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"""MQTT component mixins and helpers."""
2021-03-18 12:07:04 +00:00
from __future__ import annotations
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import asyncio
from import Callable, Coroutine
from functools import partial, wraps
import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Protocol, cast, final
import voluptuous as vol
from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry
from homeassistant.const import (
2023-07-24 08:34:16 +00:00
from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, callback
from homeassistant.helpers import (
config_validation as cv,
device_registry as dr,
entity_registry as er,
from homeassistant.helpers.device_registry import (
from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import (
from homeassistant.helpers.entity import (
from homeassistant.helpers.entity_platform import AddEntitiesCallback
from homeassistant.helpers.event import (
from homeassistant.helpers.typing import (
from homeassistant.util.json import json_loads
from . import debug_info, subscription
from .client import async_publish
from .const import (
2022-02-04 16:35:32 +00:00
2022-02-04 16:35:32 +00:00
from .debug_info import log_message, log_messages
from .discovery import (
from .models import (
from .subscription import (
from .util import get_mqtt_data, mqtt_config_entry_enabled, valid_subscribe_topic
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
CONF_AVAILABILITY_MODE = "availability_mode"
CONF_AVAILABILITY_TEMPLATE = "availability_template"
CONF_AVAILABILITY_TOPIC = "availability_topic"
CONF_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT = "enabled_by_default"
CONF_PAYLOAD_AVAILABLE = "payload_available"
CONF_PAYLOAD_NOT_AVAILABLE = "payload_not_available"
CONF_JSON_ATTRS_TOPIC = "json_attributes_topic"
CONF_JSON_ATTRS_TEMPLATE = "json_attributes_template"
vol.Exclusive(CONF_AVAILABILITY_TOPIC, "availability"): valid_subscribe_topic,
vol.Optional(CONF_AVAILABILITY_TEMPLATE): cv.template,
): cv.string,
): cv.string,
cv.string, vol.In(AVAILABILITY_MODES)
vol.Exclusive(CONF_AVAILABILITY, "availability"): vol.All(
vol.Required(CONF_TOPIC): valid_subscribe_topic,
): cv.string,
): cv.string,
vol.Optional(CONF_VALUE_TEMPLATE): cv.template,
def validate_device_has_at_least_one_identifier(value: ConfigType) -> ConfigType:
"""Validate that a device info entry has at least one identifying value."""
if value.get(CONF_IDENTIFIERS) or value.get(CONF_CONNECTIONS):
return value
raise vol.Invalid(
"Device must have at least one identifying value in "
"'identifiers' and/or 'connections'"
vol.Optional(CONF_IDENTIFIERS, default=list): vol.All(
cv.ensure_list, [cv.string]
vol.Optional(CONF_CONNECTIONS, default=list): vol.All(
cv.ensure_list, [vol.All(vol.Length(2), [cv.string])]
vol.Optional(CONF_MANUFACTURER): cv.string,
vol.Optional(CONF_MODEL): cv.string,
vol.Optional(CONF_NAME): cv.string,
vol.Optional(CONF_HW_VERSION): cv.string,
vol.Optional(CONF_SW_VERSION): cv.string,
vol.Optional(CONF_VIA_DEVICE): cv.string,
vol.Optional(CONF_SUGGESTED_AREA): cv.string,
vol.Optional(CONF_CONFIGURATION_URL): cv.configuration_url,
vol.Optional(CONF_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT, default=True): cv.boolean,
vol.Optional(CONF_ICON): cv.icon,
vol.Optional(CONF_JSON_ATTRS_TOPIC): valid_subscribe_topic,
vol.Optional(CONF_JSON_ATTRS_TEMPLATE): cv.template,
vol.Optional(CONF_OBJECT_ID): cv.string,
vol.Optional(CONF_UNIQUE_ID): cv.string,
class SetupEntity(Protocol):
"""Protocol type for async_setup_entities."""
async def __call__(
hass: HomeAssistant,
async_add_entities: AddEntitiesCallback,
config: ConfigType,
config_entry: ConfigEntry,
discovery_data: DiscoveryInfoType | None = None,
) -> None:
"""Define setup_entities type."""
def async_handle_schema_error(
discovery_payload: MQTTDiscoveryPayload, err: vol.MultipleInvalid
) -> None:
"""Help handling schema errors on MQTT discovery messages."""
discovery_topic: str = discovery_payload.discovery_data[ATTR_DISCOVERY_TOPIC]
"Error '%s' when processing MQTT discovery message topic: '%s', message: '%s'",
async def async_setup_entry_helper(
hass: HomeAssistant,
domain: str,
async_setup: partial[Coroutine[Any, Any, None]],
discovery_schema: vol.Schema,
) -> None:
"""Set up entity, automation or tag creation dynamically through MQTT discovery."""
mqtt_data = get_mqtt_data(hass)
async def async_discover(discovery_payload: MQTTDiscoveryPayload) -> None:
"""Discover and add an MQTT entity, automation or tag."""
if not mqtt_config_entry_enabled(hass):
"MQTT integration is disabled, skipping setup of discovered item "
"MQTT %s, payload %s"
discovery_data = discovery_payload.discovery_data
config: DiscoveryInfoType = discovery_schema(discovery_payload)
await async_setup(config, discovery_data=discovery_data)
except vol.Invalid as err:
discovery_hash = discovery_data[ATTR_DISCOVERY_HASH]
clear_discovery_hash(hass, discovery_hash)
hass, MQTT_DISCOVERY_DONE.format(discovery_hash), None
async_handle_schema_error(discovery_payload, err)
except Exception:
discovery_hash = discovery_data[ATTR_DISCOVERY_HASH]
clear_discovery_hash(hass, discovery_hash)
hass, MQTT_DISCOVERY_DONE.format(discovery_hash), None
hass, MQTT_DISCOVERY_NEW.format(domain, "mqtt"), async_discover
async def _async_setup_entities() -> None:
"""Set up MQTT items from configuration.yaml."""
mqtt_data = get_mqtt_data(hass)
if not (config_yaml := mqtt_data.config):
setups: list[Coroutine[Any, Any, None]] = [
for config_item in config_yaml
for config_domain, configs in config_item.items()
for config in configs
if config_domain == domain
if not setups:
await asyncio.gather(*setups)
# discover manual configured MQTT items
mqtt_data.reload_handlers[domain] = _async_setup_entities
await _async_setup_entities()
def init_entity_id_from_config(
hass: HomeAssistant, entity: Entity, config: ConfigType, entity_id_format: str
) -> None:
"""Set entity_id from object_id if defined in config."""
