"""The tests for the logbook component.""" # pylint: disable=protected-access,invalid-name from datetime import datetime, timedelta import logging import unittest import pytest import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components import logbook, recorder, sun from homeassistant.components.alexa.smart_home import EVENT_ALEXA_SMART_HOME from homeassistant.components.homekit.const import ( ATTR_DISPLAY_NAME, ATTR_VALUE, DOMAIN as DOMAIN_HOMEKIT, EVENT_HOMEKIT_CHANGED, ) from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_HIDDEN, ATTR_NAME, ATTR_SERVICE, EVENT_AUTOMATION_TRIGGERED, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_START, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, EVENT_SCRIPT_STARTED, EVENT_STATE_CHANGED, STATE_NOT_HOME, STATE_OFF, STATE_ON, ) import homeassistant.core as ha from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component, setup_component import homeassistant.util.dt as dt_util from tests.common import get_test_home_assistant, init_recorder_component _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class TestComponentLogbook(unittest.TestCase): """Test the History component.""" EMPTY_CONFIG = logbook.CONFIG_SCHEMA({logbook.DOMAIN: {}}) def setUp(self): """Set up things to be run when tests are started.""" self.hass = get_test_home_assistant() init_recorder_component(self.hass) # Force an in memory DB assert setup_component(self.hass, logbook.DOMAIN, self.EMPTY_CONFIG) def tearDown(self): """Stop everything that was started.""" self.hass.stop() def test_service_call_create_logbook_entry(self): """Test if service call create log book entry.""" calls = [] @ha.callback def event_listener(event): """Append on event.""" calls.append(event) self.hass.bus.listen(logbook.EVENT_LOGBOOK_ENTRY, event_listener) self.hass.services.call( logbook.DOMAIN, "log", { logbook.ATTR_NAME: "Alarm", logbook.ATTR_MESSAGE: "is triggered", logbook.ATTR_DOMAIN: "switch", logbook.ATTR_ENTITY_ID: "switch.test_switch", }, True, ) # Logbook entry service call results in firing an event. # Our service call will unblock when the event listeners have been # scheduled. This means that they may not have been processed yet. self.hass.block_till_done() self.hass.data[recorder.DATA_INSTANCE].block_till_done() events = list( logbook._get_events( self.hass, {}, dt_util.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=1), dt_util.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=1), ) ) assert len(events) == 1 assert 1 == len(calls) last_call = calls[-1] assert "Alarm" == last_call.data.get(logbook.ATTR_NAME) assert "is triggered" == last_call.data.get(logbook.ATTR_MESSAGE) assert "switch" == last_call.data.get(logbook.ATTR_DOMAIN) assert "switch.test_switch" == last_call.data.get(logbook.ATTR_ENTITY_ID) def test_service_call_create_log_book_entry_no_message(self): """Test if service call create log book entry without message.""" calls = [] @ha.callback def event_listener(event): """Append on event.""" calls.append(event) self.hass.bus.listen(logbook.EVENT_LOGBOOK_ENTRY, event_listener) with pytest.raises(vol.Invalid): self.hass.services.call(logbook.DOMAIN, "log", {}, True) # Logbook entry service call results in firing an event. # Our service call will unblock when the event listeners have been # scheduled. This means that they may not have been processed yet. self.hass.block_till_done() assert 0 == len(calls) def test_humanify_filter_sensor(self): """Test humanify filter too frequent sensor values.""" entity_id = "sensor.bla" pointA = dt_util.utcnow().replace(minute=2) pointB = pointA.replace(minute=5) pointC = pointA + timedelta(minutes=logbook.GROUP_BY_MINUTES) eventA = self.create_state_changed_event(pointA, entity_id, 10) eventB = self.create_state_changed_event(pointB, entity_id, 20) eventC = self.create_state_changed_event(pointC, entity_id, 30) entries = list(logbook.humanify(self.hass, (eventA, eventB, eventC))) assert 2 == len(entries) self.assert_entry( entries[0], pointB, "bla", domain="sensor", entity_id=entity_id ) self.assert_entry( entries[1], pointC, "bla", domain="sensor", entity_id=entity_id ) def test_filter_continuous_sensor_values(self): """Test remove continuous sensor events from logbook.""" entity_id = "sensor.bla" pointA = dt_util.utcnow() attributes = {"unit_of_measurement": "foo"} eventA = self.create_state_changed_event(pointA, entity_id, 10, attributes) entries = list(logbook.humanify(self.hass, (eventA,))) assert 0 == len(entries) def test_exclude_new_entities(self): """Test if events are excluded on first update.""" entity_id = "sensor.bla" entity_id2 = "sensor.blu" pointA = dt_util.utcnow() pointB = pointA + timedelta(minutes=logbook.GROUP_BY_MINUTES) eventA = self.create_state_changed_event(pointA, entity_id, 10) eventB = self.create_state_changed_event(pointB, entity_id2, 20) eventA.data["old_state"] = None entities_filter = logbook._generate_filter_from_config({}) events = [ e for e in (ha.Event(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP), eventA, eventB) if logbook._keep_event(e, entities_filter) ] entries = list(logbook.humanify(self.hass, events)) assert 2 == len(entries) self.assert_entry( entries[0], name="Home