"""Support for Nest devices.""" from __future__ import annotations from abc import ABC, abstractmethod import asyncio from collections.abc import Awaitable, Callable from http import HTTPStatus import logging from aiohttp import web from google_nest_sdm.camera_traits import CameraClipPreviewTrait from google_nest_sdm.device import Device from google_nest_sdm.event import EventMessage from google_nest_sdm.event_media import Media from google_nest_sdm.exceptions import ( ApiException, AuthException, ConfigurationException, DecodeException, SubscriberException, ) from google_nest_sdm.traits import TraitType import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.auth.permissions.const import POLICY_READ from homeassistant.components.camera import Image, img_util from homeassistant.components.http import KEY_HASS_USER from homeassistant.components.http.view import HomeAssistantView from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_BINARY_SENSORS, CONF_CLIENT_ID, CONF_CLIENT_SECRET, CONF_MONITORED_CONDITIONS, CONF_SENSORS, CONF_STRUCTURE, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, Platform, ) from homeassistant.core import Event, HomeAssistant, callback from homeassistant.exceptions import ( ConfigEntryAuthFailed, ConfigEntryNotReady, HomeAssistantError, Unauthorized, ) from homeassistant.helpers import ( config_validation as cv, device_registry as dr, entity_registry as er, issue_registry as ir, ) from homeassistant.helpers.entity_registry import async_entries_for_device from homeassistant.helpers.typing import ConfigType from . import api from .const import ( CONF_PROJECT_ID, CONF_SUBSCRIBER_ID, CONF_SUBSCRIBER_ID_IMPORTED, DATA_DEVICE_MANAGER, DATA_SDM, DATA_SUBSCRIBER, DOMAIN, ) from .events import EVENT_NAME_MAP, NEST_EVENT from .media_source import ( EVENT_MEDIA_API_URL_FORMAT, EVENT_THUMBNAIL_URL_FORMAT, async_get_media_event_store, async_get_media_source_devices, async_get_transcoder, ) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) SENSOR_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( {vol.Optional(CONF_MONITORED_CONDITIONS): vol.All(cv.ensure_list)} ) CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { DOMAIN: vol.Schema( { vol.Required(CONF_CLIENT_ID): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_CLIENT_SECRET): cv.string, # Required to use the new API (optional for compatibility) vol.Optional(CONF_PROJECT_ID): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_SUBSCRIBER_ID): cv.string, # Config that only currently works on the old API vol.Optional(CONF_STRUCTURE): vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [cv.string]), vol.Optional(CONF_SENSORS): SENSOR_SCHEMA, vol.Optional(CONF_BINARY_SENSORS): SENSOR_SCHEMA, } ) }, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA, ) # Platforms for SDM API PLATFORMS = [Platform.CAMERA, Platform.CLIMATE, Platform.EVENT, Platform.SENSOR] # Fetch media events with a disk backed cache, with a limit for each camera # device. The largest media items are mp4 clips at ~120kb each, and we target # ~125MB of storage per camera to try to balance a reasonable user experience # for event history not not filling the disk. EVENT_MEDIA_CACHE_SIZE = 1024 # number of events THUMBNAIL_SIZE_PX = 175 async def async_setup(hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType) -> bool: """Set up Nest components with dispatch between old/new flows.""" hass.data[DOMAIN] = {} hass.http.register_view(NestEventMediaView(hass)) hass.http.register_view(NestEventMediaThumbnailView(hass)) if DOMAIN in config and CONF_PROJECT_ID not in config[DOMAIN]: ir.async_create_issue( hass, DOMAIN, "legacy_nest_deprecated", breaks_in_ha_version="2023.8.0", is_fixable=False, severity=ir.IssueSeverity.WARNING, translation_key="legacy_nest_removed", translation_placeholders={ "documentation_url": "https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/nest/", }, ) return False return True class SignalUpdateCallback: """An EventCallback invoked when new events arrive from subscriber.""" def __init__( self, hass: HomeAssistant, config_reload_cb: Callable[[], Awaitable[None]], config_entry_id: str, ) -> None: """Initialize EventCallback.""" self._hass = hass self._config_reload_cb = config_reload_cb self._config_entry_id = config_entry_id async def async_handle_event(self, event_message: EventMessage) -> None: """Process an incoming EventMessage.""" if