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"""Custom loader."""
2021-03-17 20:46:07 +00:00
from __future__ import annotations
from import Callable, Iterator
import fnmatch
from io import StringIO, TextIOWrapper
2016-01-24 06:37:15 +00:00
import logging
import os
2021-03-02 20:58:53 +00:00
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, TextIO, TypeVar, overload
2016-01-24 06:37:15 +00:00
import yaml
from yaml import CSafeLoader as FastestAvailableSafeLoader
except ImportError:
from yaml import ( # type: ignore[assignment]
SafeLoader as FastestAvailableSafeLoader,
from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError
from homeassistant.helpers.frame import report
from .const import SECRET_YAML
from .objects import Input, NodeDictClass, NodeListClass, NodeStrClass
from functools import cached_property
from homeassistant.backports.functools import cached_property
# mypy: allow-untyped-calls, no-warn-return-any
JSON_TYPE = list | dict | str
2022-03-17 17:52:38 +00:00
_DictT = TypeVar("_DictT", bound=dict)
2016-01-24 06:37:15 +00:00
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
2016-01-24 06:37:15 +00:00
class YamlTypeError(HomeAssistantError):
"""Raised by load_yaml_dict if top level data is not a dict."""
2021-03-02 20:58:53 +00:00
class Secrets:
"""Store secrets while loading YAML."""
def __init__(self, config_dir: Path) -> None:
2021-03-02 20:58:53 +00:00
"""Initialize secrets."""
self.config_dir = config_dir
2021-03-17 20:46:07 +00:00
self._cache: dict[Path, dict[str, str]] = {}
2021-03-02 20:58:53 +00:00
def get(self, requester_path: str, secret: str) -> str:
"""Return the value of a secret."""
current_path = Path(requester_path)
secret_dir = current_path
while True:
secret_dir = secret_dir.parent
except ValueError:
# We went above the config dir
secrets = self._load_secret_yaml(secret_dir)
if secret in secrets:
"Secret %s retrieved from secrets.yaml in folder %s",
return secrets[secret]
raise HomeAssistantError(f"Secret {secret} not defined")
2021-03-17 20:46:07 +00:00
def _load_secret_yaml(self, secret_dir: Path) -> dict[str, str]:
2021-03-02 20:58:53 +00:00
"""Load the secrets yaml from path."""
2021-09-18 23:31:35 +00:00
if (secret_path := secret_dir / SECRET_YAML) in self._cache:
2021-03-02 20:58:53 +00:00
return self._cache[secret_path]
_LOGGER.debug("Loading %s", secret_path)
secrets = load_yaml(str(secret_path))
if not isinstance(secrets, dict):
raise HomeAssistantError("Secrets is not a dictionary")
if "logger" in secrets:
logger = str(secrets["logger"]).lower()
if logger == "debug":
"Error in secrets.yaml: 'logger: debug' expected, but"
" 'logger: %s' found"
2021-03-02 20:58:53 +00:00
del secrets["logger"]
except FileNotFoundError:
secrets = {}
self._cache[secret_path] = secrets
return secrets
2023-11-07 23:26:54 +00:00
class _LoaderMixin:
"""Mixin class with extensions for YAML loader."""
name: str
stream: Any
2023-11-07 23:26:54 +00:00
def get_name(self) -> str:
"""Get the name of the loader."""
2023-11-07 23:26:54 +00:00
def get_stream_name(self) -> str:
"""Get the name of the stream."""
return getattr(, "name", "")
class FastSafeLoader(FastestAvailableSafeLoader, _LoaderMixin):
"""The fastest available safe loader, either C or Python."""
def __init__(self, stream: Any, secrets: Secrets | None = None) -> None:
"""Initialize a safe line loader.""" = stream
2023-11-07 23:26:54 +00:00
# Set name in same way as the Python loader does in yaml.reader.__init__
if isinstance(stream, str): = "<unicode string>"
elif isinstance(stream, bytes): = "<byte string>"
else: = getattr(stream, "name", "<file>")
2023-11-07 23:26:54 +00:00
self.secrets = secrets
class SafeLoader(FastSafeLoader):
"""Provided for backwards compatibility. Logs when instantiated."""
def __init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
"""Log a warning and call super."""
FastSafeLoader.__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def add_constructor(cls, tag: str, constructor: Callable) -> None:
"""Log a warning and call super."""
