diff --git a/homeassistant/components/lcn/strings.json b/homeassistant/components/lcn/strings.json
index 5e69d6810ae..0bdd85a3678 100644
--- a/homeassistant/components/lcn/strings.json
+++ b/homeassistant/components/lcn/strings.json
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
   "config": {
     "step": {
       "user": {
-        "title": "Setup LCN host",
+        "title": "Set up LCN host",
         "description": "Set up new connection to LCN host.",
         "data": {
           "host": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::name%]",
@@ -76,15 +76,15 @@
   "issues": {
     "deprecated_regulatorlock_sensor": {
       "title": "Deprecated LCN regulator lock binary sensor",
-      "description": "Your LCN regulator lock binary sensor entity `{entity}` is beeing used in automations or scripts. A regulator lock switch entity is available and should be used going forward.\n\nPlease adjust your automations or scripts to fix this issue."
+      "description": "Your LCN regulator lock binary sensor entity `{entity}` is being used in automations or scripts. A regulator lock switch entity is available and should be used going forward.\n\nPlease adjust your automations or scripts to fix this issue."
     "deprecated_keylock_sensor": {
       "title": "Deprecated LCN key lock binary sensor",
-      "description": "Your LCN key lock binary sensor entity `{entity}` is beeing used in automations or scripts. A key lock switch entity is available and should be used going forward.\n\nPlease adjust your automations or scripts to fix this issue."
+      "description": "Your LCN key lock binary sensor entity `{entity}` is being used in automations or scripts. A key lock switch entity is available and should be used going forward.\n\nPlease adjust your automations or scripts to fix this issue."
     "deprecated_address_parameter": {
       "title": "Deprecated 'address' parameter",
-      "description": "The 'address' parameter in the LCN action calls is deprecated. The 'device_id' parameter should be used going forward.\n\nPlease adjust your automations or scripts to fix this issue."
+      "description": "The 'address' parameter in the LCN action calls is deprecated. The 'device ID' parameter should be used going forward.\n\nPlease adjust your automations or scripts to fix this issue."
   "services": {
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
       "fields": {
         "device_id": {
           "name": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::device%]",
-          "description": "The device_id of the LCN module or group."
+          "description": "The device ID of the LCN module or group."
         "address": {
           "name": "Address",