"""Map Z-Wave nodes and values to Home Assistant entities.""" from __future__ import annotations from collections.abc import Generator from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass, field from typing import Any from awesomeversion import AwesomeVersion from zwave_js_server.const import ( CURRENT_STATE_PROPERTY, CURRENT_VALUE_PROPERTY, TARGET_STATE_PROPERTY, TARGET_VALUE_PROPERTY, CommandClass, ) from zwave_js_server.const.command_class.barrier_operator import ( SIGNALING_STATE_PROPERTY, ) from zwave_js_server.const.command_class.lock import ( CURRENT_MODE_PROPERTY, DOOR_STATUS_PROPERTY, LOCKED_PROPERTY, ) from zwave_js_server.const.command_class.meter import VALUE_PROPERTY from zwave_js_server.const.command_class.protection import LOCAL_PROPERTY, RF_PROPERTY from zwave_js_server.const.command_class.sound_switch import ( DEFAULT_TONE_ID_PROPERTY, DEFAULT_VOLUME_PROPERTY, TONE_ID_PROPERTY, ) from zwave_js_server.const.command_class.thermostat import ( THERMOSTAT_CURRENT_TEMP_PROPERTY, THERMOSTAT_MODE_PROPERTY, THERMOSTAT_SETPOINT_PROPERTY, ) from zwave_js_server.exceptions import UnknownValueData from zwave_js_server.model.device_class import DeviceClassItem from zwave_js_server.model.node import Node as ZwaveNode from zwave_js_server.model.value import Value as ZwaveValue from homeassistant.core import callback from homeassistant.helpers.device_registry import DeviceEntry from .const import LOGGER from .discovery_data_template import ( BaseDiscoverySchemaDataTemplate, ConfigurableFanSpeedDataTemplate, CoverTiltDataTemplate, DynamicCurrentTempClimateDataTemplate, FixedFanSpeedDataTemplate, NumericSensorDataTemplate, ZwaveValueID, ) class DataclassMustHaveAtLeastOne: """A dataclass that must have at least one input parameter that is not None.""" def __post_init__(self) -> None: """Post dataclass initialization.""" if all(val is None for val in asdict(self).values()): raise ValueError("At least one input parameter must not be None") @dataclass class FirmwareVersionRange(DataclassMustHaveAtLeastOne): """Firmware version range dictionary.""" min: str | None = None max: str | None = None min_ver: AwesomeVersion | None = field(default=None, init=False) max_ver: AwesomeVersion | None = field(default=None, init=False) def __post_init__(self) -> None: """Post dataclass initialization.""" super().__post_init__() if self.min: self.min_ver = AwesomeVersion(self.min) if self.max: self.max_ver = AwesomeVersion(self.max) @dataclass class ZwaveDiscoveryInfo: """Info discovered from (primary) ZWave Value to create entity.""" # node to which the value(s) belongs node: ZwaveNode # the value object itself for primary value primary_value: ZwaveValue # bool to specify whether state is assumed and events should be fired on value update assumed_state: bool # the home assistant platform for which an entity should be created platform: str # helper data to use in platform setup platform_data: Any # additional values that need to be watched by entity additional_value_ids_to_watch: set[str] # hint for the platform about this discovered entity platform_hint: str | None = "" # data template to use in platform logic platform_data_template: BaseDiscoverySchemaDataTemplate | None = None # bool to specify whether entity should be enabled by default entity_registry_enabled_default: bool = True @dataclass class ZWaveValueDiscoverySchema(DataclassMustHaveAtLeastOne): """Z-Wave Value discovery schema. The Z-Wave Value must match these conditions. Use the Z-Wave specifications to find out the values for these parameters: https://github.com/zwave-js/node-zwave-js/tree/master/specs """ # [optional] the value's command class must match ANY of these values command_class: set[int] | None = None # [optional] the value's endpoint must match ANY of these values endpoint: set[int] | None = None # [optional] the value's property must match ANY of these values property: set[str | int] | None = None # [optional] the value's property name must match ANY of these values property_name: set[str] | None = None # [optional] the value's property key must match ANY of these values property_key: set[str | int] | None = None # [optional] the value's property key name must match ANY of these values property_key_name: set[str] | None = None # [optional] the value's metadata_type must match ANY of these values type: set[str] | None = None @dataclass class ZWaveDiscoverySchema: """Z-Wave discovery schema. The Z-Wave node and it's (primary) value for an entity must match these conditions. Use the Z-Wave specifications to find out the values for these parameters: https://github.com/zwave-js/node-zwave-js/tree/master/specs """ # specify the hass platform for which this scheme applies (e.g. light, sensor) platform: str # primary value belonging to this discovery scheme primary_value: ZWaveValueDiscoverySchema # [optional] hint for platform hint: str | None = None # [optional] template to generate platform specific data to use in setup data_template: BaseDiscoverySchemaDataTemplate | None = None # [optional] the node's manufacturer_id must match ANY of these values manufacturer_id: set[int] | None = None # [optional] the node's product_id must match ANY of these values product_id: set[int] | None = None # [optional] the node's product_type must match ANY of these values product_type: set[int] | None = None # [optional] the node's firmware_version must be within this range firmware_version_range: FirmwareVersionRange | None = None # [optional] the node's firmware_version must match ANY of these values firmware_version: set[str] | None = None # [optional] the node's basic device class must match ANY of these values device_class_basic: set[str | int] | None = None # [optional] the node's generic device class must match ANY of these values device_class_generic: set[str | int] | None = None # [optional] the node's specific device class must match ANY of these values device_class_specific: set[str | int] | None = None # [optional] additional values that ALL need to be present on the node for this scheme to pass required_values: list[ZWaveValueDiscoverySchema] | None = None # [optional] additional values that MAY NOT be present on the node for this scheme to pass absent_values: list[ZWaveValueDiscoverySchema] | None = None # [optional] bool to specify if this primary value may be discovered by multiple platforms allow_multi: bool = False # [optional] bool to specify whether state is assumed and events should be fired on value update assumed_state: bool = False # [optional] bool to specify whether entity should be enabled by default entity_registry_enabled_default: bool = True def get_config_parameter_discovery_schema( property_: set[str | int] | None = None, property_name: set[str] | None = None, property_key: set[str | int] | None = None, property_key_name: set[str] | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> ZWaveDiscoverySchema: """ Return a discovery schema for a config parameter. Supports all keyword arguments to ZWaveValueDiscoverySchema except platform, hint, and primary_value. """ return ZWaveDiscoverySchema( platform="sensor", hint="config_parameter", primary_value=ZWaveValueDiscoverySchema( command_class={CommandClass.CONFIGURATION}, property=property_, property_name=property_name, property_key=property_key, property_key_name=property_key_name, type={"number"}, ), entity_registry_enabled_default=False, **kwargs, ) SWITCH_MULTILEVEL_CURRENT_VALUE_SCHEMA = ZWaveValueDiscoverySchema( command_class={CommandClass.SWITCH_MULTILEVEL}, property={CURRENT_VALUE_PROPERTY}, type={"number"}, ) SWITCH_BINARY_CURRENT_VALUE_SCHEMA = ZWaveValueDiscoverySchema( command_class={CommandClass.SWITCH_BINARY}, property={CURRENT_VALUE_PROPERTY} ) SIREN_TONE_SCHEMA = ZWaveValueDiscoverySchema( command_class={CommandClass.SOUND_SWITCH}, property={TONE_ID_PROPERTY}, type={"number"}, ) # For device class mapping see: # https://github.com/zwave-js/node-zwave-js/blob/master/packages/config/config/deviceClasses.json DISCOVERY_SCHEMAS = [ # ====== START OF DEVICE SPECIFIC MAPPING SCHEMAS ======= # Honeywell 39358 In-Wall Fan Control using switch multilevel CC ZWaveDiscoverySchema( platform="fan", manufacturer_id={0x0039}, product_id={0x3131}, product_type={0x4944}, primary_value=SWITCH_MULTILEVEL_CURRENT_VALUE_SCHEMA, ), # GE/Jasco - In-Wall Smart Fan Control - 12730 / ZW4002 ZWaveDiscoverySchema( platform="fan", hint="configured_fan_speed", manufacturer_id={0x0063}, product_id={0x3034}, product_type={0x4944}, primary_value=SWITCH_MULTILEVEL_CURRENT_VALUE_SCHEMA, data_template=FixedFanSpeedDataTemplate( speeds=[33, 67, 99], ), ), # GE/Jasco - In-Wall Smart Fan Control - 14287 / ZW4002 ZWaveDiscoverySchema( platform="fan", hint="configured_fan_speed", manufacturer_id={0x0063}, product_id={0x3131}, product_type={0x4944}, primary_value=SWITCH_MULTILEVEL_CURRENT_VALUE_SCHEMA, data_template=FixedFanSpeedDataTemplate( speeds=[32, 66, 99], ), ), # GE/Jasco - In-Wall Smart Fan Control - 14314 / ZW4002 ZWaveDiscoverySchema( platform="fan", manufacturer_id={0x0063}, product_id={0x3138}, product_type={0x4944}, primary_value=SWITCH_MULTILEVEL_CURRENT_VALUE_SCHEMA, ), # Leviton ZW4SF fan controllers using switch multilevel CC ZWaveDiscoverySchema( platform="fan", manufacturer_id={0x001D}, product_id={0x0002}, product_type={0x0038}, primary_value=SWITCH_MULTILEVEL_CURRENT_VALUE_SCHEMA, ), # Inovelli LZW36 light / fan controller combo using switch multilevel CC # The fan is endpoint 2, the light is endpoint 1. ZWaveDiscoverySchema( platform="fan", manufacturer_id={0x031E}, product_id={0x0001}, product_type={0x000E}, primary_value=ZWaveValueDiscoverySchema( command_class={CommandClass.SWITCH_MULTILEVEL}, endpoint={2}, property={CURRENT_VALUE_PROPERTY}, type={"number"}, ), ), # HomeSeer HS-FC200+ ZWaveDiscoverySchema( platform="fan", hint="configured_fan_speed", manufacturer_id={0x000C}, product_id={0x0001}, product_type={0x0203}, primary_value=SWITCH_MULTILEVEL_CURRENT_VALUE_SCHEMA, data_template=ConfigurableFanSpeedDataTemplate( configuration_option=ZwaveValueID( 5, CommandClass.CONFIGURATION, endpoint=0 ), configuration_value_to_speeds={0: [33, 66, 99], 1: [24, 49, 74, 99]}, ), ), # Fibaro Shutter Fibaro FGR222 ZWaveDiscoverySchema( platform="cover", hint="window_shutter_tilt", manufacturer_id={0x010F}, product_id={0x1000, 0x1001}, product_type={0x0301, 0x0302}, primary_value=SWITCH_MULTILEVEL_CURRENT_VALUE_SCHEMA, data_template=CoverTiltDataTemplate( tilt_value_id=ZwaveValueID( "fibaro", CommandClass.MANUFACTURER_PROPRIETARY, endpoint=0, property_key="venetianBlindsTilt", ) ), required_values=[ ZWaveValueDiscoverySchema( command_class={CommandClass.MANUFACTURER_PROPRIETARY}, property={"fibaro"}, property_key={"venetianBlindsTilt"}, ) ], ), # Qubino flush shutter ZWaveDiscoverySchema( platform="cover", hint="window_shutter", manufacturer_id={0x0159}, product_id={0x0052, 0x0053}, product_type={0x0003}, primary_value=SWITCH_MULTILEVEL_CURRENT_VALUE_SCHEMA, ), # Graber/Bali/Spring Fashion Covers ZWaveDiscoverySchema( platform="cover", hint="window_blind", manufacturer_id={0x026E}, product_id={0x5A31}, product_type={0x4353}, primary_value=SWITCH_MULTILEVEL_CURRENT_VALUE_SCHEMA, ), # iBlinds