Assistant", message="stopped", domain=ha.DOMAIN ) self.assert_entry( entries[1], pointB, "blu", domain="sensor", entity_id=entity_id2 ) def test_exclude_removed_entities(self): """Test if events are excluded on last update.""" entity_id = "sensor.bla" entity_id2 = "sensor.blu" pointA = dt_util.utcnow() pointB = pointA + timedelta(minutes=logbook.GROUP_BY_MINUTES) eventA = self.create_state_changed_event(pointA, entity_id, 10) eventB = self.create_state_changed_event(pointB, entity_id2, 20) eventA.data["new_state"] = None entities_filter = logbook._generate_filter_from_config({}) events = [ e for e in (ha.Event(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP), eventA, eventB) if logbook._keep_event(e, entities_filter) ] entries = list(logbook.humanify(self.hass, events)) assert 2 == len(entries) self.assert_entry( entries[0], name="Home Assistant", message="stopped", domain=ha.DOMAIN ) self.assert_entry( entries[1], pointB, "blu", domain="sensor", entity_id=entity_id2 ) def test_exclude_events_hidden(self): """Test if events are excluded if entity is hidden.""" entity_id = "sensor.bla" entity_id2 = "sensor.blu" pointA = dt_util.utcnow() pointB = pointA + timedelta(minutes=logbook.GROUP_BY_MINUTES) eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, entity_id, 10, {ATTR_HIDDEN: "true"} ) eventB = self.create_state_changed_event(pointB, entity_id2, 20) entities_filter = logbook._generate_filter_from_config({}) events = [ e for e in (ha.Event(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP), eventA, eventB) if logbook._keep_event(e, entities_filter) ] entries = list(logbook.humanify(self.hass, events)) assert 2 == len(entries) self.assert_entry( entries[0], name="Home Assistant", message="stopped", domain=ha.DOMAIN ) self.assert_entry( entries[1], pointB, "blu", domain="sensor", entity_id=entity_id2 ) def test_exclude_events_entity(self): """Test if events are filtered if entity is excluded in config.""" entity_id = "sensor.bla" entity_id2 = "sensor.blu" pointA = dt_util.utcnow() pointB = pointA + timedelta(minutes=logbook.GROUP_BY_MINUTES) eventA = self.create_state_changed_event(pointA, entity_id, 10) eventB = self.create_state_changed_event(pointB, entity_id2, 20) config = logbook.CONFIG_SCHEMA( { ha.DOMAIN: {}, logbook.DOMAIN: { logbook.CONF_EXCLUDE: {logbook.CONF_ENTITIES: [entity_id]} }, } ) entities_filter = logbook._generate_filter_from_config(config[logbook.DOMAIN]) events = [ e for e in (ha.Event(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP), eventA, eventB) if logbook._keep_event(e, entities_filter) ] entries = list(logbook.humanify(self.hass, events)) assert 2 == len(entries) self.assert_entry( entries[0], name="Home Assistant", message="stopped", domain=ha.DOMAIN ) self.assert_entry( entries[1], pointB, "blu", domain="sensor", entity_id=entity_id2 ) def test_exclude_events_domain(self): """Test if events are filtered if domain is excluded in config.""" entity_id = "switch.bla" entity_id2 = "sensor.blu" pointA = dt_util.utcnow() pointB = pointA + timedelta(minutes=logbook.GROUP_BY_MINUTES) eventA = self.create_state_changed_event(pointA, entity_id, 10) eventB = self.create_state_changed_event(pointB, entity_id2, 20) config = logbook.CONFIG_SCHEMA( { ha.DOMAIN: {}, logbook.DOMAIN: { logbook.CONF_EXCLUDE: { logbook.CONF_DOMAINS: ["switch", "alexa", DOMAIN_HOMEKIT] } }, } ) entities_filter = logbook._generate_filter_from_config(config[logbook.DOMAIN]) events = [ e for e in ( ha.Event(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_START), ha.Event(EVENT_ALEXA_SMART_HOME), ha.Event(EVENT_HOMEKIT_CHANGED), eventA, eventB, ) if logbook._keep_event(e, entities_filter) ] entries = list(logbook.humanify(self.hass, events)) assert 2 == len(entries) self.assert_entry( entries[0], name="Home Assistant", message="started", domain=ha.DOMAIN ) self.assert_entry( entries[1], pointB, "blu", domain="sensor", entity_id=entity_id2 ) def test_exclude_automation_events(self): """Test if automation entries can be excluded by entity_id.""" name = "My Automation Rule" domain = "automation" entity_id = "automation.my_automation_rule" entity_id2 = "automation.my_automation_rule_2" entity_id2 = "sensor.blu" eventA = ha.Event( logbook.EVENT_AUTOMATION_TRIGGERED, {logbook.ATTR_NAME: name, logbook.ATTR_ENTITY_ID: entity_id}, ) eventB = ha.Event( logbook.EVENT_AUTOMATION_TRIGGERED, {logbook.ATTR_NAME: name, logbook.ATTR_ENTITY_ID: entity_id2}, ) config = logbook.CONFIG_SCHEMA( { ha.DOMAIN: {}, logbook.DOMAIN: { logbook.CONF_EXCLUDE: {logbook.CONF_ENTITIES: [entity_id]} }, } ) entities_filter = logbook._generate_filter_from_config(config[logbook.DOMAIN]) events = [ e for e in (ha.Event(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP), eventA, eventB) if logbook._keep_event(e, entities_filter) ] entries = list(logbook.humanify(self.hass, events)) assert 2 == len(entries) self.assert_entry( entries[0], name="Home Assistant", message="stopped", domain=ha.DOMAIN ) self.assert_entry(entries[1], name=name, domain=domain, entity_id=entity_id2) def test_exclude_script_events(self): """Test if script start can be excluded by entity_id.""" name = "My Script Rule" domain = "script" entity_id = "script.my_script" entity_id2 = "script.my_script_2" entity_id2 = "sensor.blu" eventA = ha.Event( logbook.EVENT_SCRIPT_STARTED, {logbook.ATTR_NAME: name, logbook.ATTR_ENTITY_ID: entity_id}, ) eventB = ha.Event( logbook.EVENT_SCRIPT_STARTED, {logbook.ATTR_NAME: name, logbook.ATTR_ENTITY_ID: entity_id2}, ) config = logbook.CONFIG_SCHEMA( { ha.DOMAIN: {}, logbook.DOMAIN: { logbook.CONF_EXCLUDE: {logbook.CONF_ENTITIES: [entity_id]} }, } ) entities_filter = logbook._generate_filter_from_config(config[logbook.DOMAIN]) events = [ e for e in (ha.Event(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP), eventA, eventB) if logbook._keep_event(e, entities_filter) ] entries = list(logbook.humanify(self.hass, events)) assert 2 == len(entries) self.assert_entry( entries[0], name="Home Assistant", message="stopped", domain=ha.DOMAIN ) self.assert_entry(entries[1], name=name, domain=domain, entity_id=entity_id2) def test_include_events_entity(self): """Test if events are filtered if entity is included in config.""" entity_id = "sensor.bla" entity_id2 = "sensor.blu" pointA = dt_util.utcnow() pointB = pointA + timedelta(minutes=logbook.GROUP_BY_MINUTES) eventA = self.create_state_changed_event(pointA, entity_id, 10) eventB = self.create_state_changed_event(pointB, entity_id2, 20) config = logbook.CONFIG_SCHEMA( { ha.DOMAIN: {}, logbook.DOMAIN: { logbook.CONF_INCLUDE: {logbook.CONF_ENTITIES: [entity_id2]} }, } ) entities_filter = logbook._generate_filter_from_config(config[logbook.DOMAIN]) events = [ e for e in (ha.Event(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP), eventA, eventB) if logbook._keep_event(e, entities_filter) ] entries = list(logbook.humanify(self.hass, events)) assert 2 == len(entries) self.assert_entry( entries[0], name="Home Assistant", message="stopped", domain=ha.DOMAIN ) self.assert_entry( entries[1], pointB, "blu", domain="sensor", entity_id=entity_id2 ) def test_include_events_domain(self): """Test if events are filtered if domain is included in config.""" entity_id = "switch.bla" entity_id2 = "sensor.blu" pointA = dt_util.utcnow() pointB = pointA + timedelta(minutes=logbook.GROUP_BY_MINUTES) event_alexa = ha.Event( EVENT_ALEXA_SMART_HOME, {"request": {"namespace": "Alexa.Discovery", "name": "Discover"}}, ) event_homekit = ha.Event( EVENT_HOMEKIT_CHANGED, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: "lock.front_door", ATTR_DISPLAY_NAME: "Front Door", ATTR_SERVICE: "lock", }, ) eventA = self.create_state_changed_event(pointA, entity_id, 10) eventB = self.create_state_changed_event(pointB, entity_id2, 20) config = logbook.CONFIG_SCHEMA( { ha.DOMAIN: {}, logbook.DOMAIN: { logbook.CONF_INCLUDE: { logbook.CONF_DOMAINS: ["sensor", "alexa", DOMAIN_HOMEKIT] } }, } ) entities_filter = logbook._generate_filter_from_config(config[logbook.DOMAIN]) events = [ e for e in ( ha.Event(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_START), event_alexa, event_homekit, eventA, eventB, ) if logbook._keep_event(e, entities_filter) ] entries = list(logbook.humanify(self.hass, events)) assert 4 == len(entries) self.assert_entry( entries[0], name="Home Assistant", message="started", domain=ha.DOMAIN ) self.assert_entry(entries[1], name="Amazon Alexa", domain="alexa") self.assert_entry(entries[2], name="HomeKit", domain=DOMAIN_HOMEKIT) self.assert_entry( entries[3], pointB, "blu", domain="sensor", entity_id=entity_id2 ) def test_include_exclude_events(self): """Test if events are filtered if include and exclude is configured.""" entity_id = "switch.bla" entity_id2 = "sensor.blu" entity_id3 = "sensor.bli" pointA = dt_util.utcnow() pointB = pointA + timedelta(minutes=logbook.GROUP_BY_MINUTES) eventA1 = self.create_state_changed_event(pointA, entity_id, 10) eventA2 = self.create_state_changed_event(pointA, entity_id2, 10) eventA3 = self.create_state_changed_event(pointA, entity_id3, 10) eventB1 = self.create_state_changed_event(pointB, entity_id, 20) eventB2 = self.create_state_changed_event(pointB, entity_id2, 20) config = logbook.CONFIG_SCHEMA( { ha.DOMAIN: {}, logbook.DOMAIN: { logbook.CONF_INCLUDE: { logbook.CONF_DOMAINS: ["sensor"], logbook.CONF_ENTITIES: ["switch.bla"], }, logbook.CONF_EXCLUDE: { logbook.CONF_DOMAINS: ["switch"], logbook.CONF_ENTITIES: ["sensor.bli"], }, }, } ) entities_filter = logbook._generate_filter_from_config(config[logbook.DOMAIN]) events = [ e for e in ( ha.Event(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_START), eventA1, eventA2, eventA3, eventB1, eventB2, ) if logbook._keep_event(e, entities_filter) ] entries = list(logbook.humanify(self.hass, events)) assert 5 == len(entries) self.assert_entry( entries[0], name="Home Assistant", message="started", domain=ha.DOMAIN ) self.assert_entry( entries[1], pointA, "bla", domain="switch", entity_id=entity_id ) self.assert_entry( entries[2], pointA, "blu", domain="sensor", entity_id=entity_id2 ) self.assert_entry( entries[3], pointB, "bla", domain="switch", entity_id=entity_id ) self.assert_entry( entries[4], pointB, "blu", domain="sensor", entity_id=entity_id2 ) def test_exclude_auto_groups(self): """Test if events of automatically generated groups are filtered.""" entity_id = "switch.bla" entity_id2 = "group.switches" pointA = dt_util.utcnow() eventA = self.create_state_changed_event(pointA, entity_id, 