"""Matter entity base class.""" from __future__ import annotations from abc import abstractmethod from collections.abc import Callable from contextlib import suppress from dataclasses import dataclass from datetime import datetime import logging from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, cast from chip.clusters.Objects import ClusterAttributeDescriptor, NullValue from matter_server.common.helpers.util import create_attribute_path from matter_server.common.models import EventType, ServerInfoMessage from homeassistant.core import CALLBACK_TYPE, callback from homeassistant.helpers.device_registry import DeviceInfo from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity, EntityDescription from homeassistant.helpers.event import async_call_later from .const import DOMAIN, ID_TYPE_DEVICE_ID from .helpers import get_device_id if TYPE_CHECKING: from matter_server.client import MatterClient from matter_server.client.models.node import MatterEndpoint from .discovery import MatterEntityInfo LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) # For some manually polled values (e.g. custom clusters) we perform # an additional poll as soon as a secondary value changes. # For example update the energy consumption meter when a relay is toggled # of an energy metering powerplug. The below constant defined the delay after # which we poll the primary value (debounced). EXTRA_POLL_DELAY = 3.0 @dataclass(frozen=True) class MatterEntityDescription(EntityDescription): """Describe the Matter entity.""" # convert the value from the primary attribute to the value used by HA measurement_to_ha: Callable[[Any], Any] | None = None class MatterEntity(Entity): """Entity class for Matter devices.""" _attr_has_entity_name = True def __init__( self, matter_client: MatterClient, endpoint: MatterEndpoint, entity_info: MatterEntityInfo, ) -> None: """Initialize the entity.""" self.matter_client = matter_client self._endpoint = endpoint self._entity_info = entity_info self.entity_description = entity_info.entity_description self._unsubscribes: list[Callable] = [] # for fast lookups we create a mapping to the attribute paths self._attributes_map: dict[type, str] = {} # The server info is set when the client connects to the server. server_info = cast(ServerInfoMessage, self.matter_client.server_info) # create unique_id based on "Operational Instance Name" and endpoint/device type node_device_id = get_device_id(server_info, endpoint) self._attr_unique_id = ( f"{node_device_id}-" f"{endpoint.endpoint_id}-" f"{entity_info.entity_description.key}-" f"{entity_info.primary_attribute.cluster_id}-" f"{entity_info.primary_attribute.attribute_id}" ) self._attr_device_info = DeviceInfo( identifiers={(DOMAIN, f"{ID_TYPE_DEVICE_ID}_{node_device_id}")} ) self._attr_available = self._endpoint.node.available self._attr_should_poll = entity_info.should_poll self._extra_poll_timer_unsub: CALLBACK_TYPE | None = None # make sure to update the attributes once self._update_from_device() async def async_added_to_hass(self) -> None: """Handle being added to Home Assistant.""" await super().async_added_to_hass() # Subscribe to attribute updates. sub_paths: list[str] = [] for attr_cls in self._entity_info.attributes_to_watch: attr_path = self.get_matter_attribute_path(attr_cls) if attr_path in sub_paths: # prevent duplicate subscriptions continue self._attributes_map[attr_cls] = attr_path sub_paths.append(attr_path) self._unsubscribes.append( self.matter_client.subscribe_events( callback=self._on_matter_event, event_filter=EventType.ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED, node_filter=self._endpoint.node.node_id, attr_path_filter=attr_path, ) ) await self.matter_client.subscribe_attribute( self._endpoint.node.node_id, sub_paths ) # subscribe to node (availability changes) self._unsubscribes.append( self.matter_client.subscribe_events( callback=self._on_matter_event, event_filter=EventType.NODE_UPDATED, node_filter=self._endpoint.node.node_id, ) ) async def async_will_remove_from_hass(self) -> None: """Run when entity will be removed from hass.""" if self._extra_poll_timer_unsub: self._extra_poll_timer_unsub() for unsub in self._unsubscribes: with suppress(ValueError): # suppress ValueError to prevent race conditions unsub() async def async_update(self) -> None: """Call when the entity needs to be updated.""" if not self._endpoint.node.available: # skip poll when the node is not (yet) available return # manually poll/refresh the primary value await self.matter_client.refresh_attribute( self._endpoint.node.node_id, self.get_matter_attribute_path(self._entity_info.primary_attribute), ) self._update_from_device() @callback def _on_matter_event(self, event: EventType, data: Any = None) -> None: """Call on update from the device.""" self._attr_available = self._endpoint.node.available if self._attr_should_poll: # secondary attribute updated of a polled primary value # enforce poll of the primary value a few seconds later if self._extra_poll_timer_unsub: self._extra_poll_timer_unsub() self._extra_poll_timer_unsub = async_call_later( self.hass, EXTRA_POLL_DELAY, self._do_extra_poll ) return self._update_from_device() self.async_write_ha_state() @callback @abstractmethod def _update_from_device(self) -> None: """Update data from Matter device.""" @callback def get_matter_attribute_value( self, attribute: type[ClusterAttributeDescriptor], null_as_none: bool = True ) -> Any: """Get current value for given attribute.""" value = self._endpoint.get_attribute_value(None, attribute) if null_as_none and value == NullValue: return None return value @callback def get_matter_attribute_path( self, attribute: type[ClusterAttributeDescriptor] ) -> str: """Return AttributePath by providing the endpoint and Attribute class.""" return create_attribute_path( self._endpoint.endpoint_id, attribute.cluster_id, attribute.attribute_id ) @callback def _do_extra_poll(self, called_at: datetime) -> None: """Perform (extra) poll of primary value.""" # scheduling the regulat update is enough to perform a poll/refresh self.async_schedule_update_ha_state(True)