"""Tests for the TP-Link component.""" from collections import namedtuple from datetime import datetime from typing import Any from unittest.mock import AsyncMock, MagicMock, patch from kasa import ( Device, DeviceConfig, DeviceConnectionParameters, DeviceEncryptionType, DeviceFamily, DeviceType, Feature, KasaException, Module, ) from kasa.interfaces import Fan, Light, LightEffect, LightState from kasa.protocol import BaseProtocol from syrupy import SnapshotAssertion from homeassistant.components.tplink import ( CONF_AES_KEYS, CONF_ALIAS, CONF_CONNECTION_PARAMETERS, CONF_CREDENTIALS_HASH, CONF_HOST, CONF_MODEL, CONF_USES_HTTP, Credentials, ) from homeassistant.components.tplink.const import DOMAIN from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.const import Platform from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.helpers import device_registry as dr, entity_registry as er from homeassistant.helpers.translation import async_get_translations from homeassistant.helpers.typing import UNDEFINED from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component from tests.common import MockConfigEntry, load_json_value_fixture ColorTempRange = namedtuple("ColorTempRange", ["min", "max"]) # noqa: PYI024 MODULE = "homeassistant.components.tplink" MODULE_CONFIG_FLOW = "homeassistant.components.tplink.config_flow" IP_ADDRESS = "" IP_ADDRESS2 = "" ALIAS = "My Bulb" MODEL = "HS100" MAC_ADDRESS = "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff" DEVICE_ID = "123456789ABCDEFGH" DEVICE_ID_MAC = "AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF" DHCP_FORMATTED_MAC_ADDRESS = MAC_ADDRESS.replace(":", "") MAC_ADDRESS2 = "11:22:33:44:55:66" DEFAULT_ENTRY_TITLE = f"{ALIAS} {MODEL}" CREDENTIALS_HASH_LEGACY = "" CONN_PARAMS_LEGACY = DeviceConnectionParameters( DeviceFamily.IotSmartPlugSwitch, DeviceEncryptionType.Xor ) DEVICE_CONFIG_LEGACY = DeviceConfig(IP_ADDRESS) DEVICE_CONFIG_DICT_LEGACY = DEVICE_CONFIG_LEGACY.to_dict(exclude_credentials=True) CREDENTIALS = Credentials("foo", "bar") CREDENTIALS_HASH_AES = "AES/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvabcdefghijklmnopqrstuv==" CREDENTIALS_HASH_KLAP = "KLAP/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv==" CONN_PARAMS_KLAP = DeviceConnectionParameters( DeviceFamily.SmartTapoPlug, DeviceEncryptionType.Klap ) DEVICE_CONFIG_KLAP = DeviceConfig( IP_ADDRESS, credentials=CREDENTIALS, connection_type=CONN_PARAMS_KLAP, uses_http=True, ) CONN_PARAMS_AES = DeviceConnectionParameters( DeviceFamily.SmartTapoPlug, DeviceEncryptionType.Aes ) AES_KEYS = {"private": "foo", "public": "bar"} DEVICE_CONFIG_AES = DeviceConfig( IP_ADDRESS2, credentials=CREDENTIALS, connection_type=CONN_PARAMS_AES, uses_http=True, aes_keys=AES_KEYS, ) DEVICE_CONFIG_DICT_KLAP = DEVICE_CONFIG_KLAP.to_dict(exclude_credentials=True) DEVICE_CONFIG_DICT_AES = DEVICE_CONFIG_AES.to_dict(exclude_credentials=True) CREATE_ENTRY_DATA_LEGACY = { CONF_HOST: IP_ADDRESS, CONF_ALIAS: ALIAS, CONF_MODEL: MODEL, CONF_CONNECTION_PARAMETERS: CONN_PARAMS_LEGACY.to_dict(), CONF_USES_HTTP: False, } CREATE_ENTRY_DATA_KLAP = { CONF_HOST: IP_ADDRESS, CONF_ALIAS: ALIAS, CONF_MODEL: MODEL, CONF_CREDENTIALS_HASH: CREDENTIALS_HASH_KLAP, CONF_CONNECTION_PARAMETERS: CONN_PARAMS_KLAP.to_dict(), CONF_USES_HTTP: True, } CREATE_ENTRY_DATA_AES = { CONF_HOST: IP_ADDRESS2, CONF_ALIAS: ALIAS, CONF_MODEL: MODEL, CONF_CREDENTIALS_HASH: CREDENTIALS_HASH_AES, CONF_CONNECTION_PARAMETERS: CONN_PARAMS_AES.to_dict(), CONF_USES_HTTP: True, CONF_AES_KEYS: AES_KEYS, } def _load_feature_fixtures(): fixtures = load_json_value_fixture("features.json", DOMAIN) for fixture in fixtures.values(): if isinstance(fixture["value"], str): try: time = datetime.strptime(fixture["value"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f%z") fixture["value"] = time except ValueError: pass return fixtures FEATURES_FIXTURE = _load_feature_fixtures() async def setup_platform_for_device( hass: HomeAssistant, config_entry: ConfigEntry, platform: Platform, device: Device ): """Set up a single tplink platform with a device.""" config_entry.add_to_hass(hass) with ( patch("homeassistant.components.tplink.PLATFORMS", [platform]), _patch_discovery(device=device), _patch_connect(device=device), ): await async_setup_component(hass, DOMAIN, {DOMAIN: {}}) # Good practice to wait background tasks in tests see PR #112726 await hass.async_block_till_done(wait_background_tasks=True) async def snapshot_platform( hass: HomeAssistant, entity_registry: er.EntityRegistry, device_registry: dr.DeviceRegistry, snapshot: SnapshotAssertion, config_entry_id: str, ) -> None: """Snapshot a platform.""" device_entries = dr.async_entries_for_config_entry(device_registry, config_entry_id) assert device_entries for device_entry in device_entries: assert device_entry == snapshot( name=f"{device_entry.name}-entry" ), f"device entry snapshot failed for {device_entry.name}" entity_entries = er.async_entries_for_config_entry(entity_registry, config_entry_id) assert entity_entries assert ( len({entity_entry.domain for entity_entry in entity_entries}) == 1 ), "Please limit the loaded platforms to 1 platform." translations = await async_get_translations(hass, "en", "entity", [DOMAIN]) for entity_entry in entity_entries: if entity_entry.translation_key: key = f"component.