The linters really need to specify an exact version, because when
either flake8 or pylint release a new version, a whole lot of new
issues are caught, causing failures on the code unrelated to the
patches being pushed.
Pinning is a best practice for linters. This allows patches which move
forward the linter version to happen with any code fixes required for
it to pass.
* Move worker pool monitoring to be time based instead of add_job based.
* Stub out worker pool monitor during tests
* Add test for monitor worker pool.
* Improve naming
* Test stop_monitor coroutine
* Add async_create_timer test
* Finish rename create_timer
* Add __main__ type hints
* Fix most errors of __main__
* Add ignore for
* Add type annotations for from_config_dict and from_config_file
* Fix errors
* Fix requirement error
* Add mypy type check to tests
* Enable travis typing check
* Messed up the tox deps
* Laxer type checker
* Stick version numbers
* Move elevation to core config
* Migrate forecast test to requests-mock
* Migrate YR tests to requests-mock
* Add requests_mock to requirements_test.txt
* Move conf code from bootstrap to config
* More config fixes
* Fix some more issues
* Add test for set config and failing auto detect
This adds a default 30 second timeout on every test method so that
deadlocks or broken threads are move obvious in travis. It also passes
-v by default to make things a little more verbose on where things
fail when they are failing.