v2 window blind motor ZWaveDiscoverySchema( platform="cover", hint="window_blind", manufacturer_id={0x0287}, product_id={0x000D}, product_type={0x0003}, primary_value=SWITCH_MULTILEVEL_CURRENT_VALUE_SCHEMA, ), # Vision Security ZL7432 In Wall Dual Relay Switch ZWaveDiscoverySchema( platform="switch", manufacturer_id={0x0109}, product_id={0x1711, 0x1717}, product_type={0x2017}, primary_value=SWITCH_BINARY_CURRENT_VALUE_SCHEMA, assumed_state=True, ), # Heatit Z-TRM3 ZWaveDiscoverySchema( platform="climate", hint="dynamic_current_temp", manufacturer_id={0x019B}, product_id={0x0203}, product_type={0x0003}, primary_value=ZWaveValueDiscoverySchema( command_class={CommandClass.THERMOSTAT_MODE}, property={THERMOSTAT_MODE_PROPERTY}, type={"number"}, ), data_template=DynamicCurrentTempClimateDataTemplate( lookup_table={ # Internal Sensor "A": ZwaveValueID( THERMOSTAT_CURRENT_TEMP_PROPERTY, CommandClass.SENSOR_MULTILEVEL, endpoint=2, ), "AF": ZwaveValueID( THERMOSTAT_CURRENT_TEMP_PROPERTY, CommandClass.SENSOR_MULTILEVEL, endpoint=2, ), # External Sensor "A2": ZwaveValueID( THERMOSTAT_CURRENT_TEMP_PROPERTY, CommandClass.SENSOR_MULTILEVEL, endpoint=3, ), "A2F": ZwaveValueID( THERMOSTAT_CURRENT_TEMP_PROPERTY, CommandClass.SENSOR_MULTILEVEL, endpoint=3, ), # Floor sensor "F": ZwaveValueID( THERMOSTAT_CURRENT_TEMP_PROPERTY, CommandClass.SENSOR_MULTILEVEL, endpoint=4, ), }, dependent_value=ZwaveValueID(2, CommandClass.CONFIGURATION, endpoint=0), ), ), # Heatit Z-TRM2fx ZWaveDiscoverySchema( platform="climate", hint="dynamic_current_temp", manufacturer_id={0x019B}, product_id={0x0202}, product_type={0x0003}, firmware_version_range=FirmwareVersionRange(min="3.0"), primary_value=ZWaveValueDiscoverySchema( command_class={CommandClass.THERMOSTAT_MODE}, property={THERMOSTAT_MODE_PROPERTY}, type={"number"}, ), data_template=DynamicCurrentTempClimateDataTemplate( lookup_table={ # External Sensor "A2": ZwaveValueID( THERMOSTAT_CURRENT_TEMP_PROPERTY, CommandClass.SENSOR_MULTILEVEL, endpoint=2, ), "A2F": ZwaveValueID( THERMOSTAT_CURRENT_TEMP_PROPERTY, CommandClass.SENSOR_MULTILEVEL, endpoint=2, ), # Floor sensor "F": ZwaveValueID( THERMOSTAT_CURRENT_TEMP_PROPERTY, CommandClass.SENSOR_MULTILEVEL, endpoint=3, ), }, dependent_value=ZwaveValueID(2, CommandClass.CONFIGURATION, endpoint=0), ), ), # FortrezZ SSA1/SSA2 ZWaveDiscoverySchema( platform="select", hint="multilevel_switch", manufacturer_id={0x0084}, product_id={0x0107, 0x0108, 0x010B, 0x0205}, product_type={0x0311, 0x0313, 0x0341, 0x0343}, primary_value=SWITCH_MULTILEVEL_CURRENT_VALUE_SCHEMA, data_template=BaseDiscoverySchemaDataTemplate( { 0: "Off", 33: "Strobe ONLY", 66: "Siren ONLY", 99: "Siren & Strobe FULL Alarm", }, ), ), # ====== START OF CONFIG PARAMETER SPECIFIC MAPPING SCHEMAS ======= # Door lock mode config parameter. Functionality equivalent to Notification CC # list sensors. get_config_parameter_discovery_schema( property_name={"Door lock mode"}, device_class_generic={"Entry Control"}, ), # ====== START OF GENERIC MAPPING SCHEMAS ======= # locks ZWaveDiscoverySchema( platform="lock", primary_value=ZWaveValueDiscoverySchema( command_class={ CommandClass.LOCK, CommandClass.DOOR_LOCK, }, property={CURRENT_MODE_PROPERTY, LOCKED_PROPERTY}, type={"number", "boolean"}, ), ), # door lock door status ZWaveDiscoverySchema( platform="binary_sensor", hint="property", primary_value=ZWaveValueDiscoverySchema( command_class={ CommandClass.LOCK, CommandClass.DOOR_LOCK, }, property={DOOR_STATUS_PROPERTY}, type={"any"}, ), ), # climate # thermostats supporting mode (and optional