FastSafeLoader.add_constructor(tag, constructor)
def add_multi_constructor(
cls, tag_prefix: str, multi_constructor: Callable
) -> None:
"""Log a warning and call super."""
FastSafeLoader.add_multi_constructor(tag_prefix, multi_constructor)
def __report_deprecated() -> None:
"""Log deprecation warning."""
"uses deprecated 'SafeLoader' instead of 'FastSafeLoader', "
"which will stop working in HA Core 2024.6,"
2023-11-07 23:26:54 +00:00
class PythonSafeLoader(yaml.SafeLoader, _LoaderMixin):
"""Python safe loader."""
2021-03-17 20:46:07 +00:00
def __init__(self, stream: Any, secrets: Secrets | None = None) -> None:
2021-03-02 20:58:53 +00:00
"""Initialize a safe line loader."""
self.secrets = secrets
class SafeLineLoader(PythonSafeLoader):
"""Provided for backwards compatibility. Logs when instantiated."""
def __init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
"""Log a warning and call super."""
PythonSafeLoader.__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def add_constructor(cls, tag: str, constructor: Callable) -> None:
"""Log a warning and call super."""
PythonSafeLoader.add_constructor(tag, constructor)
def add_multi_constructor(
cls, tag_prefix: str, multi_constructor: Callable
) -> None:
"""Log a warning and call super."""
PythonSafeLoader.add_multi_constructor(tag_prefix, multi_constructor)
def __report_deprecated() -> None:
"""Log deprecation warning."""
"uses deprecated 'SafeLineLoader' instead of 'PythonSafeLoader', "
"which will stop working in HA Core 2024.6,"
2023-11-07 23:26:54 +00:00
LoaderType = FastSafeLoader | PythonSafeLoader
def load_yaml(
fname: str | os.PathLike[str], secrets: Secrets | None = None
) -> JSON_TYPE | None:
"""Load a YAML file."""
2019-07-31 19:25:30 +00:00
with open(fname, encoding="utf-8") as conf_file:
2021-03-02 20:58:53 +00:00
return parse_yaml(conf_file, secrets)
except UnicodeDecodeError as exc:
_LOGGER.error("Unable to read file %s: %s", fname, exc)
raise HomeAssistantError(exc) from exc
def load_yaml_dict(
fname: str | os.PathLike[str], secrets: Secrets | None = None
) -> dict:
"""Load a YAML file and ensure the top level is a dict.
Raise if the top level is not a dict.
Return an empty dict if the file is empty.
loaded_yaml = load_yaml(fname, secrets)
if loaded_yaml is None:
loaded_yaml = {}
if not isinstance(loaded_yaml, dict):
raise YamlTypeError(f"YAML file {fname} does not contain a dict")
return loaded_yaml
def parse_yaml(
content: str | TextIO | StringIO, secrets: Secrets | None = None
"""Parse YAML with the fastest available loader."""
if not HAS_C_LOADER:
2023-11-07 23:26:54 +00:00
return _parse_yaml_python(content, secrets)
2023-11-07 23:26:54 +00:00
return _parse_yaml(FastSafeLoader, content, secrets)
except yaml.YAMLError:
2023-11-07 23:26:54 +00:00
# Loading failed, so we now load with the Python loader which has more
# readable exceptions
if isinstance(content, (StringIO, TextIO, TextIOWrapper)):
# Rewind the stream so we can try again, 0)
2023-11-07 23:26:54 +00:00
return _parse_yaml_python(content, secrets)
2023-11-07 23:26:54 +00:00
def _parse_yaml_python(
content: str | TextIO | StringIO, secrets: Secrets | None = None
2023-11-07 23:26:54 +00:00
"""Parse YAML with the python loader (this is very slow)."""
