"description":"Please enter the connection type we should use for your KNX connection. \n AUTOMATIC - The integration takes care of the connectivity to your KNX Bus by performing a gateway scan. \n TUNNELING - The integration will connect to your KNX bus via tunneling. \n ROUTING - The integration will connect to your KNX bus via routing.",
"connection_type":"KNX Connection Type"
"description":"Please select a gateway from the list.",
"gateway":"KNX Tunnel Connection"
"description":"Please enter the connection information of your tunneling device.",
"knxkeys_filename":"The filename of your `.knxkeys` file (including extension)",
"knxkeys_password":"The password to decrypt the `.knxkeys` file"
"knxkeys_filename":"The file is expected to be found in your config directory in `.storage/knx/`.\nIn Home Assistant OS this would be `/config/.storage/knx/`\nExample: `my_project.knxkeys`",
"knxkeys_password":"This was set when exporting the file from ETS."
"individual_address":"KNX address to be used by Home Assistant, e.g. `0.0.4`",
"multicast_group":"Used for routing and discovery. Default: ``",
"multicast_port":"Used for routing and discovery. Default: `3671`",
"local_ip":"Use `` for auto-discovery.",
"state_updater":"Globally enable or disable reading states from the KNX Bus. When disabled, Home Assistant will not actively retrieve states from the KNX Bus, `sync_state` entity options will have no effect.",
"rate_limit":"Maximum outgoing telegrams per second.\nRecommended: 20 to 40"