setpoint) ZWaveDiscoverySchema( platform="climate", primary_value=ZWaveValueDiscoverySchema( command_class={CommandClass.THERMOSTAT_MODE}, property={THERMOSTAT_MODE_PROPERTY}, type={"number"}, ), ), # thermostats supporting setpoint only (and thus not mode) ZWaveDiscoverySchema( platform="climate", primary_value=ZWaveValueDiscoverySchema( command_class={CommandClass.THERMOSTAT_SETPOINT}, property={THERMOSTAT_SETPOINT_PROPERTY}, type={"number"}, ), absent_values=[ # mode must not be present to prevent dupes ZWaveValueDiscoverySchema( command_class={CommandClass.THERMOSTAT_MODE}, property={THERMOSTAT_MODE_PROPERTY}, type={"number"}, ), ], ), # binary sensors # When CC is Sensor Binary and device class generic is Binary Sensor, entity should # be enabled by default ZWaveDiscoverySchema( platform="binary_sensor", hint="boolean", device_class_generic={"Binary Sensor"}, primary_value=ZWaveValueDiscoverySchema( command_class={CommandClass.SENSOR_BINARY}, type={"boolean"}, ), ), # Legacy binary sensors are phased out (replaced by notification sensors) # Disable by default to not confuse users ZWaveDiscoverySchema( platform="binary_sensor", hint="boolean", primary_value=ZWaveValueDiscoverySchema( command_class={CommandClass.SENSOR_BINARY}, type={"boolean"}, ), entity_registry_enabled_default=False, ), ZWaveDiscoverySchema( platform="binary_sensor", hint="boolean", primary_value=ZWaveValueDiscoverySchema( command_class={ CommandClass.BATTERY, CommandClass.SENSOR_ALARM, }, type={"boolean"}, ), ), ZWaveDiscoverySchema( platform="binary_sensor", hint="notification", primary_value=ZWaveValueDiscoverySchema( command_class={ CommandClass.NOTIFICATION, }, type={"number"}, ), allow_multi=True, ), # generic text sensors ZWaveDiscoverySchema( platform="sensor", hint="string_sensor", primary_value=ZWaveValueDiscoverySchema( command_class={CommandClass.SENSOR_ALARM}, type={"string"}, ), ), ZWaveDiscoverySchema( platform="sensor", hint="string_sensor", primary_value=ZWaveValueDiscoverySchema( command_class={CommandClass.INDICATOR}, type={"string"}, ), entity_registry_enabled_default=False, ), # generic numeric sensors ZWaveDiscoverySchema( platform="sensor", hint="numeric_sensor", primary_value=ZWaveValueDiscoverySchema( command_class={ CommandClass.SENSOR_MULTILEVEL, CommandClass.SENSOR_ALARM, CommandClass.BATTERY, }, type={"number"}, ), data_template=NumericSensorDataTemplate(), ), ZWaveDiscoverySchema( platform="sensor", hint="numeric_sensor", primary_value=ZWaveValueDiscoverySchema( command_class={CommandClass.INDICATOR}, type={"number"}, ), data_template=NumericSensorDataTemplate(), entity_registry_enabled_default=False, ), # Meter sensors for Meter CC ZWaveDiscoverySchema( platform="sensor", hint="meter", primary_value=ZWaveValueDiscoverySchema( command_class={ CommandClass.METER, }, type={"number"}, property={VALUE_PROPERTY}, ), data_template=NumericSensorDataTemplate(), ), # special list sensors (Notification CC) ZWaveDiscoverySchema( platform="sensor", hint="list_sensor", primary_value=ZWaveValueDiscoverySchema( command_class={ CommandClass.NOTIFICATION, }, type={"number"}, ), allow_multi=True, entity_registry_enabled_default=False, ), # number for Basic CC ZWaveDiscoverySchema( platform="number", hint="Basic", primary_value=ZWaveValueDiscoverySchema( command_class={ CommandClass.BASIC, }, type={"number"}, property={CURRENT_VALUE_PROPERTY}, ), required_values=[ ZWaveValueDiscoverySchema( command_class={ CommandClass.BASIC, }, type={"number"}, property={TARGET_VALUE_PROPERTY}, ) ], data_template=NumericSensorDataTemplate(), entity_registry_enabled_default=False, ), # binary switches ZWaveDiscoverySchema( platform="switch", primary_value=SWITCH_BINARY_CURRENT_VALUE_SCHEMA, ), # binary switch # barrier operator signaling