10) eventB = self.create_state_changed_event(pointA, entity_id2, 20, {"auto": True}) entities_filter = logbook._generate_filter_from_config({}) events = [ e for e in (eventA, eventB) if logbook._keep_event(e, entities_filter) ] entries = list(logbook.humanify(self.hass, events)) assert 1 == len(entries) self.assert_entry( entries[0], pointA, "bla", domain="switch", entity_id=entity_id ) def test_exclude_attribute_changes(self): """Test if events of attribute changes are filtered.""" entity_id = "switch.bla" entity_id2 = "switch.blu" pointA = dt_util.utcnow() pointB = pointA + timedelta(minutes=1) eventA = self.create_state_changed_event(pointA, entity_id, 10) eventB = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, entity_id2, 20, last_changed=pointA, last_updated=pointB ) entities_filter = logbook._generate_filter_from_config({}) events = [ e for e in (eventA, eventB) if logbook._keep_event(e, entities_filter) ] entries = list(logbook.humanify(self.hass, events)) assert 1 == len(entries) self.assert_entry( entries[0], pointA, "bla", domain="switch", entity_id=entity_id ) def test_home_assistant_start_stop_grouped(self): """Test if HA start and stop events are grouped. Events that are occurring in the same minute. """ entries = list( logbook.humanify( self.hass, ( ha.Event(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP), ha.Event(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_START), ), ) ) assert 1 == len(entries) self.assert_entry( entries[0], name="Home Assistant", message="restarted", domain=ha.DOMAIN ) def test_home_assistant_start(self): """Test if HA start is not filtered or converted into a restart.""" entity_id = "switch.bla" pointA = dt_util.utcnow() entries = list( logbook.humanify( self.hass, ( ha.Event(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_START), self.create_state_changed_event(pointA, entity_id, 10), ), ) ) assert 2 == len(entries) self.assert_entry( entries[0], name="Home Assistant", message="started", domain=ha.DOMAIN ) self.assert_entry( entries[1], pointA, "bla", domain="switch", entity_id=entity_id ) def test_entry_message_from_state_device(self): """Test if logbook message is correctly created for switches. Especially test if the special handling for turn on/off events is done. """ pointA = dt_util.utcnow() # message for a device state change eventA = self.create_state_changed_event(pointA, "switch.bla", 10) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "changed to 10" == message # message for a switch turned on eventA = self.create_state_changed_event(pointA, "switch.bla", STATE_ON) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "turned on" == message # message for a switch turned off eventA = self.create_state_changed_event(pointA, "switch.bla", STATE_OFF) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "turned off" == message def test_entry_message_from_state_device_tracker(self): """Test if logbook message is correctly created for device tracker.""" pointA = dt_util.utcnow() # message for a device tracker "not home" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "device_tracker.john", STATE_NOT_HOME ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "is away" == message # message for a device tracker "home" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event(pointA, "device_tracker.john", "work") to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "is at work" == message def test_entry_message_from_state_person(self): """Test if logbook message is correctly created for a person.""" pointA = dt_util.utcnow() # message for a device tracker "not home" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event(pointA, "person.john", STATE_NOT_HOME) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "is away" == message # message for a device tracker "home" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event(pointA, "person.john", "work") to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "is at work" == message def test_entry_message_from_state_sun(self): """Test if logbook message is correctly created for sun.""" pointA = dt_util.utcnow() # message for a sun rise eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "sun.sun", sun.STATE_ABOVE_HORIZON ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "has risen" == message # message for a sun set eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "sun.sun", sun.STATE_BELOW_HORIZON ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "has set" == message def test_entry_message_from_state_binary_sensor_battery(self): """Test if logbook message is correctly created for a binary_sensor.""" pointA = dt_util.utcnow() attributes = {"device_class": "battery"} # message for a binary_sensor battery "low" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.battery", STATE_ON, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "is low" == message # message for a binary_sensor battery "normal" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.battery", STATE_OFF, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "is normal" == message def test_entry_message_from_state_binary_sensor_connectivity(self): """Test if logbook message is correctly created for a