event_message.relation_update: _LOGGER.info("Devices or homes have changed; Need reload to take effect") return if not event_message.resource_update_name: return device_id = event_message.resource_update_name if not (events := event_message.resource_update_events): return _LOGGER.debug("Event Update %s", events.keys()) device_registry = dr.async_get(self._hass) device_entry = device_registry.async_get_device( identifiers={(DOMAIN, device_id)} ) if not device_entry: return supported_traits = self._supported_traits(device_id) for api_event_type, image_event in events.items(): if not (event_type := EVENT_NAME_MAP.get(api_event_type)): continue nest_event_id = image_event.event_token message = { "device_id": device_entry.id, "type": event_type, "timestamp": event_message.timestamp, "nest_event_id": nest_event_id, } if ( TraitType.CAMERA_EVENT_IMAGE in supported_traits or TraitType.CAMERA_CLIP_PREVIEW in supported_traits ): attachment = { "image": EVENT_THUMBNAIL_URL_FORMAT.format( device_id=device_entry.id, event_token=image_event.event_token ) } if TraitType.CAMERA_CLIP_PREVIEW in supported_traits: attachment["video"] = EVENT_MEDIA_API_URL_FORMAT.format( device_id=device_entry.id, event_token=image_event.event_token ) message["attachment"] = attachment if image_event.zones: message["zones"] = image_event.zones self._hass.bus.async_fire(NEST_EVENT, message) def _supported_traits(self, device_id: str) -> list[TraitType]: if not ( device_manager := self._hass.data[DOMAIN] .get(self._config_entry_id, {}) .get(DATA_DEVICE_MANAGER) ) or not (device := device_manager.devices.get(device_id)): return [] return list(device.traits) async def async_setup_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry) -> bool: """Set up Nest from a config entry with dispatch between old/new flows.""" if DATA_SDM not in entry.data: hass.async_create_task(hass.config_entries.async_remove(entry.entry_id)) return False if entry.unique_id != entry.data[CONF_PROJECT_ID]: hass.config_entries.async_update_entry( entry, unique_id=entry.data[CONF_PROJECT_ID] ) subscriber = await api.new_subscriber(hass, entry) if not subscriber: return False # Keep media for last N events in memory subscriber.cache_policy.event_cache_size = EVENT_MEDIA_CACHE_SIZE subscriber.cache_policy.fetch = True # Use disk backed event media store subscriber.cache_policy.store = await async_get_media_event_store(hass, subscriber) subscriber.cache_policy.transcoder = await async_get_transcoder(hass) async def async_config_reload() -> None: await hass.config_entries.async_reload(entry.entry_id) update_callback = SignalUpdateCallback(hass, async_config_reload, entry.entry_id) subscriber.set_update_callback(update_callback.async_handle_event) try: await subscriber.start_async() except AuthException as err: raise ConfigEntryAuthFailed( f"Subscriber authentication error: {err!s}" ) from err except ConfigurationException as err: _LOGGER.error("Configuration error: %s", err) subscriber.stop_async() return False except SubscriberException as err: subscriber.stop_async() raise ConfigEntryNotReady(f"Subscriber error: {err!s}") from err try: device_manager = await subscriber.async_get_device_manager() except ApiException as err: subscriber.stop_async() raise ConfigEntryNotReady(f"Device manager error: {err!s}") from err @callback def on_hass_stop(_: Event) -> None: """Close connection when hass stops.""" subscriber.stop_async() entry.async_on_unload( hass.bus.async_listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, on_hass_stop) ) hass.data[DOMAIN][entry.entry_id] = { DATA_SUBSCRIBER: subscriber, DATA_DEVICE_MANAGER: device_manager, } await hass.config_entries.async_forward_entry_setups(entry, PLATFORMS) return True async def async_unload_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry) -> bool: """Unload a config entry.""" if DATA_SDM not in entry.data: # Legacy API return True _LOGGER.debug("Stopping nest subscriber") subscriber = hass.data[DOMAIN][entry.entry_id][DATA_SUBSCRIBER] subscriber.stop_async() unload_ok = await hass.config_entries.async_unload_platforms(entry, PLATFORMS) if unload_ok: hass.data[DOMAIN].pop(entry.entry_id) return unload_ok async def async_remove_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry) -> None: """Handle removal of pubsub subscriptions created during config flow.""" if ( DATA_SDM not in entry.data or CONF_SUBSCRIBER_ID not in entry.data or