states ZWaveDiscoverySchema( platform="switch", hint="barrier_event_signaling_state", primary_value=ZWaveValueDiscoverySchema( command_class={CommandClass.BARRIER_OPERATOR}, property={SIGNALING_STATE_PROPERTY}, type={"number"}, ), ), # cover # window coverings ZWaveDiscoverySchema( platform="cover", hint="window_cover", device_class_generic={"Multilevel Switch"}, device_class_specific={ "Motor Control Class A", "Motor Control Class B", "Motor Control Class C", "Multiposition Motor", }, primary_value=SWITCH_MULTILEVEL_CURRENT_VALUE_SCHEMA, ), # cover # motorized barriers ZWaveDiscoverySchema( platform="cover", hint="motorized_barrier", primary_value=ZWaveValueDiscoverySchema( command_class={CommandClass.BARRIER_OPERATOR}, property={CURRENT_STATE_PROPERTY}, type={"number"}, ), required_values=[ ZWaveValueDiscoverySchema( command_class={CommandClass.BARRIER_OPERATOR}, property={TARGET_STATE_PROPERTY}, type={"number"}, ), ], ), # fan ZWaveDiscoverySchema( platform="fan", hint="fan", device_class_generic={"Multilevel Switch"}, device_class_specific={"Fan Switch"}, primary_value=SWITCH_MULTILEVEL_CURRENT_VALUE_SCHEMA, ), # number platform # valve control for thermostats ZWaveDiscoverySchema( platform="number", hint="Valve control", device_class_generic={"Thermostat"}, primary_value=SWITCH_MULTILEVEL_CURRENT_VALUE_SCHEMA, ), # lights # primary value is the currentValue (brightness) # catch any device with multilevel CC as light # NOTE: keep this at the bottom of the discovery scheme, # to handle all others that need the multilevel CC first ZWaveDiscoverySchema( platform="light", primary_value=SWITCH_MULTILEVEL_CURRENT_VALUE_SCHEMA, ), # sirens ZWaveDiscoverySchema( platform="siren", primary_value=SIREN_TONE_SCHEMA, ), # select # siren default tone ZWaveDiscoverySchema( platform="select", hint="Default tone", primary_value=ZWaveValueDiscoverySchema( command_class={CommandClass.SOUND_SWITCH}, property={DEFAULT_TONE_ID_PROPERTY}, type={"number"}, ), required_values=[SIREN_TONE_SCHEMA], ), # number # siren default volume ZWaveDiscoverySchema( platform="number", hint="volume", primary_value=ZWaveValueDiscoverySchema( command_class={CommandClass.SOUND_SWITCH}, property={DEFAULT_VOLUME_PROPERTY}, type={"number"}, ), required_values=[SIREN_TONE_SCHEMA], ), # select # protection CC ZWaveDiscoverySchema( platform="select", primary_value=ZWaveValueDiscoverySchema( command_class={CommandClass.PROTECTION}, property={LOCAL_PROPERTY, RF_PROPERTY}, type={"number"}, ), ), ] @callback def async_discover_node_values( node: ZwaveNode, device: DeviceEntry, discovered_value_ids: dict[str, set[str]] ) -> Generator[ZwaveDiscoveryInfo, None, None]: """Run discovery on ZWave node and return matching (primary) values.""" for value in node.values.values(): # We don't need to rediscover an already processed value_id if value.value_id in discovered_value_ids[device.id]: continue yield from async_discover_single_value(value, device, discovered_value_ids) @callback def async_discover_single_value( value: ZwaveValue, device: DeviceEntry, discovered_value_ids: dict[str, set[str]] ) -> Generator[ZwaveDiscoveryInfo, None, None]: """Run discovery on a single ZWave value and return matching schema info.""" discovered_value_ids[device.id].add(value.value_id) for schema in DISCOVERY_SCHEMAS: # check manufacturer_id if ( schema.manufacturer_id is not None and value.node.manufacturer_id not in schema.manufacturer_id ): continue # check product_id if ( schema.product_id is not None and value.node.product_id not in schema.product_id ): continue # check product_type if ( schema.product_type is not None and value.node.product_type not in schema.product_type ): continue # check firmware_version_range