2023-11-07 23:26:54 +00:00
return _parse_yaml(PythonSafeLoader, content, secrets)
except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
raise HomeAssistantError(exc) from exc
def _parse_yaml(
2023-11-07 23:26:54 +00:00
loader: type[FastSafeLoader] | type[PythonSafeLoader],
content: str | TextIO,
secrets: Secrets | None = None,
"""Load a YAML file."""
return yaml.load(content, Loader=lambda stream: loader(stream, secrets)) # type: ignore[arg-type]
2019-07-31 19:25:30 +00:00
def _add_reference(
obj: list | NodeListClass,
loader: LoaderType,
node: yaml.nodes.Node,
2019-07-31 19:25:30 +00:00
) -> NodeListClass:
2019-07-31 19:25:30 +00:00
def _add_reference(
obj: str | NodeStrClass,
loader: LoaderType,
node: yaml.nodes.Node,
2019-07-31 19:25:30 +00:00
) -> NodeStrClass:
def _add_reference(obj: _DictT, loader: LoaderType, node: yaml.nodes.Node) -> _DictT:
2019-07-31 19:25:30 +00:00
def _add_reference( # type: ignore[no-untyped-def]
obj, loader: LoaderType, node: yaml.nodes.Node
"""Add file reference information to an object."""
if isinstance(obj, list):
obj = NodeListClass(obj)
if isinstance(obj, str):
obj = NodeStrClass(obj)
try: # noqa: SIM105 suppress is much slower
setattr(obj, "__config_file__", loader.get_name)
setattr(obj, "__line__", node.start_mark.line + 1)
except AttributeError:
return obj
def _include_yaml(loader: LoaderType, node: yaml.nodes.Node) -> JSON_TYPE:
2023-11-20 10:34:14 +00:00
"""Load another YAML file and embed it using the !include tag.
2016-01-24 06:37:15 +00:00
device_tracker: !include device_tracker.yaml
2016-01-24 06:37:15 +00:00
fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(loader.get_name), node.value)
loaded_yaml = load_yaml(fname, loader.secrets)
if loaded_yaml is None:
loaded_yaml = NodeDictClass()
return _add_reference(loaded_yaml, loader, node)
except FileNotFoundError as exc:
raise HomeAssistantError(
f"{node.start_mark}: Unable to read file {fname}."
) from exc
2016-01-24 06:37:15 +00:00
def _is_file_valid(name: str) -> bool:
"""Decide if a file is valid."""
2019-07-31 19:25:30 +00:00
return not name.startswith(".")
def _find_files(directory: str, pattern: str) -> Iterator[str]:
"""Recursively load files in a directory."""
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory, topdown=True):
dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs if _is_file_valid(d)]
for basename in sorted(files):
if _is_file_valid(basename) and fnmatch.fnmatch(basename, pattern):
filename = os.path.join(root, basename)
yield filename
def _include_dir_named_yaml(loader: LoaderType, node: yaml.nodes.Node) -> NodeDictClass:
"""Load multiple files from directory as a dictionary."""
mapping = NodeDictClass()
loc = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(loader.get_name), node.value)
2019-07-31 19:25:30 +00:00
for fname in _find_files(loc, "*.yaml"):
filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fname))[0]
if os.path.basename(fname) == SECRET_YAML:
loaded_yaml = load_yaml(fname, loader.secrets)
if loaded_yaml is None:
# Special case, an empty file included by !include_dir_named is treated
# as an empty dictionary
loaded_yaml = NodeDictClass()
mapping[filename] = loaded_yaml
return _add_reference(mapping, loader, node)
2019-07-31 19:25:30 +00:00
def _include_dir_merge_named_yaml(
loader: LoaderType, node: yaml.nodes.Node
) -> NodeDictClass:
"""Load multiple files from directory as a merged dictionary."""
mapping = NodeDictClass()
loc = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(loader.get_name), node.value)
2019-07-31 19:25:30 +00:00
for fname in _find_files(loc, "*.yaml"):
if os.path.basename(fname) == SECRET_YAML:
2021-03-02 20:58:53 +00:00
loaded_yaml = load_yaml(fname, loader.secrets)
if isinstance(loaded_yaml, dict):
return _add_reference(mapping, loader, node)
2019-07-31 19:25:30 +00:00
def _include_dir_list_yaml(
loader: LoaderType, node: yaml.nodes.Node
2021-03-17 20:46:07 +00:00
) -> list[JSON_TYPE]:
"""Load multiple files from directory as a list."""
