""" Support for Buienradar.nl weather service. For more details about this platform, please refer to the documentation at https://home-assistant.io/components/sensor.buienradar/ """ import asyncio from datetime import timedelta import logging import async_timeout import aiohttp import voluptuous as vol import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.components.sensor import PLATFORM_SCHEMA from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_ATTRIBUTION, CONF_LATITUDE, CONF_LONGITUDE, CONF_MONITORED_CONDITIONS, CONF_NAME, TEMP_CELSIUS) from homeassistant.helpers.aiohttp_client import async_get_clientsession from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity from homeassistant.helpers.event import ( async_track_point_in_utc_time) from homeassistant.util import dt as dt_util REQUIREMENTS = ['buienradar==0.91'] _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) MEASURED_LABEL = 'Measured' TIMEFRAME_LABEL = 'Timeframe' SYMBOL = 'symbol' # Schedule next call after (minutes): SCHEDULE_OK = 10 # When an error occurred, new call after (minutes): SCHEDULE_NOK = 2 # Supported sensor types: # Key: ['label', unit, icon] SENSOR_TYPES = { 'stationname': ['Stationname', None, None], 'condition': ['Condition', None, None], 'conditioncode': ['Condition code', None, None], 'conditiondetailed': ['Detailed condition', None, None], 'conditionexact': ['Full condition', None, None], 'symbol': ['Symbol', None, None], 'humidity': ['Humidity', '%', 'mdi:water-percent'], 'temperature': ['Temperature', TEMP_CELSIUS, 'mdi:thermometer'], 'groundtemperature': ['Ground temperature', TEMP_CELSIUS, 'mdi:thermometer'], 'windspeed': ['Wind speed', 'm/s', 'mdi:weather-windy'], 'windforce': ['Wind force', 'Bft', 'mdi:weather-windy'], 'winddirection': ['Wind direction', None, 'mdi:compass-outline'], 'windazimuth': ['Wind direction azimuth', '°', 'mdi:compass-outline'], 'pressure': ['Pressure', 'hPa', 'mdi:gauge'], 'visibility': ['Visibility', 'm', None], 'windgust': ['Wind gust', 'm/s', 'mdi:weather-windy'], 'precipitation': ['Precipitation', 'mm/h', 'mdi:weather-pouring'], 'irradiance': ['Irradiance', 'W/m2', 'mdi:sunglasses'], 'precipitation_forecast_average': ['Precipitation forecast average', 'mm/h', 'mdi:weather-pouring'], 'precipitation_forecast_total': ['Precipitation forecast total', 'mm', 'mdi:weather-pouring'], 'temperature_1d': ['Temperature 1d', TEMP_CELSIUS, 'mdi:thermometer'], 'temperature_2d': ['Temperature 2d', TEMP_CELSIUS, 'mdi:thermometer'], 'temperature_3d': ['Temperature 3d', TEMP_CELSIUS, 'mdi:thermometer'], 'temperature_4d': ['Temperature 4d', TEMP_CELSIUS, 'mdi:thermometer'], 'temperature_5d': ['Temperature 5d', TEMP_CELSIUS, 'mdi:thermometer'], 'mintemp_1d': ['Minimum temperature 1d', TEMP_CELSIUS, 'mdi:thermometer'], 'mintemp_2d': ['Minimum temperature 2d', TEMP_CELSIUS, 'mdi:thermometer'], 'mintemp_3d': ['Minimum temperature 3d', TEMP_CELSIUS, 'mdi:thermometer'], 'mintemp_4d': ['Minimum temperature 4d', TEMP_CELSIUS, 'mdi:thermometer'], 'mintemp_5d': ['Minimum temperature 5d', TEMP_CELSIUS, 'mdi:thermometer'], 'rain_1d': ['Rain 1d', 'mm', 'mdi:weather-pouring'], 'rain_2d': ['Rain 2d', 'mm', 'mdi:weather-pouring'], 'rain_3d': ['Rain 3d', 'mm', 'mdi:weather-pouring'], 'rain_4d': ['Rain 4d', 'mm', 'mdi:weather-pouring'], 'rain_5d': ['Rain 5d', 'mm', 'mdi:weather-pouring'], 'snow_1d': ['Snow 1d', 'cm', 'mdi:snowflake'], 'snow_2d': ['Snow 2d', 'cm', 'mdi:snowflake'], 'snow_3d': ['Snow 3d', 'cm', 