binary_sensor.""" pointA = dt_util.utcnow() attributes = {"device_class": "connectivity"} # message for a binary_sensor connectivity "connected" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.connectivity", STATE_ON, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "is connected" == message # message for a binary_sensor connectivity "disconnected" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.connectivity", STATE_OFF, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "is disconnected" == message def test_entry_message_from_state_binary_sensor_door(self): """Test if logbook message is correctly created for a binary_sensor.""" pointA = dt_util.utcnow() attributes = {"device_class": "door"} # message for a binary_sensor door "open" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.door", STATE_ON, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "is opened" == message # message for a binary_sensor door "closed" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.door", STATE_OFF, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "is closed" == message def test_entry_message_from_state_binary_sensor_garage_door(self): """Test if logbook message is correctly created for a binary_sensor.""" pointA = dt_util.utcnow() attributes = {"device_class": "garage_door"} # message for a binary_sensor garage_door "open" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.garage_door", STATE_ON, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "is opened" == message # message for a binary_sensor garage_door "closed" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.garage_door", STATE_OFF, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "is closed" == message def test_entry_message_from_state_binary_sensor_opening(self): """Test if logbook message is correctly created for a binary_sensor.""" pointA = dt_util.utcnow() attributes = {"device_class": "opening"} # message for a binary_sensor opening "open" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.opening", STATE_ON, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "is opened" == message # message for a binary_sensor opening "closed" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.opening", STATE_OFF, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "is closed" == message def test_entry_message_from_state_binary_sensor_window(self): """Test if logbook message is correctly created for a binary_sensor.""" pointA = dt_util.utcnow() attributes = {"device_class": "window"} # message for a binary_sensor window "open" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.window", STATE_ON, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "is opened" == message # message for a binary_sensor window "closed" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.window", STATE_OFF, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "is closed" == message def test_entry_message_from_state_binary_sensor_lock(self): """Test if logbook message is correctly created for a binary_sensor.""" pointA = dt_util.utcnow() attributes = {"device_class": "lock"} # message for a binary_sensor lock "unlocked" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.lock", STATE_ON, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "is unlocked" == message # message for a binary_sensor lock "locked" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.lock", STATE_OFF, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "is locked" == message def test_entry_message_from_state_binary_sensor_plug(self): """Test if logbook message is correctly created for a binary_sensor.""" pointA = dt_util.utcnow() attributes = {"device_class": "plug"} # message for a binary_sensor plug "unpluged" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.plug", STATE_ON, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "is plugged in" == message # message for a binary_sensor plug "pluged" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.plug", STATE_OFF, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "is unplugged" == message def test_entry_message_from_state_binary_sensor_presence(self): """Test if logbook message is correctly created for a binary_sensor.""" pointA = dt_util.utcnow() attributes = {"device_class": "presence"} # message for a binary_sensor presence "home" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.presence", STATE_ON, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "is at home" == message # message for a binary_sensor presence "away" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.presence", STATE_OFF, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "is away" == message def test_entry_message_from_state_binary_sensor_safety(self): """Test if logbook message is correctly created for a binary_sensor.""" pointA = dt_util.utcnow() attributes = {"device_class": "safety"} # message for a binary_sensor safety "unsafe" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.safety", STATE_ON, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "is unsafe" == message # message for a binary_sensor safety "safe" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.safety", STATE_OFF, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "is safe" == message