"""aioasuswrt and pyasuswrt bridge classes.""" from __future__ import annotations from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from collections import namedtuple from collections.abc import Awaitable, Callable, Coroutine import functools import logging from typing import Any, TypeVar, cast from aioasuswrt.asuswrt import AsusWrt as AsusWrtLegacy from aiohttp import ClientSession from pyasuswrt import AsusWrtError, AsusWrtHttp from pyasuswrt.exceptions import AsusWrtNotAvailableInfoError from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_HOST, CONF_MODE, CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_PORT, CONF_PROTOCOL, CONF_USERNAME, ) from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.helpers.aiohttp_client import async_get_clientsession from homeassistant.helpers.device_registry import format_mac from homeassistant.helpers.update_coordinator import UpdateFailed from .const import ( CONF_DNSMASQ, CONF_INTERFACE, CONF_REQUIRE_IP, CONF_SSH_KEY, DEFAULT_DNSMASQ, DEFAULT_INTERFACE, KEY_METHOD, KEY_SENSORS, PROTOCOL_HTTP, PROTOCOL_HTTPS, PROTOCOL_TELNET, SENSORS_BYTES, SENSORS_LOAD_AVG, SENSORS_RATES, SENSORS_TEMPERATURES, SENSORS_TEMPERATURES_LEGACY, ) SENSORS_TYPE_BYTES = "sensors_bytes" SENSORS_TYPE_COUNT = "sensors_count" SENSORS_TYPE_LOAD_AVG = "sensors_load_avg" SENSORS_TYPE_RATES = "sensors_rates" SENSORS_TYPE_TEMPERATURES = "sensors_temperatures" WrtDevice = namedtuple("WrtDevice", ["ip", "name", "connected_to"]) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) _AsusWrtBridgeT = TypeVar("_AsusWrtBridgeT", bound="AsusWrtBridge") _FuncType = Callable[ [_AsusWrtBridgeT], Awaitable[list[Any] | tuple[Any] | dict[str, Any]] ] _ReturnFuncType = Callable[[_AsusWrtBridgeT], Coroutine[Any, Any, dict[str, Any]]] def handle_errors_and_zip( exceptions: type[Exception] | tuple[type[Exception], ...], keys: list[str] | None ) -> Callable[[_FuncType], _ReturnFuncType]: """Run library methods and zip results or manage exceptions.""" def _handle_errors_and_zip(func: _FuncType) -> _ReturnFuncType: """Run library methods and zip results or manage exceptions.""" @functools.wraps(func) async def _wrapper(self: _AsusWrtBridgeT) -> dict[str, Any]: try: data = await func(self) except exceptions as exc: raise UpdateFailed(exc) from exc if keys is None: if not isinstance(data, dict): raise UpdateFailed("Received invalid data type") return data if isinstance(data, dict): return dict(zip(keys, list(data.values()), strict=False)) if not isinstance(data, (list, tuple)): raise UpdateFailed("Received invalid data type") return dict(zip(keys, data, strict=False)) return _wrapper return _handle_errors_and_zip class AsusWrtBridge(ABC): """The Base Bridge abstract class.""" @staticmethod def get_bridge( hass: HomeAssistant, conf: dict[str, Any], options: dict[str, Any] | None = None ) -> AsusWrtBridge: """Get Bridge instance.""" if conf[CONF_PROTOCOL] in (PROTOCOL_HTTPS, PROTOCOL_HTTP): session = async_get_clientsession(hass) return AsusWrtHttpBridge(conf, session) return AsusWrtLegacyBridge(conf, options) def __init__(self, host: str) -> None: """Initialize Bridge.""" self._host = host self._firmware: str | None = None self._label_mac: str | None = None self._model: str | None = None @property def host(self) -> str: """Return hostname.""" return self._host @property def firmware(self) -> str | None: """Return firmware information.""" return self._firmware @property def label_mac(self) -> str | None: """Return label mac information.""" return self._label_mac @property def model(self) -> str | None: """Return model information.""" return self._model @property @abstractmethod def is_connected(self) -> bool: """Get connected status.""" @abstractmethod async def async_connect(self) -> None: """Connect to the device.""" @abstractmethod async def async_disconnect(self) -> None: """Disconnect to the device.""" @abstractmethod async def async_get_connected_devices(self) -> dict[str, WrtDevice]: """Get list of connected devices.""" @abstractmethod async def async_get_available_sensors(self) -> dict[str, dict[str, Any]]: """Return a dictionary of available sensors for this bridge.""" class AsusWrtLegacyBridge(AsusWrtBridge): """The Bridge that use legacy library.""" def __init__( self, conf: dict[str, Any], options: dict[str, Any] | None = None ) -> None: """Initialize Bridge.""" super().