"""Tests for the floor registry.""" import re from typing import Any import pytest from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.helpers import area_registry as ar, floor_registry as fr from homeassistant.helpers.floor_registry import ( EVENT_FLOOR_REGISTRY_UPDATED, STORAGE_KEY, STORAGE_VERSION_MAJOR, FloorRegistry, async_get, async_load, ) from tests.common import async_capture_events, flush_store async def test_list_floors(floor_registry: fr.FloorRegistry) -> None: """Make sure that we can read floors.""" floors = floor_registry.async_list_floors() assert len(list(floors)) == len(floor_registry.floors) async def test_create_floor( hass: HomeAssistant, floor_registry: fr.FloorRegistry ) -> None: """Make sure that we can create floors.""" update_events = async_capture_events(hass, EVENT_FLOOR_REGISTRY_UPDATED) floor = floor_registry.async_create( name="First floor", icon="mdi:home-floor-1", aliases={"first", "ground", "ground floor"}, level=1, ) assert floor.floor_id == "first_floor" assert floor.name == "First floor" assert floor.icon == "mdi:home-floor-1" assert floor.aliases == {"first", "ground", "ground floor"} assert floor.level == 1 assert len(floor_registry.floors) == 1 await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(update_events) == 1 assert update_events[0].data == { "action": "create", "floor_id": floor.floor_id, } async def test_create_floor_with_name_already_in_use( hass: HomeAssistant, floor_registry: fr.FloorRegistry ) -> None: """Make sure that we can't create a floor with a name already in use.""" update_events = async_capture_events(hass, EVENT_FLOOR_REGISTRY_UPDATED) floor_registry.async_create("First floor") with pytest.raises( ValueError, match=re.escape("The name First floor (firstfloor) is already in use"), ): floor_registry.async_create("First floor") await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(floor_registry.floors) == 1 assert len(update_events) == 1 async def test_create_floor_with_id_already_in_use( hass: HomeAssistant, floor_registry: fr.FloorRegistry ) -> None: """Make sure that we can't create an floor with an id already in use.""" floor = floor_registry.async_create("First") updated_floor = floor_registry.async_update(floor.floor_id, name="Second") assert updated_floor.floor_id == floor.floor_id another_floor = floor_registry.async_create("First") assert floor.floor_id != another_floor.floor_id assert another_floor.floor_id == "first_2" async def test_delete_floor( hass: HomeAssistant, floor_registry: fr.FloorRegistry ) -> None: """Make sure that we can delete a floor.""" update_events = async_capture_events(hass, EVENT_FLOOR_REGISTRY_UPDATED) floor = floor_registry.async_create("First floor") assert len(floor_registry.floors) == 1 floor_registry.async_delete(floor.floor_id) assert not floor_registry.floors await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(update_events) == 2 assert update_events[0].data == { "action": "create", "floor_id": floor.floor_id, } assert update_events[1].data == { "action": "remove", "floor_id": floor.floor_id, } async def test_delete_non_existing_floor(floor_registry: fr.FloorRegistry) -> None: """Make sure that we can't delete a floor that doesn't exist.""" floor_registry.async_create("First floor") with pytest.raises(KeyError): floor_registry.async_delete("") assert len(floor_registry.floors) == 1 async def test_update_floor( hass: HomeAssistant, floor_registry: fr.FloorRegistry ) -> None: """Make sure that we can update floors.""" update_events = async_capture_events(hass, EVENT_FLOOR_REGISTRY_UPDATED) floor = floor_registry.async_create("First floor") assert len(floor_registry.floors) == 1 assert floor.floor_id == "first_floor" assert floor.name == "First floor" assert floor.icon is None assert floor.aliases == set() assert floor.level == 0 updated_floor = floor_registry.async_update( floor.floor_id, name="Second floor", icon="mdi:home-floor-2", aliases={"ground", "downstairs"}, level=2, ) assert updated_floor != floor assert updated_floor.floor_id == "first_floor" assert updated_floor.name == "Second floor" assert updated_floor.icon == "mdi:home-floor-2" assert updated_floor.aliases == {"ground", "downstairs"} assert updated_floor.level == 2 assert len(floor_registry.floors) == 1 await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(update_events) == 2 assert update_events[0].data == { "action": "create", "floor_id": floor.floor_id, } assert update_events[1].data == { "action": "update", "floor_id": floor.floor_id, } async def test_update_floor_with_same_data( hass: HomeAssistant, floor_registry: fr.FloorRegistry ) -> None: """Make sure that we can reapply the same data to a floor and it won't update.""" update_events = async_capture_events(hass, EVENT_FLOOR_REGISTRY_UPDATED) floor = floor_registry.async_create( "First floor", icon="mdi:home-floor-1", ) updated_floor = floor_registry.async_update( floor_id=floor.floor_id, name="First floor", icon="mdi:home-floor-1", ) assert floor == updated_floor await hass.async_block_till_done() # No