"""Test the MyPermobil config flow.""" from unittest.mock import Mock, patch from mypermobil import ( MyPermobilAPIException, MyPermobilClientException, MyPermobilEulaException, ) import pytest from homeassistant import config_entries from homeassistant.components.permobil import config_flow from homeassistant.const import CONF_CODE, CONF_EMAIL, CONF_REGION, CONF_TOKEN, CONF_TTL from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.data_entry_flow import FlowResultType from .const import MOCK_REGION_NAME, MOCK_TOKEN, MOCK_URL from tests.common import MockConfigEntry pytestmark = pytest.mark.usefixtures("mock_setup_entry") MOCK_CODE = "012345" MOCK_EMAIL = "valid@email.com" INVALID_EMAIL = "this is not a valid email" VALID_DATA = { CONF_EMAIL: MOCK_EMAIL, CONF_REGION: MOCK_URL, CONF_CODE: MOCK_CODE, CONF_TOKEN: MOCK_TOKEN[0], CONF_TTL: MOCK_TOKEN[1], } async def test_sucessful_config_flow(hass: HomeAssistant, my_permobil: Mock) -> None: """Test the config flow from start to finish with no errors.""" # init flow with patch( "homeassistant.components.permobil.config_flow.MyPermobil", return_value=my_permobil, ): result = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( config_flow.DOMAIN, context={"source": config_entries.SOURCE_USER}, data={CONF_EMAIL: MOCK_EMAIL}, ) assert result["type"] is FlowResultType.FORM assert result["step_id"] == "region" assert result["errors"] == {} # select region step result = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_configure( result["flow_id"], user_input={CONF_REGION: MOCK_REGION_NAME}, ) assert result["type"] is FlowResultType.FORM assert result["step_id"] == "email_code" assert result["errors"] == {} # request region code result = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_configure( result["flow_id"], user_input={CONF_CODE: MOCK_CODE}, ) assert result["type"] is FlowResultType.CREATE_ENTRY assert result["data"] == VALID_DATA async def test_config_flow_incorrect_code( hass: HomeAssistant, my_permobil: Mock ) -> None: """Test email code verification with API error. Test the config flow from start to until email code verification and have the API return API error. """ my_permobil.request_application_token.side_effect = MyPermobilAPIException # init flow with patch( "homeassistant.components.permobil.config_flow.MyPermobil", return_value=my_permobil, ): result = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( config_flow.DOMAIN, context={"source": config_entries.SOURCE_USER}, data={CONF_EMAIL: MOCK_EMAIL}, ) assert result["type"] is FlowResultType.FORM assert result["step_id"] == "region" assert result["errors"] == {} # select region step result = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_configure( result["flow_id"], user_input={CONF_REGION: MOCK_REGION_NAME}, ) assert result["type"] is FlowResultType.FORM assert result["step_id"] == "email_code" assert result["errors"] == {} # request region code # here the request_application_token raises a MyPermobilAPIException result = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_configure( result["flow_id"], user_input={CONF_CODE: MOCK_CODE}, ) assert result["type"] is FlowResultType.FORM assert result["step_id"] == "email_code" assert result["errors"]["base"] == "invalid_code" async def test_config_flow_unsigned_eula( hass: HomeAssistant, my_permobil: Mock ) -> None: """Test email code verification with unsigned eula error. Test the config flow from start to until email code verification and have the API return that the eula is unsigned. """ my_permobil.request_application_token.side_effect = MyPermobilEulaException # init flow with patch( "homeassistant.components.permobil.config_flow.MyPermobil", return_value=my_permobil, ): result = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( config_flow.DOMAIN, context={"source": config_entries.SOURCE_USER}, data={CONF_EMAIL: MOCK_EMAIL}, ) assert result["type"] is FlowResultType.FORM assert result["step_id"] == "region" assert result["errors"] == {} # select region step result = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_configure( result["flow_id"], user_input={CONF_REGION: MOCK_REGION_NAME}, ) assert result["type"] is FlowResultType.FORM assert result["step_id"] == "email_code" assert result["errors"] == {} # request region code # here the request_application_token raises a MyPermobilEulaException result = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_configure( result["flow_id"], user_input={CONF_CODE: MOCK_CODE}, ) assert result["type"] is FlowResultType.FORM assert result["step_id"] == "email_code" assert result["errors"]["base"] == "unsigned_eula" # Retry to submit the code again, but this time the user has signed the EULA with patch.object( my_permobil, "request_application_token", return_value=MOCK_TOKEN, ): result = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_configure( result["flow_id"], user_input={CONF_CODE: MOCK_CODE}, ) # Now the method should not raise an exception, and you can proceed with your assertions assert result["type"] is FlowResultType.CREATE_ENTRY assert result["data"] == VALID_DATA async def test_config_flow_incorrect_region( hass: HomeAssistant, my_permobil: Mock ) -> None: """Test when the user does not exist in the selected region. Test the config flow from start to until the request for