"""The tests for Z-Wave JS automation triggers.""" from unittest.mock import AsyncMock, patch import pytest import voluptuous as vol from zwave_js_server.const import CommandClass from zwave_js_server.event import Event from zwave_js_server.model.node import Node from homeassistant.components import automation from homeassistant.components.zwave_js import DOMAIN from homeassistant.components.zwave_js.helpers import get_device_id from homeassistant.components.zwave_js.trigger import async_validate_trigger_config from homeassistant.components.zwave_js.triggers.trigger_helpers import ( async_bypass_dynamic_config_validation, ) from homeassistant.const import SERVICE_RELOAD from homeassistant.helpers.device_registry import async_get as async_get_dev_reg from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component from .common import SCHLAGE_BE469_LOCK_ENTITY from tests.common import async_capture_events async def test_zwave_js_value_updated(hass, client, lock_schlage_be469, integration): """Test for zwave_js.value_updated automation trigger.""" trigger_type = f"{DOMAIN}.value_updated" node: Node = lock_schlage_be469 dev_reg = async_get_dev_reg(hass) device = dev_reg.async_get_device( {get_device_id(client.driver, lock_schlage_be469)} ) assert device no_value_filter = async_capture_events(hass, "no_value_filter") single_from_value_filter = async_capture_events(hass, "single_from_value_filter") multiple_from_value_filters = async_capture_events( hass, "multiple_from_value_filters" ) from_and_to_value_filters = async_capture_events(hass, "from_and_to_value_filters") different_value = async_capture_events(hass, "different_value") def clear_events(): """Clear all events in the event list.""" no_value_filter.clear() single_from_value_filter.clear() multiple_from_value_filters.clear() from_and_to_value_filters.clear() different_value.clear() assert await async_setup_component( hass, automation.DOMAIN, { automation.DOMAIN: [ # no value filter { "trigger": { "platform": trigger_type, "entity_id": SCHLAGE_BE469_LOCK_ENTITY, "command_class": CommandClass.DOOR_LOCK.value, "property": "latchStatus", }, "action": { "event": "no_value_filter", }, }, # single from value filter { "trigger": { "platform": trigger_type, "device_id": device.id, "command_class": CommandClass.DOOR_LOCK.value, "property": "latchStatus", "from": "ajar", }, "action": { "event": "single_from_value_filter", }, }, # multiple from value filters { "trigger": { "platform": trigger_type, "entity_id": SCHLAGE_BE469_LOCK_ENTITY, "command_class": CommandClass.DOOR_LOCK.value, "property": "latchStatus", "from": ["closed", "opened"], }, "action": { "event": "multiple_from_value_filters", }, }, # from and to value filters { "trigger": { "platform": trigger_type, "entity_id": SCHLAGE_BE469_LOCK_ENTITY, "command_class": CommandClass.DOOR_LOCK.value, "property": "latchStatus", "from": ["closed", "opened"], "to": ["opened"], }, "action": { "event": "from_and_to_value_filters", }, }, # different value { "trigger": { "platform": trigger_type, "entity_id": SCHLAGE_BE469_LOCK_ENTITY, "command_class": CommandClass.DOOR_LOCK.value, "property": "boltStatus", }, "action": { "event": "different_value", }, }, ] }, ) # Test that no value filter is triggered event = Event( type="value updated", data={ "source": "node", "event": "value updated", "nodeId": node.node_id, "args": { "commandClassName": "Door Lock", "commandClass": 98, "endpoint": 0, "property": "latchStatus", "newValue": "boo", "prevValue": "hiss", "propertyName": "latchStatus", }, }, ) node.receive_event(event) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(no_value_filter) == 1 assert len(single_from_value_filter) == 0 assert len(multiple_from_value_filters) == 0 assert len(from_and_to_value_filters) == 0 assert len(different_value) == 0 clear_events() # Test that a single_from_value_filter is triggered event = Event( type="value updated", data={ "source": "node", "event": "value updated", "nodeId": node.node_id, "args": { "commandClassName": "Door Lock", "commandClass": 98, "endpoint": 0, "property": "latchStatus", "newValue": "boo", "prevValue": "ajar", "propertyName": "latchStatus", }, }, ) node.receive_event(event) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(no_value_filter) == 1 assert len(single_from_value_filter) == 1 assert len(multiple_from_value_filters) == 0 