update event assert len(update_events) == 1 assert update_events[0].data == { "action": "create", "floor_id": floor.floor_id, } async def test_update_floor_with_same_name_change_case( floor_registry: fr.FloorRegistry, ) -> None: """Make sure that we can reapply the same name with a different case to a floor.""" floor = floor_registry.async_create("first floor") updated_floor = floor_registry.async_update(floor.floor_id, name="First floor") assert updated_floor.floor_id == floor.floor_id assert updated_floor.name == "First floor" assert updated_floor.normalized_name == floor.normalized_name assert len(floor_registry.floors) == 1 async def test_update_floor_with_name_already_in_use( floor_registry: fr.FloorRegistry, ) -> None: """Make sure that we can't update a floor with a name already in use.""" floor1 = floor_registry.async_create("First floor") floor2 = floor_registry.async_create("Second floor") with pytest.raises( ValueError, match=re.escape("The name Second floor (secondfloor) is already in use"), ): floor_registry.async_update(floor1.floor_id, name="Second floor") assert floor1.name == "First floor" assert floor2.name == "Second floor" assert len(floor_registry.floors) == 2 async def test_update_floor_with_normalized_name_already_in_use( floor_registry: fr.FloorRegistry, ) -> None: """Make sure that we can't update a floor with a normalized name already in use.""" floor1 = floor_registry.async_create("first") floor2 = floor_registry.async_create("S E C O N D") with pytest.raises( ValueError, match=re.escape("The name second (second) is already in use") ): floor_registry.async_update(floor1.floor_id, name="second") assert floor1.name == "first" assert floor2.name == "S E C O N D" assert len(floor_registry.floors) == 2 async def test_load_floors( hass: HomeAssistant, floor_registry: fr.FloorRegistry ) -> None: """Make sure that we can load/save data correctly.""" floor1 = floor_registry.async_create( "First floor", icon="mdi:home-floor-1", aliases={"first", "ground"}, level=1, ) floor2 = floor_registry.async_create( "Second floor", icon="mdi:home-floor-2", aliases={"first", "ground"}, level=2, ) assert len(floor_registry.floors) == 2 registry2 = FloorRegistry(hass) await flush_store(floor_registry._store) await registry2.async_load() assert len(registry2.floors) == 2 assert list(floor_registry.floors) == list(registry2.floors) floor1_registry2 = registry2.async_get_floor_by_name("First floor") assert floor1_registry2.floor_id == floor1.floor_id assert floor1_registry2.name == floor1.name assert floor1_registry2.icon == floor1.icon assert floor1_registry2.aliases == floor1.aliases assert floor1_registry2.level == floor1.level assert floor1_registry2.normalized_name == floor1.normalized_name floor2_registry2 = registry2.async_get_floor_by_name("Second floor") assert floor2_registry2.floor_id == floor2.floor_id assert floor2_registry2.name == floor2.name assert floor2_registry2.icon == floor2.icon assert floor2_registry2.aliases == floor2.aliases assert floor2_registry2.level == floor2.level assert floor2_registry2.normalized_name == floor2.normalized_name @pytest.mark.parametrize("load_registries", [False]) async def test_loading_floors_from_storage( hass: HomeAssistant, hass_storage: Any ) -> None: """Test loading stored floors on start.""" hass_storage[STORAGE_KEY] = { "version": STORAGE_VERSION_MAJOR, "data": { "floors": [ { "icon": "mdi:home-floor-1", "floor_id": "first_floor", "name": "First floor", "aliases": ["first", "ground"], "level": 1, } ] }, } await async_load(hass) registry = async_get(hass) assert len(registry.floors) == 1 async def test_getting_floor(floor_registry: fr.FloorRegistry) -> None: """Make sure we can get the floors by name.""" floor = floor_registry.async_create("First floor") floor2 = floor_registry.async_get_floor_by_name("first floor") floor3 = floor_registry.async_get_floor_by_name("first floor") assert floor == floor2 assert floor == floor3 assert floor2 == floor3 get_floor = floor_registry.async_get_floor(floor.floor_id) assert get_floor == floor async def test_async_get_floor_by_name_not_found( floor_registry: fr.FloorRegistry, ) -> None: """Make sure we return None for non-existent floors.""" floor_registry.async_create("First floor") assert len(floor_registry.floors) == 1 assert floor_registry.async_get_floor_by_name("non_exist") is None async def test_floor_removed_from_areas( hass: HomeAssistant, area_registry: ar.AreaRegistry, floor_registry: fr.FloorRegistry, ) -> None: """Test if floor gets removed from areas when the floor is removed.""" floor = floor_registry.async_create("First floor") assert len(floor_registry.floors) == 1 entry = area_registry.async_create(name="Kitchen") area_registry.async_update(entry.id, floor_id=floor.floor_id) entries = ar.async_entries_for_floor(area_registry, floor.floor_id) assert len(entries) == 1 floor_registry.async_delete(floor.floor_id) await hass.async_block_till_done() entries = ar.async_entries_for_floor(area_registry, floor.floor_id) assert len(entries) == 0