""" Interfaces with Z-Wave sensors. For more details about this platform, please refer to the documentation at https://home-assistant.io/components/sensor.zwave/ """ # Because we do not compile openzwave on CI # pylint: disable=import-error from homeassistant.components.sensor import DOMAIN from homeassistant.components import zwave from homeassistant.const import TEMP_CELSIUS, TEMP_FAHRENHEIT from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity FIBARO = 0x010f FIBARO_WALL_PLUG = 0x1000 FIBARO_WALL_PLUG_SENSOR_METER = (FIBARO, FIBARO_WALL_PLUG, 8) WORKAROUND_IGNORE = 'ignore' DEVICE_MAPPINGS = { # For some reason Fibaro Wall Plug reports 2 power consumptions. # One value updates as the power consumption changes # and the other does not change. FIBARO_WALL_PLUG_SENSOR_METER: WORKAROUND_IGNORE, } def setup_platform(hass, config, add_devices, discovery_info=None): """Setup Z-Wave sensors.""" # Return on empty `discovery_info`. Given you configure HA with: # # sensor: # platform: zwave # # `setup_platform` will be called without `discovery_info`. if discovery_info is None or zwave.NETWORK is None: return node = zwave.NETWORK.nodes[discovery_info[zwave.ATTR_NODE_ID]] value = node.values[discovery_info[zwave.ATTR_VALUE_ID]] value.set_change_verified(False) # if 1 in groups and (NETWORK.controller.node_id not in # groups[1].associations): # node.groups[1].add_association(NETWORK.controller.node_id) # Make sure that we have values for the key before converting to int if (value.node.manufacturer_id.strip() and value.node.product_id.strip()): specific_sensor_key = (int(value.node.manufacturer_id, 16), int(value.node.product_id, 16), value.index) # Check workaround mappings for specific devices. if specific_sensor_key in DEVICE_MAPPINGS: if DEVICE_MAPPINGS[specific_sensor_key] == WORKAROUND_IGNORE: return # Generic Device mappings if value.command_class == zwave.COMMAND_CLASS_SENSOR_MULTILEVEL: add_devices([ZWaveMultilevelSensor(value)]) elif (value.command_class == zwave.COMMAND_CLASS_METER and value.type == zwave.TYPE_DECIMAL): add_devices([ZWaveMultilevelSensor(value)]) elif value.command_class == zwave.COMMAND_CLASS_ALARM: add_devices([ZWaveAlarmSensor(value)]) class ZWaveSensor(zwave.ZWaveDeviceEntity, Entity): """Representation of a Z-Wave sensor.""" def __init__(self, sensor_value): """Initialize the sensor.""" from openzwave.network import ZWaveNetwork from pydispatch import dispatcher zwave.ZWaveDeviceEntity.__init__(self, sensor_value, DOMAIN) dispatcher.connect( self.value_changed, ZWaveNetwork.SIGNAL_VALUE_CHANGED) @property def state(self): """Return the state of the sensor.""" return self._value.data @property def unit_of_measurement(self): """Return the unit of measurement the value is expressed in.""" return self._value.units def value_changed(self, value): """Called when a value has changed on the network.""" if self._value.value_id == value.value_id: self.update_ha_state() class ZWaveMultilevelSensor(ZWaveSensor): """Representation of a multi level sensor Z-Wave sensor.""" @property def state(self): """Return the state of the sensor.""" value = self._value.data if self._value.units in ('C', 'F'): return round(value, 1) elif isinstance(value, float): return round(value, 2) return value @property def unit_of_measurement(self): """Return the unit the value is expressed in.""" unit = self._value.units if unit == 'C': return TEMP_CELSIUS elif unit == 'F': return TEMP_FAHRENHEIT else: return unit class ZWaveAlarmSensor(ZWaveSensor): """Representation of a Z-Wave sensor that sends Alarm alerts. Examples include certain Multisensors that have motion and vibration capabilities. Z-Wave defines various alarm types such as Smoke, Flood, Burglar, CarbonMonoxide, etc. This wraps these alarms and allows you to use them to trigger things, etc. COMMAND_CLASS_ALARM is what we get here. """ pass