assert len(from_and_to_value_filters) == 0 assert len(different_value) == 0 clear_events() # Test that multiple_from_value_filters are triggered event = Event( type="value updated", data={ "source": "node", "event": "value updated", "nodeId": node.node_id, "args": { "commandClassName": "Door Lock", "commandClass": 98, "endpoint": 0, "property": "latchStatus", "newValue": "boo", "prevValue": "closed", "propertyName": "latchStatus", }, }, ) node.receive_event(event) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(no_value_filter) == 1 assert len(single_from_value_filter) == 0 assert len(multiple_from_value_filters) == 1 assert len(from_and_to_value_filters) == 0 assert len(different_value) == 0 clear_events() # Test that from_and_to_value_filters is triggered event = Event( type="value updated", data={ "source": "node", "event": "value updated", "nodeId": node.node_id, "args": { "commandClassName": "Door Lock", "commandClass": 98, "endpoint": 0, "property": "latchStatus", "newValue": "opened", "prevValue": "closed", "propertyName": "latchStatus", }, }, ) node.receive_event(event) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(no_value_filter) == 1 assert len(single_from_value_filter) == 0 assert len(multiple_from_value_filters) == 1 assert len(from_and_to_value_filters) == 1 assert len(different_value) == 0 clear_events() event = Event( type="value updated", data={ "source": "node", "event": "value updated", "nodeId": node.node_id, "args": { "commandClassName": "Door Lock", "commandClass": 98, "endpoint": 0, "property": "boltStatus", "newValue": "boo", "prevValue": "hiss", "propertyName": "boltStatus", }, }, ) node.receive_event(event) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(no_value_filter) == 0 assert len(single_from_value_filter) == 0 assert len(multiple_from_value_filters) == 0 assert len(from_and_to_value_filters) == 0 assert len(different_value) == 1 clear_events() with patch("homeassistant.config.load_yaml", return_value={}): await hass.services.async_call(automation.DOMAIN, SERVICE_RELOAD, blocking=True) async def test_zwave_js_value_updated_bypass_dynamic_validation( hass, client, lock_schlage_be469, integration ): """Test zwave_js.value_updated trigger when bypassing dynamic validation.""" trigger_type = f"{DOMAIN}.value_updated" node: Node = lock_schlage_be469 no_value_filter = async_capture_events(hass, "no_value_filter") with patch( "homeassistant.components.zwave_js.triggers.value_updated.async_bypass_dynamic_config_validation", return_value=True, ): assert await async_setup_component( hass, automation.DOMAIN, { automation.DOMAIN: [ # no value filter { "trigger": { "platform": trigger_type, "entity_id": SCHLAGE_BE469_LOCK_ENTITY, "command_class": CommandClass.DOOR_LOCK.value, "property": "latchStatus", }, "action": { "event": "no_value_filter", }, }, ] }, ) # Test that no value filter is triggered event = Event( type="value updated", data={ "source": "node", "event": "value updated", "nodeId": node.node_id, "args": { "commandClassName": "Door Lock", "commandClass": 98, "endpoint": 0, "property": "latchStatus", "newValue": "boo", "prevValue": "hiss", "propertyName": "latchStatus", }, }, ) node.receive_event(event) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(no_value_filter) == 1 async def test_zwave_js_value_updated_bypass_dynamic_validation_no_nodes( hass, client, lock_schlage_be469, integration ): """Test value_updated trigger when bypassing dynamic validation with no nodes.""" trigger_type = f"{DOMAIN}.value_updated" node: Node = lock_schlage_be469 no_value_filter = async_capture_events(hass, "no_value_filter") with patch( "homeassistant.components.zwave_js.triggers.value_updated.async_bypass_dynamic_config_validation", return_value=True, ): assert await async_setup_component( hass, automation.DOMAIN, { automation.DOMAIN: [ # no value filter { "trigger": { "platform": trigger_type, "entity_id": "sensor.test", "command_class": CommandClass.DOOR_LOCK.value, "property": "latchStatus", }, "action": { "event": "no_value_filter", }, }, ] }, ) # Test that no value filter is NOT triggered because automation failed setup event = Event( type="value updated", data={ "source": "node", "event": "value updated", "nodeId": node.node_id, "args": { "commandClassName": "Door Lock", "commandClass": 98, "endpoint": 