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Support for Qwikswitch devices.
For more details about this component, please refer to the documentation at
import logging
import voluptuous as vol
from homeassistant.const import (EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_START,
from homeassistant.helpers.discovery import load_platform
from homeassistant.components.light import ATTR_BRIGHTNESS, Light
from homeassistant.components.switch import SwitchDevice
DOMAIN = 'qwikswitch'
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
CV_DIM_VALUE = vol.All(vol.Coerce(float), vol.Range(min=1, max=3))
CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({
DOMAIN: vol.Schema({
vol.Required('url', default=''): vol.Coerce(str),
vol.Optional('dimmer_adjust', default=1): CV_DIM_VALUE,
vol.Optional('button_events'): vol.Coerce(str)
})}, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA)
QSUSB = {}
class QSToggleEntity(object):
"""Representation of a Qwikswitch Entity.
Implement base QS methods. Modeled around HA ToggleEntity[1] & should only
be used in a class that extends both QSToggleEntity *and* ToggleEntity.
- QSLight extends QSToggleEntity and Light[2] (ToggleEntity[1])
- QSSwitch extends QSToggleEntity and SwitchDevice[3] (ToggleEntity[1])
[1] /helpers/
[2] /components/light/
[3] /components/switch/
def __init__(self, qsitem, qsusb):
"""Initialize the ToggleEntity."""
from pyqwikswitch import (QS_ID, QS_NAME, QSType, PQS_VALUE, PQS_TYPE)
self._id = qsitem[QS_ID]
self._name = qsitem[QS_NAME]
self._value = qsitem[PQS_VALUE]
self._qsusb = qsusb
self._dim = qsitem[PQS_TYPE] == QSType.dimmer
QSUSB[self._id] = self
def brightness(self):
"""Return the brightness of this light between 0..100."""
return self._value if self._dim else None
# pylint: disable=no-self-use
def should_poll(self):
"""No polling needed."""
return False
def name(self):
"""Return the name of the light."""
return self._name
def is_on(self):
"""Check if device is on (non-zero)."""
return self._value > 0
def update_value(self, value):
"""Decode the QSUSB value and update the Home assistant state."""
if value != self._value:
self._value = value
# pylint: disable=no-member
super().update_ha_state() # Part of Entity/ToggleEntity
return self._value
def turn_on(self, **kwargs):
"""Turn the device on."""
newvalue = 255
if ATTR_BRIGHTNESS in kwargs:
newvalue = kwargs[ATTR_BRIGHTNESS]
if self._qsusb.set(self._id, round(min(newvalue, 255)/2.55)) >= 0:
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def turn_off(self, **kwargs):
"""Turn the device off."""
if self._qsusb.set(self._id, 0) >= 0:
class QSSwitch(QSToggleEntity, SwitchDevice):
"""Switch based on a Qwikswitch relay module."""
class QSLight(QSToggleEntity, Light):
"""Light based on a Qwikswitch relay/dimmer module."""
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
def setup(hass, config):
"""Setup the QSUSB component."""
from pyqwikswitch import (QSUsb, CMD_BUTTONS, QS_NAME, QS_ID, QS_CMD,
# Override which cmd's in /&listen packets will fire events
# By default only buttons of type [TOGGLE,SCENE EXE,LEVEL]
cmd_buttons = config[DOMAIN].get('button_events', ','.join(CMD_BUTTONS))
cmd_buttons = cmd_buttons.split(',')
url = config[DOMAIN]['url']
dimmer_adjust = config[DOMAIN]['dimmer_adjust']
qsusb = QSUsb(url, _LOGGER, dimmer_adjust)
def _stop(event):
"""Stop the listener queue and clean up."""
nonlocal qsusb
qsusb = None
global QSUSB
QSUSB = {}"Waiting for long poll to QSUSB to time out")
hass.bus.listen(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, _stop)
# Discover all devices in QSUSB
devices = qsusb.devices()
QSUSB['switch'] = []
QSUSB['light'] = []
for item in devices:
if item[PQS_TYPE] == QSType.relay and (item[QS_NAME].lower()
.endswith(' switch')):
item[QS_NAME] = item[QS_NAME][:-7] # Remove ' switch' postfix
QSUSB['switch'].append(QSSwitch(item, qsusb))
elif item[PQS_TYPE] in [QSType.relay, QSType.dimmer]:
QSUSB['light'].append(QSLight(item, qsusb))
_LOGGER.warning("Ignored unknown QSUSB device: %s", item)
# Load platforms
for comp_name in ('switch', 'light'):
if len(QSUSB[comp_name]) > 0:
load_platform(hass, comp_name, 'qwikswitch', {}, config)
def qs_callback(item):
"""Typically a button press or update signal."""
if qsusb is None: # Shutting down"Done")
# If button pressed, fire a hass event
if item.get(QS_CMD, '') in cmd_buttons:'qwikswitch.button.' + item.get(QS_ID, '@no_id'))
# Update all ha_objects
qsreply = qsusb.devices()
if qsreply is False:
for item in qsreply:
if item[QS_ID] in QSUSB:
round(min(item[PQS_VALUE], 100) * 2.55))
def _start(event):
"""Start listening."""
qsusb.listen(callback=qs_callback, timeout=30)
hass.bus.listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_START, _start)
return True