"""Helpers for Home Assistant dispatcher & internal component/platform.""" from __future__ import annotations from collections import defaultdict from collections.abc import Callable, Coroutine from functools import partial import logging from typing import Any, overload from homeassistant.core import ( HassJob, HassJobType, HomeAssistant, callback, get_hassjob_callable_job_type, ) from homeassistant.loader import bind_hass from homeassistant.util.async_ import run_callback_threadsafe from homeassistant.util.logging import catch_log_exception, log_exception # Explicit reexport of 'SignalType' for backwards compatibility from homeassistant.util.signal_type import SignalType as SignalType # noqa: PLC0414 _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) DATA_DISPATCHER = "dispatcher" type _DispatcherDataType[*_Ts] = dict[ SignalType[*_Ts] | str, dict[ Callable[[*_Ts], Any] | Callable[..., Any], HassJob[..., None | Coroutine[Any, Any, None]] | None, ], ] @overload @bind_hass def dispatcher_connect[*_Ts]( hass: HomeAssistant, signal: SignalType[*_Ts], target: Callable[[*_Ts], None] ) -> Callable[[], None]: ... @overload @bind_hass def dispatcher_connect( hass: HomeAssistant, signal: str, target: Callable[..., None] ) -> Callable[[], None]: ... @bind_hass # type: ignore[misc] # workaround; exclude typing of 2 overload in func def def dispatcher_connect[*_Ts]( hass: HomeAssistant, signal: SignalType[*_Ts], target: Callable[[*_Ts], None], ) -> Callable[[], None]: """Connect a callable function to a signal.""" async_unsub = run_callback_threadsafe( hass.loop, async_dispatcher_connect, hass, signal, target ).result() def remove_dispatcher() -> None: """Remove signal listener.""" run_callback_threadsafe(hass.loop, async_unsub).result() return remove_dispatcher @callback def _async_remove_dispatcher[*_Ts]( dispatchers: _DispatcherDataType[*_Ts], signal: SignalType[*_Ts] | str, target: Callable[[*_Ts], Any] | Callable[..., Any], ) -> None: """Remove signal listener.""" try: signal_dispatchers = dispatchers[signal] del signal_dispatchers[target] # Cleanup the signal dict if it is now empty # to prevent memory leaks if not signal_dispatchers: del dispatchers[signal] except (KeyError, ValueError): # KeyError is key target listener did not exist # ValueError if listener did not exist within signal _LOGGER.warning("Unable to remove unknown dispatcher %s", target) @overload @callback @bind_hass def async_dispatcher_connect[*_Ts]( hass: HomeAssistant, signal: SignalType[*_Ts], target: Callable[[*_Ts], Any] ) -> Callable[[], None]: ... @overload @callback @bind_hass def async_dispatcher_connect( hass: HomeAssistant, signal: str, target: Callable[..., Any] ) -> Callable[[], None]: ... @callback @bind_hass def async_dispatcher_connect[*_Ts]( hass: HomeAssistant, signal: SignalType[*_Ts] | str, target: Callable[[*_Ts], Any] | Callable[..., Any], ) -> Callable[[], None]: """Connect a callable function to a signal. This method must be run in the event loop. """ if DATA_DISPATCHER not in hass.data: hass.data[DATA_DISPATCHER] = defaultdict(dict) dispatchers: _DispatcherDataType[*_Ts] = hass.data[DATA_DISPATCHER] dispatchers[signal][target] = None # Use a partial for the remove since it uses # less memory than a full closure since a partial copies # the body of the function and we don't have to store # many different copies of the same function return partial(_async_remove_dispatcher, dispatchers, signal, target) @overload @bind_hass def dispatcher_send[*_Ts]( hass: HomeAssistant, signal: SignalType[*_Ts], *args: *_Ts ) -> None: ... @overload @bind_hass def dispatcher_send(hass: HomeAssistant, signal: str, *args: Any) -> None: ... @bind_hass # type: ignore[misc] # workaround; exclude typing of 2 overload in func def def dispatcher_send[*_Ts]( hass: HomeAssistant, signal: SignalType[*_Ts], *args: *_Ts ) -> None: """Send signal and data.""" hass.loop.call_soon_threadsafe(async_dispatcher_send_internal, hass, signal, *args) def _format_err[*_Ts]( signal: SignalType[*_Ts] | str, target: Callable[[*_Ts], Any] | Callable[..., Any], *args: Any, ) -> str: """Format error message.""" return ( # Functions wrapped in partial do not have a __name__ f"Exception in {getattr(target, '__name__', None) or target} " f"when dispatching '{signal}': {args}" ) def _generate_job[*_Ts]( signal: SignalType[*_Ts] | str, target: Callable[[*_Ts], Any] | Callable[..., Any] ) -> HassJob[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, None] | None]: """Generate a HassJob for a signal and target.""" job_type = get_hassjob_callable_job_type(target) name = f"dispatcher {signal}" if job_type is HassJobType.Callback: # We will catch exceptions in the callback to avoid # wrapping the callback since calling wraps() is more # expensive than the whole dispatcher_send process return HassJob(target, name, job_type=job_type) return HassJob( catch_log_exception( target, partial(_format_err, signal, target), job_type=job_type ), name, job_type=job_type, ) @overload @callback @bind_hass def async_dispatcher_send[*_Ts]( hass: HomeAssistant, signal: SignalType[*_Ts], *args: *_Ts ) -> None: ... @overload @callback @bind_hass def async_dispatcher_send(hass: HomeAssistant, signal: str, *args: Any) -> None: ... @callback @bind_hass def async_dispatcher_send[*_Ts]( hass: HomeAssistant, signal: SignalType[*_Ts] | str, *args: *_Ts ) -> None: """Send signal and data. This method must be run in the event loop. """ # We turned on asyncio debug in April 2024 in the dev containers # in the hope of catching some of the issues that have been # reported. It will take a while to get all the issues fixed in # custom components. # # In 2025.5 we should guard the `verify_event_loop_thread` # check with a check for the `hass.config.debug` flag being set as # long term we don't want to be checking this in production # environments since it is a performance hit. hass.verify_event_loop_thread("async_dispatcher_send") async_dispatcher_send_internal(hass, signal, *args) @callback @bind_hass def async_dispatcher_send_internal[*_Ts]( hass: HomeAssistant, signal: SignalType[*_Ts] | str, *args: *_Ts ) -> None: """Send signal and data. This method is intended to only be used by core internally and should not be considered a stable API. We will make breaking changes to this function in the future and it should not be used in integrations. This method must be run in the event loop. """ if (maybe_dispatchers := hass.data.get(DATA_DISPATCHER)) is None: return dispatchers: _DispatcherDataType[*_Ts] = maybe_dispatchers if (target_list := dispatchers.get(signal)) is None: return for target, job in list(target_list.items()): if job is None: job = _generate_job(signal, target) target_list[target] = job # We do not wrap Callback jobs in catch_log_exception since # single use dispatchers spend more time wrapping the callback # than the actual callback takes to run in many cases. if job.job_type is HassJobType.Callback: try: job.target(*args) except Exception: # noqa: BLE001 log_exception(partial(_format_err, signal, target), *args) # type: ignore[arg-type] else: hass.async_run_hass_job(job, *args)