"""Provide functionality for TTS.""" from __future__ import annotations from abc import abstractmethod import asyncio from collections.abc import Mapping from datetime import datetime from functools import partial import hashlib from http import HTTPStatus import io import logging import mimetypes import os import re import subprocess import tempfile from typing import Any, Final, TypedDict, final from aiohttp import web import mutagen from mutagen.id3 import ID3, TextFrame as ID3Text import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components import ffmpeg, websocket_api from homeassistant.components.http import HomeAssistantView from homeassistant.components.media_player import ( ATTR_MEDIA_ANNOUNCE, ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_ID, ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_TYPE, DOMAIN as DOMAIN_MP, SERVICE_PLAY_MEDIA, MediaType, ) from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_ENTITY_ID, PLATFORM_FORMAT, STATE_UNAVAILABLE, STATE_UNKNOWN, ) from homeassistant.core import HassJob, HomeAssistant, ServiceCall, callback from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.entity_component import EntityComponent from homeassistant.helpers.event import async_call_later from homeassistant.helpers.network import get_url from homeassistant.helpers.restore_state import RestoreEntity from homeassistant.helpers.typing import UNDEFINED, ConfigType from homeassistant.util import dt as dt_util, language as language_util from .const import ( ATTR_CACHE, ATTR_LANGUAGE, ATTR_MESSAGE, ATTR_OPTIONS, CONF_CACHE, CONF_CACHE_DIR, CONF_TIME_MEMORY, DATA_TTS_MANAGER, DEFAULT_CACHE, DEFAULT_CACHE_DIR, DEFAULT_TIME_MEMORY, DOMAIN, TtsAudioType, ) from .helper import get_engine_instance from .legacy import PLATFORM_SCHEMA, PLATFORM_SCHEMA_BASE, Provider, async_setup_legacy from .media_source import generate_media_source_id, media_source_id_to_kwargs from .models import Voice __all__ = [ "async_default_engine", "async_get_media_source_audio", "async_support_options", "ATTR_AUDIO_OUTPUT", "ATTR_PREFERRED_FORMAT", "ATTR_PREFERRED_SAMPLE_RATE", "ATTR_PREFERRED_SAMPLE_CHANNELS", "CONF_LANG", "DEFAULT_CACHE_DIR", "generate_media_source_id", "PLATFORM_SCHEMA_BASE", "PLATFORM_SCHEMA", "SampleFormat", "Provider", "TtsAudioType", "Voice", ] _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) ATTR_PLATFORM = "platform" ATTR_AUDIO_OUTPUT = "audio_output" ATTR_PREFERRED_FORMAT = "preferred_format" ATTR_PREFERRED_SAMPLE_RATE = "preferred_sample_rate" ATTR_PREFERRED_SAMPLE_CHANNELS = "preferred_sample_channels" ATTR_MEDIA_PLAYER_ENTITY_ID = "media_player_entity_id" ATTR_VOICE = "voice" _DEFAULT_FORMAT = "mp3" _PREFFERED_FORMAT_OPTIONS: Final[set[str]] = { ATTR_PREFERRED_FORMAT, ATTR_PREFERRED_SAMPLE_RATE, ATTR_PREFERRED_SAMPLE_CHANNELS, } CONF_LANG = "language" SERVICE_CLEAR_CACHE = "clear_cache" _RE_LEGACY_VOICE_FILE = re.compile( r"([a-f0-9]{40})_([^_]+)_([^_]+)_([a-z_]+)\.[a-z0-9]{3,4}" ) _RE_VOICE_FILE = re.compile( r"([a-f0-9]{40})_([^_]+)_([^_]+)_(tts\.[a-z0-9_]+)\.[a-z0-9]{3,4}" ) KEY_PATTERN = "{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}" SCHEMA_SERVICE_CLEAR_CACHE = vol.Schema({}) class TTSCache(TypedDict): """Cached TTS file.""" filename: str voice: bytes pending: asyncio.Task | None @callback def async_default_engine(hass: HomeAssistant) -> str | None: """Return the domain or entity id of the default engine. Returns None if no engines found. """ component: EntityComponent[TextToSpeechEntity] = hass.data[DOMAIN] manager: SpeechManager = hass.data[DATA_TTS_MANAGER] if "cloud" in manager.providers: return "cloud" entity = next(iter(component.entities), None) if entity is not None: return entity.entity_id return next(iter(manager.providers), None) @callback def async_resolve_engine(hass: HomeAssistant, engine: str | None) -> str | None: """Resolve engine. Returns None if no engines found or invalid engine passed in. """ component: EntityComponent[TextToSpeechEntity] = hass.data[DOMAIN] manager: SpeechManager = hass.data[DATA_TTS_MANAGER] if engine is not None: if not component.get_entity(engine) and engine not in manager.providers: return None return engine return async_default_engine(hass) async def async_support_options( hass: HomeAssistant, engine: str, language: str | None = None, options: dict | None = None, ) -> bool: """Return if an engine supports options.""" if (engine_instance := get_engine_instance(hass, engine)) is None: raise HomeAssistantError(f"Provider {engine} not found") manager: SpeechManager = hass.data[DATA_TTS_MANAGER] try: manager.process_options(engine_instance, language, options) except HomeAssistantError: return False return True async def async_get_media_source_audio( hass: HomeAssistant, media_source_id: str, ) -> tuple[str, bytes]: """Get TTS audio as extension, data.""" manager: SpeechManager = hass.data[DATA_TTS_MANAGER] return await manager.async_get_tts_audio( **media_source_id_to_kwargs(media_source_id), ) @callback def async_get_text_to_speech_languages(hass: HomeAssistant) -> set[str]: """Return a set with the union of languages supported by tts engines.""" languages = set() component: EntityComponent[TextToSpeechEntity] = hass.data[DOMAIN] manager: SpeechManager = hass.data[DATA_TTS_MANAGER] for entity in component.entities: for language_tag in entity.supported_languages: languages.add(language_tag) for tts_engine in manager.providers.values(): for language_tag in tts_engine.supported_languages: languages.add(language_tag) return languages async def async_convert_audio( hass: HomeAssistant, from_extension: str, audio_bytes: bytes, to_extension: str, to_sample_rate: int | None = None, to_sample_channels: int | None = None, ) -> bytes: """Convert audio to a preferred format using ffmpeg.""" ffmpeg_manager = ffmpeg.get_ffmpeg_manager(hass) return await hass.async_add_executor_job( lambda: _convert_audio( ffmpeg_manager.binary, from_extension, audio_bytes, to_extension, to_sample_rate=to_sample_rate, to_sample_channels=to_sample_channels, ) ) def _convert_audio( ffmpeg_binary: str, from_extension: str, audio_bytes: bytes, to_extension: str, to_sample_rate: int | None = None, to_sample_channels: int | None = None, ) -> bytes: """Convert audio to a preferred format using ffmpeg.""" # We have to use a temporary file here because some formats like WAV store # the length of the file in the header, and therefore cannot be written in a # streaming fashion. with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( mode="wb+", suffix=f".{to_extension}" ) as output_file: # input command = [ ffmpeg_binary, "-y", # overwrite temp file "-f", from_extension, "-i", "pipe:", # input from stdin ] # output command.extend(["-f", to_extension]) if to_sample_rate is not None: command.extend(["-ar", str(to_sample_rate)]) if to_sample_channels is not None: command.extend(["-ac", str(to_sample_channels)]) if to_extension == "mp3": # Max quality for MP3 command.extend(["-q:a", "0"]) command.append(output_file.name) with subprocess.Popen( command, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) as proc: _stdout, stderr = proc.communicate(input=audio_bytes) if proc.returncode != 0: _LOGGER.error(stderr.decode()) raise RuntimeError( f"Unexpected error while running ffmpeg with arguments: {command}." "See log for details." ) output_file.seek(0) return output_file.read() async def async_setup(hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType) -> bool: """Set up TTS.""" websocket_api.async_register_command(hass, websocket_list_engines) websocket_api.async_register_command(hass, websocket_get_engine) websocket_api.async_register_command(hass, websocket_list_engine_voices) # Legacy config options conf = config[DOMAIN][0] if config.get(DOMAIN) else {} use_cache: bool = conf.get(CONF_CACHE, DEFAULT_CACHE) cache_dir: str = conf.get(CONF_CACHE_DIR, DEFAULT_CACHE_DIR) time_memory: int = conf.get(CONF_TIME_MEMORY, DEFAULT_TIME_MEMORY) tts = SpeechManager(hass, use_cache, cache_dir, time_memory) try: await tts.async_init_cache() except (HomeAssistantError, KeyError): _LOGGER.exception("Error on cache init") return False hass.data[DATA_TTS_MANAGER] = tts component = hass.data[DOMAIN] = EntityComponent[TextToSpeechEntity]( _LOGGER, DOMAIN, hass ) component.register_shutdown() hass.http.register_view(TextToSpeechView(tts)) hass.http.register_view(TextToSpeechUrlView(tts)) platform_setups = await async_setup_legacy(hass, config) component.async_register_entity_service( "speak", { vol.Required(ATTR_MEDIA_PLAYER_ENTITY_ID): cv.comp_entity_ids, vol.Required(ATTR_MESSAGE): cv.string, vol.Optional(ATTR_CACHE, default=DEFAULT_CACHE): cv.boolean, vol.Optional(ATTR_LANGUAGE): cv.string, vol.Optional(ATTR_OPTIONS): dict, }, "async_speak", ) async def async_clear_cache_handle(service: ServiceCall) -> None: """Handle clear cache service call.""" await tts.async_clear_cache() hass.services.async_register( DOMAIN, SERVICE_CLEAR_CACHE, async_clear_cache_handle, schema=SCHEMA_SERVICE_CLEAR_CACHE, ) for setup in platform_setups: # Tasks are created as tracked tasks to ensure startup # waits for them to finish, but we explicitly do not # want to wait for them to finish here because we want # any config entries that use tts as a base platform # to be able to start with out having to wait for the # legacy platforms to finish setting up. hass.async_create_task(setup, eager_start=True) return True async def async_setup_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry) -> bool: """Set up a config entry.""" component: EntityComponent[TextToSpeechEntity] = hass.data[DOMAIN] return await component.async_setup_entry(entry) async def async_unload_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry) -> bool: """Unload a config entry.""" component: EntityComponent[TextToSpeechEntity] = hass.data[DOMAIN] return await component.async_unload_entry(entry) class TextToSpeechEntity(RestoreEntity): """Represent a single TTS engine.""" _attr_should_poll = False __last_tts_loaded: str | None = None @property @final def state(self) -> str | None: """Return the state of the entity.""" if self.__last_tts_loaded is None: return None return self.__last_tts_loaded @property @abstractmethod def supported_languages(self) -> list[str]: """Return a list of supported languages.""" @property @abstractmethod def default_language(self) -> str: """Return the default language.""" @property def supported_options(self) -> list[str] | None: """Return a list of supported options like voice, emotions.""" return None @property def default_options(self) -> Mapping[str, Any] | None: """Return a mapping with the default options.""" return None @callback def async_get_supported_voices(self, language: str) -> list[Voice] | None: """Return a list of supported voices for a language.""" return None async def async_internal_added_to_hass(self) -> None: """Call when the entity is added to hass.""" await super().async_internal_added_to_hass() state = await self.async_get_last_state() if ( state is not None and state.state is not None and state.state not in (STATE_UNAVAILABLE, STATE_UNKNOWN) ): self.__last_tts_loaded = state.state async def async_speak( self, media_player_entity_id: list[str], message: str, cache: bool, language: str | None = None, options: dict | None = None, ) -> None: """Speak via a Media Player.""" await self.hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN_MP, SERVICE_PLAY_MEDIA, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: media_player_entity_id, ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_ID: generate_media_source_id( self.hass, message=message, engine=self.entity_id, language=language, options=options, cache=cache, ), ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_TYPE: MediaType.MUSIC, ATTR_MEDIA_ANNOUNCE: True, }, blocking=True, context=self._context, ) @final async def internal_async_get_tts_audio( self, message: str, language: str, options: dict[str, Any] ) -> TtsAudioType: """Process an audio stream to TTS service. Only streaming content is allowed! """ self.__last_tts_loaded = dt_util.utcnow().isoformat() self.async_write_ha_state() return await self.async_get_tts_audio( message=message, language=language, options=options ) def get_tts_audio( self, message: str, language: str, options: dict[str, Any] ) -> TtsAudioType: """Load tts audio file from the engine.""" raise NotImplementedError async def async_get_tts_audio( self, message: str, language: str, options: dict[str, Any] ) -> TtsAudioType: """Load tts audio file from the engine. Return a tuple of file extension and data as bytes. """ return await self.hass.async_add_executor_job( partial(self.get_tts_audio, message, language, options=options) ) def _hash_options(options: dict) -> str: """Hashes an options dictionary.""" opts_hash = hashlib.blake2s(digest_size=5) for key, value in sorted(options.items()): opts_hash.update(str(key).encode()) opts_hash.update(str(value).encode()) return opts_hash.hexdigest() class SpeechManager: """Representation of a speech store.""" def __init__( self, hass: HomeAssistant, use_cache: bool, cache_dir: str, time_memory: int, ) -> None: """Initialize a speech store.""" self.hass = hass self.providers: dict[str, Provider] = {} self.use_cache = use_cache self.cache_dir = cache_dir self.time_memory = time_memory self.file_cache: dict[str, str] = {} self.mem_cache: dict[str, TTSCache] = {} def _init_cache(self) -> dict[str, str]: """Init cache folder and fetch files.""" try: self.cache_dir = _init_tts_cache_dir(self.hass, self.cache_dir) except OSError as err: raise HomeAssistantError(f"Can't init cache dir {err}") from err try: return _get_cache_files(self.cache_dir) except OSError as err: raise HomeAssistantError(f"Can't read cache dir {err}") from err async def async_init_cache(self) -> None: """Init config folder and load file cache.""" self.file_cache.update(await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(self._init_cache)) async def async_clear_cache(self) -> None: """Read file cache and delete files.""" self.mem_cache = {} def remove_files() -> None: """Remove files from filesystem.""" for filename in self.file_cache.values(): try: os.remove(os.path.join(self.cache_dir, filename)) except OSError as err: _LOGGER.warning("Can't remove cache file '%s': %s", filename, err) await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(remove_files) self.file_cache = {} @callback def async_register_legacy_engine( self, engine: str, provider: Provider, config: ConfigType ) -> None: """Register a legacy TTS engine.""" provider.hass = self.hass if provider.name is None: provider.name = engine self.providers[engine] = provider self.hass.config.components.add( PLATFORM_FORMAT.format(domain=DOMAIN, platform=engine) ) @callback def process_options( self, engine_instance: TextToSpeechEntity | Provider, language: str | None, options: dict | None, ) -> tuple[str, dict[str, Any]]: """Validate and process options.""" # Languages language = language or engine_instance.default_language if ( language is None or engine_instance.supported_languages is None or language not in engine_instance.supported_languages ): raise HomeAssistantError(f"Language '{language}' not supported") options = options or {} supported_options = engine_instance.supported_options or [] # Update default options with provided options invalid_opts: list[str] = [] merged_options = dict(engine_instance.default_options or {}) for option_name, option_value in options.items(): # Only count an option as invalid if it's not a "preferred format" # option. These are used as hints to the TTS system if supported, # and otherwise as parameters to ffmpeg conversion. if (option_name in supported_options) or ( option_name in _PREFFERED_FORMAT_OPTIONS ): merged_options[option_name] = option_value else: invalid_opts.append(option_name) if invalid_opts: raise HomeAssistantError(f"Invalid options found: {invalid_opts}") return language, merged_options async def async_get_url_path( self, engine: str, message: str, cache: bool | None = None, language: str | None = None, options: dict | None = None, ) -> str: """Get URL for play message. This method is a coroutine. """ if (engine_instance := get_engine_instance(self.hass, engine)) is None: raise HomeAssistantError(f"Provider {engine} not found") language, options = self.process_options(engine_instance, language, options) cache_key = self._generate_cache_key(message, language, options, engine) use_cache = cache if cache is not None else self.use_cache # Is speech already in memory if cache_key in self.mem_cache: filename = self.mem_cache[cache_key]["filename"] # Is file store in file cache elif use_cache and cache_key in self.file_cache: filename = self.file_cache[cache_key] self.hass.async_create_task(self._async_file_to_mem(cache_key)) # Load speech from engine into memory else: filename = await self._async_get_tts_audio( engine_instance, cache_key, message, use_cache, language, options ) return f"/api/tts_proxy/{filename}" async def async_get_tts_audio( self, engine: str, message: str, cache: bool | None = None, language: str | None = None, options: dict | None = None, ) -> tuple[str, bytes]: """Fetch TTS audio.""" if (engine_instance := get_engine_instance(self.hass, engine)) is None: raise HomeAssistantError(f"Provider {engine} not found") language, options = self.process_options(engine_instance, language, options) cache_key = self._generate_cache_key(message, language, options, engine) use_cache = cache if cache is not None else self.use_cache # If we have the file, load it into memory if necessary if cache_key not in