"""Support the ISY-994 controllers.""" from collections import namedtuple import logging from urllib.parse import urlparse import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_HOST, CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_USERNAME, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP) from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.helpers import config_validation as cv, discovery from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity from homeassistant.helpers.typing import ConfigType, Dict _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) DOMAIN = 'isy994' CONF_IGNORE_STRING = 'ignore_string' CONF_SENSOR_STRING = 'sensor_string' CONF_ENABLE_CLIMATE = 'enable_climate' CONF_TLS_VER = 'tls' DEFAULT_IGNORE_STRING = '{IGNORE ME}' DEFAULT_SENSOR_STRING = 'sensor' KEY_ACTIONS = 'actions' KEY_FOLDER = 'folder' KEY_MY_PROGRAMS = 'My Programs' KEY_STATUS = 'status' CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({ DOMAIN: vol.Schema({ vol.Required(CONF_HOST): cv.url, vol.Required(CONF_USERNAME): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_PASSWORD): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_TLS_VER): vol.Coerce(float), vol.Optional(CONF_IGNORE_STRING, default=DEFAULT_IGNORE_STRING): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_SENSOR_STRING, default=DEFAULT_SENSOR_STRING): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_ENABLE_CLIMATE, default=True): cv.boolean, }) }, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA) # Do not use the Hass consts for the states here - we're matching exact API # responses, not using them for Hass states NODE_FILTERS = { 'binary_sensor': { 'uom': [], 'states': [], 'node_def_id': ['BinaryAlarm'], 'insteon_type': ['16.'] # Does a startswith() match; include the dot }, 'sensor': { # This is just a more-readable way of including MOST uoms between 1-100 # (Remember that range() is non-inclusive of the stop value) 'uom': (['1'] + list(map(str, range(3, 11))) + list(map(str, range(12, 51))) + list(map(str, range(52, 66))) + list(map(str, range(69, 78))) + ['79'] + list(map(str, range(82, 97)))), 'states': [], 'node_def_id': ['IMETER_SOLO'], 'insteon_type': ['9.0.', '9.7.'] }, 'lock': { 'uom': ['11'], 'states': ['locked', 'unlocked'], 'node_def_id': ['DoorLock'], 'insteon_type': ['15.'] }, 'fan': { 'uom': [], 'states': ['off', 'low', 'med', 'high'], 'node_def_id': ['FanLincMotor'], 'insteon_type': ['1.46.'] }, 'cover': { 'uom': ['97'], 'states': ['open', 'closed', 'closing', 'opening', 'stopped'], 'node_def_id': [], 'insteon_type': [] }, 'light': { 'uom': ['51'], 'states': ['on', 'off', '%'], 'node_def_id': ['DimmerLampSwitch', 'DimmerLampSwitch_ADV', 'DimmerSwitchOnly', 'DimmerSwitchOnly_ADV', 'DimmerLampOnly', 'BallastRelayLampSwitch', 'BallastRelayLampSwitch_ADV', 'RemoteLinc2', 'RemoteLinc2_ADV'], 'insteon_type': ['1.'] }, 'switch': { 'uom': ['2', '78'], 'states': ['on', 'off'], 'node_def_id': ['OnOffControl', 'RelayLampSwitch', 'RelayLampSwitch_ADV', 'RelaySwitchOnlyPlusQuery', 'RelaySwitchOnlyPlusQuery_ADV', 'RelayLampOnly', 'RelayLampOnly_ADV', 'KeypadButton', 'KeypadButton_ADV', 'EZRAIN_Input', 'EZRAIN_Output', 'EZIO2x4_Input', 'EZIO2x4_Input_ADV', 'BinaryControl', 'BinaryControl_ADV', 'AlertModuleSiren', 'AlertModuleSiren_ADV', 'AlertModuleArmed', 'Siren', 'Siren_ADV'], 'insteon_type': ['2.', '9.10.', '9.11.'] } } SUPPORTED_DOMAINS = ['binary_sensor', 'sensor', 'lock', 'fan', 'cover', 'light', 'switch'] SUPPORTED_PROGRAM_DOMAINS = ['binary_sensor', 'lock', 'fan', 'cover', 'switch'] # ISY Scenes are more like Switches than Hass Scenes # (they can turn off, and report their state) SCENE_DOMAIN = 'switch' ISY994_NODES = "isy994_nodes" ISY994_WEATHER = "isy994_weather" ISY994_PROGRAMS = "isy994_programs" WeatherNode = namedtuple('WeatherNode', ('status', 'name', 'uom')) def _check_for_node_def(hass: HomeAssistant, node, single_domain: str = None) -> bool: """Check if the node matches the node_def_id for any domains. This is only present on the 5.0 ISY firmware, and is the most reliable way to determine a device's type. """ if not hasattr(node, 'node_def_id') or node.node_def_id is None: # Node doesn't have a node_def (pre 5.0 firmware most likely) return False node_def_id = node.node_def_id domains = SUPPORTED_DOMAINS if not single_domain else [single_domain] for domain in domains: if node_def_id in NODE_FILTERS[domain]['node_def_id']: hass.data[ISY994_NODES][domain].append(node) return True return False def _check_for_insteon_type(hass: HomeAssistant, node, single_domain: str = None) -> bool: """Check if the node matches the Insteon type for any domains. This