__init__(conf[CONF_HOST]) self._protocol: str = conf[CONF_PROTOCOL] self._api: AsusWrtLegacy = self._get_api(conf, options) @staticmethod def _get_api( conf: dict[str, Any], options: dict[str, Any] | None = None ) -> AsusWrtLegacy: """Get the AsusWrtLegacy API.""" opt = options or {} return AsusWrtLegacy( conf[CONF_HOST], conf.get(CONF_PORT), conf[CONF_PROTOCOL] == PROTOCOL_TELNET, conf[CONF_USERNAME], conf.get(CONF_PASSWORD, ""), conf.get(CONF_SSH_KEY, ""), conf[CONF_MODE], opt.get(CONF_REQUIRE_IP, True), interface=opt.get(CONF_INTERFACE, DEFAULT_INTERFACE), dnsmasq=opt.get(CONF_DNSMASQ, DEFAULT_DNSMASQ), ) @property def is_connected(self) -> bool: """Get connected status.""" return cast(bool, self._api.is_connected) async def async_connect(self) -> None: """Connect to the device.""" await self._api.connection.async_connect() # get main router properties if self._label_mac is None: await self._get_label_mac() if self._firmware is None: await self._get_firmware() if self._model is None: await self._get_model() async def async_disconnect(self) -> None: """Disconnect to the device.""" if self._api is not None and self._protocol == PROTOCOL_TELNET: self._api.connection.disconnect() async def async_get_connected_devices(self) -> dict[str, WrtDevice]: """Get list of connected devices.""" api_devices = await self._api.async_get_connected_devices() return { format_mac(mac): WrtDevice(dev.ip, dev.name, None) for mac, dev in api_devices.items() } async def _get_nvram_info(self, info_type: str) -> dict[str, Any]: """Get AsusWrt router info from nvram.""" info = {} try: info = await self._api.async_get_nvram(info_type) except OSError as exc: _LOGGER.warning( "Error calling method async_get_nvram(%s): %s", info_type, exc ) return info async def _get_label_mac(self) -> None: """Get label mac information.""" label_mac = await self._get_nvram_info("LABEL_MAC") if label_mac and "label_mac" in label_mac: self._label_mac = format_mac(label_mac["label_mac"]) async def _get_firmware(self) -> None: """Get firmware information.""" firmware = await self._get_nvram_info("FIRMWARE") if firmware and "firmver" in firmware: firmver: str = firmware["firmver"] if "buildno" in firmware: firmver += f" (build {firmware['buildno']})" self._firmware = firmver async def _get_model(self) -> None: """Get model information.""" model = await self._get_nvram_info("MODEL") if model and "model" in model: self._model = model["model"] async def async_get_available_sensors(self) -> dict[str, dict[str, Any]]: """Return a dictionary of available sensors for this bridge.""" sensors_temperatures = await self._get_available_temperature_sensors() return { SENSORS_TYPE_BYTES: { KEY_SENSORS: SENSORS_BYTES, KEY_METHOD: self._get_bytes, }, SENSORS_TYPE_LOAD_AVG: { KEY_SENSORS: SENSORS_LOAD_AVG, KEY_METHOD: self._get_load_avg, }, SENSORS_TYPE_RATES: { KEY_SENSORS: SENSORS_RATES, KEY_METHOD: self._get_rates, }, SENSORS_TYPE_TEMPERATURES: { KEY_SENSORS: sensors_temperatures, KEY_METHOD: self._get_temperatures, }, } async def _get_available_temperature_sensors(self) -> list[str]: """Check which temperature information is available on the router.""" availability = await self._api.async_find_temperature_commands() return [SENSORS_TEMPERATURES_LEGACY[i] for i in range(3) if availability[i]] @handle_errors_and_zip((IndexError, OSError, ValueError), SENSORS_BYTES) async def _get_bytes(self) -> Any: """Fetch byte information from the router.""" return await self._api.async_get_bytes_total() @handle_errors_and_zip((IndexError, OSError, ValueError), SENSORS_RATES) async def _get_rates(self) -> Any: """Fetch rates information from the router.""" return await self._api.async_get_current_transfer_rates() @handle_errors_and_zip((IndexError, OSError, ValueError), SENSORS_LOAD_AVG) async def _get_load_avg(self) -> Any: """Fetch load average information from the router.""" return await self._api.async_get_loadavg() @handle_errors_and_zip((OSError, ValueError), None) async def _get_temperatures(self) -> Any: """Fetch temperatures information from the router.""" return await self._api.async_get_temperature() class AsusWrtHttpBridge(AsusWrtBridge): """The Bridge that use HTTP library.""" def __init__(self, conf: dict[str, Any], session: ClientSession) -> None: """Initialize Bridge that use HTTP library.""" super().__init__(conf[CONF_HOST]) self._api: AsusWrtHttp = self._get_api(conf, session) @staticmethod def _get_api(conf: dict[str, Any], session: ClientSession) -> AsusWrtHttp: """Get the AsusWrtHttp API.""" return AsusWrtHttp( conf[CONF_HOST], conf[CONF_USERNAME], conf.get(CONF_PASSWORD, ""), use_https=conf[CONF_PROTOCOL] == PROTOCOL_HTTPS, port=conf.get(CONF_PORT), session=session, ) @property def is_connected(self) -> bool: """Get connected status.""" return cast(bool, self._api.is_connected) async def async_connect(self) -> None: """Connect to the device.""" await self._api.async_connect() # get main router properties if mac := self._api.mac: self._label_mac = format_mac(mac) self._firmware = self._api.firmware self._model = self._api.model async def async_disconnect(self) -> None: """Disconnect to the device.""" await self._api.async_disconnect() async def async_get_connected_devices(self) -> dict[str, WrtDevice]: """Get list of connected devices.""" api_devices = await self._api.async_get_connected_devices() return { format_mac(mac): WrtDevice(dev.ip, dev.name, dev.node) for mac, dev in api_devices.items() } async def async_get_available_sensors(self) -> dict[str, dict[str, Any]]: """Return a dictionary of available sensors for this bridge.""" sensors_temperatures = await self._get_available_temperature_sensors() sensors_loadavg = await self._get_loadavg_sensors_availability() return { SENSORS_TYPE_BYTES: { KEY_SENSORS: SENSORS_BYTES, KEY_METHOD: self._get_bytes, }, SENSORS_TYPE_LOAD_AVG: { KEY_SENSORS: sensors_loadavg, KEY_METHOD: self._get_load_avg, }, SENSORS_TYPE_RATES: { KEY_SENSORS: SENSORS_RATES, KEY_METHOD: self._get_rates, }, SENSORS_TYPE_TEMPERATURES: { KEY_SENSORS: sensors_temperatures, KEY_METHOD: self._get_temperatures, }, } async def _get_available_temperature_sensors(self) -> list[str]: """Check which temperature information is available on the router.""" try: available_temps = await self._api.async_get_temperatures() available_sensors = [ t for t in SENSORS_TEMPERATURES if t in available_temps ] except AsusWrtError as exc: _LOGGER.warning( ( "Failed checking temperature sensor availability for ASUS router" " %s. Exception: %s" ), self.host, exc, ) return [] return available_sensors async def _get_loadavg_sensors_availability(self) -> list[str]: """Check if load avg is available on the router.""" try: await self._api.async_get_loadavg() except AsusWrtNotAvailableInfoError: return [] except AsusWrtError: pass return SENSORS_LOAD_AVG @handle_errors_and_zip(AsusWrtError, SENSORS_BYTES) async def _get_bytes(self) -> Any: """Fetch byte information from the router.""" return await self._api.async_get_traffic_bytes() @handle_errors_and_zip(AsusWrtError, SENSORS_RATES) async def _get_rates(self) -> Any: """Fetch rates information from the router.""" return await self._api.async_get_traffic_rates() @handle_errors_and_zip(AsusWrtError, SENSORS_LOAD_AVG) async def _get_load_avg(self) -> Any: """Fetch cpu load avg information from the router.""" return await self._api.async_get_loadavg() @handle_errors_and_zip(AsusWrtError, None) async def _get_temperatures(self) -> Any: """Fetch temperatures information from the router.""" return await self._api.async_get_temperatures()