"""Helper classes for Google Assistant integration.""" from __future__ import annotations from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from asyncio import gather from collections.abc import Callable, Collection, Mapping from datetime import datetime, timedelta from functools import lru_cache from http import HTTPStatus import logging import pprint from typing import Any from aiohttp.web import json_response from awesomeversion import AwesomeVersion from yarl import URL from homeassistant.components import webhook from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_DEVICE_CLASS, ATTR_SUPPORTED_FEATURES, CLOUD_NEVER_EXPOSED_ENTITIES, CONF_NAME, STATE_UNAVAILABLE, ) from homeassistant.core import CALLBACK_TYPE, Context, HomeAssistant, State, callback from homeassistant.helpers import ( area_registry as ar, device_registry as dr, entity_registry as er, start, ) from homeassistant.helpers.event import async_call_later from homeassistant.helpers.network import get_url from homeassistant.helpers.redact import partial_redact from homeassistant.util.dt import utcnow from . import trait from .const import ( CONF_ALIASES, CONF_ROOM_HINT, DEVICE_CLASS_TO_GOOGLE_TYPES, DOMAIN, DOMAIN_TO_GOOGLE_TYPES, ERR_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED, NOT_EXPOSE_LOCAL, SOURCE_LOCAL, ) from .data_redaction import async_redact_msg from .error import SmartHomeError SYNC_DELAY = 15 _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) LOCAL_SDK_VERSION_HEADER = "HA-Cloud-Version" LOCAL_SDK_MIN_VERSION = AwesomeVersion("2.1.5") @callback def _get_registry_entries( hass: HomeAssistant, entity_id: str ) -> tuple[ er.RegistryEntry | None, dr.DeviceEntry | None, ar.AreaEntry | None, ]: """Get registry entries.""" ent_reg = er.async_get(hass) dev_reg = dr.async_get(hass) area_reg = ar.async_get(hass) if (entity_entry := ent_reg.async_get(entity_id)) and entity_entry.device_id: device_entry = dev_reg.devices.get(entity_entry.device_id) else: device_entry = None if entity_entry and entity_entry.area_id: area_id = entity_entry.area_id elif device_entry and device_entry.area_id: area_id = device_entry.area_id else: area_id = None if area_id is not None: area_entry = area_reg.async_get_area(area_id) else: area_entry = None return entity_entry, device_entry, area_entry class AbstractConfig(ABC): """Hold the configuration for Google Assistant.""" _unsub_report_state: Callable[[], None] | None = None def __init__(self, hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Initialize abstract config.""" self.hass = hass self._google_sync_unsub: dict[str, CALLBACK_TYPE] = {} self._local_sdk_active = False self._local_last_active: datetime | None = None self._local_sdk_version_warn = False self.is_supported_cache: dict[str, tuple[int | None, bool]] = {} self._on_deinitialize: list[CALLBACK_TYPE] = [] async def async_initialize(self) -> None: """Perform async initialization of config.""" if not self.enabled: return async def sync_google(_): """Sync entities to Google.""" await self.async_sync_entities_all() self._on_deinitialize.append(start.async_at_start(self.hass, sync_google)) @callback def async_deinitialize(self) -> None: """Remove listeners.""" _LOGGER.debug("async_deinitialize") while self._on_deinitialize: self._on_deinitialize.pop()() @property @abstractmethod def enabled(self): """Return if Google is enabled.""" @property @abstractmethod def entity_config(self): """Return entity config.""" @property @abstractmethod def secure_devices_pin(self): """Return entity config.""" @property def is_reporting_state(self): """Return if we're actively reporting states.""" return self._unsub_report_state is not None @property def is_local_sdk_active(self): """Return if we're actively accepting local messages.""" return self._local_sdk_active @property @abstractmethod def should_report_state(self): """Return if states should be proactively reported.""" @property def is_local_connected(self) -> bool: """Return if local is connected.""" return ( self._local_last_active is not None # We get a reachable devices intent every minute. and self._local_last_active > utcnow() - timedelta(seconds=70) ) @abstractmethod def get_local_user_id(self, webhook_id): """Map webhook ID to a Home Assistant user ID. Any action inititated by Google Assistant via the local SDK will be attributed to the returned user ID. Return None if no user id is found for the webhook_id. """ @abstractmethod def get_local_webhook_id(self, agent_user_id): """Return the