if CONF_OBJECT_ID in config:
entity.entity_id = async_generate_entity_id(
entity_id_format, config[CONF_OBJECT_ID], None, hass
def write_state_on_attr_change(
entity: Entity, attributes: set[str]
) -> Callable[[MessageCallbackType], MessageCallbackType]:
"""Wrap an MQTT message callback to track state attribute changes."""
def _attrs_have_changed(tracked_attrs: dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
"""Return True if attributes on entity changed or if update is forced."""
if not (write_state := (getattr(entity, "_attr_force_update", False))):
for attribute, last_value in tracked_attrs.items():
if getattr(entity, attribute, UNDEFINED) != last_value:
write_state = True
return write_state
def _decorator(msg_callback: MessageCallbackType) -> MessageCallbackType:
def wrapper(msg: ReceiveMessage) -> None:
"""Track attributes for write state requests."""
tracked_attrs: dict[str, Any] = {
attribute: getattr(entity, attribute, UNDEFINED)
for attribute in attributes
if not _attrs_have_changed(tracked_attrs):
mqtt_data = get_mqtt_data(entity.hass)
return wrapper
return _decorator
class MqttAttributes(Entity):
"""Mixin used for platforms that support JSON attributes."""
_attributes_extra_blocked: frozenset[str] = frozenset()
def __init__(self, config: ConfigType) -> None:
"""Initialize the JSON attributes mixin."""
self._attributes_sub_state: dict[str, EntitySubscription] = {}
self._attributes_config = config
async def async_added_to_hass(self) -> None:
"""Subscribe MQTT events."""
await super().async_added_to_hass()
await self._attributes_subscribe_topics()
def attributes_prepare_discovery_update(self, config: DiscoveryInfoType) -> None:
"""Handle updated discovery message."""
self._attributes_config = config
async def attributes_discovery_update(self, config: DiscoveryInfoType) -> None:
"""Handle updated discovery message."""
await self._attributes_subscribe_topics()
def _attributes_prepare_subscribe_topics(self) -> None:
"""(Re)Subscribe to topics."""
attr_tpl = MqttValueTemplate(
self._attributes_config.get(CONF_JSON_ATTRS_TEMPLATE), entity=self
@log_messages(self.hass, self.entity_id)
@write_state_on_attr_change(self, {"_attr_extra_state_attributes"})
def attributes_message_received(msg: ReceiveMessage) -> None:
payload = attr_tpl(msg.payload)
json_dict = json_loads(payload) if isinstance(payload, str) else None
if isinstance(json_dict, dict):
filtered_dict = {
k: v
for k, v in json_dict.items()
and k not in self._attributes_extra_blocked
self._attr_extra_state_attributes = filtered_dict
_LOGGER.warning("JSON result was not a dictionary")
except ValueError:
_LOGGER.warning("Erroneous JSON: %s", payload)
self._attributes_sub_state = async_prepare_subscribe_topics(
"topic": self._attributes_config.get(CONF_JSON_ATTRS_TOPIC),
"msg_callback": attributes_message_received,
"qos": self._attributes_config.get(CONF_QOS),
"encoding": self._attributes_config[CONF_ENCODING] or None,
async def _attributes_subscribe_topics(self) -> None:
"""(Re)Subscribe to topics."""
await async_subscribe_topics(self.hass, self._attributes_sub_state)
async def async_will_remove_from_hass(self) -> None:
"""Unsubscribe when removed."""
self._attributes_sub_state = async_unsubscribe_topics(
self.hass, self._attributes_sub_state
class MqttAvailability(Entity):
"""Mixin used for platforms that report availability."""
def __init__(self, config: ConfigType) -> None:
"""Initialize the availability mixin."""
self._availability_sub_state: dict[str, EntitySubscription] = {}
self._available: dict[str, str | bool] = {}
self._available_latest: bool = False
async def async_added_to_hass(self) -> None:
"""Subscribe MQTT events."""
await super().async_added_to_hass()
await self._availability_subscribe_topics()
async_dispatcher_connect(self.hass, MQTT_CONNECTED, self.async_mqtt_connect)
self.hass, MQTT_DISCONNECTED, self.async_mqtt_connect
def availability_prepare_discovery_update(self, config: DiscoveryInfoType) -> None:
"""Handle updated discovery message."""
async def availability_discovery_update(self, config: DiscoveryInfoType) -> None:
"""Handle updated discovery message."""
await self._availability_subscribe_topics()
def _availability_setup_from_config(self, config: ConfigType) -> None:
self._avail_topics: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = {}
self._avail_topics[config[CONF_AVAILABILITY_TOPIC]] = {
avail: dict[str, Any]
for avail in config[CONF_AVAILABILITY]:
self._avail_topics[avail[CONF_TOPIC]] = {
for avail_topic_conf in self._avail_topics.values():
avail_topic_conf[CONF_AVAILABILITY_TEMPLATE] = MqttValueTemplate(
self._avail_config = config
def _availability_prepare_subscribe_topics(self) -> None:
"""(Re)Subscribe to topics."""
@log_messages(self.hass, self.entity_id)
@write_state_on_attr_change(self, {"available"})
def availability_message_received(msg: ReceiveMessage) -> None:
"""Handle a new received MQTT availability message."""
topic = msg.topic
payload: ReceivePayloadType
payload = self._avail_topics[topic][CONF_AVAILABILITY_TEMPLATE](msg.payload)
if payload == self._avail_topics[topic][CONF_PAYLOAD_AVAILABLE]:
self._available[topic] = True
self._available_latest = True
elif payload == self._avail_topics[topic][CONF_PAYLOAD_NOT_AVAILABLE]:
self._available[topic] = False
self._available_latest = False
self._available = {
topic: (self._available[topic] if topic in self._available else False)
for topic in self._avail_topics
topics: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = {
f"availability_{topic}": {
"topic": topic,
"msg_callback": availability_message_received,
"qos": self._avail_config[CONF_QOS],
"encoding": self._avail_config[CONF_ENCODING] or None,
for topic in self._avail_topics
self._availability_sub_state = async_prepare_subscribe_topics(
async def _availability_subscribe_topics(self) -> None:
"""(Re)Subscribe to topics."""
await async_subscribe_topics(self.hass, self._availability_sub_state)
def async_mqtt_connect(self) -> None:
"""Update state on connection/disconnection to MQTT broker."""
if not self.hass.is_stopping:
async def async_will_remove_from_hass(self) -> None:
"""Unsubscribe when removed."""
