We were erroneously reporting the _previous_ mode. So if the thermostat was off
and the user asks, "Alexa, set the thermostat to heat", the thermostat would be
set to heat but Alexa would respond, "The thermostat is off."
Bug caught by @Thunderbird2086 at
* Move components/opentherm_gw.py to components/opentherm_gw/__init__.py
* Update requirements-all.txt
* Await set_clock coroutine rather than scheduling it.
* Create task for async_load_platform
* Upgrade to asuswrt 1.1.1 to better handle mac addresses with letters in them
Signed-off-by: Gavin Mogan <git@gavinmogan.com>
* Update requirements_all as well
Signed-off-by: Gavin Mogan <git@gavinmogan.com>
* Fix Vera climate component to use correct states
Changed the Vera climate component so it uses the STATE_* states from the base climate component. This will allow it to work with Google Assistant.
* Wemo Humidifier - Initial Commit
* WeMo Humidifier - First draft of component
* WeMo Humidifier - Removed direct IO from property
* WeMo Humidifier - Trivial comment change
* Added myself as codeowner for WeMo
* WeMo Humidifier - Fixed various syntax & lint issue
* WeMo Humidifier - Small comment addition
* WeMo Humidifier - Fix TypeError: 'WemoHumidifier' object is not iterable
* WeMo Humidifier - Rename set humidity service
* WeMo Humidifier - Add to .coveragerc
* WeMo Humidifier - Fixed lint/pylint issues
* WeMo Humidifier - First round of requested changes
* WeMo Humidifier - Round two of requested changes
* WeMo Humidifier - Third round of requested changes
* WeMo Humidifier - Fixed whitespace issue on dict comprehension
* WeMo Humidifier - Fourth round of requested changes
* WeMo Humidifier - Corrected typo in async_add_executor_job call
* WeMo Humidifier - Fixed spacing before inline comments
* Change date at sunset
* Fix tests to actually run and add fix to component
* Make tests pass
* Use get_astral_event_next instead of get_astral_event_date
* Revert to using get_astral_event_date
* Make tox happy: reset state on tearDown
* Switch mailgun webhooks to the webhook api
* Change mailgun strings to indicate application/json is in use
* Lint
* Revert Changes to .translations.
* Don't fail if the API key isn't set
* Reverse out change #14234 BOM Weather throttle fix
Reverted back to original throttle code to ensure sensors are updated on time.
* Fixed lint issues
* Review as a commit
* Use last_updated for attributes
* lint
* lint
* Refactor Alexa API to use objects for requests
This introduces _AlexaDirective to stand in for the previous model of passing
basic dict and list data structures to and from handlers. This gives a more
expressive platform for functionality common to most or all handlers.
I had two use cases in mind:
1) Most responses should include current properties. In the case of locks and
thermostats, the response must include the properties or Alexa will give the
user a vague error like "Hmm, $device is not responding." Locks currently work,
but thermostats do not. I wanted a way to automatically include properties in
all responses. This is implemented in a subsequent commit.
2) The previous model had a 1:1 mapping between Alexa endpoints and Home
Assistant entities. This works most of the time, but sometimes it's not so
great. For example, my Z-wave thermostat shows as three devices in Alexa: one
for the temperature sensor, one for the heat, and one for the AC. I'd like to
merge these into one device from Alexa's perspective. I believe this will be
facilitated with the `endpoint` attribute on `_AlexaDirective`.
* Include properties in all Alexa responses
The added _AlexaResponse class provides a richer vocabulary for handlers.
Among that vocabulary is .merge_context_properties(), which is invoked
automatically for any request directed at an endpoint. This adds all supported
properties to the response as recommended by the Alexa API docs, and in some
cases (locks, thermostats at least) the user will get an error "Hmm, $device is
not responding" if properties are not provided in the response.
* Fix setting temperature with Alexa thermostats
Fixes https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues/16577
* Update Avi-On to work with the API.
* Use voluptuous defaults instead of .get()
* Bump library version.
* Remove unnecessary voluptuous defaults. Fix manually-configured devices.
API-discovered devices are already Avion objects, but manually-configured devices need to be instantiated as Avion objects first.
* Use .get() where appropriate.
* Remove default
* 🌧 Meteo France rain forecast
* do not fail on wrong config
* Update name of sensor class
* do not show sensor if not working
* Update .coveragerc
* ability to submit insee location code without final 0 needed by meteo-france
* Lynting
* more lynting
* update comment
* block comment linting
* reducing length of long lines
* linting
* Update météo-france platform
Now work with pypi package and monitored conditions
* remove error log
* Update requirements_all.txt
* Increase scan interval to 5 minutes
* Update meteo_france according to review
* better error handling of location missing some monitored conditions
* fix lint error
* moving error log
Errors are now catched at sensor initialization and state is set when updating the data
* Update updating of sensor
* Enhancements for DirecTV media player
Following enhancements have been made:
1. Added debug logging
2. Added ability to change channel using select_source service of the remote platform.
3. State will now show paused if a recorded program is paused, for live TV playing will always be returned.
4. Added the following attributes:
a. media_position: current position of the media (in seconds)
b. media_position_updated_at: timestamp when media_position was updated.
c. source: current source (channel).
d. media_isbeingrecorded: if current media is being recorded or not.
e. media_rating: TV/Movie rating of the media
f. media_recorded: if current media is recorded or live TV
g. media_starttime: Timestamp media was aired
Reordered properties to follow same order as how they are in __init__.py of remote platform.
* Fixed error and cleaned up few items
Fixed an issue when determining if a program is recorded or not.
Cleaned up some coding.
* Attribute last position update only updated when position changed.
The attribute media_position_updated_at will only be updated if the position changed (thus media is playing for recorded or live TV).
Added assumed_state; will be set to False if in standby or when a recorded show is watched. For live TV it will be set to True.
* Added some empty lines for easier reading
Added some empty lines before returns to improve readability.
* Seperated words in constants
Seperated the words in constants.
* Fix _lastupdate to _last_update
Split words in _lastupdate to _last_update as I missed it.