0, "property": "latchStatus", "newValue": "boo", "prevValue": "hiss", "propertyName": "latchStatus", }, }, ) node.receive_event(event) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(no_value_filter) == 0 async def test_zwave_js_value_updated_bypass_dynamic_validation_no_driver( hass, client, lock_schlage_be469, integration ): """Test zwave_js.value_updated trigger without driver.""" trigger_type = f"{DOMAIN}.value_updated" node: Node = lock_schlage_be469 driver = client.driver client.driver = None no_value_filter = async_capture_events(hass, "no_value_filter") assert await async_setup_component( hass, automation.DOMAIN, { automation.DOMAIN: [ # no value filter { "trigger": { "platform": trigger_type, "entity_id": SCHLAGE_BE469_LOCK_ENTITY, "command_class": CommandClass.DOOR_LOCK.value, "property": "latchStatus", }, "action": { "event": "no_value_filter", }, }, ] }, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() client.driver = driver # Test that no value filter is NOT triggered because automation failed setup event = Event( type="value updated", data={ "source": "node", "event": "value updated", "nodeId": node.node_id, "args": { "commandClassName": "Door Lock", "commandClass": 98, "endpoint": 0, "property": "latchStatus", "newValue": "boo", "prevValue": "hiss", "propertyName": "latchStatus", }, }, ) node.receive_event(event) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(no_value_filter) == 0 async def test_zwave_js_event(hass, client, lock_schlage_be469, integration): """Test for zwave_js.event automation trigger.""" trigger_type = f"{DOMAIN}.event" node: Node = lock_schlage_be469 dev_reg = async_get_dev_reg(hass) device = dev_reg.async_get_device( {get_device_id(client.driver, lock_schlage_be469)} ) assert device node_no_event_data_filter = async_capture_events(hass, "node_no_event_data_filter") node_event_data_filter = async_capture_events(hass, "node_event_data_filter") controller_no_event_data_filter = async_capture_events( hass, "controller_no_event_data_filter" ) controller_event_data_filter = async_capture_events( hass, "controller_event_data_filter" ) driver_no_event_data_filter = async_capture_events( hass, "driver_no_event_data_filter" ) driver_event_data_filter = async_capture_events(hass, "driver_event_data_filter") node_event_data_no_partial_dict_match_filter = async_capture_events( hass, "node_event_data_no_partial_dict_match_filter" ) node_event_data_partial_dict_match_filter = async_capture_events( hass, "node_event_data_partial_dict_match_filter" ) def clear_events(): """Clear all events in the event list.""" node_no_event_data_filter.clear() node_event_data_filter.clear() controller_no_event_data_filter.clear() controller_event_data_filter.clear() driver_no_event_data_filter.clear() driver_event_data_filter.clear() node_event_data_no_partial_dict_match_filter.clear() node_event_data_partial_dict_match_filter.clear() assert await async_setup_component( hass, automation.DOMAIN, { automation.DOMAIN: [ # node filter: no event data { "trigger": { "platform": trigger_type, "entity_id": SCHLAGE_BE469_LOCK_ENTITY, "event_source": "node", "event": "interview stage completed", }, "action": { "event": "node_no_event_data_filter", }, }, # node filter: event data { "trigger": { "platform": trigger_type, "device_id": device.id, "event_source": "node", "event": "interview stage completed", "event_data": {"stageName": "ProtocolInfo"}, }, "action": { "event": "node_event_data_filter", }, }, # controller filter: no event data { "trigger": { "platform": trigger_type, "config_entry_id": integration.entry_id, "event_source": "controller", "event": "inclusion started", }, "action": { "event": "controller_no_event_data_filter", }, }, # controller filter: event data { "trigger": { "platform": trigger_type, "config_entry_id": integration.entry_id, "event_source": "controller", "event": "inclusion started", "event_data": {"secure": True}, }, "action": { "event": "controller_event_data_filter", }, }, # driver filter: no event data { "trigger": { "platform": trigger_type, "config_entry_id": integration.entry_id, "event_source": "driver", "event": "logging", }, "action": { "event": "driver_no_event_data_filter", }, }, # driver filter: event data { "trigger": { "platform": trigger_type, "config_entry_id": integration.entry_id, "event_source": "driver", "event": "logging", "event_data": {"message": "test"}, }, "action": { "event": "driver_event_data_filter", }, }, # node