email code and have the API return error because there is not user for that email. """ my_permobil.request_application_code.side_effect = MyPermobilAPIException # init flow with patch( "homeassistant.components.permobil.config_flow.MyPermobil", return_value=my_permobil, ): result = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( config_flow.DOMAIN, context={"source": config_entries.SOURCE_USER}, data={CONF_EMAIL: MOCK_EMAIL}, ) assert result["type"] is FlowResultType.FORM assert result["step_id"] == "region" assert result["errors"] == {} # select region step # here the request_application_code raises a MyPermobilAPIException result = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_configure( result["flow_id"], user_input={CONF_REGION: MOCK_REGION_NAME}, ) assert result["type"] is FlowResultType.FORM assert result["step_id"] == "region" assert result["errors"]["base"] == "code_request_error" async def test_config_flow_region_request_error( hass: HomeAssistant, my_permobil: Mock ) -> None: """Test region request error. Test the config flow from start to until the request for regions and have the API return an error. """ my_permobil.request_region_names.side_effect = MyPermobilAPIException # init flow # here the request_region_names raises a MyPermobilAPIException with patch( "homeassistant.components.permobil.config_flow.MyPermobil", return_value=my_permobil, ): result = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( config_flow.DOMAIN, context={"source": config_entries.SOURCE_USER}, data={CONF_EMAIL: MOCK_EMAIL}, ) assert result["type"] is FlowResultType.FORM assert result["step_id"] == "region" assert result["errors"]["base"] == "region_fetch_error" async def test_config_flow_invalid_email( hass: HomeAssistant, my_permobil: Mock ) -> None: """Test an incorrectly formatted email. Test that the email must be formatted correctly. The schema for the input should already check for this, but since the API does a separate check that might not overlap 100% with the schema, this test is still needed. """ my_permobil.set_email.side_effect = MyPermobilClientException() # init flow # here the set_email raises a MyPermobilClientException with patch( "homeassistant.components.permobil.config_flow.MyPermobil", return_value=my_permobil, ): result = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( config_flow.DOMAIN, context={"source": config_entries.SOURCE_USER}, data={CONF_EMAIL: INVALID_EMAIL}, ) assert result["type"] is FlowResultType.FORM assert result["step_id"] == config_entries.SOURCE_USER assert result["errors"]["base"] == "invalid_email" async def test_config_flow_reauth_success( hass: HomeAssistant, my_permobil: Mock ) -> None: """Test the config flow reauth make sure that the values are replaced.""" # new token and code reauth_token = ("b" * 256, "reauth_date") reauth_code = "567890" my_permobil.request_application_token.return_value = reauth_token mock_entry = MockConfigEntry( domain="permobil", data=VALID_DATA, ) mock_entry.add_to_hass(hass) with patch( "homeassistant.components.permobil.config_flow.MyPermobil", return_value=my_permobil, ): result = await mock_entry.start_reauth_flow(hass) assert result["type"] is FlowResultType.FORM assert result["step_id"] == "email_code" assert result["errors"] == {} # request new token result = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_configure( result["flow_id"], user_input={CONF_CODE: reauth_code}, ) assert result["type"] is FlowResultType.ABORT assert result["reason"] == "reauth_successful" assert mock_entry.data == { CONF_EMAIL: MOCK_EMAIL, CONF_REGION: MOCK_URL, CONF_CODE: reauth_code, CONF_TOKEN: reauth_token[0], CONF_TTL: reauth_token[1], } async def test_config_flow_reauth_fail_invalid_code( hass: HomeAssistant, my_permobil: Mock ) -> None: """Test the config flow reauth when the email code fails.""" # new code reauth_invalid_code = "567890" # pretend this code is invalid/incorrect my_permobil.request_application_token.side_effect = MyPermobilAPIException mock_entry = MockConfigEntry( domain="permobil", data=VALID_DATA, ) mock_entry.add_to_hass(hass) with patch( "homeassistant.components.permobil.config_flow.MyPermobil", return_value=my_permobil, ): result = await mock_entry.start_reauth_flow(hass) assert result["type"] is FlowResultType.FORM assert result["step_id"] == "email_code" assert result["errors"] == {} # request request new token but have the API return error result = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_configure( result["flow_id"], user_input={CONF_CODE: reauth_invalid_code}, ) assert result["type"] is FlowResultType.FORM assert result["step_id"] == "email_code" assert result["errors"]["base"] == "invalid_code" async def test_config_flow_reauth_fail_code_request( hass: HomeAssistant, my_permobil: Mock ) -> None: """Test the config flow reauth.""" my_permobil.request_application_code.side_effect = MyPermobilAPIException mock_entry = MockConfigEntry( domain="permobil", data=VALID_DATA, ) mock_entry.add_to_hass(hass) # test the reauth and have request_application_code fail leading to an abort with patch( "homeassistant.components.permobil.config_flow.MyPermobil", return_value=my_permobil, ): result = await mock_entry.start_reauth_flow(hass) assert result["type"] is FlowResultType.ABORT assert result["reason"] == "unknown"