webhook ID to be used for actions for a given agent user id via the local SDK.""" @abstractmethod def get_agent_user_id_from_context(self, context): """Get agent user ID from context.""" @abstractmethod def get_agent_user_id_from_webhook(self, webhook_id): """Map webhook ID to a Google agent user ID. Return None if no agent user id is found for the webhook_id. """ @abstractmethod def should_expose(self, state) -> bool: """Return if entity should be exposed.""" @abstractmethod def should_2fa(self, state): """If an entity should have 2FA checked.""" @abstractmethod async def async_report_state( self, message: dict[str, Any], agent_user_id: str, event_id: str | None = None ) -> HTTPStatus | None: """Send a state report to Google.""" async def async_report_state_all(self, message): """Send a state report to Google for all previously synced users.""" jobs = [ self.async_report_state(message, agent_user_id) for agent_user_id in self.async_get_agent_users() ] await gather(*jobs) @callback def async_enable_report_state(self) -> None: """Enable proactive mode.""" # Circular dep # pylint: disable-next=import-outside-toplevel from .report_state import async_enable_report_state if self._unsub_report_state is None: self._unsub_report_state = async_enable_report_state(self.hass, self) @callback def async_disable_report_state(self) -> None: """Disable report state.""" if self._unsub_report_state is not None: self._unsub_report_state() self._unsub_report_state = None async def async_sync_entities(self, agent_user_id: str): """Sync all entities to Google.""" # Remove any pending sync self._google_sync_unsub.pop(agent_user_id, lambda: None)() status = await self._async_request_sync_devices(agent_user_id) if status == HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND: await self.async_disconnect_agent_user(agent_user_id) return status async def async_sync_entities_all(self) -> int: """Sync all entities to Google for all registered agents.""" if not self.async_get_agent_users(): return 204 res = await gather( *( self.async_sync_entities(agent_user_id) for agent_user_id in self.async_get_agent_users() ) ) return max(res, default=204) async def async_sync_notification( self, agent_user_id: str, event_id: str, payload: dict[str, Any] ) -> HTTPStatus: """Sync notifications to Google.""" # Remove any pending sync self._google_sync_unsub.pop(agent_user_id, lambda: None)() status = await self.async_report_state(payload, agent_user_id, event_id) assert status is not None if status == HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND: await self.async_disconnect_agent_user(agent_user_id) return status async def async_sync_notification_all( self, event_id: str, payload: dict[str, Any] ) -> HTTPStatus: """Sync notification to Google for all registered agents.""" if not self.async_get_agent_users(): return HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT res = await gather( *( self.async_sync_notification(agent_user_id, event_id, payload) for agent_user_id in self.async_get_agent_users() ) ) return max(res, default=HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT) @callback def async_schedule_google_sync(self, agent_user_id: str): """Schedule a sync.""" async def _schedule_callback(_now): """Handle a scheduled sync callback.""" self._google_sync_unsub.pop(agent_user_id, None) await self.async_sync_entities(agent_user_id) self._google_sync_unsub.pop(agent_user_id, lambda: None)() self._google_sync_unsub[agent_user_id] = async_call_later( self.hass, SYNC_DELAY, _schedule_callback ) @callback def async_schedule_google_sync_all(self) -> None: """Schedule a sync for all registered agents.""" for agent_user_id in self.async_get_agent_users(): self.async_schedule_google_sync(agent_user_id) async def _async_request_sync_devices(self, agent_user_id: str) -> int: """Trigger a sync with Google. Return value is the HTTP status code of the sync request. """ raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod async def async_connect_agent_user(self, agent_user_id: str): """Add a synced and known agent_user_id. Called before sending a sync response to Google. """ @abstractmethod async def async_disconnect_agent_user(self, agent_user_id: str): """Turn off report state and disable further state reporting. Called when: - The user disconnects their account from Google. - When the cloud configuration is initialized - When sync entities fails with 404 """ @callback @abstractmethod def async_get_agent_users(self) -> Collection[str]: """Return