"""HTTP endpoints for conversation integration.""" from __future__ import annotations from collections.abc import Iterable from typing import Any from aiohttp import web from hassil.recognize import ( MISSING_ENTITY, RecognizeResult, UnmatchedRangeEntity, UnmatchedTextEntity, ) import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components import http, websocket_api from homeassistant.components.http.data_validator import RequestDataValidator from homeassistant.const import MATCH_ALL from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, State, callback from homeassistant.helpers import config_validation as cv, intent from homeassistant.helpers.entity_component import EntityComponent from homeassistant.util import language as language_util from .agent_manager import ( agent_id_validator, async_converse, async_get_agent, get_agent_manager, ) from .const import DOMAIN from .default_agent import ( METADATA_CUSTOM_FILE, METADATA_CUSTOM_SENTENCE, DefaultAgent, SentenceTriggerResult, async_get_default_agent, ) from .entity import ConversationEntity from .models import ConversationInput @callback def async_setup(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Set up the HTTP API for the conversation integration.""" hass.http.register_view(ConversationProcessView()) websocket_api.async_register_command(hass, websocket_process) websocket_api.async_register_command(hass, websocket_prepare) websocket_api.async_register_command(hass, websocket_list_agents) websocket_api.async_register_command(hass, websocket_hass_agent_debug) @websocket_api.websocket_command( { vol.Required("type"): "conversation/process", vol.Required("text"): str, vol.Optional("conversation_id"): vol.Any(str, None), vol.Optional("language"): str, vol.Optional("agent_id"): agent_id_validator, } ) @websocket_api.async_response async def websocket_process( hass: HomeAssistant, connection: websocket_api.ActiveConnection, msg: dict[str, Any], ) -> None: """Process text.""" result = await async_converse( hass=hass, text=msg["text"], conversation_id=msg.get("conversation_id"), context=connection.context(msg), language=msg.get("language"), agent_id=msg.get("agent_id"), ) connection.send_result(msg["id"], result.as_dict()) @websocket_api.websocket_command( { "type": "conversation/prepare", vol.Optional("language"): str, vol.Optional("agent_id"): agent_id_validator, } ) @websocket_api.async_response async def websocket_prepare( hass: HomeAssistant, connection: websocket_api.ActiveConnection, msg: dict[str, Any], ) -> None: """Reload intents.""" agent = async_get_agent(hass, msg.get("agent_id")) if agent is None: connection.send_error( msg["id"], websocket_api.const.ERR_NOT_FOUND, "Agent not found" ) return await agent.async_prepare(msg.get("language")) connection.send_result(msg["id"]) @websocket_api.websocket_command( { vol.Required("type"): "conversation/agent/list", vol.Optional("language"): str, vol.Optional("country"): str, } ) @websocket_api.async_response async def websocket_list_agents( hass: HomeAssistant, connection: websocket_api.ActiveConnection, msg: dict ) -> None: """List conversation agents and, optionally, if they support a given language.""" entity_component: EntityComponent[ConversationEntity] = hass.data[DOMAIN] country = msg.get("country") language = msg.get("language") agents = [] for entity in entity_component.entities: supported_languages = entity.supported_languages if language and supported_languages != MATCH_ALL: supported_languages = language_util.matches( language, supported_languages, country ) agents.append( { "id": entity.entity_id, "name": entity.name or entity.entity_id, "supported_languages": supported_languages, } ) manager = get_agent_manager(hass) for agent_info in manager.async_get_agent_info(): agent = manager.async_get_agent(agent_info.id) assert agent is not None supported_languages = agent.supported_languages if language and supported_languages != MATCH_ALL: supported_languages = language_util.matches( language, supported_languages, country ) agent_dict: dict[str, Any] = { "id": agent_info.id, "name": agent_info.name, "supported_languages": supported_languages, } agents.append(agent_dict) connection.send_message(websocket_api.result_message(msg["id"], {"agents": agents})) @websocket_api.websocket_command( { vol.Required("type"): "conversation/agent/homeassistant/debug", vol.Required("sentences"): [str], vol.Optional("language"): str, vol.Optional("device_id"): vol.Any(str, None), } ) @websocket_api.async_response async def websocket_hass_agent_debug( hass: HomeAssistant, connection: websocket_api.ActiveConnection, msg: dict ) -> None: """Return intents that would be matched by the default agent for a list of sentences.""" agent = async_get_default_agent(hass) assert