self._availability_sub_state = async_unsubscribe_topics(
self.hass, self._availability_sub_state
def available(self) -> bool:
"""Return if the device is available."""
mqtt_data = get_mqtt_data(self.hass)
client = mqtt_data.client
if not client.connected and not self.hass.is_stopping:
return False
if not self._avail_topics:
return True
return all(self._available.values())
return any(self._available.values())
return self._available_latest
Refactor MQTT discovery (#67966) * Proof of concept * remove notify platform * remove loose test * Add rework from #67912 (#1) * Move notify serviceupdater to Mixins * Move tag discovery handler to Mixins * fix tests * Add typing for async_load_platform_helper * Add add entry unload support for notify platform * Simplify discovery updates * Remove not needed extra logic * Cleanup inrelevant or duplicate code * reuse update_device and move to mixins * Remove notify platform * revert changes to notify platform * Rename update class * unify tag entry setup * Use shared code for device_trigger `update_device` * PoC shared dispatcher for device_trigger * Fix bugs * Improve typing - remove async_update * Unload config_entry and tests * Release dispatcher after setup and deduplicate * closures to methods, revert `in` to `=`, updates * Re-add update support for tag platform * Re-add update support for device-trigger platform * Cleanup rediscovery code revert related changes * Undo discovery code shift * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * revert doc string changes * move conditions * typing and check config_entry_id * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * cleanup not used attribute * Remove entry_unload code and tests * update comment * add second comment Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <>
2022-04-15 10:35:08 +00:00
async def cleanup_device_registry(
hass: HomeAssistant, device_id: str | None, config_entry_id: str | None
) -> None:
"""Clean up the device registry after MQTT removal.
Remove MQTT from the device registry entry if there are no remaining
entities, triggers or tags.
# Local import to avoid circular dependencies
# pylint: disable-next=import-outside-toplevel
from . import device_trigger, tag
device_registry = dr.async_get(hass)
entity_registry = er.async_get(hass)
if (
Refactor MQTT discovery (#67966) * Proof of concept * remove notify platform * remove loose test * Add rework from #67912 (#1) * Move notify serviceupdater to Mixins * Move tag discovery handler to Mixins * fix tests * Add typing for async_load_platform_helper * Add add entry unload support for notify platform * Simplify discovery updates * Remove not needed extra logic * Cleanup inrelevant or duplicate code * reuse update_device and move to mixins * Remove notify platform * revert changes to notify platform * Rename update class * unify tag entry setup * Use shared code for device_trigger `update_device` * PoC shared dispatcher for device_trigger * Fix bugs * Improve typing - remove async_update * Unload config_entry and tests * Release dispatcher after setup and deduplicate * closures to methods, revert `in` to `=`, updates * Re-add update support for tag platform * Re-add update support for device-trigger platform * Cleanup rediscovery code revert related changes * Undo discovery code shift * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * revert doc string changes * move conditions * typing and check config_entry_id * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * cleanup not used attribute * Remove entry_unload code and tests * update comment * add second comment Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <>
2022-04-15 10:35:08 +00:00
and config_entry_id
and not er.async_entries_for_device(
entity_registry, device_id, include_disabled_entities=False
and not await device_trigger.async_get_triggers(hass, device_id)
and not tag.async_has_tags(hass, device_id)
device_id, remove_config_entry_id=config_entry_id
def get_discovery_hash(discovery_data: DiscoveryInfoType) -> tuple[str, str]:
Refactor MQTT discovery (#67966) * Proof of concept * remove notify platform * remove loose test * Add rework from #67912 (#1) * Move notify serviceupdater to Mixins * Move tag discovery handler to Mixins * fix tests * Add typing for async_load_platform_helper * Add add entry unload support for notify platform * Simplify discovery updates * Remove not needed extra logic * Cleanup inrelevant or duplicate code * reuse update_device and move to mixins * Remove notify platform * revert changes to notify platform * Rename update class * unify tag entry setup * Use shared code for device_trigger `update_device` * PoC shared dispatcher for device_trigger * Fix bugs * Improve typing - remove async_update * Unload config_entry and tests * Release dispatcher after setup and deduplicate * closures to methods, revert `in` to `=`, updates * Re-add update support for tag platform * Re-add update support for device-trigger platform * Cleanup rediscovery code revert related changes * Undo discovery code shift * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * revert doc string changes * move conditions * typing and check config_entry_id * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * cleanup not used attribute * Remove entry_unload code and tests * update comment * add second comment Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <>
2022-04-15 10:35:08 +00:00
"""Get the discovery hash from the discovery data."""
discovery_hash: tuple[str, str] = discovery_data[ATTR_DISCOVERY_HASH]
return discovery_hash
Refactor MQTT discovery (#67966) * Proof of concept * remove notify platform * remove loose test * Add rework from #67912 (#1) * Move notify serviceupdater to Mixins * Move tag discovery handler to Mixins * fix tests * Add typing for async_load_platform_helper * Add add entry unload support for notify platform * Simplify discovery updates * Remove not needed extra logic * Cleanup inrelevant or duplicate code * reuse update_device and move to mixins * Remove notify platform * revert changes to notify platform * Rename update class * unify tag entry setup * Use shared code for device_trigger `update_device` * PoC shared dispatcher for device_trigger * Fix bugs * Improve typing - remove async_update * Unload config_entry and tests * Release dispatcher after setup and deduplicate * closures to methods, revert `in` to `=`, updates * Re-add update support for tag platform * Re-add update support for device-trigger platform * Cleanup rediscovery code revert related changes * Undo discovery code shift * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * revert doc string changes * move conditions * typing and check config_entry_id * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * cleanup not used attribute * Remove entry_unload code and tests * update comment * add second comment Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <>
2022-04-15 10:35:08 +00:00
def send_discovery_done(hass: HomeAssistant, discovery_data: DiscoveryInfoType) -> None:
Refactor MQTT discovery (#67966) * Proof of concept * remove notify platform * remove loose test * Add rework from #67912 (#1) * Move notify serviceupdater to Mixins * Move tag discovery handler to Mixins * fix tests * Add typing for async_load_platform_helper * Add add entry unload support for notify platform * Simplify discovery updates * Remove not needed extra logic * Cleanup inrelevant or duplicate code * reuse update_device and move to mixins * Remove notify platform * revert changes to notify platform * Rename update class * unify tag entry setup * Use shared code for device_trigger `update_device` * PoC shared dispatcher for device_trigger * Fix bugs * Improve typing - remove async_update * Unload config_entry and tests * Release dispatcher after setup and deduplicate * closures to methods, revert `in` to `=`, updates * Re-add update support for tag platform * Re-add update support for device-trigger platform * Cleanup rediscovery code revert related changes * Undo discovery code shift * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * revert doc string changes * move conditions * typing and check config_entry_id * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * cleanup not used attribute * Remove entry_unload code and tests * update comment * add second comment Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <>
2022-04-15 10:35:08 +00:00
"""Acknowledge a discovery message has been handled."""
