"""Tests for the llm helpers.""" from decimal import Decimal from unittest.mock import patch import pytest import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.homeassistant.exposed_entities import async_expose_entity from homeassistant.components.intent import async_register_timer_handler from homeassistant.components.script.config import ScriptConfig from homeassistant.core import Context, HomeAssistant, State from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError from homeassistant.helpers import ( area_registry as ar, config_validation as cv, device_registry as dr, entity_registry as er, floor_registry as fr, intent, llm, selector, ) from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component from tests.common import MockConfigEntry @pytest.fixture def llm_context() -> llm.LLMContext: """Return tool input context.""" return llm.LLMContext( platform="", context=None, user_prompt=None, language=None, assistant=None, device_id=None, ) class MyAPI(llm.API): """Test API.""" async def async_get_api_instance(self, _: llm.ToolInput) -> llm.APIInstance: """Return a list of tools.""" return llm.APIInstance(self, "", [], llm_context) async def test_get_api_no_existing( hass: HomeAssistant, llm_context: llm.LLMContext ) -> None: """Test getting an llm api where no config exists.""" with pytest.raises(HomeAssistantError): await llm.async_get_api(hass, "non-existing", llm_context) async def test_register_api(hass: HomeAssistant, llm_context: llm.LLMContext) -> None: """Test registering an llm api.""" api = MyAPI(hass=hass, id="test", name="Test") llm.async_register_api(hass, api) instance = await llm.async_get_api(hass, "test", llm_context) assert instance.api is api assert api in llm.async_get_apis(hass) with pytest.raises(HomeAssistantError): llm.async_register_api(hass, api) async def test_unregister_api(hass: HomeAssistant, llm_context: llm.LLMContext) -> None: """Test unregistering an llm api.""" unreg = llm.async_register_api(hass, MyAPI(hass=hass, id="test", name="Test")) assert await llm.async_get_api(hass, "test", llm_context) unreg() with pytest.raises(HomeAssistantError): assert await llm.async_get_api(hass, "test", llm_context) async def test_reregister_api(hass: HomeAssistant, llm_context: llm.LLMContext) -> None: """Test unregistering an llm api then re-registering with the same id.""" unreg = llm.async_register_api(hass, MyAPI(hass=hass, id="test", name="Test")) assert await llm.async_get_api(hass, "test", llm_context) unreg() llm.async_register_api(hass, MyAPI(hass=hass, id="test", name="Test")) assert await llm.async_get_api(hass, "test", llm_context) async def test_unregister_twice( hass: HomeAssistant, llm_context: llm.LLMContext ) -> None: """Test unregistering an llm api twice.""" unreg = llm.async_register_api(hass, MyAPI(hass=hass, id="test", name="Test")) assert await llm.async_get_api(hass, "test", llm_context) unreg() # Unregistering twice is a bug that should not happen with pytest.raises(KeyError): unreg() async def test_multiple_apis(hass: HomeAssistant, llm_context: llm.LLMContext) -> None: """Test registering multiple APIs.""" unreg1 = llm.async_register_api(hass, MyAPI(hass=hass, id="test-1", name="Test 1")) llm.async_register_api(hass, MyAPI(hass=hass, id="test-2", name="Test 2")) # Verify both Apis are registered assert await llm.async_get_api(hass, "test-1", llm_context) assert await llm.async_get_api(hass, "test-2", llm_context) # Unregister and verify only one is left unreg1() with pytest.raises(HomeAssistantError): assert await llm.async_get_api(hass, "test-1", llm_context) assert await llm.async_get_api(hass, "test-2", llm_context) async def test_call_tool_no_existing( hass: HomeAssistant, llm_context: llm.LLMContext ) -> None: """Test calling an llm tool where no config exists.""" instance = await llm.async_get_api(hass, "assist", llm_context) with pytest.raises(HomeAssistantError): await instance.async_call_tool( llm.ToolInput("test_tool", {}), ) async def test_assist_api( hass: HomeAssistant, entity_registry: er.EntityRegistry, device_registry: dr.DeviceRegistry, area_registry: ar.AreaRegistry, floor_registry: fr.FloorRegistry, ) -> None: """Test Assist API.""" assert await async_setup_component(hass, "homeassistant", {}) entity_registry.async_get_or_create( "light", "kitchen", "mock-id-kitchen", original_name="Kitchen", suggested_object_id="kitchen", ).write_unavailable_state(hass) test_context = Context() llm_context = llm.LLMContext( platform="test_platform", context=test_context, user_prompt="test_text", language="*", assistant="conversation", device_id=None, ) schema = { vol.Optional("area"): cv.string, vol.Optional("floor"): cv.string, vol.Optional("preferred_area_id"): cv.string, vol.Optional("preferred_floor_id"): cv.string, } class MyIntentHandler(intent.IntentHandler): intent_type = "test_intent" slot_schema = schema platforms = set() # Match none intent_handler = MyIntentHandler() intent.async_register(hass, intent_handler) assert len(llm.async_get_apis(hass)) == 1 api = await llm.async_get_api(hass, "assist", llm_context) assert len(api.tools) == 0 # Match all intent_handler.platforms = None api = await llm.async_get_api(hass, "assist", llm_context) assert len(api.tools) == 1 # Match specific domain intent_handler.platforms = {"light"} api = await llm.async_get_api(hass, "assist", llm_context) assert len(api.tools) == 1 tool = api.tools[0] assert tool.name == "test_intent" assert tool.description == "Execute Home Assistant test_intent intent" assert tool.parameters == vol.Schema( { vol.Optional("area"): cv.string, vol.Optional("floor"): cv.string, # No preferred_area_id, preferred_floor_id } ) assert str(tool) == "" assert test_context.json_fragment # To reproduce an error case in tracing intent_response = intent.IntentResponse("*") intent_response.async_set_states( [State("light.matched", "on")], [State("light.unmatched", "on")] ) intent_response.async_set_speech("Some speech") intent_response.async_set_card("Card title", "card content") intent_response.async_set_speech_slots({"hello": 1}) intent_response.async_set_reprompt("Do it again") tool_input = llm.ToolInput( tool_name="test_intent", tool_args={"area": "kitchen", "floor": "ground_floor"}, ) with patch( "homeassistant.helpers.intent.async_handle", return_value=intent_response ) as mock_intent_handle: response = await api.async_call_tool(tool_input) mock_intent_handle.assert_awaited_once_with( hass=hass, platform="test_platform", intent_type="test_intent", slots={ "area": {"value": "kitchen"}, "floor": {"value": "ground_floor"}, }, text_input="test_text", context=test_context, language="*", assistant="conversation", device_id=None, ) assert response == { "data": { "failed": [], "success": [], "targets": [], }, "reprompt": { "plain": { "extra_data": None, "reprompt": "Do it again", }, }, "response_type": "action_done", "speech": { "plain": { "extra_data": None, "speech": "Some speech", }, }, "speech_slots": { "hello": 1, }, } # Call with a device/area/floor entry = MockConfigEntry(title=None) entry.add_to_hass(hass) device = device_registry.async_get_or_create( config_entry_id=entry.entry_id, connections={("test", "1234")}, suggested_area="Test Area", ) area = area_registry.async_get_area_by_name("Test Area") floor = floor_registry.async_create("2") area_registry.async_update(area.id, floor_id=floor.floor_id) llm_context.device_id = device.id with patch( "homeassistant.helpers.intent.async_handle", return_value=intent_response ) as mock_intent_handle: response = await api.async_call_tool(tool_input) mock_intent_handle.assert_awaited_once_with( hass=hass, platform="test_platform", intent_type="test_intent", slots={ "area": {"value": "kitchen"}, "floor": {"value": "ground_floor"}, "preferred_area_id": {"value": area.id}, "preferred_floor_id": {"value": floor.floor_id}, }, text_input="test_text", context=test_context, language="*", assistant="conversation", device_id=device.id, ) assert response == { "data": { "failed": [], "success": [], "targets": [], }, "response_type": "action_done", "reprompt": { "plain": { "extra_data": None, "reprompt": "Do it again", }, }, "speech": { "plain": { "extra_data": None, "speech": "Some speech", }, }, "speech_slots": { "hello": 1, }, } async def test_assist_api_get_timer_tools( hass: HomeAssistant, llm_context: llm.LLMContext ) -> None: """Test getting timer tools with Assist API.""" assert await async_setup_component(hass, "homeassistant", {}) assert await async_setup_component(hass, "intent", {}) api = await llm.async_get_api(hass, "assist", llm_context) assert "HassStartTimer" not in [tool.name for tool in api.tools] llm_context.device_id = "test_device" async_register_timer_handler(hass, "test_device", lambda *args: None) api = await llm.async_get_api(hass, "assist", llm_context) assert "HassStartTimer" in [tool.name for tool in