loc = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(loader.get_name), node.value)
2019-07-31 19:25:30 +00:00
return [
2019-07-31 19:25:30 +00:00
for f in _find_files(loc, "*.yaml")
if os.path.basename(f) != SECRET_YAML
and (loaded_yaml := load_yaml(f, loader.secrets)) is not None
2019-07-31 19:25:30 +00:00
2019-07-31 19:25:30 +00:00
def _include_dir_merge_list_yaml(
loader: LoaderType, node: yaml.nodes.Node
2019-07-31 19:25:30 +00:00
"""Load multiple files from directory as a merged list."""
loc: str = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(loader.get_name), node.value)
2021-03-17 20:46:07 +00:00
merged_list: list[JSON_TYPE] = []
2019-07-31 19:25:30 +00:00
for fname in _find_files(loc, "*.yaml"):
if os.path.basename(fname) == SECRET_YAML:
2021-03-02 20:58:53 +00:00
loaded_yaml = load_yaml(fname, loader.secrets)
if isinstance(loaded_yaml, list):
return _add_reference(merged_list, loader, node)
def _handle_mapping_tag(
loader: LoaderType, node: yaml.nodes.MappingNode
) -> NodeDictClass:
"""Load YAML mappings into an ordered dictionary to preserve key order."""
2016-01-24 06:37:15 +00:00
nodes = loader.construct_pairs(node)
2016-01-24 06:37:15 +00:00
2021-03-17 20:46:07 +00:00
seen: dict = {}
for (key, _), (child_node, _) in zip(nodes, node.value):
line = child_node.start_mark.line
except TypeError as exc:
fname = loader.get_stream_name
raise yaml.MarkedYAMLError(
context=f'invalid key: "{key}"',
None, # type: ignore[arg-type]
) from exc
if key in seen:
fname = loader.get_stream_name
'YAML file %s contains duplicate key "%s". Check lines %d and %d',
2019-07-31 19:25:30 +00:00
seen[key] = line
return _add_reference(NodeDictClass(nodes), loader, node)
def _construct_seq(loader: LoaderType, node: yaml.nodes.Node) -> JSON_TYPE:
"""Add line number and file name to Load YAML sequence."""
2019-10-29 06:32:34 +00:00
(obj,) = loader.construct_yaml_seq(node)
return _add_reference(obj, loader, node)
2016-01-24 06:37:15 +00:00
def _handle_scalar_tag(
loader: LoaderType, node: yaml.nodes.ScalarNode
) -> str | int | float | None:
"""Add line number and file name to Load YAML sequence."""
obj = node.value
if not isinstance(obj, str):
return obj
return _add_reference(obj, loader, node)
def _env_var_yaml(loader: LoaderType, node: yaml.nodes.Node) -> str:
"""Load environment variables and embed it into the configuration YAML."""
args = node.value.split()
# Check for a default value
if len(args) > 1:
2019-07-31 19:25:30 +00:00
return os.getenv(args[0], " ".join(args[1:]))
if args[0] in os.environ:
return os.environ[args[0]]
_LOGGER.error("Environment variable %s not defined", node.value)
raise HomeAssistantError(node.value)
def secret_yaml(loader: LoaderType, node: yaml.nodes.Node) -> JSON_TYPE:
"""Load secrets and embed it into the configuration YAML."""
2021-03-02 20:58:53 +00:00
if loader.secrets is None:
raise HomeAssistantError("Secrets not supported in this YAML file")
return loader.secrets.get(loader.get_name, node.value)
def add_constructor(tag: Any, constructor: Any) -> None:
"""Add to constructor to all loaders."""
2023-11-07 23:26:54 +00:00
for yaml_loader in (FastSafeLoader, PythonSafeLoader):
yaml_loader.add_constructor(tag, constructor)
add_constructor("!include", _include_yaml)
add_constructor(yaml.resolver.BaseResolver.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TAG, _handle_mapping_tag)
add_constructor(yaml.resolver.BaseResolver.DEFAULT_SCALAR_TAG, _handle_scalar_tag)
add_constructor(yaml.resolver.BaseResolver.DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_TAG, _construct_seq)
add_constructor("!env_var", _env_var_yaml)
add_constructor("!secret", secret_yaml)
add_constructor("!include_dir_list", _include_dir_list_yaml)
add_constructor("!include_dir_merge_list", _include_dir_merge_list_yaml)
add_constructor("!include_dir_named", _include_dir_named_yaml)
add_constructor("!include_dir_merge_named", _include_dir_merge_named_yaml)
add_constructor("!input", Input.from_node)