"""Support for Roborock select.""" import asyncio from collections.abc import Callable from dataclasses import dataclass from roborock.containers import Status from roborock.roborock_message import RoborockDataProtocol from roborock.roborock_typing import RoborockCommand from homeassistant.components.select import SelectEntity, SelectEntityDescription from homeassistant.const import EntityCategory from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.helpers.entity_platform import AddEntitiesCallback from . import RoborockConfigEntry from .const import MAP_SLEEP from .coordinator import RoborockDataUpdateCoordinator from .device import RoborockCoordinatedEntityV1 @dataclass(frozen=True, kw_only=True) class RoborockSelectDescription(SelectEntityDescription): """Class to describe a Roborock select entity.""" # The command that the select entity will send to the api. api_command: RoborockCommand # Gets the current value of the select entity. value_fn: Callable[[Status], str | None] # Gets all options of the select entity. options_lambda: Callable[[Status], list[str] | None] # Takes the value from the select entity and converts it for the api. parameter_lambda: Callable[[str, Status], list[int]] protocol_listener: RoborockDataProtocol | None = None SELECT_DESCRIPTIONS: list[RoborockSelectDescription] = [ RoborockSelectDescription( key="water_box_mode", translation_key="mop_intensity", api_command=RoborockCommand.SET_WATER_BOX_CUSTOM_MODE, value_fn=lambda data: data.water_box_mode_name, entity_category=EntityCategory.CONFIG, options_lambda=lambda data: data.water_box_mode.keys() if data.water_box_mode is not None else None, parameter_lambda=lambda key, status: [status.get_mop_intensity_code(key)], protocol_listener=RoborockDataProtocol.WATER_BOX_MODE, ), RoborockSelectDescription( key="mop_mode", translation_key="mop_mode", api_command=RoborockCommand.SET_MOP_MODE, value_fn=lambda data: data.mop_mode_name, entity_category=EntityCategory.CONFIG, options_lambda=lambda data: data.mop_mode.keys() if data.mop_mode is not None else None, parameter_lambda=lambda key, status: [status.get_mop_mode_code(key)], ), ] async def async_setup_entry( hass: HomeAssistant, config_entry: RoborockConfigEntry, async_add_entities: AddEntitiesCallback, ) -> None: """Set up Roborock select platform.""" async_add_entities( RoborockSelectEntity(coordinator, description, options) for coordinator in config_entry.runtime_data.v1 for description in SELECT_DESCRIPTIONS if ( options := description.options_lambda( coordinator.roborock_device_info.props.status ) ) is not None ) async_add_entities( RoborockCurrentMapSelectEntity( f"selected_map_{coordinator.duid_slug}", coordinator ) for coordinator in config_entry.runtime_data.v1 ) class RoborockSelectEntity(RoborockCoordinatedEntityV1, SelectEntity): """A class to let you set options on a Roborock vacuum where the potential options are fixed.""" entity_description: RoborockSelectDescription def __init__( self, coordinator: RoborockDataUpdateCoordinator, entity_description: RoborockSelectDescription, options: list[str], ) -> None: """Create a select entity.""" self.entity_description = entity_description super().__init__( f"{entity_description.key}_{coordinator.duid_slug}", coordinator, entity_description.protocol_listener, ) self._attr_options = options async def async_select_option(self, option: str) -> None: """Set the option.""" await self.send( self.entity_description.api_command, self.entity_description.parameter_lambda(option, self._device_status), ) @property def current_option(self) -> str | None: """Get the current status of the select entity from device_status.""" return self.entity_description.value_fn(self._device_status) class RoborockCurrentMapSelectEntity(RoborockCoordinatedEntityV1, SelectEntity): """A class to let you set the selected map on Roborock vacuum.""" _attr_entity_category = EntityCategory.DIAGNOSTIC _attr_translation_key = "selected_map" async def async_select_option(self, option: str) -> None: """Set the option.""" for map_id, map_ in self.coordinator.maps.items(): if map_.name == option: await self.send( RoborockCommand.LOAD_MULTI_MAP, [map_id], ) # We need to wait after updating the map # so that other commands will be executed correctly. await asyncio.sleep(MAP_SLEEP) break @property def options(self) -> list[str]: """Gets all of the names of rooms that we are currently aware of.""" return [roborock_map.name for roborock_map in self.coordinator.maps.values()] @property def current_option(self) -> str | None: """Get the current status of the select entity from device_status.""" if current_map := self.coordinator.current_map: return self.coordinator.maps[current_map].name return None