self.mem_cache: if use_cache and cache_key in self.file_cache: await self._async_file_to_mem(cache_key) else: await self._async_get_tts_audio( engine_instance, cache_key, message, use_cache, language, options ) extension = os.path.splitext(self.mem_cache[cache_key]["filename"])[1][1:] cached = self.mem_cache[cache_key] if pending := cached.get("pending"): await pending cached = self.mem_cache[cache_key] return extension, cached["voice"] @callback def _generate_cache_key( self, message: str, language: str, options: dict | None, engine: str, ) -> str: """Generate a cache key for a message.""" options_key = _hash_options(options) if options else "-" msg_hash = hashlib.sha1(bytes(message, "utf-8")).hexdigest() return KEY_PATTERN.format( msg_hash, language.replace("_", "-"), options_key, engine ).lower() async def _async_get_tts_audio( self, engine_instance: TextToSpeechEntity | Provider, cache_key: str, message: str, cache: bool, language: str, options: dict[str, Any], ) -> str: """Receive TTS, store for view in cache and return filename. This method is a coroutine. """ options = dict(options or {}) supported_options = engine_instance.supported_options or [] # Extract preferred format options. # # These options are used by Assist pipelines, etc. to get a format that # the voice satellite will support. # # The TTS system ideally supports options directly so we won't have # to convert with ffmpeg later. If not, we pop the options here and # perform the conversation after receiving the audio. if ATTR_PREFERRED_FORMAT in supported_options: final_extension = options.get(ATTR_PREFERRED_FORMAT, _DEFAULT_FORMAT) else: final_extension = options.pop(ATTR_PREFERRED_FORMAT, _DEFAULT_FORMAT) if ATTR_PREFERRED_SAMPLE_RATE in supported_options: sample_rate = options.get(ATTR_PREFERRED_SAMPLE_RATE) else: sample_rate = options.pop(ATTR_PREFERRED_SAMPLE_RATE, None) if ATTR_PREFERRED_SAMPLE_CHANNELS in supported_options: sample_channels = options.get(ATTR_PREFERRED_SAMPLE_CHANNELS) else: sample_channels = options.pop(ATTR_PREFERRED_SAMPLE_CHANNELS, None) async def get_tts_data() -> str: """Handle data available.""" if engine_instance.name is None or engine_instance.name is UNDEFINED: raise HomeAssistantError("TTS engine name is not set.") if isinstance(engine_instance, Provider): extension, data = await engine_instance.async_get_tts_audio( message, language, options ) else: extension, data = await engine_instance.internal_async_get_tts_audio( message, language, options ) if data is None or extension is None: raise HomeAssistantError( f"No TTS from {engine_instance.name} for '{message}'" ) # Only convert if we have a preferred format different than the # expected format from the TTS system, or if a specific sample # rate/format/channel count is requested. needs_conversion = ( (final_extension != extension) or (sample_rate is not None) or (sample_channels is not None) ) if needs_conversion: data = await async_convert_audio( self.hass, extension, data, to_extension=final_extension, to_sample_rate=sample_rate, to_sample_channels=sample_channels, ) # Create file infos filename = f"{cache_key}.{final_extension}".lower() # Validate filename if not _RE_VOICE_FILE.match(filename) and not _RE_LEGACY_VOICE_FILE.match( filename ): raise HomeAssistantError( f"TTS filename '{filename}' from {engine_instance.name} is invalid!" ) # Save to memory if final_extension == "mp3": data = self.write_tags( filename, data, engine_instance.name, message, language, options ) self._async_store_to_memcache(cache_key, filename, data) if cache: self.hass.async_create_task( self._async_save_tts_audio(cache_key, filename, data) ) return filename audio_task = self.hass.async_create_task(get_tts_data(), eager_start=False) def handle_error(_future: asyncio.Future) -> None: """Handle error.""" if audio_task.exception(): self.mem_cache.pop(cache_key, None) audio_task.add_done_callback(handle_error) filename = f"{cache_key}.