* Add async timeout feature
* Decorator for setter methods to limit service calls to HA
* Changed to async
* Use async_call_later
* Use lastargs, async_add_job
* Use dict for lastargs
* Updated tests to stop patch
* Restructure
* Pincode will now be autogenerated and display using a persistence notification
* Added 'homekit.start' service
* Added config options
* Renamed files for types
* Improved tests
* Changes (based on feedback)
* Added services.yaml
* Service will only be registered if auto_start=False
* Bugfix names, changed default port
* Generate aids with zlib.adler32
* Added entity filter, minor changes
* Small changes
* Added test for temperature fahrenheit
* Restructured tests to use more mocks
* Rearanged homekit constants
* Improved 'test_homekit_class'
* Added import statements
* Fix Pylint Test errors
* Basic Homekit support
* Added Temperatur Sensor
* Added Window Cover
* Code refactored
* Added class HomeAccessory(Accessory)
* Added class HomeBridge(Bridge)
* Changed homekit imports to relative, to enable use in custom_components
* Updated requirements
* Added docs
* Other smaller changes
* Changed Homekit from entity to class
* Changes based on feedback
* Updated config schema
* Add only covers that support set_cover_position
* Addressed comments, updated to pyhap==1.1.5
* For lint: added files to gen_requirements_all
* Added codeowner
* Small change to Wrapper classes
* Moved imports to import_types, small changes
* Small changes, added tests
* Homekit class: removed add_accessory since it's already covered by pyhap
* Added test requirement: HAP-python
* Added test suit for homekit setup and interaction between HA and pyhap
* Added test suit for get_accessories function
* Test bugfix
* Added validate pincode, tests for cover and sensor types