discovery_hash = get_discovery_hash(discovery_data)
async_dispatcher_send(hass, MQTT_DISCOVERY_DONE.format(discovery_hash), None)
def stop_discovery_updates(
hass: HomeAssistant,
discovery_data: DiscoveryInfoType,
Refactor MQTT discovery (#67966) * Proof of concept * remove notify platform * remove loose test * Add rework from #67912 (#1) * Move notify serviceupdater to Mixins * Move tag discovery handler to Mixins * fix tests * Add typing for async_load_platform_helper * Add add entry unload support for notify platform * Simplify discovery updates * Remove not needed extra logic * Cleanup inrelevant or duplicate code * reuse update_device and move to mixins * Remove notify platform * revert changes to notify platform * Rename update class * unify tag entry setup * Use shared code for device_trigger `update_device` * PoC shared dispatcher for device_trigger * Fix bugs * Improve typing - remove async_update * Unload config_entry and tests * Release dispatcher after setup and deduplicate * closures to methods, revert `in` to `=`, updates * Re-add update support for tag platform * Re-add update support for device-trigger platform * Cleanup rediscovery code revert related changes * Undo discovery code shift * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * revert doc string changes * move conditions * typing and check config_entry_id * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * cleanup not used attribute * Remove entry_unload code and tests * update comment * add second comment Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <>
2022-04-15 10:35:08 +00:00
remove_discovery_updated: Callable[[], None] | None = None,
) -> None:
"""Stop discovery updates of being sent."""
if remove_discovery_updated:
remove_discovery_updated = None
discovery_hash = get_discovery_hash(discovery_data)
clear_discovery_hash(hass, discovery_hash)
async def async_remove_discovery_payload(
hass: HomeAssistant, discovery_data: DiscoveryInfoType
) -> None:
"""Clear retained discovery payload.
Remove discovery topic in broker to avoid rediscovery
after a restart of Home Assistant.
Refactor MQTT discovery (#67966) * Proof of concept * remove notify platform * remove loose test * Add rework from #67912 (#1) * Move notify serviceupdater to Mixins * Move tag discovery handler to Mixins * fix tests * Add typing for async_load_platform_helper * Add add entry unload support for notify platform * Simplify discovery updates * Remove not needed extra logic * Cleanup inrelevant or duplicate code * reuse update_device and move to mixins * Remove notify platform * revert changes to notify platform * Rename update class * unify tag entry setup * Use shared code for device_trigger `update_device` * PoC shared dispatcher for device_trigger * Fix bugs * Improve typing - remove async_update * Unload config_entry and tests * Release dispatcher after setup and deduplicate * closures to methods, revert `in` to `=`, updates * Re-add update support for tag platform * Re-add update support for device-trigger platform * Cleanup rediscovery code revert related changes * Undo discovery code shift * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * revert doc string changes * move conditions * typing and check config_entry_id * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * cleanup not used attribute * Remove entry_unload code and tests * update comment * add second comment Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <>
2022-04-15 10:35:08 +00:00
discovery_topic = discovery_data[ATTR_DISCOVERY_TOPIC]
await async_publish(hass, discovery_topic, "", retain=True)
async def async_clear_discovery_topic_if_entity_removed(
hass: HomeAssistant,
discovery_data: DiscoveryInfoType,
event: EventType[er.EventEntityRegistryUpdatedData],
) -> None:
"""Clear the discovery topic if the entity is removed."""
if["action"] == "remove":
# publish empty payload to config topic to avoid re-adding
await async_remove_discovery_payload(hass, discovery_data)
class MqttDiscoveryDeviceUpdate(ABC):
Refactor MQTT discovery (#67966) * Proof of concept * remove notify platform * remove loose test * Add rework from #67912 (#1) * Move notify serviceupdater to Mixins * Move tag discovery handler to Mixins * fix tests * Add typing for async_load_platform_helper * Add add entry unload support for notify platform * Simplify discovery updates * Remove not needed extra logic * Cleanup inrelevant or duplicate code * reuse update_device and move to mixins * Remove notify platform * revert changes to notify platform * Rename update class * unify tag entry setup * Use shared code for device_trigger `update_device` * PoC shared dispatcher for device_trigger * Fix bugs * Improve typing - remove async_update * Unload config_entry and tests * Release dispatcher after setup and deduplicate * closures to methods, revert `in` to `=`, updates * Re-add update support for tag platform * Re-add update support for device-trigger platform * Cleanup rediscovery code revert related changes * Undo discovery code shift * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * revert doc string changes * move conditions * typing and check config_entry_id * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * cleanup not used attribute * Remove entry_unload code and tests * update comment * add second comment Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <>
2022-04-15 10:35:08 +00:00
"""Add support for auto discovery for platforms without an entity."""
def __init__(
hass: HomeAssistant,
discovery_data: DiscoveryInfoType,
Refactor MQTT discovery (#67966) * Proof of concept * remove notify platform * remove loose test * Add rework from #67912 (#1) * Move notify serviceupdater to Mixins * Move tag discovery handler to Mixins * fix tests * Add typing for async_load_platform_helper * Add add entry unload support for notify platform * Simplify discovery updates * Remove not needed extra logic * Cleanup inrelevant or duplicate code * reuse update_device and move to mixins * Remove notify platform * revert changes to notify platform * Rename update class * unify tag entry setup * Use shared code for device_trigger `update_device` * PoC shared dispatcher for device_trigger * Fix bugs * Improve typing - remove async_update * Unload config_entry and tests * Release dispatcher after setup and deduplicate * closures to methods, revert `in` to `=`, updates * Re-add update support for tag platform * Re-add update support for device-trigger platform * Cleanup rediscovery code revert related changes * Undo discovery code shift * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * revert doc string changes * move conditions * typing and check config_entry_id * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * cleanup not used attribute * Remove entry_unload code and tests * update comment * add second comment Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <>
2022-04-15 10:35:08 +00:00
device_id: str | None,
config_entry: ConfigEntry,
log_name: str,
) -> None:
"""Initialize the update service."""