if schema.firmware_version_range is not None and ( ( schema.firmware_version_range.min is not None and schema.firmware_version_range.min_ver > AwesomeVersion(value.node.firmware_version) ) or ( schema.firmware_version_range.max is not None and schema.firmware_version_range.max_ver < AwesomeVersion(value.node.firmware_version) ) ): continue # check firmware_version if ( schema.firmware_version is not None and value.node.firmware_version not in schema.firmware_version ): continue # check device_class_basic if not check_device_class( value.node.device_class.basic, schema.device_class_basic ): continue # check device_class_generic if not check_device_class( value.node.device_class.generic, schema.device_class_generic ): continue # check device_class_specific if not check_device_class( value.node.device_class.specific, schema.device_class_specific ): continue # check primary value if not check_value(value, schema.primary_value): continue # check additional required values if schema.required_values is not None and not all( any(check_value(val, val_scheme) for val in value.node.values.values()) for val_scheme in schema.required_values ): continue # check for values that may not be present if schema.absent_values is not None and any( any(check_value(val, val_scheme) for val in value.node.values.values()) for val_scheme in schema.absent_values ): continue # resolve helper data from template resolved_data = None additional_value_ids_to_watch = set() if schema.data_template: try: resolved_data = schema.data_template.resolve_data(value) except UnknownValueData as err: LOGGER.error( "Discovery for value %s on device '%s' (%s) will be skipped: %s", value, device.name_by_user or device.name, value.node, err, ) continue additional_value_ids_to_watch = schema.data_template.value_ids_to_watch( resolved_data ) # all checks passed, this value belongs to an entity yield ZwaveDiscoveryInfo( node=value.node, primary_value=value, assumed_state=schema.assumed_state, platform=schema.platform, platform_hint=schema.hint, platform_data_template=schema.data_template, platform_data=resolved_data, additional_value_ids_to_watch=additional_value_ids_to_watch, entity_registry_enabled_default=schema.entity_registry_enabled_default, ) if not schema.allow_multi: # return early since this value may not be discovered by other schemas/platforms return @callback def check_value(value: ZwaveValue, schema: ZWaveValueDiscoverySchema) -> bool: """Check if value matches scheme.""" # check command_class if ( schema.command_class is not None and value.command_class not in schema.command_class ): return False # check endpoint if schema.endpoint is not None and value.endpoint not in schema.endpoint: return False # check property if schema.property is not None and value.property_ not in schema.property: return False # check property_name if ( schema.property_name is not None and value.property_name not in schema.property_name ): return False # check property_key if ( schema.property_key is not None and value.property_key not in schema.property_key ): return False # check property_key_name if ( schema.property_key_name is not None and value.property_key_name not in schema.property_key_name ): return False # check metadata_type if schema.type is not None and value.metadata.type not in schema.type: return False return True @callback def check_device_class( device_class: DeviceClassItem, required_value: set[str | int] | None ) -> bool: """Check if device class id or label matches.""" if required_value is None: return True for val in required_value: if isinstance(val, str) and device_class.label == val: return True if isinstance(val, int) and device_class.key == val: return True return False