* Added apprise notification component
* flake-8 fixes; black formatting + import merged to 1 line
* pylint issues resolved
* added github name to manifest.json
* import moved to top as per code review request
* manifest formatting to avoid failing ci
* .coveragerc updated to include apprise
* removed block for written tests
* more test coverage
* formatting as per code review
* tests converted to async style as per code review
* increased coverage
* bumped version of apprise to 0.8.1
* test that mocked entries are called
* added tests for hass.service loading
* support tags for those who identify the TARGET option
* renamed variable as per code review
* 'assert not' used instead of 'is False'
* added period (in case linter isn't happy)
* Update the Alexa.LockController Unlock directive to include the lockState property in the context of the response.
* Added Test for Alexa.LockController Unlock directive to include the lockState property in the context of the response.
* Refactoring imports for tensorflow
* Removing whitespace spaces on blank line 110
* Moving tensorflow to try/except block
* Fixed black formatting
* Refactoring try/except to if/else
* MQTT json light: allow floating point transition
Allow to use floating point values for the transition time of the MQTT json light.
In this way transitions shorter than 1s can be used (0.5 seconds for instance) if the MQTT light supports it.
* Always sent a float
* Adds support for config entries and device registry
* Fixing string formatting for logger
* Add unit test for abode config flow
* Fix for lights, only allow one config, add ability to unload entry
* Fix for subscribing to hass_events on adding abode component
* Several fixes from code review
* Several fixes from second code review
* Several fixes from third code review
* Update documentation url to fix branch conflict
* Fixes config flow and removes unused constants
* Fix for switches, polling entry option, improved tests
* Update .coveragerc, disable pylint W0611, remove polling from UI
* Multiple fixes and edits to adhere to style guidelines
* Removed unique_id
* Minor correction for formatting error in rebase
* Resolves issue causing CI to fail
* Bump abodepy version
* Add remove device callback and minor clean up
* Fix incorrect method name
* Docstring edits
* Fix duplicate import issues from rebase
* Add logout_listener attribute to AbodeSystem
* Add additional test for complete coverage