self.hass = hass
self.log_name = log_name
self._discovery_data = discovery_data
self._device_id = device_id
self._config_entry = config_entry
self._config_entry_id = config_entry.entry_id
self._skip_device_removal: bool = False
discovery_hash = get_discovery_hash(discovery_data)
self._remove_discovery_updated = async_dispatcher_connect(
Refactor MQTT discovery (#67966) * Proof of concept * remove notify platform * remove loose test * Add rework from #67912 (#1) * Move notify serviceupdater to Mixins * Move tag discovery handler to Mixins * fix tests * Add typing for async_load_platform_helper * Add add entry unload support for notify platform * Simplify discovery updates * Remove not needed extra logic * Cleanup inrelevant or duplicate code * reuse update_device and move to mixins * Remove notify platform * revert changes to notify platform * Rename update class * unify tag entry setup * Use shared code for device_trigger `update_device` * PoC shared dispatcher for device_trigger * Fix bugs * Improve typing - remove async_update * Unload config_entry and tests * Release dispatcher after setup and deduplicate * closures to methods, revert `in` to `=`, updates * Re-add update support for tag platform * Re-add update support for device-trigger platform * Cleanup rediscovery code revert related changes * Undo discovery code shift * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * revert doc string changes * move conditions * typing and check config_entry_id * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * cleanup not used attribute * Remove entry_unload code and tests * update comment * add second comment Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <>
2022-04-15 10:35:08 +00:00
if device_id is not None:
self._remove_device_updated = async_track_device_registry_updated_event(
hass, device_id, self._async_device_removed
Refactor MQTT discovery (#67966) * Proof of concept * remove notify platform * remove loose test * Add rework from #67912 (#1) * Move notify serviceupdater to Mixins * Move tag discovery handler to Mixins * fix tests * Add typing for async_load_platform_helper * Add add entry unload support for notify platform * Simplify discovery updates * Remove not needed extra logic * Cleanup inrelevant or duplicate code * reuse update_device and move to mixins * Remove notify platform * revert changes to notify platform * Rename update class * unify tag entry setup * Use shared code for device_trigger `update_device` * PoC shared dispatcher for device_trigger * Fix bugs * Improve typing - remove async_update * Unload config_entry and tests * Release dispatcher after setup and deduplicate * closures to methods, revert `in` to `=`, updates * Re-add update support for tag platform * Re-add update support for device-trigger platform * Cleanup rediscovery code revert related changes * Undo discovery code shift * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * revert doc string changes * move conditions * typing and check config_entry_id * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * cleanup not used attribute * Remove entry_unload code and tests * update comment * add second comment Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <>
2022-04-15 10:35:08 +00:00
"%s %s has been initialized",
def _entry_unload(self, *_: Any) -> None:
"""Handle cleanup when the config entry is unloaded."""
self.hass, self._discovery_data, self._remove_discovery_updated
self._config_entry.async_create_task(self.hass, self.async_tear_down())
Refactor MQTT discovery (#67966) * Proof of concept * remove notify platform * remove loose test * Add rework from #67912 (#1) * Move notify serviceupdater to Mixins * Move tag discovery handler to Mixins * fix tests * Add typing for async_load_platform_helper * Add add entry unload support for notify platform * Simplify discovery updates * Remove not needed extra logic * Cleanup inrelevant or duplicate code * reuse update_device and move to mixins * Remove notify platform * revert changes to notify platform * Rename update class * unify tag entry setup * Use shared code for device_trigger `update_device` * PoC shared dispatcher for device_trigger * Fix bugs * Improve typing - remove async_update * Unload config_entry and tests * Release dispatcher after setup and deduplicate * closures to methods, revert `in` to `=`, updates * Re-add update support for tag platform * Re-add update support for device-trigger platform * Cleanup rediscovery code revert related changes * Undo discovery code shift * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * revert doc string changes * move conditions * typing and check config_entry_id * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * cleanup not used attribute * Remove entry_unload code and tests * update comment * add second comment Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <>
2022-04-15 10:35:08 +00:00
async def async_discovery_update(
discovery_payload: MQTTDiscoveryPayload,
Refactor MQTT discovery (#67966) * Proof of concept * remove notify platform * remove loose test * Add rework from #67912 (#1) * Move notify serviceupdater to Mixins * Move tag discovery handler to Mixins * fix tests * Add typing for async_load_platform_helper * Add add entry unload support for notify platform * Simplify discovery updates * Remove not needed extra logic * Cleanup inrelevant or duplicate code * reuse update_device and move to mixins * Remove notify platform * revert changes to notify platform * Rename update class * unify tag entry setup * Use shared code for device_trigger `update_device` * PoC shared dispatcher for device_trigger * Fix bugs * Improve typing - remove async_update * Unload config_entry and tests * Release dispatcher after setup and deduplicate * closures to methods, revert `in` to `=`, updates * Re-add update support for tag platform * Re-add update support for device-trigger platform * Cleanup rediscovery code revert related changes * Undo discovery code shift * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * revert doc string changes * move conditions * typing and check config_entry_id * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * cleanup not used attribute * Remove entry_unload code and tests * update comment * add second comment Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <>
2022-04-15 10:35:08 +00:00
) -> None:
"""Handle discovery update."""
discovery_hash = get_discovery_hash(self._discovery_data)
"Got update for %s with hash: %s '%s'",
if (
and discovery_payload != self._discovery_data[ATTR_DISCOVERY_PAYLOAD]
"%s %s updating",
await self.async_update(discovery_payload)
send_discovery_done(self.hass, self._discovery_data)
self._discovery_data[ATTR_DISCOVERY_PAYLOAD] = discovery_payload
elif not discovery_payload:
Refactor MQTT discovery (#67966) * Proof of concept * remove notify platform * remove loose test * Add rework from #67912 (#1) * Move notify serviceupdater to Mixins * Move tag discovery handler to Mixins * fix tests * Add typing for async_load_platform_helper * Add add entry unload support for notify platform * Simplify discovery updates * Remove not needed extra logic * Cleanup inrelevant or duplicate code * reuse update_device and move to mixins * Remove notify platform * revert changes to notify platform * Rename update class * unify tag entry setup * Use shared code for device_trigger `update_device` * PoC shared dispatcher for device_trigger * Fix bugs * Improve typing - remove async_update * Unload config_entry and tests * Release dispatcher after setup and deduplicate * closures to methods, revert `in` to `=`, updates * Re-add update support for tag platform * Re-add update support for device-trigger platform * Cleanup rediscovery code revert related changes * Undo discovery code shift * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * revert doc string changes * move conditions * typing and check config_entry_id * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * cleanup not used attribute * Remove entry_unload code and tests * update comment * add second comment Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <>
2022-04-15 10:35:08 +00:00
# Unregister and clean up the current discovery instance
self.hass, self._discovery_data, self._remove_discovery_updated
await self._async_tear_down()
send_discovery_done(self.hass, self._discovery_data)
"%s %s has been removed",
# Normal update without change
send_discovery_done(self.hass, self._discovery_data)
"%s %s no changes",
async def _async_device_removed(
self, event: EventType[EventDeviceRegistryUpdatedData]
) -> None:
Refactor MQTT discovery (#67966) * Proof of concept * remove notify platform * remove loose test * Add rework from #67912 (#1) * Move notify serviceupdater to Mixins * Move tag discovery handler to Mixins * fix tests * Add typing for async_load_platform_helper * Add add entry unload support for notify platform * Simplify discovery updates * Remove not needed extra logic * Cleanup inrelevant or duplicate code * reuse update_device and move to mixins * Remove notify platform * revert changes to notify platform * Rename update class * unify tag entry setup * Use shared code for device_trigger `update_device` * PoC shared dispatcher for device_trigger * Fix bugs * Improve typing - remove async_update * Unload config_entry and tests * Release dispatcher after setup and deduplicate * closures to methods, revert `in` to `=`, updates * Re-add update support for tag platform * Re-add update support for device-trigger platform * Cleanup rediscovery code revert related changes * Undo discovery code shift * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * revert doc string changes * move conditions * typing and check config_entry_id * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * cleanup not used attribute * Remove entry_unload code and tests * update comment * add second comment Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <>
2022-04-15 10:35:08 +00:00
"""Handle the manual removal of a device."""