known agent users.""" @callback def async_enable_local_sdk(self) -> None: """Enable the local SDK.""" _LOGGER.debug("async_enable_local_sdk") setup_successful = True setup_webhook_ids = [] # Don't enable local SDK if ssl is enabled if self.hass.config.api and self.hass.config.api.use_ssl: self._local_sdk_active = False return for user_agent_id in self.async_get_agent_users(): if (webhook_id := self.get_local_webhook_id(user_agent_id)) is None: setup_successful = False break _LOGGER.debug( "Register webhook handler %s for agent user id %s", partial_redact(webhook_id), partial_redact(user_agent_id), ) try: webhook.async_register( self.hass, DOMAIN, "Local Support for " + user_agent_id, webhook_id, self._handle_local_webhook, local_only=True, ) setup_webhook_ids.append(webhook_id) except ValueError: _LOGGER.warning( "Webhook handler %s for agent user id %s is already defined!", partial_redact(webhook_id), partial_redact(user_agent_id), ) setup_successful = False break if not setup_successful: _LOGGER.warning( "Local fulfillment failed to setup, falling back to cloud fulfillment" ) for setup_webhook_id in setup_webhook_ids: webhook.async_unregister(self.hass, setup_webhook_id) self._local_sdk_active = setup_successful @callback def async_disable_local_sdk(self) -> None: """Disable the local SDK.""" _LOGGER.debug("async_disable_local_sdk") if not self._local_sdk_active: return for agent_user_id in self.async_get_agent_users(): webhook_id = self.get_local_webhook_id(agent_user_id) _LOGGER.debug( "Unregister webhook handler %s for agent user id %s", partial_redact(webhook_id), partial_redact(agent_user_id), ) webhook.async_unregister(self.hass, webhook_id) self._local_sdk_active = False async def _handle_local_webhook(self, hass, webhook_id, request): """Handle an incoming local SDK message.""" # Circular dep # pylint: disable-next=import-outside-toplevel from . import smart_home self._local_last_active = utcnow() # Check version local SDK. version = request.headers.get("HA-Cloud-Version") if not self._local_sdk_version_warn and ( not version or AwesomeVersion(version) < LOCAL_SDK_MIN_VERSION ): _LOGGER.warning( ( "Local SDK version is too old (%s), check documentation on how to" " update to the latest version" ), version, ) self._local_sdk_version_warn = True payload = await request.json() if _LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): msgid = "" if isinstance(payload, dict): msgid = payload.get("requestId") _LOGGER.debug( "Received local message %s from %s (JS %s)", msgid, request.remote, request.headers.get("HA-Cloud-Version", "unknown"), ) if (agent_user_id := self.get_agent_user_id_from_webhook(webhook_id)) is None: # No agent user linked to this webhook, means that the user has somehow unregistered # removing webhook and stopping processing of this request. _LOGGER.error( ( "Cannot process request for webhook %s as no linked agent user is" " found:\n%s\n" ), partial_redact(webhook_id), pprint.pformat(async_redact_msg(payload, agent_user_id)), ) webhook.async_unregister(self.hass, webhook_id) return None if not self.enabled: return json_response( smart_home.api_disabled_response(payload, agent_user_id) ) result = await smart_home.async_handle_message( self.hass, self, agent_user_id, self.get_local_user_id(webhook_id), payload, SOURCE_LOCAL, ) if _LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): if isinstance(payload, dict): _LOGGER.debug("Responding to local message %s", msgid) else: _LOGGER.debug("Empty response to local message %s", msgid) return json_response(result) class RequestData: """Hold data associated with a particular request.""" def __init__( self, config: AbstractConfig, user_id: str, source: str, request_id: str, devices: list[dict] | None, ) -> None: """Initialize the request data.""" self.config = config self.source = source self.request_id = request_id self.context = Context(user_id=user_id) self.devices = devices @property def is_local_request(self): """Return if this is a local request.""" return self.source == SOURCE_LOCAL def get_google_type(domain, device_class): """Google type based on domain and device class.""" typ = DEVICE_CLASS_TO_GOOGLE_TYPES.get((domain, device_class)) return typ if typ is not None else DOMAIN_TO_GOOGLE_TYPES[domain] @lru_cache(maxsize=4096) def supported_traits_for_state(state: State) -> list[type[trait._Trait]]: """Return all supported traits for state.""" domain = state.domain attributes = state.attributes features = attributes.get(ATTR_SUPPORTED_FEATURES, 