api.tools] async def test_assist_api_tools( hass: HomeAssistant, llm_context: llm.LLMContext ) -> None: """Test getting timer tools with Assist API.""" assert await async_setup_component(hass, "homeassistant", {}) assert await async_setup_component(hass, "intent", {}) llm_context.device_id = "test_device" async_register_timer_handler(hass, "test_device", lambda *args: None) class MyIntentHandler(intent.IntentHandler): intent_type = "Super crazy intent with unique nĂ¥me" description = "my intent handler" intent.async_register(hass, MyIntentHandler()) api = await llm.async_get_api(hass, "assist", llm_context) assert [tool.name for tool in api.tools] == [ "HassTurnOn", "HassTurnOff", "HassSetPosition", "HassStartTimer", "HassCancelTimer", "HassCancelAllTimers", "HassIncreaseTimer", "HassDecreaseTimer", "HassPauseTimer", "HassUnpauseTimer", "HassTimerStatus", "Super_crazy_intent_with_unique_name", ] async def test_assist_api_description( hass: HomeAssistant, llm_context: llm.LLMContext ) -> None: """Test intent description with Assist API.""" class MyIntentHandler(intent.IntentHandler): intent_type = "test_intent" description = "my intent handler" intent.async_register(hass, MyIntentHandler()) assert len(llm.async_get_apis(hass)) == 1 api = await llm.async_get_api(hass, "assist", llm_context) assert len(api.tools) == 1 tool = api.tools[0] assert tool.name == "test_intent" assert tool.description == "my intent handler" async def test_assist_api_prompt( hass: HomeAssistant, device_registry: dr.DeviceRegistry, entity_registry: er.EntityRegistry, area_registry: ar.AreaRegistry, floor_registry: fr.FloorRegistry, ) -> None: """Test prompt for the assist API.""" assert await async_setup_component(hass, "homeassistant", {}) assert await async_setup_component(hass, "intent", {}) context = Context() llm_context = llm.LLMContext( platform="test_platform", context=context, user_prompt="test_text", language="*", assistant="conversation", device_id=None, ) api = await llm.async_get_api(hass, "assist", llm_context) assert api.api_prompt == ( "Only if the user wants to control a device, tell them to expose entities to their " "voice assistant in Home Assistant." ) # Expose entities # Create a script with a unique ID assert await async_setup_component( hass, "script", { "script": { "test_script": { "description": "This is a test script", "sequence": [], "fields": { "beer": {"description": "Number of beers"}, "wine": {}, }, }, "script_with_no_fields": { "description": "This is another test script", "sequence": [], }, } }, ) async_expose_entity(hass, "conversation", "script.test_script", True) async_expose_entity(hass, "conversation", "script.script_with_no_fields", True) entry = MockConfigEntry(title=None) entry.add_to_hass(hass) device = device_registry.async_get_or_create( config_entry_id=entry.entry_id, connections={("test", "1234")}, suggested_area="Test Area", ) area = area_registry.async_get_area_by_name("Test Area") area_registry.async_update(area.id, aliases=["Alternative name"]) entry1 = entity_registry.async_get_or_create( "light", "kitchen", "mock-id-kitchen", original_name="Kitchen", suggested_object_id="kitchen", ) entry2 = entity_registry.async_get_or_create( "light", "living_room", "mock-id-living-room", original_name="Living Room", suggested_object_id="living_room", device_id=device.id, ) hass.states.async_set( entry1.entity_id, "on", {"friendly_name": "Kitchen", "temperature": Decimal("0.9"), "humidity": 65}, ) hass.states.async_set(entry2.entity_id, "on", {"friendly_name": "Living Room"}) def create_entity( device: dr.DeviceEntry, write_state=True, aliases: set[str] | None = None ) -> None: """Create an entity for a device and track entity_id.""" entity = entity_registry.async_get_or_create( "light", "test", device.id, device_id=device.id, original_name=str(device.name or "Unnamed Device"), suggested_object_id=str(device.name or "unnamed_device"), ) if aliases: entity_registry.async_update_entity(entity.entity_id, aliases=aliases) if write_state: entity.write_unavailable_state(hass) create_entity( device_registry.async_get_or_create( config_entry_id=entry.entry_id, connections={("test", "1234")}, name="Test Device", manufacturer="Test Manufacturer", model="Test Model", suggested_area="Test Area", ), aliases={"my test light"}, ) for i in range(3): create_entity( device_registry.async_get_or_create( config_entry_id=entry.entry_id, connections={("test", f"{i}abcd")}, name="Test