'mdi:snowflake'], 'snow_4d': ['Snow 4d', 'cm', 'mdi:snowflake'], 'snow_5d': ['Snow 5d', 'cm', 'mdi:snowflake'], 'rainchance_1d': ['Rainchance 1d', '%', 'mdi:weather-pouring'], 'rainchance_2d': ['Rainchance 2d', '%', 'mdi:weather-pouring'], 'rainchance_3d': ['Rainchance 3d', '%', 'mdi:weather-pouring'], 'rainchance_4d': ['Rainchance 4d', '%', 'mdi:weather-pouring'], 'rainchance_5d': ['Rainchance 5d', '%', 'mdi:weather-pouring'], 'sunchance_1d': ['Sunchance 1d', '%', 'mdi:weather-partlycloudy'], 'sunchance_2d': ['Sunchance 2d', '%', 'mdi:weather-partlycloudy'], 'sunchance_3d': ['Sunchance 3d', '%', 'mdi:weather-partlycloudy'], 'sunchance_4d': ['Sunchance 4d', '%', 'mdi:weather-partlycloudy'], 'sunchance_5d': ['Sunchance 5d', '%', 'mdi:weather-partlycloudy'], 'windforce_1d': ['Wind force 1d', 'Bft', 'mdi:weather-windy'], 'windforce_2d': ['Wind force 2d', 'Bft', 'mdi:weather-windy'], 'windforce_3d': ['Wind force 3d', 'Bft', 'mdi:weather-windy'], 'windforce_4d': ['Wind force 4d', 'Bft', 'mdi:weather-windy'], 'windforce_5d': ['Wind force 5d', 'Bft', 'mdi:weather-windy'], 'condition_1d': ['Condition 1d', None, None], 'condition_2d': ['Condition 2d', None, None], 'condition_3d': ['Condition 3d', None, None], 'condition_4d': ['Condition 4d', None, None], 'condition_5d': ['Condition 5d', None, None], 'conditioncode_1d': ['Condition code 1d', None, None], 'conditioncode_2d': ['Condition code 2d', None, None], 'conditioncode_3d': ['Condition code 3d', None, None], 'conditioncode_4d': ['Condition code 4d', None, None], 'conditioncode_5d': ['Condition code 5d', None, None], 'conditiondetailed_1d': ['Detailed condition 1d', None, None], 'conditiondetailed_2d': ['Detailed condition 2d', None, None], 'conditiondetailed_3d': ['Detailed condition 3d', None, None], 'conditiondetailed_4d': ['Detailed condition 4d', None, None], 'conditiondetailed_5d': ['Detailed condition 5d', None, None], 'conditionexact_1d': ['Full condition 1d', None, None], 'conditionexact_2d': ['Full condition 2d', None, None], 'conditionexact_3d': ['Full condition 3d', None, None], 'conditionexact_4d': ['Full condition 4d', None, None], 'conditionexact_5d': ['Full condition 5d', None, None], 'symbol_1d': ['Symbol 1d', None, None], 'symbol_2d': ['Symbol 2d', None, None], 'symbol_3d': ['Symbol 3d', None, None], 'symbol_4d': ['Symbol 4d', None, None], 'symbol_5d': ['Symbol 5d', None, None], } CONF_TIMEFRAME = 'timeframe' PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend({ vol.Optional(CONF_MONITORED_CONDITIONS, default=['symbol', 'temperature']): vol.All( cv.ensure_list, vol.Length(min=1), [vol.In(SENSOR_TYPES.keys())]), vol.Inclusive(CONF_LATITUDE, 'coordinates', 'Latitude and longitude must exist together'): cv.latitude, vol.Inclusive(CONF_LONGITUDE, 'coordinates', 'Latitude and longitude must exist together'): cv.longitude, vol.Optional(CONF_TIMEFRAME, default=60): vol.All(vol.Coerce(int), vol.Range(min=5, max=120)), }) @asyncio.coroutine def async_setup_platform(hass, config, async_add_devices, discovery_info=None): """Create the buienradar sensor.""" from homeassistant.components.weather.buienradar import DEFAULT_TIMEFRAME latitude = config.get(CONF_LATITUDE, hass.config.latitude) longitude = config.get(CONF_LONGITUDE, hass.config.longitude) timeframe = config.get(CONF_TIMEFRAME, DEFAULT_TIMEFRAME) if None in (latitude, longitude): _LOGGER.error("Latitude or longitude not set in HomeAssistant config") return False coordinates = {CONF_LATITUDE: float(latitude), CONF_LONGITUDE: float(longitude)} _LOGGER.debug("Initializing buienradar sensor coordinate %s, timeframe %s", coordinates, timeframe) dev = [] for sensor_type in config[CONF_MONITORED_CONDITIONS]: dev.append(BrSensor(sensor_type, config.get(CONF_NAME, 'br'))) async_add_devices(dev) data = BrData(hass, coordinates, timeframe, dev) # schedule the first update in 1 minute from now: yield from data.schedule_update(1) class BrSensor(Entity): """Representation of an Buienradar sensor.""" def __init__(self, sensor_type, client_name): """Initialize the sensor.""" from buienradar.buienradar import (PRECIPITATION_FORECAST) self.client_name = client_name self._name = SENSOR_TYPES[sensor_type][0] self.type = sensor_type self._state = None self._unit_of_measurement = SENSOR_TYPES[self.type][1] self._entity_picture = None self._attribution = None self._measured = None self._stationname = None if self.type.startswith(PRECIPITATION_FORECAST): self._timeframe = None def load_data(self, data): """Load the sensor with relevant data.""" # Find sensor from buienradar.buienradar import (ATTRIBUTION, CONDITION, CONDCODE, DETAILED, EXACT, EXACTNL, FORECAST, IMAGE, MEASURED, PRECIPITATION_FORECAST, STATIONNAME, TIMEFRAME) self._attribution = data.get(ATTRIBUTION) self._stationname = data.get(STATIONNAME) self._measured = data.get(MEASURED) if self.type.endswith('_1d') or \ self.type.endswith('_2d') or \ self.type.endswith('_3d') or \ self.type.endswith('_4d') or \ self.type.endswith('_5d'): fcday = 0 if self.type.endswith('_2d'): fcday = 1 if self.type.endswith('_3d'): fcday = 2 if self.type.endswith('_4d'): fcday = 3 if self.type.endswith('_5d'): fcday = 4 # update all other sensors if self.type.startswith(SYMBOL) or self.type.startswith(CONDITION): try: condition = data.get(FORECAST)[fcday].get(CONDITION) except IndexError: _LOGGER.warning("No forecast for fcday=%s...", fcday) return False if condition: new_state = condition.get(CONDITION, None) if self.type.startswith(SYMBOL): new_state = condition.get(EXACTNL, None) if self.type.startswith('conditioncode'): new_state = condition.get(CONDCODE, None) if self.type.startswith('conditiondetailed'): new_state = condition.get(DETAILED, None) if self.type.startswith('conditionexact'): new_state = condition.get(EXACT, None) img = condition.get(IMAGE, None) if new_state != self._state or img != self._entity_picture: self._state = new_state self._entity_picture = img return True return False else: try: new_state = data.get(FORECAST)[fcday].get(self.type[:-3]) except IndexError: _LOGGER.warning("No forecast for fcday=%s...", fcday) return False if new_state != self._state: self._state = new_state return True return False return False if self.type == SYMBOL or self.type.startswith(CONDITION): # update weather symbol & status text condition = data.get(CONDITION, None) if condition: if self.type == SYMBOL: new_state = condition.get(EXACTNL, None) if self.type == CONDITION: new_state = condition.get(CONDITION, None) if self.type == 'conditioncode': new_state = condition.get(CONDCODE, None) if self.type == 'conditiondetailed': new_state = condition.get(DETAILED, None) if self.type == 'conditionexact': new_state = condition.get(EXACT, None) img = condition.get(IMAGE, None) # pylint: disable=protected-access if new_state != self._state or img != self._entity_picture: self._state = new_state self._entity_picture = img return True return False if self.type.startswith(PRECIPITATION_FORECAST): # update