{DOMAIN}.entity.{entity_entry.domain}.{entity_entry.translation_key}.name" assert ( key in translations ), f"No translation for entity {entity_entry.unique_id}, expected {key}" assert entity_entry == snapshot( name=f"{entity_entry.entity_id}-entry" ), f"entity entry snapshot failed for {entity_entry.entity_id}" if entity_entry.disabled_by is None: state = hass.states.get(entity_entry.entity_id) assert state, f"State not found for {entity_entry.entity_id}" assert state == snapshot( name=f"{entity_entry.entity_id}-state" ), f"state snapshot failed for {entity_entry.entity_id}" def _mock_protocol() -> BaseProtocol: protocol = MagicMock(spec=BaseProtocol) protocol.close = AsyncMock() return protocol def _mocked_device( device_config=DEVICE_CONFIG_LEGACY, credentials_hash=CREDENTIALS_HASH_LEGACY, mac=MAC_ADDRESS, device_id=DEVICE_ID, alias=ALIAS, model=MODEL, ip_address: str | None = None, modules: list[str] | None = None, children: list[Device] | None = None, features: list[str | Feature] | None = None, device_type=None, spec: type = Device, ) -> Device: device = MagicMock(spec=spec, name="Mocked device") device.update = AsyncMock() device.turn_off = AsyncMock() device.turn_on = AsyncMock() device.mac = mac device.alias = alias device.model = model device.device_id = device_id device.hw_info = {"sw_ver": "1.0.0", "hw_ver": "1.0.0"} device.modules = {} device.features = {} if not ip_address: ip_address = IP_ADDRESS else: device_config.host = ip_address device.host = ip_address if modules: device.modules = { module_name: MODULE_TO_MOCK_GEN[module_name](device) for module_name in modules } if features: device.features = { feature_id: _mocked_feature(feature_id, require_fixture=True) for feature_id in features if isinstance(feature_id, str) } device.features.update( { feature.id: feature for feature in features if isinstance(feature, Feature) } ) device.children = [] if children: for child in children: child.mac = mac device.children = children device.device_type = device_type if device_type else DeviceType.Unknown if ( not device_type and device.children and all( child.device_type is DeviceType.StripSocket for child in device.children ) ): device.device_type = DeviceType.Strip device.protocol = _mock_protocol() device.config = device_config device.credentials_hash = credentials_hash return device def _mocked_feature( id: str, *, require_fixture=False, value: Any = UNDEFINED, name=None, type_=None, category=None, precision_hint=None, choices=None, unit=None, minimum_value=0, maximum_value=2**16, # Arbitrary max ) -> Feature: """Get a mocked feature. If kwargs are provided they will override the attributes for any features defined in fixtures.json """ feature = MagicMock(spec=Feature, name=f"Mocked {id} feature") feature.id = id feature.name = name or id.upper() feature.set_value = AsyncMock() if not (fixture := FEATURES_FIXTURE.get(id)): assert ( require_fixture is False ), f"No fixture defined for feature {id} and require_fixture is True" assert ( value is not UNDEFINED ), f"Value must be provided if feature {id} not defined in features.json" fixture = {"value": value, "category": "Primary", "type": "Sensor"} elif value is not UNDEFINED: fixture["value"] = value feature.value = fixture["value"] feature.type = type_ or Feature.Type[fixture["type"]] feature.category = category or Feature.Category[fixture["category"]] # sensor feature.precision_hint = precision_hint or fixture.get("precision_hint") feature.unit = unit or fixture.get("unit") # number feature.minimum_value = minimum_value or fixture.get("minimum_value") feature.maximum_value = maximum_value or fixture.get("maximum_value") # select feature.choices = choices or fixture.get("choices") return feature def _mocked_light_module(device) -> Light: light = MagicMock(spec=Light, name="Mocked light module") light.update = AsyncMock() light.brightness = 50 light.color_temp = 4000 light.state = LightState( light_on=True, brightness=light.brightness, color_temp=light.color_temp ) light.is_color = True light.is_variable_color_temp = True