{final_extension}".lower() self.mem_cache[cache_key] = { "filename": filename, "voice": b"", "pending": audio_task, } return filename async def _async_save_tts_audio( self, cache_key: str, filename: str, data: bytes ) -> None: """Store voice data to file and file_cache. This method is a coroutine. """ voice_file = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, filename) def save_speech() -> None: """Store speech to filesystem.""" with open(voice_file, "wb") as speech: speech.write(data) try: await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(save_speech) self.file_cache[cache_key] = filename except OSError as err: _LOGGER.error("Can't write %s: %s", filename, err) async def _async_file_to_mem(self, cache_key: str) -> None: """Load voice from file cache into memory. This method is a coroutine. """ if not (filename := self.file_cache.get(cache_key)): raise HomeAssistantError(f"Key {cache_key} not in file cache!") voice_file = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, filename) def load_speech() -> bytes: """Load a speech from filesystem.""" with open(voice_file, "rb") as speech: return speech.read() try: data = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(load_speech) except OSError as err: del self.file_cache[cache_key] raise HomeAssistantError(f"Can't read {voice_file}") from err self._async_store_to_memcache(cache_key, filename, data) @callback def _async_store_to_memcache( self, cache_key: str, filename: str, data: bytes ) -> None: """Store data to memcache and set timer to remove it.""" self.mem_cache[cache_key] = { "filename": filename, "voice": data, "pending": None, } @callback def async_remove_from_mem(_: datetime) -> None: """Cleanup memcache.""" self.mem_cache.pop(cache_key, None) async_call_later( self.hass, self.time_memory, HassJob( async_remove_from_mem, name="tts remove_from_mem", cancel_on_shutdown=True, ), ) async def async_read_tts(self, filename: str) -> tuple[str | None, bytes]: """Read a voice file and return binary. This method is a coroutine. """ if not (record := _RE_VOICE_FILE.match(filename.lower())) and not ( record := _RE_LEGACY_VOICE_FILE.match(filename.lower()) ): raise HomeAssistantError("Wrong tts file format!") cache_key = KEY_PATTERN.format( record.group(1), record.group(2), record.group(3), record.group(4) ) if cache_key not in self.mem_cache: if cache_key not in self.file_cache: raise HomeAssistantError(f"{cache_key} not in cache!") await self._async_file_to_mem(cache_key) cached = self.mem_cache[cache_key] if pending := cached.get("pending"): await pending cached = self.mem_cache[cache_key] content, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(filename) return content, cached["voice"] @staticmethod def write_tags( filename: str, data: bytes, engine_name: str, message: str, language: str, options: dict | None, ) -> bytes: """Write ID3 tags to file. Async friendly. """ data_bytes = io.BytesIO(data) data_bytes.name = filename data_bytes.seek(0) album = engine_name artist = language if options is not None and (voice := options.get("voice")) is not None: artist = voice try: tts_file = mutagen.File(data_bytes) if tts_file is not None: if not tts_file.tags: tts_file.add_tags() if isinstance(tts_file.tags, ID3): tts_file["artist"] = ID3Text( encoding=3, text=artist, # type: ignore[no-untyped-call] ) tts_file["album"] = ID3Text( encoding=3, text=album, # type: ignore[no-untyped-call] ) tts_file["title"] = ID3Text( encoding=3, text=message, # type: ignore[no-untyped-call] ) else: tts_file["artist"] = artist tts_file["album"] = album tts_file["title"] = message tts_file.save(data_bytes) except mutagen.MutagenError as err: _LOGGER.error("ID3 tag error: %s", err) return data_bytes.getvalue() def _init_tts_cache_dir(hass: HomeAssistant, cache_dir: str) -> str: """Init cache folder.""" if not os.path.isabs(cache_dir): cache_dir = hass.config.path(cache_dir) if not os.path.isdir(cache_dir): _LOGGER.info("Create cache dir %s", cache_dir) os.mkdir(cache_dir) return cache_dir def _get_cache_files(cache_dir: str) -> dict[str, str]: """Return a dict of given engine files.""" cache = {} folder_data = os.listdir(cache_dir) for file_data in folder_data: if (record := _RE_VOICE_FILE.match(file_data)) or ( record := _RE_LEGACY_VOICE_FILE.match(file_data) ): key = KEY_PATTERN.format( record.group(1), record.group(2), record.group(3), record.group(4) ) cache[key.lower()] = file_data.lower() return cache class TextToSpeechUrlView(HomeAssistantView): """TTS view to get a url to a generated speech file.""" requires_auth = True url = "/api/tts_get_url" name = "api:tts:geturl" def __init__(self, tts: SpeechManager) -> None: """Initialize a tts view.""" self.tts = tts async def post(self, request: web.Request) -> web.Response: """Generate speech and provide url.""" try: data = await request.json() except ValueError: return