nested precipitation forecast sensors nested = data.get(PRECIPITATION_FORECAST) new_state = nested.get(self.type[len(PRECIPITATION_FORECAST)+1:]) self._timeframe = nested.get(TIMEFRAME) # pylint: disable=protected-access if new_state != self._state: self._state = new_state return True return False # update all other sensors new_state = data.get(self.type) # pylint: disable=protected-access if new_state != self._state: self._state = new_state return True return False @property def attribution(self): """Return the attribution.""" return self._attribution @property def name(self): """Return the name of the sensor.""" return '{} {}'.format(self.client_name, self._name) @property def state(self): """Return the state of the device.""" return self._state @property def should_poll(self): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """No polling needed.""" return False @property def entity_picture(self): """Weather symbol if type is symbol.""" return self._entity_picture @property def device_state_attributes(self): """Return the state attributes.""" from buienradar.buienradar import (PRECIPITATION_FORECAST) if self.type.startswith(PRECIPITATION_FORECAST): result = {ATTR_ATTRIBUTION: self._attribution} if self._timeframe is not None: result[TIMEFRAME_LABEL] = "%d min" % (self._timeframe) return result result = { ATTR_ATTRIBUTION: self._attribution, SENSOR_TYPES['stationname'][0]: self._stationname, } if self._measured is not None: # convert datetime (Europe/Amsterdam) into local datetime local_dt = dt_util.as_local(self._measured) result[MEASURED_LABEL] = local_dt.strftime("%c") return result @property def unit_of_measurement(self): """Return the unit of measurement of this entity, if any.""" return self._unit_of_measurement @property def icon(self): """Return possible sensor specific icon.""" return SENSOR_TYPES[self.type][2] class BrData(object): """Get the latest data and updates the states.""" def __init__(self, hass, coordinates, timeframe, devices): """Initialize the data object.""" self.devices = devices self.data = {} self.hass = hass self.coordinates = coordinates self.timeframe = timeframe @asyncio.coroutine def update_devices(self): """Update all devices/sensors.""" if self.devices: tasks = [] # Update all devices for dev in self.devices: if dev.load_data(self.data): tasks.append(dev.async_update_ha_state()) if tasks: yield from asyncio.wait(tasks, loop=self.hass.loop) @asyncio.coroutine def schedule_update(self, minute=1): """Schedule an update after minute minutes.""" _LOGGER.debug("Scheduling next update in %s minutes.", minute) nxt = dt_util.utcnow() + timedelta(minutes=minute) async_track_point_in_utc_time(self.hass, self.async_update, nxt) @asyncio.coroutine def get_data(self, url): """Load data from specified url.""" from buienradar.buienradar import (CONTENT, MESSAGE, STATUS_CODE, SUCCESS) _LOGGER.debug("Calling url: %s...", url) result = {SUCCESS: False, MESSAGE: None} resp = None try: websession = async_get_clientsession(self.hass) with async_timeout.timeout(10, loop=self.hass.loop): resp = yield from websession.get(url) result[STATUS_CODE] = resp.status result[CONTENT] = yield from resp.text() if resp.status == 200: result[SUCCESS] = True else: result[MESSAGE] = "Got http statuscode: %d" % (resp.status) return result except (asyncio.TimeoutError, aiohttp.ClientError) as err: result[MESSAGE] = "%s" % err return result finally: if resp is not None: yield from