0) if not isinstance(features, int): _LOGGER.warning( "Entity %s contains invalid supported_features value %s", state.entity_id, features, ) return [] device_class = state.attributes.get(ATTR_DEVICE_CLASS) return [ Trait for Trait in trait.TRAITS if Trait.supported(domain, features, device_class, attributes) ] class GoogleEntity: """Adaptation of Entity expressed in Google's terms.""" __slots__ = ("hass", "config", "state", "_traits") def __init__( self, hass: HomeAssistant, config: AbstractConfig, state: State ) -> None: """Initialize a Google entity.""" self.hass = hass self.config = config self.state = state self._traits: list[trait._Trait] | None = None def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return the representation.""" return f"" @property def entity_id(self): """Return entity ID.""" return self.state.entity_id @callback def traits(self) -> list[trait._Trait]: """Return traits for entity.""" if self._traits is not None: return self._traits state = self.state self._traits = [ Trait(self.hass, state, self.config) for Trait in supported_traits_for_state(state) ] return self._traits @callback def should_expose(self): """If entity should be exposed.""" return self.config.should_expose(self.state) @callback def should_expose_local(self) -> bool: """Return if the entity should be exposed locally.""" return ( self.should_expose() and get_google_type( self.state.domain, self.state.attributes.get(ATTR_DEVICE_CLASS) ) not in NOT_EXPOSE_LOCAL and not self.might_2fa() ) @callback def is_supported(self) -> bool: """Return if entity is supported.""" return bool(self.traits()) @callback def might_2fa(self) -> bool: """Return if the entity might encounter 2FA.""" if not self.config.should_2fa(self.state): return False return self.might_2fa_traits() @callback def might_2fa_traits(self) -> bool: """Return if the entity might encounter 2FA based on just traits.""" state = self.state domain = state.domain features = state.attributes.get(ATTR_SUPPORTED_FEATURES, 0) device_class = state.attributes.get(ATTR_DEVICE_CLASS) return any( trait.might_2fa(domain, features, device_class) for trait in self.traits() ) def sync_serialize(self, agent_user_id, instance_uuid): """Serialize entity for a SYNC response. https://developers.google.com/actions/smarthome/create-app#actiondevicessync """ state = self.state traits = self.traits() entity_config = self.config.entity_config.get(state.entity_id, {}) name = (entity_config.get(CONF_NAME) or state.name).strip() # Find entity/device/area registry entries entity_entry, device_entry, area_entry = _get_registry_entries( self.hass, self.entity_id ) # Build the device info device = { "id": state.entity_id, "name": {"name": name}, "attributes": {}, "traits": [trait.name for trait in traits], "willReportState": self.config.should_report_state, "type": get_google_type( state.domain, state.attributes.get(ATTR_DEVICE_CLASS) ), } # Add aliases if (config_aliases := entity_config.get(CONF_ALIASES, [])) or ( entity_entry and entity_entry.aliases ): device["name"]["nicknames"] = [name, *config_aliases] if entity_entry: device["name"]["nicknames"].extend(entity_entry.aliases) # Add local SDK info if enabled if self.config.is_local_sdk_active and self.should_expose_local(): device["otherDeviceIds"] = [{"deviceId": self.entity_id}] device["customData"] = { "webhookId": self.config.get_local_webhook_id(agent_user_id), "httpPort": URL(get_url(self.hass, allow_external=False)).port, "uuid": instance_uuid, } # Add trait sync attributes for trt in traits: device["attributes"].update(trt.sync_attributes()) # Add trait options for trt in traits: device.update(trt.sync_options()) # Add roomhint if room := entity_config.get(CONF_ROOM_HINT): device["roomHint"] = room elif area_entry and area_entry.name: device["roomHint"] = area_entry.name if not device_entry: return device # Add Matter info if "matter" in self.hass.config.components and any( x for x in device_entry.identifiers if x[0] == "matter" ): # pylint: disable-next=import-outside-toplevel from homeassistant.components.matter import get_matter_device_info # Import matter can block the event loop for multiple seconds # so we import it here to avoid blocking the event loop during # setup since google_assistant is imported from cloud. if matter_info := get_matter_device_info(self.hass, device_entry.id): device["matterUniqueId"] = matter_info["unique_id"] device["matterOriginalVendorId"] = matter_info["vendor_id"] device["matterOriginalProductId"] = matter_info["product_id"] # Add