self.json_message("Invalid JSON specified", HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST) if ( not data.get("engine_id") and not data.get(ATTR_PLATFORM) or not data.get(ATTR_MESSAGE) ): return self.json_message( "Must specify platform and message", HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST ) engine = data.get("engine_id") or data[ATTR_PLATFORM] message = data[ATTR_MESSAGE] cache = data.get(ATTR_CACHE) language = data.get(ATTR_LANGUAGE) options = data.get(ATTR_OPTIONS) try: path = await self.tts.async_get_url_path( engine, message, cache=cache, language=language, options=options ) except HomeAssistantError as err: _LOGGER.error("Error on init tts: %s", err) return self.json({"error": err}, HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST) base = get_url(self.tts.hass) url = base + path return self.json({"url": url, "path": path}) class TextToSpeechView(HomeAssistantView): """TTS view to serve a speech audio.""" requires_auth = False url = "/api/tts_proxy/{filename}" name = "api:tts_speech" def __init__(self, tts: SpeechManager) -> None: """Initialize a tts view.""" self.tts = tts async def get(self, request: web.Request, filename: str) -> web.Response: """Start a get request.""" try: content, data = await self.tts.async_read_tts(filename) except HomeAssistantError as err: _LOGGER.error("Error on load tts: %s", err) return web.Response(status=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND) return web.Response(body=data, content_type=content) @websocket_api.websocket_command( { "type": "tts/engine/list", vol.Optional("country"): str, vol.Optional("language"): str, } ) @callback def websocket_list_engines( hass: HomeAssistant, connection: websocket_api.ActiveConnection, msg: dict ) -> None: """List text to speech engines and, optionally, if they support a given language.""" component: EntityComponent[TextToSpeechEntity] = hass.data[DOMAIN] manager: SpeechManager = hass.data[DATA_TTS_MANAGER] country = msg.get("country") language = msg.get("language") providers = [] provider_info: dict[str, Any] for entity in component.entities: provider_info = { "engine_id": entity.entity_id, "supported_languages": entity.supported_languages, } if language: provider_info["supported_languages"] = language_util.matches( language, entity.supported_languages, country ) providers.append(provider_info) for engine_id, provider in manager.providers.items(): provider_info = { "engine_id": engine_id, "supported_languages": provider.supported_languages, } if language: provider_info["supported_languages"] = language_util.matches( language, provider.supported_languages, country ) providers.append(provider_info) connection.send_message( websocket_api.result_message(msg["id"], {"providers": providers}) ) @websocket_api.websocket_command( { "type": "tts/engine/get", vol.Required("engine_id"): str, } ) @callback def websocket_get_engine( hass: HomeAssistant, connection: websocket_api.ActiveConnection, msg: dict ) -> None: """Get text to speech engine info.""" component: EntityComponent[TextToSpeechEntity] = hass.data[DOMAIN] manager: SpeechManager = hass.data[DATA_TTS_MANAGER] engine_id = msg["engine_id"] provider_info: dict[str, Any] provider: TextToSpeechEntity | Provider | None = next( (entity for entity in component.entities if entity.entity_id == engine_id), None ) if not provider: provider = manager.providers.get(engine_id) if not provider: connection.send_error( msg["id"], websocket_api.ERR_NOT_FOUND, f"tts engine {engine_id} not found", ) return provider_info = { "engine_id": engine_id, "supported_languages": provider.supported_languages, } connection.send_message( websocket_api.result_message(msg["id"], {"provider": provider_info}) ) @websocket_api.websocket_command( { "type": "tts/engine/voices", vol.Required("engine_id"): str, vol.Required("language"): str, } ) @callback def websocket_list_engine_voices( hass: HomeAssistant, connection: websocket_api.ActiveConnection, msg: dict ) -> None: """List voices for a given language.""" engine_id = msg["engine_id"] language = msg["language"] engine_instance = get_engine_instance(hass, engine_id) if not engine_instance: connection.send_error( msg["id"], websocket_api.ERR_NOT_FOUND, f"tts engine {engine_id} not found", ) return voices = {"voices": engine_instance.async_get_supported_voices(language)} connection.send_message(websocket_api.result_message(msg["id"], voices))