## Description:
Make typing checks more strict: add `--strict-optional` flag that forbids implicit None return type. This flag will become default in the next version of mypy (0.600)
Add `homeassistant/util/` to checked dirs.
## Checklist:
- [x] The code change is tested and works locally.
- [x] Local tests pass with `tox`. **Your PR cannot be merged unless tests pass**
* Upgrade pylint to 1.8.1
* Fix no-else-return
* Fix bad-whitespace
* Fix too-many-nested-blocks
* Fix raising-format-tuple
See https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/blob/master/doc/whatsnew/1.8.rst
* Fix len-as-condition
* Fix logging-not-lazy
Not sure about that TEMP_CELSIUS though, but internally it's probably just like if you concatenated any other (variable) string
* Fix stop-iteration-return
* Fix useless-super-delegation
* Fix trailing-comma-tuple
Both of these seem to simply be bugs:
* Nest: The value of self._humidity never seems to be used anywhere
* Dovado: The called API method seems to expect a "normal" number
* Fix redefined-argument-from-local
* Fix consider-using-enumerate
* Fix wrong-import-order
* Fix arguments-differ
* Fix missed no-else-return
* Fix no-member and related
* Fix signatures-differ
* Revert "Upgrade pylint to 1.8.1"
This reverts commit af78aa00f125a7d34add97b9d50c14db48412211.
* Fix arguments-differ
* except for device_tracker
* Cleanup
* Fix test using positional argument
* Fix line too long
I forgot to run flake8 - shame on me... 🙃
* Fix bad-option-value for 1.6.5
* Fix arguments-differ for device_tracker
* Upgrade pylint to 1.8.2
* 👕 Fix missed no-member
* Fix: Circular dependencies of internal files
* Change: dt.date for Date and dt.datetime for DateTime
* Use NewType if available
* FIX: Wrong version test
* Remove: Date and DateTime types due to error
* Change to HomeAssistantType
* General Improvement of Typing
* Improve typing config_validation
* Improve typing script
* General Typing Improvements
* Improve NewType check
* Improve typing db_migrator
* Improve util/__init__ typing
* Improve helpers/location typing
* Regroup imports and remove pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports
* General typing improvements
* Fix deprecated(moved) import
* Add util/dt typing
* Green on mypy util/dt
* Fix some errors
* First part of yping util/yaml
* Add more typing to util/yaml
"unix" timestamp is number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970 UTC.
This allows scripts that use templates to generate time
deltas in seconds if desired from state attributes such
as last_updated.
Some examples:
timestamp now is
{{ as_timestamp(now) }}
timstamp of last change is
{{ as_timestamp(states.binary_sensor.garage_door.last_changed) }}
seconds since last change is
{{ as_timestamp(now) - as_timestamp(states.binary_sensor.garage_door.last_changed) }}