""" homeassistant.components.scene ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Allows users to set and activate scenes within Home Assistant. A scene is a set of states that describe how you want certain entities to be. For example, light A should be red with 100 brightness. Light B should be on. A scene is active if all states of the scene match the real states. If a scene is manually activated it will store the previous state of the entities. These will be restored when the state is deactivated manually. If one of the enties that are being tracked change state on its own, the old state will not be restored when it is being deactivated. """ import logging from collections import namedtuple from homeassistant.core import State from homeassistant.helpers.event import track_state_change from homeassistant.helpers.entity import ToggleEntity from homeassistant.helpers.entity_component import EntityComponent from homeassistant.helpers.state import reproduce_state from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_ENTITY_ID, STATE_OFF, STATE_ON, SERVICE_TURN_ON, SERVICE_TURN_OFF) DOMAIN = 'scene' DEPENDENCIES = ['group'] ATTR_ACTIVE_REQUESTED = "active_requested" CONF_ENTITIES = "entities" SceneConfig = namedtuple('SceneConfig', ['name', 'states', 'fuzzy_match']) def setup(hass, config): """ Sets up scenes. """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) scene_configs = config.get(DOMAIN) if not isinstance(scene_configs, list): logger.error('Scene config should be a list of scenes') return False component = EntityComponent(logger, DOMAIN, hass) component.add_entities(Scene(hass, _process_config(scene_config)) for scene_config in scene_configs) def handle_scene_service(service): """ Handles calls to the switch services. """ target_scenes = component.extract_from_service(service) for scene in target_scenes: if service.service == SERVICE_TURN_ON: scene.turn_on() else: scene.turn_off() hass.services.register(DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_OFF, handle_scene_service) hass.services.register(DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_ON, handle_scene_service) return True def _process_config(scene_config): """ Process passed in config into a format to work with. """ name = scene_config.get('name') fuzzy_match = scene_config.get('fuzzy_match') if fuzzy_match: # default to 1% if isinstance(fuzzy_match, int): fuzzy_match /= 100.0 else: fuzzy_match = 0.01 states = {} c_entities = dict(scene_config.get(CONF_ENTITIES, {})) for entity_id in c_entities: if isinstance(c_entities[entity_id], dict): state = c_entities[entity_id].pop('state', None) attributes = c_entities[entity_id] else: state = c_entities[entity_id] attributes = {} # YAML translates 'on' to a boolean # http://yaml.org/type/bool.html if isinstance(state, bool): state = STATE_ON if state else STATE_OFF else: state = str(state) states[entity_id.lower()] = State(entity_id, state, attributes) return SceneConfig(name, states, fuzzy_match) class Scene(ToggleEntity): """ A scene is a group of entities and the states we want them to be. """ def __init__(self, hass, scene_config): self.hass = hass self.scene_config = scene_config self.is_active = False self.prev_states = None self.ignore_updates = False track_state_change( self.hass, self.entity_ids, self.entity_state_changed) self.update() @property def should_poll(self): return False @property def name(self): return self.scene_config.name @property def is_on(self): return self.is_active @property def entity_ids(self): """ Entity IDs part of this scene. """ return self.scene_config.states.keys() @property def state_attributes(self): """ Scene state attributes. """ return { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: list(self.entity_ids), ATTR_ACTIVE_REQUESTED: self.prev_states is not None, } def turn_on(self): """ Activates scene. Tries to get entities into requested state. """ self.prev_states = tuple(self.hass.states.get(entity_id) for entity_id in self.entity_ids) self._reproduce_state(self.scene_config.states.values()) def turn_off(self): """ Deactivates scene and restores old states. """ if self.prev_states: self._reproduce_state(self.prev_states) self.prev_states = None def entity_state_changed(self, entity_id, old_state, new_state): """ Called when an entity part of this scene changes state. """ if self.ignore_updates: return # If new state is not what we expect, it can never be active if self._state_as_requested(new_state): self.update() else: self.is_active = False self.prev_states = None self.update_ha_state() def update(self): """ Update if the scene is active. Will look at each requested state and see if the current entity has the same state and has at least the same attributes with the same values. The real state can have more attributes. """ self.is_active = all( self._state_as_requested(self.hass.states.get(entity_id)) for entity_id in self.entity_ids) def _state_as_requested(self, cur_state): """ Returns if given state is as requested. """ state = self.scene_config.states.get(cur_state and cur_state.entity_id) return (cur_state is not None and state.state == cur_state.state and all(self._compare_state_attribites( value, cur_state.attributes.get(key)) for key, value in state.attributes.items())) def _fuzzy_attribute_compare(self, attr_a, attr_b): """ Compare the attributes passed, use fuzzy logic if they are floats. """ if not (isinstance(attr_a, float) and isinstance(attr_b, float)): return False diff = abs(attr_a - attr_b) / (abs(attr_a) + abs(attr_b)) return diff <= self.scene_config.fuzzy_match def _compare_state_attribites(self, attr1, attr2): """ Compare the attributes passed, using fuzzy logic if specified. """ if attr1 == attr2: return True if not self.scene_config.fuzzy_match: return False if isinstance(attr1, list): return all(self._fuzzy_attribute_compare(a, b) for a, b in zip(attr1, attr2)) return self._fuzzy_attribute_compare(attr1, attr2) def _reproduce_state(self, states): """ Wraps reproduce state with Scence specific logic. """ self.ignore_updates = True reproduce_state(self.hass, states, True) self.ignore_updates = False self.update_ha_state(True)