resp.release() @asyncio.coroutine def async_update(self, *_): """Update the data from buienradar.""" from buienradar.buienradar import (parse_data, CONTENT, DATA, MESSAGE, STATUS_CODE, SUCCESS) content = yield from self.get_data('http://xml.buienradar.nl') if not content.get(SUCCESS, False): content = yield from self.get_data('http://api.buienradar.nl') if content.get(SUCCESS) is not True: # unable to get the data _LOGGER.warning("Unable to retrieve xml data from Buienradar." "(Msg: %s, status: %s,)", content.get(MESSAGE), content.get(STATUS_CODE),) # schedule new call yield from self.schedule_update(SCHEDULE_NOK) return # rounding coordinates prevents unnecessary redirects/calls rainurl = 'http://gadgets.buienradar.nl/data/raintext/?lat={}&lon={}' rainurl = rainurl.format( round(self.coordinates[CONF_LATITUDE], 2), round(self.coordinates[CONF_LONGITUDE], 2) ) raincontent = yield from self.get_data(rainurl) if raincontent.get(SUCCESS) is not True: # unable to get the data _LOGGER.warning("Unable to retrieve raindata from Buienradar." "(Msg: %s, status: %s,)", raincontent.get(MESSAGE), raincontent.get(STATUS_CODE),) # schedule new call yield from self.schedule_update(SCHEDULE_NOK) return result = parse_data(content.get(CONTENT), raincontent.get(CONTENT), self.coordinates[CONF_LATITUDE], self.coordinates[CONF_LONGITUDE], self.timeframe) _LOGGER.debug("Buienradar parsed data: %s", result) if result.get(SUCCESS) is not True: _LOGGER.warning("Unable to parse data from Buienradar." "(Msg: %s)", result.get(MESSAGE),) yield from self.schedule_update(SCHEDULE_NOK) return self.data = result.get(DATA) yield from self.update_devices() yield from self.schedule_update(SCHEDULE_OK) @property def attribution(self): """Return the attribution.""" from buienradar.buienradar import ATTRIBUTION return self.data.get(ATTRIBUTION) @property def stationname(self): """Return the name of the selected weatherstation.""" from buienradar.buienradar import STATIONNAME return self.data.get(STATIONNAME) @property def condition(self): """Return the condition.""" from buienradar.buienradar import CONDITION return self.data.get(CONDITION) @property def temperature(self): """Return the temperature, or None.""" from buienradar.buienradar import TEMPERATURE try: return float(self.data.get(TEMPERATURE)) except (ValueError, TypeError): return None @property def pressure(self): """Return the pressure, or None.""" from buienradar.buienradar import PRESSURE try: return float(self.data.get(PRESSURE)) except (ValueError, TypeError): return None @property def humidity(self): """Return the humidity, or None.""" from buienradar.buienradar import HUMIDITY try: return int(self.data.get(HUMIDITY)) except (ValueError, TypeError): return None @property def visibility(self): """Return the visibility, or None.""" from buienradar.buienradar import VISIBILITY try: return int(self.data.get(VISIBILITY)) except (ValueError, TypeError): return None @property def wind_speed(self): """Return the windspeed, or None.""" from buienradar.buienradar import WINDSPEED try: return float(self.data.get(WINDSPEED)) except (ValueError, TypeError): return None @property def wind_bearing(self): """Return the wind bearing, or None.""" from buienradar.buienradar import WINDAZIMUTH try: return int(self.data.get(WINDAZIMUTH)) except (ValueError, TypeError): return None @property def forecast(self): """Return the forecast data.""" from buienradar.buienradar import FORECAST return self.data.get(FORECAST)