Service", manufacturer="Test Manufacturer", model="Test Model", suggested_area="Test Area", entry_type=dr.DeviceEntryType.SERVICE, ) ) create_entity( device_registry.async_get_or_create( config_entry_id=entry.entry_id, connections={("test", "5678")}, name="Test Device 2", manufacturer="Test Manufacturer 2", model="Device 2", suggested_area="Test Area 2", ) ) create_entity( device_registry.async_get_or_create( config_entry_id=entry.entry_id, connections={("test", "9876")}, name="Test Device 3", manufacturer="Test Manufacturer 3", model="Test Model 3A", suggested_area="Test Area 2", ) ) create_entity( device_registry.async_get_or_create( config_entry_id=entry.entry_id, connections={("test", "qwer")}, name="Test Device 4", suggested_area="Test Area 2", ) ) device2 = device_registry.async_get_or_create( config_entry_id=entry.entry_id, connections={("test", "9876-disabled")}, name="Test Device 3 - disabled", manufacturer="Test Manufacturer 3", model="Test Model 3A", suggested_area="Test Area 2", ) device_registry.async_update_device( device2.id, disabled_by=dr.DeviceEntryDisabler.USER ) create_entity(device2, False) create_entity( device_registry.async_get_or_create( config_entry_id=entry.entry_id, connections={("test", "9876-no-name")}, manufacturer="Test Manufacturer NoName", model="Test Model NoName", suggested_area="Test Area 2", ) ) create_entity( device_registry.async_get_or_create( config_entry_id=entry.entry_id, connections={("test", "9876-integer-values")}, name=1, manufacturer=2, model=3, suggested_area="Test Area 2", ) ) exposed_entities_prompt = """An overview of the areas and the devices in this smart home: - names: Kitchen domain: light state: 'on' attributes: temperature: '0.9' humidity: '65' - names: Living Room domain: light state: 'on' areas: Test Area, Alternative name - names: Test Device, my test light domain: light state: unavailable areas: Test Area, Alternative name - names: Test Service domain: light state: unavailable areas: Test Area, Alternative name - names: Test Service domain: light state: unavailable areas: Test Area, Alternative name - names: Test Service domain: light state: unavailable areas: Test Area, Alternative name - names: Test Device 2 domain: light state: unavailable areas: Test Area 2 - names: Test Device 3 domain: light state: unavailable areas: Test Area 2 - names: Test Device 4 domain: light state: unavailable areas: Test Area 2 - names: Unnamed Device domain: light state: unavailable areas: Test Area 2 - names: '1' domain: light state: unavailable areas: Test Area 2 """ first_part_prompt = ( "When controlling Home Assistant always call the intent tools. " "Use HassTurnOn to lock and HassTurnOff to unlock a lock. " "When controlling a device, prefer passing just name and domain. " "When controlling an area, prefer passing just area name and domain." ) no_timer_prompt = "This device is not able to start timers." area_prompt = ( "When a user asks to turn on all devices of a specific type, " "ask user to specify an area, unless there is only one device of that type." ) api = await llm.async_get_api(hass, "assist", llm_context) assert api.api_prompt == ( f"""{first_part_prompt} {area_prompt} {no_timer_prompt} {exposed_entities_prompt}""" ) # Fake that request is made from a specific device ID with an area llm_context.device_id = device.id area_prompt = ( "You are in area Test Area and all generic commands like 'turn on the lights' " "should target this area." ) api = await llm.async_get_api(hass, "assist", llm_context) assert api.api_prompt == ( f"""{first_part_prompt} {area_prompt} {no_timer_prompt} {exposed_entities_prompt}""" ) # Add floor floor = floor_registry.async_create("2") area_registry.async_update(area.id, floor_id=floor.floor_id) area_prompt = ( "You are in area Test Area (floor 2) and all generic commands like 'turn on the lights' " "should target this area." ) api = await llm.async_get_api(hass, "assist", llm_context) assert api.api_prompt == ( f"""{first_part_prompt} {area_prompt} {no_timer_prompt} {exposed_entities_prompt}""" ) # Register device for timers async_register_timer_handler(hass, device.id, lambda *args: None) api = await llm.async_get_api(hass, "assist", llm_context) # The no_timer_prompt is gone assert api.api_prompt == ( f"""{first_part_prompt} {area_prompt} {exposed_entities_prompt}""" ) async def test_script_tool( hass: HomeAssistant, entity_registry: er.EntityRegistry, area_registry: ar.AreaRegistry, floor_registry: fr.FloorRegistry, ) -> None: """Test ScriptTool for the assist API.""" assert await async_setup_component(hass, "homeassistant", {}) assert await async_setup_component(hass, "intent", {}) context = Context() llm_context = llm.LLMContext( platform="test_platform", context=context, user_prompt="test_text", language="*", assistant="conversation", device_id=None, ) # Create a script with a unique ID assert await async_setup_component( hass, "script", { "script": { "test_script": { "description": "This is a test script", "sequence": [ {"variables": {"result": {"drinks": 2}}}, {"stop": True, "response_variable": "result"}, ], "fields": { "beer": {"description": "Number of beers", "required": True}, "wine": {"selector": {"number": {"min": 0, "max": 3}}}, "where": {"selector": {"area": {}}}, "area_list": {"selector": {"area": {"multiple": True}}}, "floor": {"selector": {"floor": {}}}, "floor_list": {"selector": {"floor": {"multiple": True}}}, "extra_field": {"selector": {"area": {}}}, }, }, "script_with_no_fields": { "description": "This is another test script", "sequence": [], }, "unexposed_script": { "sequence": [], }, } }, ) async_expose_entity(hass, "conversation", "script.test_script", True) async_expose_entity(hass, "conversation", "script.script_with_no_fields", True) entity_registry.async_update_entity( "script.test_script", name="script name", aliases={"script alias"} ) area = area_registry.async_create("Living room") floor = floor_registry.async_create("2") assert llm.SCRIPT_PARAMETERS_CACHE not in hass.data api = await llm.async_get_api(hass, "assist", llm_context) tools = [tool for tool in api.tools if isinstance(tool, llm.ScriptTool)] assert len(tools) == 2 tool = tools[0] assert tool.name == "test_script" assert ( tool.description == "This is a test script. Aliases: ['script name', 'script alias']" ) schema = { vol.Required("beer", description="Number of beers"): cv.string, vol.Optional("wine"): selector.NumberSelector({"min": 0, "max": 3}), vol.Optional("where"): selector.AreaSelector(), vol.Optional("area_list"): selector.AreaSelector({"multiple": True}), vol.Optional("floor"): selector.FloorSelector(), vol.Optional("floor_list"): selector.FloorSelector({"multiple": True}), vol.Optional("extra_field"): selector.AreaSelector(), } assert tool.parameters.schema == schema assert hass.data[llm.SCRIPT_PARAMETERS_CACHE] == { "test_script": ( "This is a test script. Aliases: ['script name', 'script alias']", vol.Schema(schema), ), "script_with_no_fields": ("This is another test script", vol.Schema({})), } # Test script with response tool_input = llm.ToolInput( tool_name="test_script", tool_args={ "beer": "3", "wine": 0, "where": "Living room", "area_list": ["Living room"], "floor": "2", "floor_list": ["2"], }, ) with patch( "homeassistant.core.ServiceRegistry.async_call", side_effect=hass.services.async_call, ) as mock_service_call: response = await api.async_call_tool(tool_input) mock_service_call.assert_awaited_once_with( "script", "test_script", { "beer": "3", "wine": 0, "where": area.id, "area_list": [area.id], "floor": floor.floor_id, "floor_list": [floor.floor_id], }, context=context, blocking=True, return_response=True, ) assert response == { "success": True, "result": {"drinks": 2}, } # Test script with no response tool_input = llm.ToolInput( tool_name="script_with_no_fields", tool_args={}, ) with patch( "homeassistant.core.ServiceRegistry.async_call", side_effect=hass.services.async_call, ) as mock_service_call: response = await api.async_call_tool(tool_input) mock_service_call.assert_awaited_once_with( "script", "script_with_no_fields", {}, context=context, blocking=True, return_response=True, ) assert response == { "success": True, "result": {}, } # Test reload script with new parameters config = { "script": { "test_script": ScriptConfig( { "description": "This is a new test script", "sequence": [], "mode": "single", "max": 2, "max_exceeded": "WARNING", "trace": {}, "fields": { "beer": {"description": "Number of beers", "required": True}, }, } ) } } with patch( "homeassistant.helpers.entity_component.EntityComponent.async_prepare_reload", return_value=config, ): await hass.services.async_call("script", "reload", blocking=True) assert hass.data[llm.SCRIPT_PARAMETERS_CACHE] == {} api = await llm.async_get_api(hass, "assist", llm_context) tools = [tool for tool in api.tools