if self._skip_device_removal or not async_removed_from_device(
self.hass, event, cast(str, self._device_id), self._config_entry_id
# Prevent a second cleanup round after the device is removed
self._skip_device_removal = True
# Unregister and clean up and publish an empty payload
# so the service is not rediscovered after a restart
self.hass, self._discovery_data, self._remove_discovery_updated
await self._async_tear_down()
await async_remove_discovery_payload(self.hass, self._discovery_data)
async def _async_tear_down(self) -> None:
"""Handle the cleanup of the discovery service."""
# Cleanup platform resources
await self.async_tear_down()
# remove the service for auto discovery updates and clean up the device registry
if not self._skip_device_removal:
# Prevent a second cleanup round after the device is removed
self._skip_device_removal = True
await cleanup_device_registry(
self.hass, self._device_id, self._config_entry_id
async def async_update(self, discovery_data: MQTTDiscoveryPayload) -> None:
Refactor MQTT discovery (#67966) * Proof of concept * remove notify platform * remove loose test * Add rework from #67912 (#1) * Move notify serviceupdater to Mixins * Move tag discovery handler to Mixins * fix tests * Add typing for async_load_platform_helper * Add add entry unload support for notify platform * Simplify discovery updates * Remove not needed extra logic * Cleanup inrelevant or duplicate code * reuse update_device and move to mixins * Remove notify platform * revert changes to notify platform * Rename update class * unify tag entry setup * Use shared code for device_trigger `update_device` * PoC shared dispatcher for device_trigger * Fix bugs * Improve typing - remove async_update * Unload config_entry and tests * Release dispatcher after setup and deduplicate * closures to methods, revert `in` to `=`, updates * Re-add update support for tag platform * Re-add update support for device-trigger platform * Cleanup rediscovery code revert related changes * Undo discovery code shift * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * revert doc string changes * move conditions * typing and check config_entry_id * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * cleanup not used attribute * Remove entry_unload code and tests * update comment * add second comment Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <>
2022-04-15 10:35:08 +00:00
"""Handle the update of platform specific parts, extend to the platform."""
async def async_tear_down(self) -> None:
"""Handle the cleanup of platform specific parts, extend to the platform."""
class MqttDiscoveryUpdate(Entity):
Refactor MQTT discovery (#67966) * Proof of concept * remove notify platform * remove loose test * Add rework from #67912 (#1) * Move notify serviceupdater to Mixins * Move tag discovery handler to Mixins * fix tests * Add typing for async_load_platform_helper * Add add entry unload support for notify platform * Simplify discovery updates * Remove not needed extra logic * Cleanup inrelevant or duplicate code * reuse update_device and move to mixins * Remove notify platform * revert changes to notify platform * Rename update class * unify tag entry setup * Use shared code for device_trigger `update_device` * PoC shared dispatcher for device_trigger * Fix bugs * Improve typing - remove async_update * Unload config_entry and tests * Release dispatcher after setup and deduplicate * closures to methods, revert `in` to `=`, updates * Re-add update support for tag platform * Re-add update support for device-trigger platform * Cleanup rediscovery code revert related changes * Undo discovery code shift * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * revert doc string changes * move conditions * typing and check config_entry_id * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * cleanup not used attribute * Remove entry_unload code and tests * update comment * add second comment Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <>
2022-04-15 10:35:08 +00:00
"""Mixin used to handle updated discovery message for entity based platforms."""
def __init__(
hass: HomeAssistant,
discovery_data: DiscoveryInfoType | None,
discovery_update: Callable[[MQTTDiscoveryPayload], Coroutine[Any, Any, None]]
| None = None,
) -> None:
"""Initialize the discovery update mixin."""
self._discovery_data = discovery_data
self._discovery_update = discovery_update
self._remove_discovery_updated: Callable[[], None] | None = None
self._removed_from_hass = False
if discovery_data is None:
mqtt_data = get_mqtt_data(hass)
self._registry_hooks = mqtt_data.discovery_registry_hooks
discovery_hash: tuple[str, str] = discovery_data[ATTR_DISCOVERY_HASH]
if discovery_hash in self._registry_hooks:
async def async_added_to_hass(self) -> None:
"""Subscribe to discovery updates."""
await super().async_added_to_hass()
self._removed_from_hass = False
discovery_hash: tuple[str, str] | None = (
self._discovery_data[ATTR_DISCOVERY_HASH] if self._discovery_data else None
async def _async_remove_state_and_registry_entry(
self: MqttDiscoveryUpdate,
) -> None:
"""Remove entity's state and entity registry entry.