def test_entry_message_from_state_binary_sensor_cold(self): """Test if logbook message is correctly created for a binary_sensor.""" pointA = dt_util.utcnow() attributes = {"device_class": "cold"} # message for a binary_sensor cold "detected" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.cold", STATE_ON, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "detected cold" == message # message for a binary_sensori cold "cleared" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.cold", STATE_OFF, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "cleared (no cold detected)" == message def test_entry_message_from_state_binary_sensor_gas(self): """Test if logbook message is correctly created for a binary_sensor.""" pointA = dt_util.utcnow() attributes = {"device_class": "gas"} # message for a binary_sensor gas "detected" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.gas", STATE_ON, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "detected gas" == message # message for a binary_sensori gas "cleared" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.gas", STATE_OFF, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "cleared (no gas detected)" == message def test_entry_message_from_state_binary_sensor_heat(self): """Test if logbook message is correctly created for a binary_sensor.""" pointA = dt_util.utcnow() attributes = {"device_class": "heat"} # message for a binary_sensor heat "detected" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.heat", STATE_ON, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "detected heat" == message # message for a binary_sensori heat "cleared" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.heat", STATE_OFF, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "cleared (no heat detected)" == message def test_entry_message_from_state_binary_sensor_light(self): """Test if logbook message is correctly created for a binary_sensor.""" pointA = dt_util.utcnow() attributes = {"device_class": "light"} # message for a binary_sensor light "detected" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.light", STATE_ON, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "detected light" == message # message for a binary_sensori light "cleared" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.light", STATE_OFF, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "cleared (no light detected)" == message def test_entry_message_from_state_binary_sensor_moisture(self): """Test if logbook message is correctly created for a binary_sensor.""" pointA = dt_util.utcnow() attributes = {"device_class": "moisture"} # message for a binary_sensor moisture "detected" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.moisture", STATE_ON, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "detected moisture" == message # message for a binary_sensori moisture "cleared" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.moisture", STATE_OFF, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "cleared (no moisture detected)" == message def test_entry_message_from_state_binary_sensor_motion(self): """Test if logbook message is correctly created for a binary_sensor.""" pointA = dt_util.utcnow() attributes = {"device_class": "motion"} # message for a binary_sensor motion "detected" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.motion", STATE_ON, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "detected motion" == message # message for a binary_sensori motion "cleared" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.motion", STATE_OFF, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "cleared (no motion detected)" == message def test_entry_message_from_state_binary_sensor_occupancy(self): """Test if logbook message is correctly created for a binary_sensor.""" pointA = dt_util.utcnow() attributes = {"device_class": "occupancy"} # message for a binary_sensor occupancy "detected" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.occupancy", STATE_ON, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "detected occupancy" == message # message for a binary_sensori occupancy "cleared" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.occupancy", STATE_OFF, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "cleared (no occupancy detected)" == message def test_entry_message_from_state_binary_sensor_power(self): """Test if logbook message is correctly created for a binary_sensor.""" pointA = dt_util.utcnow() attributes = {"device_class": "power"} # message for a binary_sensor power "detected" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.power", STATE_ON, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "detected power" == message # message for a binary_sensori power "cleared" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.power", STATE_OFF, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "cleared (no power detected)" == message def test_entry_message_from_state_binary_sensor_problem(self): """Test if logbook message is correctly created for a binary_sensor.""" pointA = dt_util.utcnow() attributes = {"device_class": "problem"} # message for a binary_sensor problem "detected" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.problem", STATE_ON, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "detected