CONF_SUBSCRIBER_ID_IMPORTED in entry.data ): return subscriber = await api.new_subscriber(hass, entry) if not subscriber: return _LOGGER.debug("Deleting subscriber '%s'", subscriber.subscriber_id) try: await subscriber.delete_subscription() except (AuthException, SubscriberException) as err: _LOGGER.warning( ( "Unable to delete subscription '%s'; Will be automatically cleaned up" " by cloud console: %s" ), subscriber.subscriber_id, err, ) finally: subscriber.stop_async() class NestEventViewBase(HomeAssistantView, ABC): """Base class for media event APIs.""" def __init__(self, hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Initialize NestEventViewBase.""" self.hass = hass async def get( self, request: web.Request, device_id: str, event_token: str ) -> web.StreamResponse: """Start a GET request.""" user = request[KEY_HASS_USER] entity_registry = er.async_get(self.hass) for entry in async_entries_for_device(entity_registry, device_id): if not user.permissions.check_entity(entry.entity_id, POLICY_READ): raise Unauthorized(entity_id=entry.entity_id) devices = async_get_media_source_devices(self.hass) if not (nest_device := devices.get(device_id)): return self._json_error( f"No Nest Device found for '{device_id}'", HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND ) try: media = await self.load_media(nest_device, event_token) except DecodeException: return self._json_error( f"Event token was invalid '{event_token}'", HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND ) except ApiException as err: raise HomeAssistantError("Unable to fetch media for event") from err if not media: return self._json_error( f"No event found for event_id '{event_token}'", HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND ) return await self.handle_media(media) @abstractmethod async def load_media(self, nest_device: Device, event_token: str) -> Media | None: """Load the specified media.""" @abstractmethod async def handle_media(self, media: Media) -> web.StreamResponse: """Process the specified media.""" def _json_error(self, message: str, status: HTTPStatus) -> web.StreamResponse: """Return a json error message with additional logging.""" _LOGGER.debug(message) return self.json_message(message, status) class NestEventMediaView(NestEventViewBase): """Returns media for related to events for a specific device. This is primarily used to render media for events for MediaSource. The media type depends on the specific device e.g. an image, or a movie clip preview. """ url = "/api/nest/event_media/{device_id}/{event_token}" name = "api:nest:event_media" async def load_media(self, nest_device: Device, event_token: str) -> Media | None: """Load the specified media.""" return await nest_device.event_media_manager.get_media_from_token(event_token) async def handle_media(self, media: Media) -> web.StreamResponse: """Process the specified media.""" return web.Response(body=media.contents, content_type=media.content_type) class NestEventMediaThumbnailView(NestEventViewBase): """Returns media for related to events for a specific device. This is primarily used to render media for events for MediaSource. The media type depends on the specific device e.g. an image, or a movie clip preview. mp4 clips are transcoded and thumbnailed by the SDM transcoder. jpgs are thumbnailed from the original in this view. """ url = "/api/nest/event_media/{device_id}/{event_token}/thumbnail" name = "api:nest:event_media" def __init__(self, hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Initialize NestEventMediaThumbnailView.""" super().__init__(hass) self._lock = asyncio.Lock() self.hass = hass async def load_media(self, nest_device: Device, event_token: str) -> Media | None: """Load the specified media.""" if CameraClipPreviewTrait.NAME in nest_device.traits: async with self._lock: # Only one transcode subprocess at a time return ( await nest_device.event_media_manager.get_clip_thumbnail_from_token( event_token ) ) return await nest_device.event_media_manager.get_media_from_token(event_token) async def handle_media(self, media: Media) -> web.StreamResponse: """Start a GET request.""" contents = media.contents if (content_type := media.content_type) == "image/jpeg": image = Image(media.event_image_type.content_type, contents) contents = img_util.scale_jpeg_camera_image( image, THUMBNAIL_SIZE_PX, THUMBNAIL_SIZE_PX ) return web.Response(body=contents, content_type=content_type)