Remove entity from entity registry if it is registered,
this also removes the state. If the entity is not in the entity
registry, just remove the state.
entity_registry = er.async_get(self.hass)
if entity_entry := entity_registry.async_get(self.entity_id):
await cleanup_device_registry(
self.hass, entity_entry.device_id, entity_entry.config_entry_id
await self.async_remove(force_remove=True)
async def _async_process_discovery_update(
payload: MQTTDiscoveryPayload,
discovery_update: Callable[
[MQTTDiscoveryPayload], Coroutine[Any, Any, None]
discovery_data: DiscoveryInfoType,
) -> None:
"""Process discovery update."""
await discovery_update(payload)
send_discovery_done(self.hass, discovery_data)
async def _async_process_discovery_update_and_remove(
payload: MQTTDiscoveryPayload, discovery_data: DiscoveryInfoType
) -> None:
"""Process discovery update and remove entity."""
await _async_remove_state_and_registry_entry(self)
send_discovery_done(self.hass, discovery_data)
def discovery_callback(payload: MQTTDiscoveryPayload) -> None:
"""Handle discovery update.
If the payload has changed we will create a task to
do the discovery update.
As this callback can fire when nothing has changed, this
is a normal function to avoid task creation until it is needed.
2023-01-14 12:28:41 +00:00
"Got update for entity with hash: %s '%s'",
assert self._discovery_data
old_payload: DiscoveryInfoType
old_payload = self._discovery_data[ATTR_DISCOVERY_PAYLOAD]
debug_info.update_entity_discovery_data(self.hass, payload, self.entity_id)
if not payload:
# Empty payload: Remove component"Removing component: %s", self.entity_id)
payload, self._discovery_data
elif self._discovery_update:
if old_payload != self._discovery_data[ATTR_DISCOVERY_PAYLOAD]:
# Non-empty, changed payload: Notify component"Updating component: %s", self.entity_id)
payload, self._discovery_update, self._discovery_data
# Non-empty, unchanged payload: Ignore to avoid changing states
2023-01-14 12:28:41 +00:00
_LOGGER.debug("Ignoring unchanged update for: %s", self.entity_id)
send_discovery_done(self.hass, self._discovery_data)
if discovery_hash:
assert self._discovery_data is not None
self.hass, self._discovery_data, self.entity_id
# Set in case the entity has been removed and is re-added,
# for example when changing entity_id
set_discovery_hash(self.hass, discovery_hash)
Refactor MQTT discovery (#67966) * Proof of concept * remove notify platform * remove loose test * Add rework from #67912 (#1) * Move notify serviceupdater to Mixins * Move tag discovery handler to Mixins * fix tests * Add typing for async_load_platform_helper * Add add entry unload support for notify platform * Simplify discovery updates * Remove not needed extra logic * Cleanup inrelevant or duplicate code * reuse update_device and move to mixins * Remove notify platform * revert changes to notify platform * Rename update class * unify tag entry setup * Use shared code for device_trigger `update_device` * PoC shared dispatcher for device_trigger * Fix bugs * Improve typing - remove async_update * Unload config_entry and tests * Release dispatcher after setup and deduplicate * closures to methods, revert `in` to `=`, updates * Re-add update support for tag platform * Re-add update support for device-trigger platform * Cleanup rediscovery code revert related changes * Undo discovery code shift * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * revert doc string changes * move conditions * typing and check config_entry_id * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * cleanup not used attribute * Remove entry_unload code and tests * update comment * add second comment Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <>
2022-04-15 10:35:08 +00:00
self._remove_discovery_updated = async_dispatcher_connect(
async def async_removed_from_registry(self) -> None:
"""Clear retained discovery topic in broker."""
if not self._removed_from_hass and self._discovery_data is not None:
# Stop subscribing to discovery updates to not trigger when we
# clear the discovery topic
# Clear the discovery topic so the entity is not
# rediscovered after a restart
Refactor MQTT discovery (#67966) * Proof of concept * remove notify platform * remove loose test * Add rework from #67912 (#1) * Move notify serviceupdater to Mixins * Move tag discovery handler to Mixins * fix tests * Add typing for async_load_platform_helper * Add add entry unload support for notify platform * Simplify discovery updates * Remove not needed extra logic * Cleanup inrelevant or duplicate code * reuse update_device and move to mixins * Remove notify platform * revert changes to notify platform * Rename update class * unify tag entry setup * Use shared code for device_trigger `update_device` * PoC shared dispatcher for device_trigger * Fix bugs * Improve typing - remove async_update * Unload config_entry and tests * Release dispatcher after setup and deduplicate * closures to methods, revert `in` to `=`, updates * Re-add update support for tag platform * Re-add update support for device-trigger platform * Cleanup rediscovery code revert related changes * Undo discovery code shift * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * revert doc string changes * move conditions * typing and check config_entry_id * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * cleanup not used attribute * Remove entry_unload code and tests * update comment * add second comment Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <>
2022-04-15 10:35:08 +00:00
await async_remove_discovery_payload(self.hass, self._discovery_data)
def add_to_platform_abort(self) -> None:
"""Abort adding an entity to a platform."""
if self._discovery_data is not None:
discovery_hash: tuple[str, str] = self._discovery_data[ATTR_DISCOVERY_HASH]
if self.registry_entry is not None:
] = async_track_entity_registry_updated_event(
Refactor MQTT discovery (#67966) * Proof of concept * remove notify platform * remove loose test * Add rework from #67912 (#1) * Move notify serviceupdater to Mixins * Move tag discovery handler to Mixins * fix tests * Add typing for async_load_platform_helper * Add add entry unload support for notify platform * Simplify discovery updates * Remove not needed extra logic * Cleanup inrelevant or duplicate code * reuse update_device and move to mixins * Remove notify platform * revert changes to notify platform * Rename update class * unify tag entry setup * Use shared code for device_trigger `update_device` * PoC shared dispatcher for device_trigger * Fix bugs * Improve typing - remove async_update * Unload config_entry and tests * Release dispatcher after setup and deduplicate * closures to methods, revert `in` to `=`, updates * Re-add update support for tag platform * Re-add update support for device-trigger platform * Cleanup rediscovery code revert related changes * Undo discovery code shift * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * revert doc string changes * move conditions * typing and check config_entry_id * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * cleanup not used attribute * Remove entry_unload code and tests * update comment * add second comment Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <>
2022-04-15 10:35:08 +00:00
stop_discovery_updates(self.hass, self._discovery_data)
send_discovery_done(self.hass, self._discovery_data)
async def async_will_remove_from_hass(self) -> None:
"""Stop listening to signal and cleanup discovery data.."""
def _cleanup_discovery_on_remove(self) -> None:
"""Stop listening to signal and cleanup discovery data."""
