err, ) async def _async_start_long_polling(self, initial=False) -> None: """Start ONVIF long polling task.""" if self._long_poll_task is None: try: await self._api.subscribe(sub_type=SubType.long_poll) except NotSupportedError as err: if initial: raise # make sure the long_poll_task is always created to try again later if not self._lost_subscription: self._lost_subscription = True _LOGGER.error( "Reolink %s event long polling subscription lost: %s", self._api.nvr_name, err, ) except ReolinkError as err: # make sure the long_poll_task is always created to try again later if not self._lost_subscription: self._lost_subscription = True _LOGGER.error( "Reolink %s event long polling subscription lost: %s", self._api.nvr_name, err, ) else: self._lost_subscription = False self._long_poll_task = asyncio.create_task(self._async_long_polling()) async def _async_stop_long_polling(self) -> None: """Stop ONVIF long polling task.""" if self._long_poll_task is not None: self._long_poll_task.cancel() self._long_poll_task = None await self._api.unsubscribe(sub_type=SubType.long_poll) async def stop(self, event=None) -> None: """Disconnect the API.""" if self._cancel_poll is not None: self._cancel_poll() self._cancel_poll = None if self._cancel_onvif_check is not None: self._cancel_onvif_check() self._cancel_onvif_check = None if self._cancel_long_poll_check is not None: self._cancel_long_poll_check() self._cancel_long_poll_check = None await self._async_stop_long_polling() self.unregister_webhook() await self.disconnect() async def subscribe(self) -> None: """Subscribe to motion events and register the webhook as a callback.""" if self.webhook_id is None: self.register_webhook() if self._api.subscribed(SubType.push): _LOGGER.debug( "Host %s: is already subscribed to webhook %s", self._api.host, self._webhook_url, ) return await self._api.subscribe(self._webhook_url) _LOGGER.debug( "Host %s: subscribed successfully to webhook %s", self._api.host, self._webhook_url, ) async def renew(self) -> None: """Renew the subscription of motion events (lease time is 15 minutes).""" try: if self._onvif_push_supported: await self._renew(SubType.push) if self._onvif_long_poll_supported and self._long_poll_task is not None: if not self._api.subscribed(SubType.long_poll): _LOGGER.debug("restarting long polling task") # To prevent 5 minute request timeout await self._async_stop_long_polling() await self._async_start_long_polling() else: await self._renew(SubType.long_poll) except SubscriptionError as err: if not self._lost_subscription: self._lost_subscription = True _LOGGER.error( "Reolink %s event subscription lost: %s", self._api.nvr_name, err, ) else: self._lost_subscription = False async def _renew(self, sub_type: Literal[SubType.push, SubType.long_poll]) -> None: """Execute the renew of the subscription.""" if not self._api.subscribed(sub_type): _LOGGER.debug( "Host %s: requested to renew a non-existing Reolink %s subscription, " "trying to subscribe from scratch", self._api.host, sub_type, ) if sub_type == SubType.push: await self.subscribe() else: await self._api.subscribe(self._webhook_url, sub_type) return timer = self._api.renewtimer(sub_type) _LOGGER.debug( "Host %s:%s should renew %s subscription in: %i seconds", self._api.host, self._api.port, sub_type, timer, ) if timer > SUBSCRIPTION_RENEW_THRESHOLD: return if timer > 0: try: await self._api.renew(sub_type) except SubscriptionError as err: _LOGGER.debug( "Host %s: error renewing Reolink %s subscription, " "trying to subscribe again: %s", self._api.host, sub_type, err, ) else: _LOGGER.debug( "Host %s successfully renewed Reolink %s subscription", self._api.host, sub_type, ) return await self._api.subscribe(self._webhook_url, sub_type) _LOGGER.debug( "Host %s: Reolink %s re-subscription successful after it was expired", self._api.host, sub_type, ) def register_webhook(self) -> None: """Register the webhook for motion events.""" self.webhook_id = f"{DOMAIN}_{self.unique_id.replace(':', '')}_ONVIF" event_id = self.webhook_id webhook.async_register( self._hass, DOMAIN, event_id, event_id, self.handle_webhook ) try: self._base_url = get_url(self._hass, prefer_external=False) except NoURLAvailableError: try: self._base_url = get_url(self._hass, prefer_external=True) except NoURLAvailableError as err: self.unregister_webhook() raise ReolinkWebhookException( f"Error registering URL for webhook {event_id}: " "HomeAssistant URL is not available" ) from err webhook_path = webhook.async_generate_path(event_id) self._webhook_url = f"{self._base_url}{webhook_path}" _LOGGER.debug("Registered webhook: %s", event_id) def unregister_webhook(self) -> None: """Unregister the webhook for motion events.""" if self.webhook_id is None: return _LOGGER.debug("Unregistering webhook %s", self.webhook_id) webhook.async_unregister(self._hass, self.webhook_id) self.webhook_id = None async def _async_long_polling(self, *_) -> None: """Use ONVIF long polling to immediately receive events.""" # This task will be cancelled once _async_stop_long_polling is called while True: if self._webhook_reachable: self._long_poll_task = None await self._async_stop_long_polling() return try: channels = await self._api.pull_point_request() except ReolinkError as ex: if not self._long_poll_error: _LOGGER.error("Error while requesting ONVIF pull point: %s", ex) await self._api.unsubscribe(sub_type=SubType.long_poll) self._long_poll_error = True await asyncio.sleep(LONG_POLL_ERROR_COOLDOWN) continue except Exception: _LOGGER.exception( "Unexpected exception while requesting ONVIF pull point" ) await self._api.unsubscribe(sub_type=SubType.long_poll) raise self._long_poll_error = False if not self._long_poll_received: self._long_poll_received = True ir.async_delete_issue(self._hass, DOMAIN, "webhook_url") self._signal_write_ha_state(channels) # Cooldown to prevent CPU over usage on camera freezes await asyncio.sleep(LONG_POLL_COOLDOWN) async def _async_poll_all_motion(self, *_) -> None: """Poll motion and AI states until the first ONVIF push is received.""" if self._webhook_reachable or self._long_poll_received: # ONVIF push or long polling is working, stop fast polling self._cancel_poll = None return try: await self._api.get_motion_state_all_ch() except ReolinkError as err: _LOGGER.error( "Reolink error while polling motion state for host %s:%s: %s", self._api.host, self._api.port, err, ) finally: # schedule next poll if not self._hass.is_stopping: self._cancel_poll = async_call_later( self._hass, POLL_INTERVAL_NO_PUSH, self._poll_job ) self._signal_write_ha_state(None) async def handle_webhook( self, hass: HomeAssistant, webhook_id: str, request: Request ) -> None: """Read the incoming webhook from Reolink for inbound messages and schedule processing.""" _LOGGER.debug("Webhook '%s' called", webhook_id) data: bytes | None = None try: data = await request.read() if not data: _LOGGER.debug( "Webhook '%s' triggered with unknown payload: %s", webhook_id, data ) except ConnectionResetError: _LOGGER.debug( "Webhook '%s' called, but lost connection before reading message " "(ConnectionResetError), issuing poll", webhook_id, ) return except aiohttp.ClientResponseError: _LOGGER.debug( "Webhook '%s' called, but could not read the message, issuing poll", webhook_id, ) return except asyncio.CancelledError: _LOGGER.debug( "Webhook '%s' called, but lost connection before reading message " "(CancelledError), issuing poll", webhook_id, ) raise finally: # We want handle_webhook to return as soon as possible # so we process the data in the background, this also shields from cancellation hass.async_create_background_task( self._process_webhook_data(hass, webhook_id, data), "Process Reolink webhook", ) async def _process_webhook_data( self, hass: HomeAssistant, webhook_id: str, data: bytes | None ) -> None: """Process the data from the Reolink webhook.""" # This task is executed in the background so we need to catch exceptions # and log them if not self._webhook_reachable: self._webhook_reachable = True ir.async_delete_issue(self._hass, DOMAIN, "webhook_url") try: if not data: if not await self._api.get_motion_state_all_ch(): _LOGGER.error( "Could not poll motion state after losing connection during receiving ONVIF event" ) return async_dispatcher_send(hass, f"{webhook_id}_all", {}) return message = data.decode("utf-8") channels = await self._api.ONVIF_event_callback(message) except Exception: _LOGGER.exception( "Error processing ONVIF event for Reolink %s", self._api.nvr_name ) return self._signal_write_ha_state(channels) def _signal_write_ha_state(self, channels: list[int] | None) -> None: """Update the binary sensors with async_write_ha_state.""" if channels is None: async_dispatcher_send(self._hass, f"{self.webhook_id}_all", {}) return for channel in channels: async_dispatcher_send(self._hass, f"{self.webhook_id}_{channel}", {}) @property def event_connection(self) -> str: """Type of connection to receive events.""" if self._webhook_reachable: return "ONVIF push" if self._long_poll_received: return "ONVIF long polling" return "Fast polling"