filter: event data, no partial dict match { "trigger": { "platform": trigger_type, "entity_id": SCHLAGE_BE469_LOCK_ENTITY, "event_source": "node", "event": "value updated", "event_data": {"args": {"commandClassName": "Door Lock"}}, }, "action": { "event": "node_event_data_no_partial_dict_match_filter", }, }, # node filter: event data, partial dict match { "trigger": { "platform": trigger_type, "entity_id": SCHLAGE_BE469_LOCK_ENTITY, "event_source": "node", "event": "value updated", "event_data": {"args": {"commandClassName": "Door Lock"}}, "partial_dict_match": True, }, "action": { "event": "node_event_data_partial_dict_match_filter", }, }, ] }, ) # Test that `node no event data filter` is triggered and `node event data filter` is not event = Event( type="interview stage completed", data={ "source": "node", "event": "interview stage completed", "stageName": "NodeInfo", "nodeId": node.node_id, }, ) node.receive_event(event) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(node_no_event_data_filter) == 1 assert len(node_event_data_filter) == 0 assert len(controller_no_event_data_filter) == 0 assert len(controller_event_data_filter) == 0 assert len(driver_no_event_data_filter) == 0 assert len(driver_event_data_filter) == 0 assert len(node_event_data_no_partial_dict_match_filter) == 0 assert len(node_event_data_partial_dict_match_filter) == 0 clear_events() # Test that `node no event data filter` and `node event data filter` are triggered event = Event( type="interview stage completed", data={ "source": "node", "event": "interview stage completed", "stageName": "ProtocolInfo", "nodeId": node.node_id, }, ) node.receive_event(event) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(node_no_event_data_filter) == 1 assert len(node_event_data_filter) == 1 assert len(controller_no_event_data_filter) == 0 assert len(controller_event_data_filter) == 0 assert len(driver_no_event_data_filter) == 0 assert len(driver_event_data_filter) == 0 assert len(node_event_data_no_partial_dict_match_filter) == 0 assert len(node_event_data_partial_dict_match_filter) == 0 clear_events() # Test that `controller no event data filter` is triggered and `controller event data filter` is not event = Event( type="inclusion started", data={ "source": "controller", "event": "inclusion started", "secure": False, }, ) client.driver.controller.receive_event(event) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(node_no_event_data_filter) == 0 assert len(node_event_data_filter) == 0 assert len(controller_no_event_data_filter) == 1 assert len(controller_event_data_filter) == 0 assert len(driver_no_event_data_filter) == 0 assert len(driver_event_data_filter) == 0 assert len(node_event_data_no_partial_dict_match_filter) == 0 assert len(node_event_data_partial_dict_match_filter) == 0 clear_events() # Test that both `controller no event data filter` and `controller event data filter` are triggered event = Event( type="inclusion started", data={ "source": "controller", "event": "inclusion started", "secure": True, }, ) client.driver.controller.receive_event(event) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(node_no_event_data_filter) == 0 assert len(node_event_data_filter) == 0 assert len(controller_no_event_data_filter) == 1 assert len(controller_event_data_filter) == 1 assert len(driver_no_event_data_filter) == 0 assert len(driver_event_data_filter) == 0 assert len(node_event_data_no_partial_dict_match_filter) == 0 assert len(node_event_data_partial_dict_match_filter) == 0 clear_events() # Test that `driver no event data filter` is triggered and `driver event data filter` is not event = Event( type="logging", data={ "source": "driver", "event": "logging", "message": "no test", "formattedMessage": "test", "direction": ">", "level": "debug", "primaryTags": "tag", "secondaryTags": "tag2", "secondaryTagPadding": 0, "multiline": False, "timestamp": "time", "label": "label", }, ) client.driver.receive_event(event) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(node_no_event_data_filter) == 0 assert len(node_event_data_filter) == 0 assert len(controller_no_event_data_filter) == 0 assert len(controller_event_data_filter) == 0 assert len(driver_no_event_data_filter) == 1 assert len(driver_event_data_filter) == 0 assert len(node_event_data_no_partial_dict_match_filter) == 