is for (presumably) every version of the ISY firmware, but only works for Insteon device. "Node Server" (v5+) and Z-Wave and others will not have a type. """ if not hasattr(node, 'type') or node.type is None: # Node doesn't have a type (non-Insteon device most likely) return False device_type = node.type domains = SUPPORTED_DOMAINS if not single_domain else [single_domain] for domain in domains: if any([device_type.startswith(t) for t in set(NODE_FILTERS[domain]['insteon_type'])]): # Hacky special-case just for FanLinc, which has a light module # as one of its nodes. Note that this special-case is not necessary # on ISY 5.x firmware as it uses the superior NodeDefs method if domain == 'fan' and int(node.nid[-1]) == 1: hass.data[ISY994_NODES]['light'].append(node) return True hass.data[ISY994_NODES][domain].append(node) return True return False def _check_for_uom_id(hass: HomeAssistant, node, single_domain: str = None, uom_list: list = None) -> bool: """Check if a node's uom matches any of the domains uom filter. This is used for versions of the ISY firmware that report uoms as a single ID. We can often infer what type of device it is by that ID. """ if not hasattr(node, 'uom') or node.uom is None: # Node doesn't have a uom (Scenes for example) return False node_uom = set(map(str.lower, node.uom)) if uom_list: if node_uom.intersection(uom_list): hass.data[ISY994_NODES][single_domain].append(node) return True else: domains = SUPPORTED_DOMAINS if not single_domain else [single_domain] for domain in domains: if node_uom.intersection(NODE_FILTERS[domain]['uom']): hass.data[ISY994_NODES][domain].append(node) return True return False def _check_for_states_in_uom(hass: HomeAssistant, node, single_domain: str = None, states_list: list = None) -> bool: """Check if a list of uoms matches two possible filters. This is for versions of the ISY firmware that report uoms as a list of all possible "human readable" states. This filter passes if all of the possible states fit inside the given filter. """ if not hasattr(node, 'uom') or node.uom is None: # Node doesn't have a uom (Scenes for example) return False node_uom = set(map(str.lower, node.uom)) if states_list: if node_uom == set(states_list): hass.data[ISY994_NODES][single_domain].append(node) return True else: domains = SUPPORTED_DOMAINS if not single_domain else [single_domain] for domain in domains: if node_uom == set(NODE_FILTERS[domain]['states']): hass.data[ISY994_NODES][domain].append(node) return True return False def _is_sensor_a_binary_sensor(hass: HomeAssistant, node) -> bool: """Determine if the given sensor node should be a binary_sensor.""" if _check_for_node_def(hass, node, single_domain='binary_sensor'): return True if _check_for_insteon_type(hass, node, single_domain='binary_sensor'): return True # For the next two checks, we're providing our own set of uoms that # represent on/off devices. This is because we can only depend on these # checks in the context of already knowing that this is definitely a # sensor device. if _check_for_uom_id(hass, node, single_domain='binary_sensor', uom_list=['2', '78']): return True if _check_for_states_in_uom(hass, node, single_domain='binary_sensor', states_list=['on', 'off']): return True return False def _categorize_nodes(hass: HomeAssistant, nodes, ignore_identifier: str, sensor_identifier: str) -> None: """Sort the nodes to their proper domains.""" for (path, node) in nodes: ignored = ignore_identifier in path or ignore_identifier in node.name if ignored: # Don't import this node as a device at all continue from PyISY.Nodes import Group if isinstance(node, Group): hass.data[ISY994_NODES][SCENE_DOMAIN].append(node) continue if sensor_identifier in path or sensor_identifier in node.name: # User has specified to treat this as a sensor. First we need to # determine if it should be a binary_sensor. if _is_sensor_a_binary_sensor(hass, node): continue else: hass.data[ISY994_NODES]['sensor'].append(node) continue # We have a bunch of different methods for determining the device type, # each of which works with different ISY firmware versions or device # family. The order here is important, from most reliable to least. if _check_for_node_def(hass, node): continue if _check_for_insteon_type(hass, node): continue if _check_for_uom_id(hass, node): continue if _check_for_states_in_uom(hass, node): continue def _categorize_programs(hass: HomeAssistant, programs: dict) -> None: """Categorize the ISY994 programs.""" for domain in SUPPORTED_PROGRAM_DOMAINS: try: folder = programs[KEY_MY_PROGRAMS]['HA.