light.is_dimmable = True light.is_brightness = True light.has_effects = False light.hsv = (10, 30, 5) light.valid_temperature_range = ColorTempRange(min=4000, max=9000) light.hw_info = {"sw_ver": "1.0.0", "hw_ver": "1.0.0"} async def _set_state(state, *_, **__): light.state = state light.set_state = AsyncMock(wraps=_set_state) async def _set_brightness(brightness, *_, **__): light.state.brightness = brightness light.state.light_on = brightness > 0 light.set_brightness = AsyncMock(wraps=_set_brightness) async def _set_hsv(h, s, v, *_, **__): light.state.hue = h light.state.saturation = s light.state.brightness = v light.state.light_on = True light.set_hsv = AsyncMock(wraps=_set_hsv) async def _set_color_temp(temp, *_, **__): light.state.color_temp = temp light.state.light_on = True light.set_color_temp = AsyncMock(wraps=_set_color_temp) light.protocol = _mock_protocol() return light def _mocked_light_effect_module(device) -> LightEffect: effect = MagicMock(spec=LightEffect, name="Mocked light effect") effect.has_effects = True effect.has_custom_effects = True effect.effect = "Effect1" effect.effect_list = ["Off", "Effect1", "Effect2"] async def _set_effect(effect_name, *_, **__): assert ( effect_name in effect.effect_list ), f"set_effect '{effect_name}' not in {effect.effect_list}" assert device.modules[ Module.Light ], "Need a light module to test set_effect method" device.modules[Module.Light].state.light_on = True effect.effect = effect_name effect.set_effect = AsyncMock(wraps=_set_effect) effect.set_custom_effect = AsyncMock() return effect def _mocked_fan_module(effect) -> Fan: fan = MagicMock(auto_spec=Fan, name="Mocked fan") fan.fan_speed_level = 0 fan.set_fan_speed_level = AsyncMock() return fan def _mocked_strip_children(features=None, alias=None) -> list[Device]: plug0 = _mocked_device( alias="Plug0" if alias is None else alias, device_id="bb:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff_PLUG0DEVICEID", mac="bb:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff", device_type=DeviceType.StripSocket, features=features, ) plug1 = _mocked_device( alias="Plug1" if alias is None else alias, device_id="cc:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff_PLUG1DEVICEID", mac="cc:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff", device_type=DeviceType.StripSocket, features=features, ) plug0.is_on = True plug1.is_on = False return [plug0, plug1] def _mocked_energy_features( power=None, total=None, voltage=None, current=None, today=None ) -> list[Feature]: feats = [] if power is not None: feats.append( _mocked_feature( "current_consumption", value=power, ) ) if total is not None: feats.append( _mocked_feature( "consumption_total", value=total, ) ) if voltage is not None: feats.append( _mocked_feature( "voltage", value=voltage, ) ) if current is not None: feats.append( _mocked_feature( "current", value=current, ) ) # Today is always reported as 0 by the library rather than none feats.append( _mocked_feature( "consumption_today", value=today if today is not None else 0.0, ) ) return feats MODULE_TO_MOCK_GEN = { Module.Light: _mocked_light_module, Module.LightEffect: _mocked_light_effect_module, Module.Fan: _mocked_fan_module, } def _patch_discovery(device=None, no_device=False, ip_address=IP_ADDRESS): async def _discovery(*args, **kwargs): if no_device: return {} return {ip_address: device if device else _mocked_device()} return patch("homeassistant.components.tplink.Discover.discover", new=_discovery) def _patch_single_discovery(device=None, no_device=False): async def _discover_single(*args, **kwargs): if no_device: raise KasaException return device if device else _mocked_device() return patch( "homeassistant.components.tplink.Discover.discover_single", new=_discover_single ) def _patch_connect(device=None, no_device=False): async def _connect(*args, **kwargs): if no_device: raise KasaException return device if device else _mocked_device() return patch("homeassistant.components.tplink.Device.connect", new=_connect) async def initialize_config_entry_for_device( hass: HomeAssistant, dev: Device ) -> MockConfigEntry: """Create a mocked configuration entry for the given device. Note, the rest of the tests should probably be converted over to use this instead of repeating the initialization routine for each test separately """ config_entry = MockConfigEntry( title="TP-Link", domain=DOMAIN, unique_id=dev.mac, data={CONF_HOST: dev.host} ) config_entry.add_to_hass(hass) with ( _patch_discovery(device=dev), _patch_single_discovery(device=dev), _patch_connect(device=dev), ): await hass.config_entries.async_setup(config_entry.entry_id) await hass.async_block_till_done() return config_entry