0 assert len(node_event_data_partial_dict_match_filter) == 0 clear_events() # Test that both `driver no event data filter` and `driver event data filter` are triggered event = Event( type="logging", data={ "source": "driver", "event": "logging", "message": "test", "formattedMessage": "test", "direction": ">", "level": "debug", "primaryTags": "tag", "secondaryTags": "tag2", "secondaryTagPadding": 0, "multiline": False, "timestamp": "time", "label": "label", }, ) client.driver.receive_event(event) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(node_no_event_data_filter) == 0 assert len(node_event_data_filter) == 0 assert len(controller_no_event_data_filter) == 0 assert len(controller_event_data_filter) == 0 assert len(driver_no_event_data_filter) == 1 assert len(driver_event_data_filter) == 1 assert len(node_event_data_no_partial_dict_match_filter) == 0 assert len(node_event_data_partial_dict_match_filter) == 0 clear_events() # Test that only `node with event data and partial match dict filter` is triggered event = Event( type="value updated", data={ "source": "node", "event": "value updated", "nodeId": node.node_id, "args": { "commandClassName": "Door Lock", "commandClass": 49, "endpoint": 0, "property": "latchStatus", "newValue": "closed", "prevValue": "open", "propertyName": "latchStatus", }, }, ) node.receive_event(event) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(node_no_event_data_filter) == 0 assert len(node_event_data_filter) == 0 assert len(controller_no_event_data_filter) == 0 assert len(controller_event_data_filter) == 0 assert len(driver_no_event_data_filter) == 0 assert len(driver_event_data_filter) == 0 assert len(node_event_data_no_partial_dict_match_filter) == 0 assert len(node_event_data_partial_dict_match_filter) == 1 clear_events() # Test that `node with event data and partial match dict filter` is not triggered # when partial dict doesn't match event = Event( type="value updated", data={ "source": "node", "event": "value updated", "nodeId": node.node_id, "args": { "commandClassName": "fake command class name", "commandClass": 49, "endpoint": 0, "property": "latchStatus", "newValue": "closed", "prevValue": "open", "propertyName": "latchStatus", }, }, ) node.receive_event(event) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(node_no_event_data_filter) == 0 assert len(node_event_data_filter) == 0 assert len(controller_no_event_data_filter) == 0 assert len(controller_event_data_filter) == 0 assert len(driver_no_event_data_filter) == 0 assert len(driver_event_data_filter) == 0 assert len(node_event_data_no_partial_dict_match_filter) == 0 assert len(node_event_data_partial_dict_match_filter) == 0 clear_events() with patch("homeassistant.config.load_yaml", return_value={}): await hass.services.async_call(automation.DOMAIN, SERVICE_RELOAD, blocking=True) async def test_zwave_js_event_bypass_dynamic_validation( hass, client, lock_schlage_be469, integration ): """Test zwave_js.event trigger when bypassing dynamic config validation.""" trigger_type = f"{DOMAIN}.event" node: Node = lock_schlage_be469 node_no_event_data_filter = async_capture_events(hass, "node_no_event_data_filter") with patch( "homeassistant.components.zwave_js.triggers.event.async_bypass_dynamic_config_validation", return_value=True, ): assert await async_setup_component( hass, automation.DOMAIN, { automation.DOMAIN: [ # node filter: no event data { "trigger": { "platform": trigger_type, "entity_id": SCHLAGE_BE469_LOCK_ENTITY, "event_source": "node", "event": "interview stage completed", }, "action": { "event": "node_no_event_data_filter", }, }, ] }, ) # Test that `node no event data filter` is triggered and `node event data filter` is not event = Event( type="interview stage completed", data={ "source": "node", "event": "interview stage completed", "stageName": "NodeInfo", "nodeId": node.node_id, }, ) node.receive_event(event) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(node_no_event_data_filter) == 1 async def test_zwave_js_event_bypass_dynamic_validation_no_nodes( hass, client, lock_schlage_be469, integration ): """Test event trigger when bypassing dynamic validation with no nodes.""" trigger_type = f"{DOMAIN}.event" node: Node = lock_schlage_be469 node_no_event_data_filter = async_capture_events(hass, "node_no_event_data_filter") with