if isinstance(tool, llm.ScriptTool)] assert len(tools) == 2 tool = tools[0] assert tool.name == "test_script" assert ( tool.description == "This is a new test script. Aliases: ['script name', 'script alias']" ) schema = {vol.Required("beer", description="Number of beers"): cv.string} assert tool.parameters.schema == schema assert hass.data[llm.SCRIPT_PARAMETERS_CACHE] == { "test_script": ( "This is a new test script. Aliases: ['script name', 'script alias']", vol.Schema(schema), ), "script_with_no_fields": ("This is another test script", vol.Schema({})), } async def test_script_tool_name(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Test that script tool name is not started with a digit.""" assert await async_setup_component(hass, "homeassistant", {}) context = Context() llm_context = llm.LLMContext( platform="test_platform", context=context, user_prompt="test_text", language="*", assistant="conversation", device_id=None, ) # Create a script with a unique ID assert await async_setup_component( hass, "script", { "script": { "123456": { "description": "This is a test script", "sequence": [], "fields": { "beer": {"description": "Number of beers", "required": True}, }, }, } }, ) async_expose_entity(hass, "conversation", "script.123456", True) api = await llm.async_get_api(hass, "assist", llm_context) tools = [tool for tool in api.tools if isinstance(tool, llm.ScriptTool)] assert len(tools) == 1 tool = tools[0] assert tool.name == "_123456" async def test_selector_serializer( hass: HomeAssistant, llm_context: llm.LLMContext ) -> None: """Test serialization of Selectors in Open API format.""" api = await llm.async_get_api(hass, "assist", llm_context) selector_serializer = api.custom_serializer assert selector_serializer(selector.ActionSelector()) == {"type": "string"} assert selector_serializer(selector.AddonSelector()) == {"type": "string"} assert selector_serializer(selector.AreaSelector()) == {"type": "string"} assert selector_serializer(selector.AreaSelector({"multiple": True})) == { "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}, } assert selector_serializer(selector.AssistPipelineSelector()) == {"type": "string"} assert selector_serializer( selector.AttributeSelector({"entity_id": "sensor.test"}) ) == {"type": "string"} assert selector_serializer(selector.BackupLocationSelector()) == { "type": "string", "pattern": "^(?:\\/backup|\\w+)$", } assert selector_serializer(selector.BooleanSelector()) == {"type": "boolean"} assert selector_serializer(selector.ColorRGBSelector()) == { "type": "array", "items": {"type": "number"}, "maxItems": 3, "minItems": 3, "format": "RGB", } assert selector_serializer(selector.ColorTempSelector()) == {"type": "number"} assert selector_serializer(selector.ColorTempSelector({"min": 0, "max": 1000})) == { "type": "number", "minimum": 0, "maximum": 1000, } assert selector_serializer( selector.ColorTempSelector({"min_mireds": 100, "max_mireds": 1000}) ) == {"type": "number", "minimum": 100, "maximum": 1000} assert selector_serializer(selector.ConditionSelector()) == { "type": "array", "items": {"nullable": True, "type": "string"}, } assert selector_serializer(selector.ConfigEntrySelector()) == {"type": "string"} assert selector_serializer(selector.ConstantSelector({"value": "test"})) == { "type": "string", "enum": ["test"], } assert selector_serializer(selector.ConstantSelector({"value": 1})) == { "type": "integer", "enum": [1], } assert selector_serializer(selector.ConstantSelector({"value": True})) == { "type": "boolean", "enum": [True], } assert selector_serializer(selector.QrCodeSelector({"data": "test"})) == { "type": "string" } assert selector_serializer(selector.ConversationAgentSelector()) == { "type": "string" } assert selector_serializer(selector.CountrySelector()) == { "type": "string", "format": "ISO 3166-1 alpha-2", } assert selector_serializer( selector.CountrySelector({"countries": ["GB", "FR"]}) ) == {"type": "string", "enum": ["GB", "FR"]} assert selector_serializer(selector.DateSelector()) == { "type": "string", "format": "date", } assert selector_serializer(selector.DateTimeSelector()) == { "type": "string", "format": "date-time", } assert selector_serializer(selector.DeviceSelector()) == {"type": "string"} assert selector_serializer(selector.DeviceSelector({"multiple": True})) == { "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}, } assert