"""Test the UniFi Protect light platform.""" from __future__ import annotations from unittest.mock import AsyncMock, Mock from pyunifiprotect.data import Light from pyunifiprotect.data.types import LEDLevel from homeassistant.components.light import ATTR_BRIGHTNESS from homeassistant.components.unifiprotect.const import DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTION from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_ATTRIBUTION, ATTR_ENTITY_ID, STATE_OFF, STATE_ON, Platform, ) from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.helpers import entity_registry as er from .utils import ( MockUFPFixture, adopt_devices, assert_entity_counts, init_entry, remove_entities, ) async def test_light_remove( hass: HomeAssistant, ufp: MockUFPFixture, light: Light ) -> None: """Test removing and re-adding a light device.""" await init_entry(hass, ufp, [light]) assert_entity_counts(hass, Platform.LIGHT, 1, 1) await remove_entities(hass, ufp, [light]) assert_entity_counts(hass, Platform.LIGHT, 0, 0) await adopt_devices(hass, ufp, [light]) assert_entity_counts(hass, Platform.LIGHT, 1, 1) async def test_light_setup( hass: HomeAssistant, entity_registry: er.EntityRegistry, ufp: MockUFPFixture, light: Light, unadopted_light: Light, ) -> None: """Test light entity setup.""" await init_entry(hass, ufp, [light, unadopted_light]) assert_entity_counts(hass, Platform.LIGHT, 1, 1) unique_id = light.mac entity_id = "light.test_light" entity = entity_registry.async_get(entity_id) assert entity assert entity.unique_id == unique_id state = hass.states.get(entity_id) assert state assert state.state == STATE_OFF assert state.attributes[ATTR_ATTRIBUTION] == DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTION async def test_light_update( hass: HomeAssistant, ufp: MockUFPFixture, light: Light, unadopted_light: Light ) -> None: """Test light entity update.""" await init_entry(hass, ufp, [light, unadopted_light]) assert_entity_counts(hass, Platform.LIGHT, 1, 1) new_light = light.copy() new_light.is_light_on = True new_light.light_device_settings.led_level = LEDLevel(3) mock_msg = Mock() mock_msg.changed_data = {} mock_msg.new_obj = new_light ufp.api.bootstrap.lights = {new_light.id: new_light} ufp.ws_msg(mock_msg) await hass.async_block_till_done() state = hass.states.get("light.test_light") assert state assert state.state == STATE_ON assert state.attributes[ATTR_BRIGHTNESS] == 128 async def test_light_turn_on( hass: HomeAssistant, ufp: MockUFPFixture, light: Light, unadopted_light: Light ) -> None: """Test light entity turn off.""" await init_entry(hass, ufp, [light, unadopted_light]) assert_entity_counts(hass, Platform.LIGHT, 1, 1) entity_id = "light.test_light" light.__fields__["set_light"] = Mock(final=False) light.set_light = AsyncMock() await hass.services.async_call( "light", "turn_on", {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: entity_id, ATTR_BRIGHTNESS: 128}, blocking=True, ) light.set_light.assert_called_once_with(True, 3) async def test_light_turn_off( hass: HomeAssistant, ufp: MockUFPFixture, light: Light, unadopted_light: Light ) -> None: """Test light entity turn on.""" await init_entry(hass, ufp, [light, unadopted_light]) assert_entity_counts(hass, Platform.LIGHT, 1, 1) entity_id = "light.test_light" light.__fields__["set_light"] = Mock(final=False) light.set_light = AsyncMock() await hass.services.async_call( "light", "turn_off", {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: entity_id}, blocking=True, ) light.set_light.assert_called_once_with(False)