{}'.format(domain)] except KeyError: pass else: for dtype, _, node_id in folder.children: if dtype != KEY_FOLDER: continue entity_folder = folder[node_id] try: status = entity_folder[KEY_STATUS] assert status.dtype == 'program', 'Not a program' if domain != 'binary_sensor': actions = entity_folder[KEY_ACTIONS] assert actions.dtype == 'program', 'Not a program' else: actions = None except (AttributeError, KeyError, AssertionError): _LOGGER.warning("Program entity '%s' not loaded due " "to invalid folder structure.", entity_folder.name) continue entity = (entity_folder.name, status, actions) hass.data[ISY994_PROGRAMS][domain].append(entity) def _categorize_weather(hass: HomeAssistant, climate) -> None: """Categorize the ISY994 weather data.""" climate_attrs = dir(climate) weather_nodes = [WeatherNode(getattr(climate, attr), attr.replace('_', ' '), getattr(climate, '{}_units'.format(attr))) for attr in climate_attrs if '{}_units'.format(attr) in climate_attrs] hass.data[ISY994_WEATHER].extend(weather_nodes) def setup(hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType) -> bool: """Set up the ISY 994 platform.""" hass.data[ISY994_NODES] = {} for domain in SUPPORTED_DOMAINS: hass.data[ISY994_NODES][domain] = [] hass.data[ISY994_WEATHER] = [] hass.data[ISY994_PROGRAMS] = {} for domain in SUPPORTED_DOMAINS: hass.data[ISY994_PROGRAMS][domain] = [] isy_config = config.get(DOMAIN) user = isy_config.get(CONF_USERNAME) password = isy_config.get(CONF_PASSWORD) tls_version = isy_config.get(CONF_TLS_VER) host = urlparse(isy_config.get(CONF_HOST)) ignore_identifier = isy_config.get(CONF_IGNORE_STRING) sensor_identifier = isy_config.get(CONF_SENSOR_STRING) enable_climate = isy_config.get(CONF_ENABLE_CLIMATE) if host.scheme == 'http': https = False port = host.port or 80 elif host.scheme == 'https': https = True port = host.port or 443 else: _LOGGER.error("isy994 host value in configuration is invalid") return False import PyISY # Connect to ISY controller. isy = PyISY.ISY(host.hostname, port, username=user, password=password, use_https=https, tls_ver=tls_version, log=_LOGGER) if not isy.connected: return False _categorize_nodes(hass, isy.nodes, ignore_identifier, sensor_identifier) _categorize_programs(hass, isy.programs) if enable_climate and isy.configuration.get('Weather Information'): _categorize_weather(hass, isy.climate) def stop(event: object) -> None: """Stop ISY auto updates.""" isy.auto_update = False # Listen for HA stop to disconnect. hass.bus.listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, stop) # Load platforms for the devices in the ISY controller that we support. for component in SUPPORTED_DOMAINS: discovery.load_platform(hass, component, DOMAIN, {}, config) isy.auto_update = True return True class ISYDevice(Entity): """Representation of an ISY994 device.""" _attrs = {} _name = None # type: str def __init__(self, node) -> None: """Initialize the insteon device.""" self._node = node self._change_handler = None self._control_handler = None async def async_added_to_hass(self) -> None: """Subscribe to the node change events.""" self._change_handler = self._node.status.subscribe( 'changed', self.on_update) if hasattr(self._node, 'controlEvents'): self._control_handler = self._node.controlEvents.subscribe( self.on_control) def on_update(self, event: object) -> None: """Handle the update event from the ISY994 Node.""" self.schedule_update_ha_state() def on_control(self, event: object) -> None: """Handle a control event from the ISY994 Node.""" self.hass.bus.fire('isy994_control', { 'entity_id': self.entity_id, 'control': event }) @property def unique_id(self) -> str: """Get the unique identifier of the device.""" # pylint: disable=protected-access if hasattr(self._node, '_id'): return self._node._id return None @property def name(self) -> str: """Get the name of the device.""" return self._name or str(self._node.name) @property def should_poll(self) -> bool: """No polling required since we're using the subscription.""" return False @property def value(self) -> int: """Get the current value of the device.""" # pylint: disable=protected-access return self._node.status._val def is_unknown(self) -> bool: """Get whether or not the value of this Entity's node is unknown. PyISY reports unknown values as -inf """ return self.value == -1 * float('inf') @property def state(self): """Return the state of the ISY device.""" if self.is_unknown(): return None return super().state @property def device_state_attributes(self) -> Dict: """Get the state attributes for the device.""" attr = {} if hasattr(self._node, 'aux_properties'): for name, val in self._node.aux_properties.items(): attr[name] = '{} {}'.format(val.get('value'), val.get('uom')) return attr