patch( "homeassistant.components.zwave_js.triggers.event.async_bypass_dynamic_config_validation", return_value=True, ): assert await async_setup_component( hass, automation.DOMAIN, { automation.DOMAIN: [ # node filter: no event data { "trigger": { "platform": trigger_type, "entity_id": "sensor.fake", "event_source": "node", "event": "interview stage completed", }, "action": { "event": "node_no_event_data_filter", }, }, ] }, ) # Test that `node no event data filter` is NOT triggered because automation failed # setup event = Event( type="interview stage completed", data={ "source": "node", "event": "interview stage completed", "stageName": "NodeInfo", "nodeId": node.node_id, }, ) node.receive_event(event) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(node_no_event_data_filter) == 0 async def test_zwave_js_event_invalid_config_entry_id( hass, client, integration, caplog ): """Test zwave_js.event automation trigger fails when config entry ID is invalid.""" trigger_type = f"{DOMAIN}.event" assert await async_setup_component( hass, automation.DOMAIN, { automation.DOMAIN: [ { "trigger": { "platform": trigger_type, "config_entry_id": "not_real_entry_id", "event_source": "controller", "event": "inclusion started", }, "action": { "event": "node_no_event_data_filter", }, } ] }, ) assert "Config entry 'not_real_entry_id' not found" in caplog.text caplog.clear() async def test_async_validate_trigger_config(hass): """Test async_validate_trigger_config.""" mock_platform = AsyncMock() with patch( "homeassistant.components.zwave_js.trigger._get_trigger_platform", return_value=mock_platform, ): mock_platform.async_validate_trigger_config.return_value = {} await async_validate_trigger_config(hass, {}) mock_platform.async_validate_trigger_config.assert_awaited() async def test_invalid_trigger_configs(hass): """Test invalid trigger configs.""" with pytest.raises(vol.Invalid): await async_validate_trigger_config( hass, { "platform": f"{DOMAIN}.event", "entity_id": "fake.entity", "event_source": "node", "event": "value updated", }, ) with pytest.raises(vol.Invalid): await async_validate_trigger_config( hass, { "platform": f"{DOMAIN}.value_updated", "entity_id": "fake.entity", "command_class": CommandClass.DOOR_LOCK.value, "property": "latchStatus", }, ) async def test_zwave_js_trigger_config_entry_unloaded( hass, client, lock_schlage_be469, integration ): """Test zwave_js triggers bypass dynamic validation when needed.""" dev_reg = async_get_dev_reg(hass) device = dev_reg.async_get_device( {get_device_id(client.driver, lock_schlage_be469)} ) assert device # Test bypass check is False assert not async_bypass_dynamic_config_validation( hass, { "platform": f"{DOMAIN}.value_updated", "entity_id": SCHLAGE_BE469_LOCK_ENTITY, "command_class": CommandClass.DOOR_LOCK.value, "property": "latchStatus", }, ) await hass.config_entries.async_unload(integration.entry_id) # Test full validation for both events assert await async_validate_trigger_config( hass, { "platform": f"{DOMAIN}.value_updated", "entity_id": SCHLAGE_BE469_LOCK_ENTITY, "command_class": CommandClass.DOOR_LOCK.value, "property": "latchStatus", }, ) assert await async_validate_trigger_config( hass, { "platform": f"{DOMAIN}.event", "entity_id": SCHLAGE_BE469_LOCK_ENTITY, "event_source": "node", "event": "interview stage completed", }, ) # Test bypass check assert async_bypass_dynamic_config_validation( hass, { "platform": f"{DOMAIN}.value_updated", "entity_id": SCHLAGE_BE469_LOCK_ENTITY, "command_class": CommandClass.DOOR_LOCK.value, "property": "latchStatus", }, ) assert async_bypass_dynamic_config_validation( hass, { "platform": f"{DOMAIN}.value_updated", "device_id": device.id, "command_class": CommandClass.DOOR_LOCK.value, "property": "latchStatus", "from": "ajar", }, ) assert async_bypass_dynamic_config_validation( hass, { "platform": f"{DOMAIN}.event", "entity_id": SCHLAGE_BE469_LOCK_ENTITY, "event_source": "node", "event": "interview stage completed", }, ) assert async_bypass_dynamic_config_validation( hass, { "platform": f"{DOMAIN}.event", "device_id": device.id, "event_source": "node", "event": "interview stage completed", "event_data": {"stageName": "ProtocolInfo"}, }, ) assert async_bypass_dynamic_config_validation( hass, { "platform": f"{DOMAIN}.event", "config_entry_id": integration.entry_id, "event_source": "controller", "event": "nvm convert progress", }, )