deviceInfo device_info = {} if device_entry.manufacturer: device_info["manufacturer"] = device_entry.manufacturer if device_entry.model: device_info["model"] = device_entry.model if device_entry.sw_version: device_info["swVersion"] = device_entry.sw_version if device_info: device["deviceInfo"] = device_info return device @callback def query_serialize(self): """Serialize entity for a QUERY response. https://developers.google.com/actions/smarthome/create-app#actiondevicesquery """ state = self.state if state.state == STATE_UNAVAILABLE: return {"online": False} attrs = {"online": True} for trt in self.traits(): deep_update(attrs, trt.query_attributes()) return attrs @callback def notifications_serialize(self) -> dict[str, Any] | None: """Serialize the payload for notifications to be sent.""" notifications: dict[str, Any] = {} for trt in self.traits(): deep_update(notifications, trt.query_notifications() or {}) return notifications or None @callback def reachable_device_serialize(self): """Serialize entity for a REACHABLE_DEVICE response.""" return {"verificationId": self.entity_id} async def execute(self, data, command_payload): """Execute a command. https://developers.google.com/actions/smarthome/create-app#actiondevicesexecute """ command = command_payload["command"] params = command_payload.get("params", {}) challenge = command_payload.get("challenge", {}) executed = False for trt in self.traits(): if trt.can_execute(command, params): await trt.execute(command, data, params, challenge) executed = True break if not executed: raise SmartHomeError( ERR_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED, f"Unable to execute {command} for {self.state.entity_id}", ) @callback def async_update(self): """Update the entity with latest info from Home Assistant.""" self.state = self.hass.states.get(self.entity_id) if self._traits is None: return for trt in self._traits: trt.state = self.state def deep_update(target, source): """Update a nested dictionary with another nested dictionary.""" for key, value in source.items(): if isinstance(value, Mapping): target[key] = deep_update(target.get(key, {}), value) else: target[key] = value return target @callback def async_get_google_entity_if_supported_cached( hass: HomeAssistant, config: AbstractConfig, state: State ) -> GoogleEntity | None: """Return a GoogleEntity if entity is supported checking the cache first. This function will check the cache, and call async_get_google_entity_if_supported if the entity is not in the cache, which will update the cache. """ entity_id = state.entity_id is_supported_cache = config.is_supported_cache features: int | None = state.attributes.get(ATTR_SUPPORTED_FEATURES) if result := is_supported_cache.get(entity_id): cached_features, supported = result if cached_features == features: return GoogleEntity(hass, config, state) if supported else None # Cache miss, check if entity is supported return async_get_google_entity_if_supported(hass, config, state) @callback def async_get_google_entity_if_supported( hass: HomeAssistant, config: AbstractConfig, state: State ) -> GoogleEntity | None: """Return a GoogleEntity if entity is supported. This function will update the cache, but it does not check the cache first. """ features: int | None = state.attributes.get(ATTR_SUPPORTED_FEATURES) entity = GoogleEntity(hass, config, state) is_supported = bool(entity.traits()) config.is_supported_cache[state.entity_id] = (features, is_supported) return entity if is_supported else None @callback def async_get_entities( hass: HomeAssistant, config: AbstractConfig ) -> list[GoogleEntity]: """Return all entities that are supported by Google.""" entities: list[GoogleEntity] = [] is_supported_cache = config.is_supported_cache for state in hass.states.async_all(): entity_id = state.entity_id if entity_id in CLOUD_NEVER_EXPOSED_ENTITIES: continue # Check check inlined for performance to avoid # function calls for every entity since we enumerate # the entire state machine here features: int | None = state.attributes.get(ATTR_SUPPORTED_FEATURES) if result := is_supported_cache.get(entity_id): cached_features, supported = result if cached_features == features: if supported: entities.append(GoogleEntity(hass, config, state)) continue # Cached features don't match, fall through to check # if the entity is supported and update the cache. if entity := async_get_google_entity_if_supported(hass, config, state): entities.append(entity) return entities