"""Test loading of the Tibber config entry.""" from http import HTTPStatus from unittest.mock import MagicMock from homeassistant.components.recorder import Recorder from homeassistant.components.repairs.websocket_api import ( RepairsFlowIndexView, RepairsFlowResourceView, ) from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.helpers import issue_registry as ir from tests.typing import ClientSessionGenerator async def test_repair_flow( recorder_mock: Recorder, hass: HomeAssistant, issue_registry: ir.IssueRegistry, mock_tibber_setup: MagicMock, hass_client: ClientSessionGenerator, ) -> None: """Test unloading the entry.""" # Test legacy notify service service = "tibber" service_data = {"message": "The message", "title": "A title"} await hass.services.async_call("notify", service, service_data, blocking=True) calls: MagicMock = mock_tibber_setup.send_notification calls.assert_called_once_with(message="The message", title="A title") calls.reset_mock() http_client = await hass_client() # Assert the issue is present assert issue_registry.async_get_issue( domain="notify", issue_id=f"migrate_notify_tibber_{service}", ) assert len(issue_registry.issues) == 1 url = RepairsFlowIndexView.url resp = await http_client.post( url, json={"handler": "notify", "issue_id": f"migrate_notify_tibber_{service}"} ) assert resp.status == HTTPStatus.OK data = await resp.json() flow_id = data["flow_id"] assert data["step_id"] == "confirm" # Simulate the users confirmed the repair flow url = RepairsFlowResourceView.url.format(flow_id=flow_id) resp = await http_client.post(url) assert resp.status == HTTPStatus.OK data = await resp.json() assert data["type"] == "create_entry" await hass.async_block_till_done() # Assert the issue is no longer present assert not issue_registry.async_get_issue( domain="notify", issue_id=f"migrate_notify_tibber_{service}", ) assert len(issue_registry.issues) == 0