isinstance(agent, DefaultAgent) results = [ await agent.async_recognize( ConversationInput( text=sentence, context=connection.context(msg), conversation_id=None, device_id=msg.get("device_id"), language=msg.get("language", hass.config.language), ) ) for sentence in msg["sentences"] ] # Return results for each sentence in the same order as the input. result_dicts: list[dict[str, Any] | None] = [] for result in results: result_dict: dict[str, Any] | None = None if isinstance(result, SentenceTriggerResult): result_dict = { # Matched a user-defined sentence trigger. # We can't provide the response here without executing the # trigger. "match": True, "source": "trigger", "sentence_template": result.sentence_template or "", } elif isinstance(result, RecognizeResult): successful_match = not result.unmatched_entities result_dict = { # Name of the matching intent (or the closest) "intent": { "name": result.intent.name, }, # Slot values that would be received by the intent "slots": { # direct access to values entity_key: entity.text or entity.value for entity_key, entity in result.entities.items() }, # Extra slot details, such as the originally matched text "details": { entity_key: { "name": entity.name, "value": entity.value, "text": entity.text, } for entity_key, entity in result.entities.items() }, # Entities/areas/etc. that would be targeted "targets": {}, # True if match was successful "match": successful_match, # Text of the sentence template that matched (or was closest) "sentence_template": "", # When match is incomplete, this will contain the best slot guesses "unmatched_slots": _get_unmatched_slots(result), } if successful_match: result_dict["targets"] = { state.entity_id: {"matched": is_matched} for state, is_matched in _get_debug_targets(hass, result) } if result.intent_sentence is not None: result_dict["sentence_template"] = result.intent_sentence.text # Inspect metadata to determine if this matched a custom sentence if result.intent_metadata and result.intent_metadata.get( METADATA_CUSTOM_SENTENCE ): result_dict["source"] = "custom" result_dict["file"] = result.intent_metadata.get(METADATA_CUSTOM_FILE) else: result_dict["source"] = "builtin" result_dicts.append(result_dict) connection.send_result(msg["id"], {"results": result_dicts}) def _get_debug_targets( hass: HomeAssistant, result: RecognizeResult, ) -> Iterable[tuple[State, bool]]: """Yield state/is_matched pairs for a hassil recognition.""" entities = result.entities name: str | None = None area_name: str | None = None domains: set[str] | None = None device_classes: set[str] | None = None state_names: set[str] | None = None if "name" in entities: name = str(entities["name"].value) if "area" in entities: area_name = str(entities["area"].value) if "domain" in entities: domains = set(cv.ensure_list(entities["domain"].value)) if "device_class" in entities: device_classes = set(cv.ensure_list(entities["device_class"].value)) if "state" in entities: # HassGetState only state_names = set(cv.ensure_list(entities["state"].value)) if ( (name is None) and (area_name is None) and (not domains) and (not device_classes) and (not state_names) ): # Avoid "matching" all entities when there is no filter return states = intent.async_match_states( hass, name=name, area_name=area_name, domains=domains, device_classes=device_classes, ) for state in states: # For queries, a target is "matched" based on its state is_matched = (state_names is None) or (state.state in state_names) yield state, is_matched def _get_unmatched_slots( result: RecognizeResult, ) -> dict[str, str | int]: """Return a dict of unmatched text/range slot entities.""" unmatched_slots: dict[str, str | int] = {} for entity in result.unmatched_entities_list: if isinstance(entity, UnmatchedTextEntity): if entity.text == MISSING_ENTITY: # Don't report since these are just missing context # slots. continue unmatched_slots[entity.name] = entity.text elif isinstance(entity, UnmatchedRangeEntity): unmatched_slots[entity.name] = entity.value return unmatched_slots class ConversationProcessView(http.HomeAssistantView): """View to process text.""" url = "/api/conversation/process" name = "api:conversation:process" @RequestDataValidator( vol.Schema( { vol.Required("text"): str, vol.Optional("conversation_id"): str, vol.Optional("language"): str, vol.Optional("agent_id"): agent_id_validator, } ) ) async def post(self, request: web.Request, data: dict[str, str]) -> web.Response: """Send a request for processing.""" hass = request.app[http.KEY_HASS] result = await async_converse( hass, text=data["text"], conversation_id=data.get("conversation_id"), context=self.context(request), language=data.get("language"), agent_id=data.get("agent_id"), ) return self.json(result.as_dict())