"description":"To be able to query the API an `auth_token` is required which can be obtained by following [these](https://plaato.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360003234717-Auth-token) instructions\n\n Selected device: **{device_type}** \n\nIf you rather use the built in webhook method (Airlock only) please check the box below and leave Auth Token blank",
"description":"To send events to Home Assistant, you will need to setup the webhook feature in Plaato Airlock.\n\nFill in the following info:\n\n- URL: `{webhook_url}`\n- Method: POST\n\nSee [the documentation]({docs_url}) for further details.",
"title":"Webhook to use"
"update_interval":"Update interval (minutes)"
"description":"Set the update interval (minutes)",