"""Support for IntesisHome and airconwithme Smart AC Controllers.""" import logging from random import randrange from typing import NamedTuple from pyintesishome import IHAuthenticationError, IHConnectionError, IntesisHome import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.climate import PLATFORM_SCHEMA, ClimateEntity from homeassistant.components.climate.const import ( ATTR_HVAC_MODE, HVAC_MODE_COOL, HVAC_MODE_DRY, HVAC_MODE_FAN_ONLY, HVAC_MODE_HEAT, HVAC_MODE_HEAT_COOL, HVAC_MODE_OFF, PRESET_BOOST, PRESET_COMFORT, PRESET_ECO, SUPPORT_FAN_MODE, SUPPORT_PRESET_MODE, SUPPORT_SWING_MODE, SUPPORT_TARGET_TEMPERATURE, SWING_BOTH, SWING_HORIZONTAL, SWING_OFF, SWING_VERTICAL, ) from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_TEMPERATURE, CONF_DEVICE, CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_USERNAME, TEMP_CELSIUS, ) from homeassistant.exceptions import PlatformNotReady from homeassistant.helpers.aiohttp_client import async_get_clientsession import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.event import async_call_later _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) IH_DEVICE_INTESISHOME = "IntesisHome" IH_DEVICE_AIRCONWITHME = "airconwithme" PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Required(CONF_USERNAME): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_PASSWORD): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_DEVICE, default=IH_DEVICE_INTESISHOME): vol.In( [IH_DEVICE_AIRCONWITHME, IH_DEVICE_INTESISHOME] ), } ) class SwingSettings(NamedTuple): """Settings for swing mode.""" vvane: str hvane: str MAP_IH_TO_HVAC_MODE = { "auto": HVAC_MODE_HEAT_COOL, "cool": HVAC_MODE_COOL, "dry": HVAC_MODE_DRY, "fan": HVAC_MODE_FAN_ONLY, "heat": HVAC_MODE_HEAT, "off": HVAC_MODE_OFF, } MAP_HVAC_MODE_TO_IH = {v: k for k, v in MAP_IH_TO_HVAC_MODE.items()} MAP_IH_TO_PRESET_MODE = { "eco": PRESET_ECO, "comfort": PRESET_COMFORT, "powerful": PRESET_BOOST, } MAP_PRESET_MODE_TO_IH = {v: k for k, v in MAP_IH_TO_PRESET_MODE.items()} IH_SWING_STOP = "auto/stop" IH_SWING_SWING = "swing" MAP_SWING_TO_IH = { SWING_OFF: SwingSettings(vvane=IH_SWING_STOP, hvane=IH_SWING_STOP), SWING_BOTH: SwingSettings(vvane=IH_SWING_SWING, hvane=IH_SWING_SWING), SWING_HORIZONTAL: SwingSettings(vvane=IH_SWING_STOP, hvane=IH_SWING_SWING), SWING_VERTICAL: SwingSettings(vvane=IH_SWING_SWING, hvane=IH_SWING_STOP), } MAP_STATE_ICONS = { HVAC_MODE_COOL: "mdi:snowflake", HVAC_MODE_DRY: "mdi:water-off", HVAC_MODE_FAN_ONLY: "mdi:fan", HVAC_MODE_HEAT: "mdi:white-balance-sunny", HVAC_MODE_HEAT_COOL: "mdi:cached", } async def async_setup_platform(hass, config, async_add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Create the IntesisHome climate devices.""" ih_user = config[CONF_USERNAME] ih_pass = config[CONF_PASSWORD] device_type = config[CONF_DEVICE] controller = IntesisHome( ih_user, ih_pass, hass.loop, websession=async_get_clientsession(hass), device_type=device_type, ) try: await controller.poll_status() except IHAuthenticationError: _LOGGER.error("Invalid username or password") return except IHConnectionError as ex: _LOGGER.error("Error connecting to the %s server", device_type) raise PlatformNotReady from ex if ih_devices := controller.get_devices(): async_add_entities( [ IntesisAC(ih_device_id, device, controller) for ih_device_id, device in ih_devices.items() ], True, ) else: _LOGGER.error( "Error getting device list from %s API: %s", device_type, controller.error_message, ) await controller.stop() class IntesisAC(ClimateEntity): """Represents an Intesishome air conditioning device.""" def __init__(self, ih_device_id, ih_device, controller): """Initialize the thermostat.""" self._controller = controller self._device_id = ih_device_id self._ih_device = ih_device self._device_name = ih_device.get("name") self._device_type = controller.device_type self._connected = None self._setpoint_step = 1 self._current_temp = None self._max_temp = None self._hvac_mode_list = [] self._min_temp = None self._target_temp = None self._outdoor_temp = None self._hvac_mode = None self._preset = None self._preset_list = [PRESET_ECO, PRESET_COMFORT, PRESET_BOOST] self._run_hours = None self._rssi = None self._swing_list = [SWING_OFF] self._vvane = None self._hvane = None self._power = False self._fan_speed = None self._support = 0 self._power_consumption_heat = None self._power_consumption_cool = None # Setpoint support if controller.has_setpoint_control(ih_device_id): self._support |= SUPPORT_TARGET_TEMPERATURE # Setup swing list if controller.has_vertical_swing(ih_device_id): self._swing_list.append(SWING_VERTICAL) if controller.has_horizontal_swing(ih_device_id): self._swing_list.append(SWING_HORIZONTAL) if SWING_HORIZONTAL in self._swing_list and SWING_VERTICAL in self._swing_list: self._swing_list.append(SWING_BOTH) if len(self._swing_list) > 1: self._support |= SUPPORT_SWING_MODE # Setup fan speeds self._fan_modes = controller.get_fan_speed_list(ih_device_id) if self._fan_modes: self._support |= SUPPORT_FAN_MODE # Preset support if ih_device.get("climate_working_mode"): self._support |= SUPPORT_PRESET_MODE # Setup HVAC modes if modes := controller.get_mode_list(ih_device_id): mode_list = [MAP_IH_TO_HVAC_MODE[mode] for mode in modes] self._hvac_mode_list.extend(mode_list) self._hvac_mode_list.append(HVAC_MODE_OFF) async def async_added_to_hass(self): """Subscribe to event updates.""" _LOGGER.debug("Added climate device with state: %s", repr(self._ih_device)) await self._controller.add_update_callback(self.async_update_callback) try: await self._controller.connect() except IHConnectionError as ex: _LOGGER.error("Exception connecting to IntesisHome: %s", ex) raise PlatformNotReady from ex @property def name(self): """Return the name of the AC device.""" return self._device_name @property def temperature_unit(self): """Intesishome API uses celsius on the backend.""" return TEMP_CELSIUS @property def extra_state_attributes(self): """Return the device specific state attributes.""" attrs = {} if self._outdoor_temp: attrs["outdoor_temp"] = self._outdoor_temp if self._power_consumption_heat: attrs["power_consumption_heat_kw"] = round( self._power_consumption_heat / 1000, 1 ) if self._power_consumption_cool: attrs["power_consumption_cool_kw"] = round( self._power_consumption_cool / 1000, 1 ) return attrs @property def unique_id(self): """Return unique ID for this device.""" return self._device_id @property def target_temperature_step(self) -> float: """Return whether setpoint should be whole or half degree precision.""" return self._setpoint_step @property def preset_modes(self): """Return a list of HVAC preset modes.""" return self._preset_list @property def preset_mode(self): """Return the current preset mode.""" return self._preset async def async_set_temperature(self, **kwargs): """Set new target temperature.""" if hvac_mode := kwargs.get(ATTR_HVAC_MODE): await self.async_set_hvac_mode(hvac_mode) if temperature := kwargs.get(ATTR_TEMPERATURE): _LOGGER.debug("Setting %s to %s degrees", self._device_type, temperature) await self._controller.set_temperature(self._device_id, temperature) self._target_temp = temperature # Write updated temperature to HA state to avoid flapping (API confirmation is slow) self.async_write_ha_state() async def async_set_hvac_mode(self, hvac_mode): """Set operation mode.""" _LOGGER.debug("Setting %s to %s mode", self._device_type, hvac_mode) if hvac_mode == HVAC_MODE_OFF: self._power = False await self._controller.set_power_off(self._device_id) # Write changes to HA, API can be slow to push changes self.async_write_ha_state() return # First check device is turned on if not self._controller.is_on(self._device_id): self._power = True await self._controller.set_power_on(self._device_id) # Set the mode await self._controller.set_mode(self._device_id, MAP_HVAC_MODE_TO_IH[hvac_mode]) # Send the temperature again in case changing modes has changed it if self._target_temp: await self._controller.set_temperature(self._device_id, self._target_temp) # Updates can take longer than 2 seconds, so update locally self._hvac_mode = hvac_mode self.async_write_ha_state() async def async_set_fan_mode(self, fan_mode): """Set fan mode (from quiet, low, medium, high, auto).""" await self._controller.set_fan_speed(self._device_id, fan_mode) # Updates can take longer than 2 seconds, so update locally self._fan_speed = fan_mode self.async_write_ha_state() async def async_set_preset_mode(self, preset_mode): """Set preset mode.""" ih_preset_mode = MAP_PRESET_MODE_TO_IH.get(preset_mode) await self._controller.set_preset_mode(self._device_id, ih_preset_mode) async def async_set_swing_mode(self, swing_mode): """Set the vertical vane.""" if swing_settings := MAP_SWING_TO_IH.get(swing_mode): await self._controller.set_vertical_vane( self._device_id, swing_settings.vvane ) await self._controller.set_horizontal_vane( self._device_id, swing_settings.hvane ) async def async_update(self): """Copy values from controller dictionary to climate device.""" # Update values from controller's device dictionary self._connected = self._controller.is_connected self._current_temp = self._controller.get_temperature(self._device_id) self._fan_speed = self._controller.get_fan_speed(self._device_id) self._power = self._controller.is_on(self._device_id) self._min_temp = self._controller.get_min_setpoint(self._device_id) self._max_temp = self._controller.get_max_setpoint(self._device_id) self._rssi = self._controller.get_rssi(self._device_id) self._run_hours = self._controller.get_run_hours(self._device_id) self._target_temp = self._controller.get_setpoint(self._device_id) self._outdoor_temp = self._controller.get_outdoor_temperature(self._device_id) # Operation mode mode = self._controller.get_mode(self._device_id) self._hvac_mode = MAP_IH_TO_HVAC_MODE.get(mode) # Preset mode preset = self._controller.get_preset_mode(self._device_id) self._preset = MAP_IH_TO_PRESET_MODE.get(preset) # Swing mode # Climate module only supports one swing setting. self._vvane = self._controller.get_vertical_swing(self._device_id) self._hvane = self._controller.get_horizontal_swing(self._device_id) # Power usage self._power_consumption_heat = self._controller.get_heat_power_consumption( self._device_id ) self._power_consumption_cool = self._controller.get_cool_power_consumption( self._device_id ) async def async_will_remove_from_hass(self): """Shutdown the controller when the device is being removed.""" await self._controller.stop() @property def icon(self): """Return the icon for the current state.""" icon = None if self._power: icon = MAP_STATE_ICONS.get(self._hvac_mode) return icon async def async_update_callback(self, device_id=None): """Let HA know there has been an update from the controller.""" # Track changes in connection state if not self._controller.is_connected and self._connected: # Connection has dropped self._connected = False reconnect_minutes = 1 + randrange(10) _LOGGER.error( "Connection to %s API was lost. Reconnecting in %i minutes", self._device_type, reconnect_minutes, ) # Schedule reconnection async def try_connect(_now): await self._controller.connect() async_call_later(self.hass, reconnect_minutes * 60, try_connect) if self._controller.is_connected and not self._connected: # Connection has been restored self._connected = True _LOGGER.debug("Connection to %s API was restored", self._device_type) if not device_id or self._device_id == device_id: # Update all devices if no device_id was specified _LOGGER.debug( "%s API sent a status update for device %s", self._device_type, device_id, ) self.async_schedule_update_ha_state(True) @property def min_temp(self): """Return the minimum temperature for the current mode of operation.""" return self._min_temp @property def max_temp(self): """Return the maximum temperature for the current mode of operation.""" return self._max_temp @property def should_poll(self): """Poll for updates if pyIntesisHome doesn't have a socket open.""" return False @property def hvac_modes(self): """List of available operation modes.""" return self._hvac_mode_list @property def fan_mode(self): """Return whether the fan is on.""" return self._fan_speed @property def swing_mode(self): """Return current swing mode.""" if self._vvane == IH_SWING_SWING and self._hvane == IH_SWING_SWING: swing = SWING_BOTH elif self._vvane == IH_SWING_SWING: swing = SWING_VERTICAL elif self._hvane == IH_SWING_SWING: swing = SWING_HORIZONTAL else: swing = SWING_OFF return swing @property def fan_modes(self): """List of available fan modes.""" return self._fan_modes @property def swing_modes(self): """List of available swing positions.""" return self._swing_list @property def available(self) -> bool: """If the device hasn't been able to connect, mark as unavailable.""" return self._connected or self._connected is None @property def current_temperature(self): """Return the current temperature.""" return self._current_temp @property def hvac_mode(self): """Return the current mode of operation if unit is on.""" if self._power: return self._hvac_mode return HVAC_MODE_OFF @property def target_temperature(self): """Return the current setpoint temperature if unit is on.""" return self._target_temp @property def supported_features(self): """Return the list of supported features.""" return self._support