* When zwave node's info is parsed remove it and re-add back.
* Delay value entity if not ready
* If node is ready consider it parsed even if manufacturer/product are missing.
* Add annotations
* Add new device without restarting hass
* Remove debug prints
* Fix copy paste error
* Fix comments from balloob
Add tests to verify signalling with new added devices
* Fix hound comments
Add test to verify when new sensor is added
* Fix tests
* Unload entry should unsubscribe all deconz dispatchers
* Make sure mock setup also creates unsub in hass data
* Fix copy paste issue
* Lint
* Add first version of the Matrix bot
* It's a stupid but necessary change…
* Dont list it twice
* All hail the linter!
* More linter-pleasing
* Use the correct user ID
* Add expression commands
* Add tests for new validators
* Fix room alias handling
* Wording
* Defer setup
* Simplify commands
* Handle exceptions
* Update requirements
* Review
* Move login back to constructor
* Fix review comments
* Publish attributes unconditionally
Because the attribute publish command was previously hidden behind `if val:`, falsy values like False and 0.0 weren't being published, thereby making Statestream -- particularly in the case of booleans, where the first True would be retained indefinitely -- a completely worthless indicator of state.
* Change bool test to False to confirm falsy values pass
* Add unique_id to zwave node entity
* Wait 30s before adding zwave node if its unique_id is not ready
* Use only node_id in unique_id. Update name, manufacturer, and product attributes on node update.
* Add initial user foundation to Home Assistant
* Address comments
* Address comments
* Allow non-ascii passwords
* One more utf-8 hmac compare digest
* Add new line
* add initial precipitation support
* move attr to component
* remove blank line
* add forecast attributes to platform and update demo
* add tests
* break long lines
* calc lower temp correctly
* move all new attributes to component
* convert temp low only when existing
* Working but incomplete
* Remove events on unload
* Add unload test
* Fix failing sensor test
* Improve unload test
* Move DeconzEvent to init
* Fix visual under-indentation
* Initial commit
* Add error handling to config flow
Change unique identifyer to name
Clean up hound comments
* Ensure hass home zone is created with correct entity id
Fix failing tests
* Fix rest of tests
* Move zone tests to zone folder
Create config flow tests
* Add possibility to unload entry
* Use hass.data instead of globas
* Don't calculate configures zones every loop iteration
* No need to know about home zone during setup of entry
* Only use name as title
* Don't cache hass home zone
* Add new tests for setup and setup entry
* Break out functionality from init to zone.py
* Make hass home zone be created directly
* Make sure that config flow doesn't override hass home zone
* A newline was missing in const
* Configured zones shall not be imported
Removed config flow import functionality
Improved tests