problem" == message # message for a binary_sensori problem "cleared" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.problem", STATE_OFF, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "cleared (no problem detected)" == message def test_entry_message_from_state_binary_sensor_smoke(self): """Test if logbook message is correctly created for a binary_sensor.""" pointA = dt_util.utcnow() attributes = {"device_class": "smoke"} # message for a binary_sensor smoke "detected" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.smoke", STATE_ON, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "detected smoke" == message # message for a binary_sensori smoke "cleared" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.smoke", STATE_OFF, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "cleared (no smoke detected)" == message def test_entry_message_from_state_binary_sensor_sound(self): """Test if logbook message is correctly created for a binary_sensor.""" pointA = dt_util.utcnow() attributes = {"device_class": "sound"} # message for a binary_sensor sound "detected" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.sound", STATE_ON, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "detected sound" == message # message for a binary_sensori sound "cleared" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.sound", STATE_OFF, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "cleared (no sound detected)" == message def test_entry_message_from_state_binary_sensor_vibration(self): """Test if logbook message is correctly created for a binary_sensor.""" pointA = dt_util.utcnow() attributes = {"device_class": "vibration"} # message for a binary_sensor vibration "detected" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.vibration", STATE_ON, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "detected vibration" == message # message for a binary_sensori vibration "cleared" state eventA = self.create_state_changed_event( pointA, "binary_sensor.vibration", STATE_OFF, attributes ) to_state = ha.State.from_dict(eventA.data.get("new_state")) message = logbook._entry_message_from_state(to_state.domain, to_state) assert "cleared (no vibration detected)" == message def test_process_custom_logbook_entries(self): """Test if custom log book entries get added as an entry.""" name = "Nice name" message = "has a custom entry" entity_id = "sun.sun" entries = list( logbook.humanify( self.hass, ( ha.Event( logbook.EVENT_LOGBOOK_ENTRY, { logbook.ATTR_NAME: name, logbook.ATTR_MESSAGE: message, logbook.ATTR_ENTITY_ID: entity_id, }, ), ), ) ) assert 1 == len(entries) self.assert_entry( entries[0], name=name, message=message, domain="sun", entity_id=entity_id ) def assert_entry( self, entry, when=None, name=None, message=None, domain=None, entity_id=None ): """Assert an entry is what is expected.""" if when: assert when == entry["when"] if name: assert name == entry["name"] if message: assert message == entry["message"] if domain: assert domain == entry["domain"] if entity_id: assert entity_id == entry["entity_id"] def create_state_changed_event( self, event_time_fired, entity_id, state, attributes=None, last_changed=None, last_updated=None, ): """Create state changed event.""" # Logbook only cares about state change events that # contain an old state but will not actually act on it. state = ha.State( entity_id, state, attributes, last_changed, last_updated ).as_dict() return ha.Event( EVENT_STATE_CHANGED, {"entity_id": entity_id, "old_state": state, "new_state": state}, time_fired=event_time_fired, ) async def test_logbook_view(hass, hass_client): """Test the logbook view.""" await hass.async_add_job(init_recorder_component, hass) await async_setup_component(hass, "logbook", {}) await hass.async_add_job(hass.data[recorder.DATA_INSTANCE].block_till_done) client = await hass_client() response = await client.get("/api/logbook/{}".format(dt_util.utcnow().isoformat())) assert response.status == 200 async def test_logbook_view_period_entity(hass, hass_client): """Test the logbook view with period and entity.""" await hass.async_add_job(init_recorder_component, hass) await async_setup_component(hass, "logbook", {}) await hass.async_add_job(hass.data[recorder.DATA_INSTANCE].block_till_done) entity_id_test = "switch.test" hass.states.async_set(entity_id_test, STATE_OFF) hass.states.async_set(entity_id_test, STATE_ON) entity_id_second = "switch.second" hass.states.async_set(entity_id_second, STATE_OFF) hass.states.async_set(entity_id_second, STATE_ON) await hass.async_block_till_done() await hass.async_add_job(hass.data[recorder.DATA_INSTANCE].block_till_done) client = await hass_client() # Today time 00:00:00 start = dt_util.utcnow().date() start_date = datetime(start.year, start.month, start.day) # Test today entries without filters response = await client.get("/api/logbook/{}".format(start_date.isoformat())) assert response.status == 200 json = await response.json() assert len(json) == 2 assert json[0]["entity_id"] == entity_id_test assert json[1]["entity_id"] == entity_id_second # Test today entries with filter by period response = await