selector_serializer(selector.DurationSelector()) == { "type": "object", "properties": { "days": {"type": "number"}, "hours": {"type": "number"}, "minutes": {"type": "number"}, "seconds": {"type": "number"}, "milliseconds": {"type": "number"}, }, "required": [], } assert selector_serializer(selector.EntitySelector()) == { "type": "string", "format": "entity_id", } assert selector_serializer(selector.EntitySelector({"multiple": True})) == { "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string", "format": "entity_id"}, } assert selector_serializer(selector.FloorSelector()) == {"type": "string"} assert selector_serializer(selector.FloorSelector({"multiple": True})) == { "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}, } assert selector_serializer(selector.IconSelector()) == {"type": "string"} assert selector_serializer(selector.LabelSelector()) == {"type": "string"} assert selector_serializer(selector.LabelSelector({"multiple": True})) == { "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}, } assert selector_serializer(selector.LanguageSelector()) == { "type": "string", "format": "RFC 5646", } assert selector_serializer( selector.LanguageSelector({"languages": ["en", "fr"]}) ) == {"type": "string", "enum": ["en", "fr"]} assert selector_serializer(selector.LocationSelector()) == { "type": "object", "properties": { "latitude": {"type": "number"}, "longitude": {"type": "number"}, "radius": {"type": "number"}, }, "required": ["latitude", "longitude"], } assert selector_serializer(selector.MediaSelector()) == { "type": "object", "properties": { "entity_id": {"type": "string"}, "media_content_id": {"type": "string"}, "media_content_type": {"type": "string"}, "metadata": {"type": "object", "additionalProperties": True}, }, "required": ["entity_id", "media_content_id", "media_content_type"], } assert selector_serializer(selector.NumberSelector({"mode": "box"})) == { "type": "number" } assert selector_serializer(selector.NumberSelector({"min": 30, "max": 100})) == { "type": "number", "minimum": 30, "maximum": 100, } assert selector_serializer(selector.ObjectSelector()) == { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": True, } assert selector_serializer( selector.SelectSelector( { "options": [ {"value": "A", "label": "Letter A"}, {"value": "B", "label": "Letter B"}, {"value": "C", "label": "Letter C"}, ] } ) ) == {"type": "string", "enum": ["A", "B", "C"]} assert selector_serializer( selector.SelectSelector({"options": ["A", "B", "C"], "multiple": True}) ) == { "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string", "enum": ["A", "B", "C"]}, "uniqueItems": True, } assert selector_serializer( selector.StateSelector({"entity_id": "sensor.test"}) ) == {"type": "string"} target_schema = selector_serializer(selector.TargetSelector()) target_schema["properties"]["entity_id"]["anyOf"][0][ "enum" ].sort() # Order is not deterministic assert target_schema == { "type": "object", "properties": { "area_id": { "anyOf": [ {"type": "string", "enum": ["none"]}, {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string", "nullable": True}}, ] }, "device_id": { "anyOf": [ {"type": "string", "enum": ["none"]}, {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string", "nullable": True}}, ] }, "entity_id": { "anyOf": [ {"type": "string", "enum": ["all", "none"], "format": "lower"}, {"type": "string", "nullable": True}, {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}, ] }, "floor_id": { "anyOf": [ {"type": "string", "enum": ["none"]}, {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string", "nullable": True}}, ] }, "label_id": { "anyOf": [ {"type": "string", "enum": ["none"]}, {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string", "nullable": True}}, ] }, }, "required": [], } assert selector_serializer(selector.TemplateSelector()) == { "type": "string", "format": "jinja2", } assert selector_serializer(selector.TextSelector()) == {"type": "string"} assert selector_serializer(selector.TextSelector({"multiple": True})) == { "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}, } assert selector_serializer(selector.ThemeSelector()) == {"type": "string"} assert selector_serializer(selector.TimeSelector()) == { "type": "string", "format": "time", } assert selector_serializer(selector.TriggerSelector()) == { "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}, } assert selector_serializer(selector.FileSelector({"accept": ".txt"})) == { "type": "string" }