"""The bluetooth integration.""" from __future__ import annotations from asyncio import Future from collections.abc import Callable, Iterable import logging import platform from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, cast import async_timeout from awesomeversion import AwesomeVersion from homeassistant.components import usb from homeassistant.config_entries import ( SOURCE_IGNORE, SOURCE_INTEGRATION_DISCOVERY, ConfigEntry, ) from homeassistant.const import EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STARTED, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP from homeassistant.core import CALLBACK_TYPE, HomeAssistant, callback as hass_callback from homeassistant.exceptions import ConfigEntryNotReady from homeassistant.helpers import device_registry as dr, discovery_flow from homeassistant.helpers.debounce import Debouncer from homeassistant.helpers.issue_registry import ( IssueSeverity, async_create_issue, async_delete_issue, ) from homeassistant.loader import async_get_bluetooth from . import models from .const import ( ADAPTER_ADDRESS, ADAPTER_HW_VERSION, ADAPTER_SW_VERSION, CONF_ADAPTER, CONF_DETAILS, CONF_PASSIVE, DATA_MANAGER, DEFAULT_ADDRESS, DOMAIN, FALLBACK_MAXIMUM_STALE_ADVERTISEMENT_SECONDS, SOURCE_LOCAL, AdapterDetails, ) from .manager import BluetoothManager from .match import BluetoothCallbackMatcher, IntegrationMatcher from .models import ( BaseHaScanner, BluetoothCallback, BluetoothChange, BluetoothScanningMode, BluetoothServiceInfo, BluetoothServiceInfoBleak, HaBleakScannerWrapper, HaBluetoothConnector, ProcessAdvertisementCallback, ) from .scanner import HaScanner, ScannerStartError from .util import adapter_human_name, adapter_unique_name, async_default_adapter if TYPE_CHECKING: from bleak.backends.device import BLEDevice from homeassistant.helpers.typing import ConfigType __all__ = [ "async_ble_device_from_address", "async_discovered_service_info", "async_get_scanner", "async_last_service_info", "async_process_advertisements", "async_rediscover_address", "async_register_callback", "async_register_scanner", "async_track_unavailable", "async_scanner_count", "BaseHaScanner", "BluetoothServiceInfo", "BluetoothServiceInfoBleak", "BluetoothScanningMode", "BluetoothCallback", "HaBluetoothConnector", "SOURCE_LOCAL", "FALLBACK_MAXIMUM_STALE_ADVERTISEMENT_SECONDS", ] _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) RECOMMENDED_MIN_HAOS_VERSION = AwesomeVersion("9.0.dev0") def _get_manager(hass: HomeAssistant) -> BluetoothManager: """Get the bluetooth manager.""" return cast(BluetoothManager, hass.data[DATA_MANAGER]) @hass_callback def async_get_scanner(hass: HomeAssistant) -> HaBleakScannerWrapper: """Return a HaBleakScannerWrapper. This is a wrapper around our BleakScanner singleton that allows multiple integrations to share the same BleakScanner. """ return HaBleakScannerWrapper() @hass_callback def async_scanner_count(hass: HomeAssistant, connectable: bool = True) -> int: """Return the number of scanners currently in use.""" return _get_manager(hass).async_scanner_count(connectable) @hass_callback def async_discovered_service_info( hass: HomeAssistant, connectable: bool = True ) -> Iterable[BluetoothServiceInfoBleak]: """Return the discovered devices list.""" if DATA_MANAGER not in hass.data: return [] return _get_manager(hass).async_discovered_service_info(connectable) @hass_callback def async_last_service_info( hass: HomeAssistant, address: str, connectable: bool = True ) -> BluetoothServiceInfoBleak | None: """Return the last service info for an address.""" if DATA_MANAGER not in hass.data: return None return _get_manager(hass).async_last_service_info(address, connectable) @hass_callback def async_ble_device_from_address( hass: HomeAssistant, address: str, connectable: bool = True ) -> BLEDevice | None: """Return BLEDevice for an address if its present.""" if DATA_MANAGER not in hass.data: return None return _get_manager(hass).async_ble_device_from_address(address, connectable) @hass_callback def async_address_present( hass: HomeAssistant, address: str, connectable: bool = True ) -> bool: """Check if an address is present in the bluetooth device list.""" if DATA_MANAGER not in hass.data: return False return _get_manager(hass).async_address_present(address, connectable) @hass_callback def async_register_callback( hass: HomeAssistant, callback: BluetoothCallback, match_dict: BluetoothCallbackMatcher | None, mode: BluetoothScanningMode, ) -> Callable[[], None]: """Register to receive a callback on bluetooth change. mode is currently not used as we only support active scanning. Passive scanning will be available in the future. The flag is required to be present to avoid a future breaking change when we support passive scanning. Returns a callback that can be used to cancel the registration. """ return _get_manager(hass).async_register_callback(callback, match_dict) async def async_process_advertisements( hass: HomeAssistant, callback: ProcessAdvertisementCallback, match_dict: BluetoothCallbackMatcher, mode: BluetoothScanningMode, timeout: int, ) -> BluetoothServiceInfoBleak: """Process advertisements until callback returns true or timeout expires.""" done: Future[BluetoothServiceInfoBleak] = Future() @hass_callback def _async_discovered_device( service_info: BluetoothServiceInfoBleak, change: BluetoothChange ) -> None: if not done.done() and callback(service_info): done.set_result(service_info) unload = _get_manager(hass).async_register_callback( _async_discovered_device, match_dict ) try: async with async_timeout.timeout(timeout): return await done finally: unload() @hass_callback def async_track_unavailable( hass: HomeAssistant, callback: Callable[[BluetoothServiceInfoBleak], None], address: str, connectable: bool = True, ) -> Callable[[], None]: """Register to receive a callback when an address is unavailable. Returns a callback that can be used to cancel the registration. """ return _get_manager(hass).async_track_unavailable(callback, address, connectable) @hass_callback def async_rediscover_address(hass: HomeAssistant, address: str) -> None: """Trigger discovery of devices which have already been seen.""" _get_manager(hass).async_rediscover_address(address) @hass_callback def async_register_scanner( hass: HomeAssistant, scanner: BaseHaScanner, connectable: bool ) -> CALLBACK_TYPE: """Register a BleakScanner.""" return _get_manager(hass).async_register_scanner(scanner, connectable) @hass_callback def async_get_advertisement_callback( hass: HomeAssistant, ) -> Callable[[BluetoothServiceInfoBleak], None]: """Get the advertisement callback.""" return _get_manager(hass).scanner_adv_received async def async_get_adapter_from_address( hass: HomeAssistant, address: str ) -> str | None: """Get an adapter by the address.""" return await _get_manager(hass).async_get_adapter_from_address(address) @hass_callback def _async_haos_is_new_enough(hass: HomeAssistant) -> bool: """Check if the version of Home Assistant Operating System is new enough.""" # Only warn if a USB adapter is plugged in if not any( entry for entry in hass.config_entries.async_entries(DOMAIN) if entry.source != SOURCE_IGNORE ): return True if ( not hass.components.hassio.is_hassio() or not (os_info := hass.components.hassio.get_os_info()) or not (haos_version := os_info.get("version")) or AwesomeVersion(haos_version) >= RECOMMENDED_MIN_HAOS_VERSION ): return True return False @hass_callback def _async_check_haos(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Create or delete an the haos_outdated issue.""" if _async_haos_is_new_enough(hass): async_delete_issue(hass, DOMAIN, "haos_outdated") return async_create_issue( hass, DOMAIN, "haos_outdated", is_fixable=False, severity=IssueSeverity.WARNING, learn_more_url="/config/updates", translation_key="haos_outdated", ) async def async_setup(hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType) -> bool: """Set up the bluetooth integration.""" integration_matcher = IntegrationMatcher(await async_get_bluetooth(hass)) integration_matcher.async_setup() manager = BluetoothManager(hass, integration_matcher) await manager.async_setup() hass.bus.async_listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, manager.async_stop) hass.data[DATA_MANAGER] = models.MANAGER = manager adapters = await manager.async_get_bluetooth_adapters() async_migrate_entries(hass, adapters) await async_discover_adapters(hass, adapters) async def _async_rediscover_adapters() -> None: """Rediscover adapters when a new one may be available.""" discovered_adapters = await manager.async_get_bluetooth_adapters(cached=False) _LOGGER.debug("Rediscovered adapters: %s", discovered_adapters) await async_discover_adapters(hass, discovered_adapters) discovery_debouncer = Debouncer( hass, _LOGGER, cooldown=5, immediate=False, function=_async_rediscover_adapters ) def _async_trigger_discovery() -> None: # There are so many bluetooth adapter models that # we check the bus whenever a usb device is plugged in # to see if it is a bluetooth adapter since we can't # tell if the device is a bluetooth adapter or if its # actually supported unless we ask DBus if its now # present. _LOGGER.debug("Triggering bluetooth usb discovery") hass.async_create_task(discovery_debouncer.async_call()) cancel = usb.async_register_scan_request_callback(hass, _async_trigger_discovery) hass.bus.async_listen_once( EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, hass_callback(lambda event: cancel()) ) # Wait to check until after start to make sure # that the system info is available. hass.bus.async_listen_once( EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STARTED, hass_callback(lambda event: _async_check_haos(hass)), ) return True @hass_callback def async_migrate_entries( hass: HomeAssistant, adapters: dict[str, AdapterDetails] ) -> None: """Migrate config entries to support multiple.""" current_entries = hass.config_entries.async_entries(DOMAIN) default_adapter = async_default_adapter() for entry in current_entries: if entry.unique_id: continue address = DEFAULT_ADDRESS adapter = entry.options.get(CONF_ADAPTER, default_adapter) if adapter in adapters: address = adapters[adapter][ADAPTER_ADDRESS] hass.config_entries.async_update_entry( entry, title=adapter_unique_name(adapter, address), unique_id=address ) async def async_discover_adapters( hass: HomeAssistant, adapters: dict[str, AdapterDetails], ) -> None: """Discover adapters and start flows.""" if platform.system() == "Windows": # We currently do not have a good way to detect if a bluetooth device is # available on Windows. We will just assume that it is not unless they # actively add it. return for adapter, details in adapters.items(): discovery_flow.async_create_flow( hass, DOMAIN, context={"source": SOURCE_INTEGRATION_DISCOVERY}, data={CONF_ADAPTER: adapter, CONF_DETAILS: details}, ) async def async_update_device( hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry, adapter: str ) -> None: """Update device registry entry. The physical adapter can change from hci0/hci1 on reboot or if the user moves around the usb sticks so we need to update the device with the new location so they can figure out where the adapter is. """ manager: BluetoothManager = hass.data[DATA_MANAGER] adapters = await manager.async_get_bluetooth_adapters() details = adapters[adapter] registry = dr.async_get(manager.hass) registry.async_get_or_create( config_entry_id=entry.entry_id, name=adapter_human_name(adapter, details[ADAPTER_ADDRESS]), connections={(dr.CONNECTION_BLUETOOTH, details[ADAPTER_ADDRESS])}, sw_version=details.get(ADAPTER_SW_VERSION), hw_version=details.get(ADAPTER_HW_VERSION), ) async def async_setup_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry) -> bool: """Set up a config entry for a bluetooth scanner.""" address = entry.unique_id assert address is not None adapter = await async_get_adapter_from_address(hass, address) if adapter is None: raise ConfigEntryNotReady( f"Bluetooth adapter {adapter} with address {address} not found" ) passive = entry.options.get(CONF_PASSIVE) mode = BluetoothScanningMode.PASSIVE if passive else BluetoothScanningMode.ACTIVE scanner = HaScanner(hass, mode, adapter, address) try: scanner.async_setup() except RuntimeError as err: raise ConfigEntryNotReady( f"{adapter_human_name(adapter, address)}: {err}" ) from err info_callback = async_get_advertisement_callback(hass) entry.async_on_unload(scanner.async_register_callback(info_callback)) try: await scanner.async_start() except ScannerStartError as err: raise ConfigEntryNotReady from err entry.async_on_unload(async_register_scanner(hass, scanner, True)) await async_update_device(hass, entry, adapter) hass.data.setdefault(DOMAIN, {})[entry.entry_id] = scanner entry.async_on_unload(entry.add_update_listener(async_update_listener)) return True async def async_update_listener(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry) -> None: """Handle options update.""" await hass.config_entries.async_reload(entry.entry_id) async def async_unload_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry) -> bool: """Unload a config entry.""" scanner: HaScanner = hass.data[DOMAIN].pop(entry.entry_id) await scanner.async_stop() return True