client.get( "/api/logbook/{}?period=1".format(start_date.isoformat()) ) assert response.status == 200 json = await response.json() assert len(json) == 2 assert json[0]["entity_id"] == entity_id_test assert json[1]["entity_id"] == entity_id_second # Test today entries with filter by entity_id response = await client.get( "/api/logbook/{}?entity=switch.test".format(start_date.isoformat()) ) assert response.status == 200 json = await response.json() assert len(json) == 1 assert json[0]["entity_id"] == entity_id_test # Test entries for 3 days with filter by entity_id response = await client.get( "/api/logbook/{}?period=3&entity=switch.test".format(start_date.isoformat()) ) assert response.status == 200 json = await response.json() assert len(json) == 1 assert json[0]["entity_id"] == entity_id_test # Tomorrow time 00:00:00 start = (dt_util.utcnow() + timedelta(days=1)).date() start_date = datetime(start.year, start.month, start.day) # Test tomorrow entries without filters response = await client.get("/api/logbook/{}".format(start_date.isoformat())) assert response.status == 200 json = await response.json() assert len(json) == 0 # Test tomorrow entries with filter by entity_id response = await client.get( "/api/logbook/{}?entity=switch.test".format(start_date.isoformat()) ) assert response.status == 200 json = await response.json() assert len(json) == 0 # Test entries from tomorrow to 3 days ago with filter by entity_id response = await client.get( "/api/logbook/{}?period=3&entity=switch.test".format(start_date.isoformat()) ) assert response.status == 200 json = await response.json() assert len(json) == 1 assert json[0]["entity_id"] == entity_id_test async def test_humanify_alexa_event(hass): """Test humanifying Alexa event.""" hass.states.async_set("light.kitchen", "on", {"friendly_name": "Kitchen Light"}) results = list( logbook.humanify( hass, [ ha.Event( EVENT_ALEXA_SMART_HOME, {"request": {"namespace": "Alexa.Discovery", "name": "Discover"}}, ), ha.Event( EVENT_ALEXA_SMART_HOME, { "request": { "namespace": "Alexa.PowerController", "name": "TurnOn", "entity_id": "light.kitchen", } }, ), ha.Event( EVENT_ALEXA_SMART_HOME, { "request": { "namespace": "Alexa.PowerController", "name": "TurnOn", "entity_id": "light.non_existing", } }, ), ], ) ) event1, event2, event3 = results assert event1["name"] == "Amazon Alexa" assert event1["message"] == "send command Alexa.Discovery/Discover" assert event1["entity_id"] is None assert event2["name"] == "Amazon Alexa" assert ( event2["message"] == "send command Alexa.PowerController/TurnOn for Kitchen Light" ) assert event2["entity_id"] == "light.kitchen" assert event3["name"] == "Amazon Alexa" assert ( event3["message"] == "send command Alexa.PowerController/TurnOn for light.non_existing" ) assert event3["entity_id"] == "light.non_existing" async def test_humanify_homekit_changed_event(hass): """Test humanifying HomeKit changed event.""" event1, event2 = list( logbook.humanify( hass, [ ha.Event( EVENT_HOMEKIT_CHANGED, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: "lock.front_door", ATTR_DISPLAY_NAME: "Front Door", ATTR_SERVICE: "lock", }, ), ha.Event( EVENT_HOMEKIT_CHANGED, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: "cover.window", ATTR_DISPLAY_NAME: "Window", ATTR_SERVICE: "set_cover_position", ATTR_VALUE: 75, }, ), ], ) ) assert event1["name"] == "HomeKit" assert event1["domain"] == DOMAIN_HOMEKIT assert event1["message"] == "send command lock for Front Door" assert event1["entity_id"] == "lock.front_door" assert event2["name"] == "HomeKit" assert event2["domain"] == DOMAIN_HOMEKIT assert event2["message"] == "send command set_cover_position to 75 for Window" assert event2["entity_id"] == "cover.window" async def test_humanify_automation_triggered_event(hass): """Test humanifying Automation Trigger event.""" event1, event2 = list( logbook.humanify( hass, [ ha.Event( EVENT_AUTOMATION_TRIGGERED, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: "automation.hello", ATTR_NAME: "Hello Automation"}, ), ha.Event( EVENT_AUTOMATION_TRIGGERED, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: "automation.bye", ATTR_NAME: "Bye Automation"}, ), ], ) ) assert event1["name"] == "Hello Automation" assert event1["domain"] == "automation" assert event1["message"] == "has been triggered" assert event1["entity_id"] == "automation.hello" assert event2["name"] == "Bye Automation" assert event2["domain"] == "automation" assert event2["message"] == "has been triggered" assert event2["entity_id"] == "automation.bye" async def test_humanify_script_started_event(hass): """Test humanifying Script Run event.""" event1, event2 = list( logbook.humanify( hass, [ ha.Event( EVENT_SCRIPT_STARTED, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: "script.hello", ATTR_NAME: "Hello Script"}, ), ha.Event( EVENT_SCRIPT_STARTED, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: "script.bye", ATTR_NAME: "Bye Script"}, ), ], ) ) assert event1["name"] == "Hello Script" assert event1["domain"] == "script" assert event1["message"] == "started" assert event1["entity_id"] == "script.hello" assert event2["name"] == "Bye Script" assert event2["domain"] == "script" assert event2["message"] == "started" assert event2["entity_id"] == "script.bye"