if self._discovery_data and not self._removed_from_hass:
Refactor MQTT discovery (#67966) * Proof of concept * remove notify platform * remove loose test * Add rework from #67912 (#1) * Move notify serviceupdater to Mixins * Move tag discovery handler to Mixins * fix tests * Add typing for async_load_platform_helper * Add add entry unload support for notify platform * Simplify discovery updates * Remove not needed extra logic * Cleanup inrelevant or duplicate code * reuse update_device and move to mixins * Remove notify platform * revert changes to notify platform * Rename update class * unify tag entry setup * Use shared code for device_trigger `update_device` * PoC shared dispatcher for device_trigger * Fix bugs * Improve typing - remove async_update * Unload config_entry and tests * Release dispatcher after setup and deduplicate * closures to methods, revert `in` to `=`, updates * Re-add update support for tag platform * Re-add update support for device-trigger platform * Cleanup rediscovery code revert related changes * Undo discovery code shift * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * revert doc string changes * move conditions * typing and check config_entry_id * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * cleanup not used attribute * Remove entry_unload code and tests * update comment * add second comment Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <>
2022-04-15 10:35:08 +00:00
self.hass, self._discovery_data, self._remove_discovery_updated
self._removed_from_hass = True
def device_info_from_specifications(
specifications: dict[str, Any] | None
) -> DeviceInfo | None:
"""Return a device description for device registry."""
if not specifications:
return None
info = DeviceInfo(
identifiers={(DOMAIN, id_) for id_ in specifications[CONF_IDENTIFIERS]},
(conn_[0], conn_[1]) for conn_ in specifications[CONF_CONNECTIONS]
if CONF_MANUFACTURER in specifications:
if CONF_MODEL in specifications:
info[ATTR_MODEL] = specifications[CONF_MODEL]
if CONF_NAME in specifications:
info[ATTR_NAME] = specifications[CONF_NAME]
if CONF_HW_VERSION in specifications:
info[ATTR_HW_VERSION] = specifications[CONF_HW_VERSION]
if CONF_SW_VERSION in specifications:
info[ATTR_SW_VERSION] = specifications[CONF_SW_VERSION]
if CONF_VIA_DEVICE in specifications:
info[ATTR_VIA_DEVICE] = (DOMAIN, specifications[CONF_VIA_DEVICE])
if CONF_SUGGESTED_AREA in specifications:
if CONF_CONFIGURATION_URL in specifications:
return info
class MqttEntityDeviceInfo(Entity):
"""Mixin used for mqtt platforms that support the device registry."""
def __init__(
self, specifications: dict[str, Any] | None, config_entry: ConfigEntry
) -> None:
"""Initialize the device mixin."""
self._device_specifications = specifications
self._config_entry = config_entry
def device_info_discovery_update(self, config: DiscoveryInfoType) -> None:
"""Handle updated discovery message."""
self._device_specifications = config.get(CONF_DEVICE)
device_registry = dr.async_get(self.hass)
config_entry_id = self._config_entry.entry_id
device_info = self.device_info
if device_info is not None:
config_entry_id=config_entry_id, **device_info
def device_info(self) -> DeviceInfo | None:
"""Return a device description for device registry."""
return device_info_from_specifications(self._device_specifications)
2021-01-09 16:46:53 +00:00
class MqttEntity(
"""Representation of an MQTT entity."""
_attr_has_entity_name = True
_attr_should_poll = False
_default_name: str | None
_entity_id_format: str
_issue_key: str | None
def __init__(
hass: HomeAssistant,
config: ConfigType,
config_entry: ConfigEntry,
discovery_data: DiscoveryInfoType | None,
) -> None:
2021-01-09 16:46:53 +00:00
"""Init the MQTT Entity."""
self.hass = hass
self._config: ConfigType = config
self._attr_unique_id = config.get(CONF_UNIQUE_ID)
self._sub_state: dict[str, EntitySubscription] = {}
self._discovery = discovery_data is not None
2021-01-09 16:46:53 +00:00
# Load config
2021-01-09 16:46:53 +00:00
# Initialize entity_id from config
2021-01-09 16:46:53 +00:00
# Initialize mixin classes
MqttAttributes.__init__(self, config)
MqttAvailability.__init__(self, config)
MqttDiscoveryUpdate.__init__(self, hass, discovery_data, self.discovery_update)
2021-01-09 16:46:53 +00:00
MqttEntityDeviceInfo.__init__(self, config.get(CONF_DEVICE), config_entry)
def _init_entity_id(self) -> None:
"""Set entity_id from object_id if defined in config."""
self.hass, self, self._config, self._entity_id_format
async def async_added_to_hass(self) -> None:
"""Subscribe to MQTT events."""
2021-01-09 16:46:53 +00:00
await super().async_added_to_hass()
2021-01-09 16:46:53 +00:00
await self._subscribe_topics()
await self.mqtt_async_added_to_hass()
Refactor MQTT discovery (#67966) * Proof of concept * remove notify platform * remove loose test * Add rework from #67912 (#1) * Move notify serviceupdater to Mixins * Move tag discovery handler to Mixins * fix tests * Add typing for async_load_platform_helper * Add add entry unload support for notify platform * Simplify discovery updates * Remove not needed extra logic * Cleanup inrelevant or duplicate code * reuse update_device and move to mixins * Remove notify platform * revert changes to notify platform * Rename update class * unify tag entry setup * Use shared code for device_trigger `update_device` * PoC shared dispatcher for device_trigger * Fix bugs * Improve typing - remove async_update * Unload config_entry and tests * Release dispatcher after setup and deduplicate * closures to methods, revert `in` to `=`, updates * Re-add update support for tag platform * Re-add update support for device-trigger platform * Cleanup rediscovery code revert related changes * Undo discovery code shift * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * revert doc string changes * move conditions * typing and check config_entry_id * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * cleanup not used attribute * Remove entry_unload code and tests * update comment * add second comment Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <>
2022-04-15 10:35:08 +00:00
if self._discovery_data is not None:
send_discovery_done(self.hass, self._discovery_data)
async def mqtt_async_added_to_hass(self) -> None:
"""Call before the discovery message is acknowledged.
To be extended by subclasses.
2021-01-09 16:46:53 +00:00
async def discovery_update(self, discovery_payload: MQTTDiscoveryPayload) -> None:
2021-01-09 16:46:53 +00:00
"""Handle updated discovery message."""
config: DiscoveryInfoType = self.config_schema()(discovery_payload)
except vol.Invalid as err:
async_handle_schema_error(discovery_payload, err)
self._config = config
# Prepare MQTT subscriptions
# Finalize MQTT subscriptions
2021-01-09 16:46:53 +00:00
await self.attributes_discovery_update(config)
await self.availability_discovery_update(config)
await self._subscribe_topics()
async def async_will_remove_from_hass(self) -> None:
2021-01-09 16:46:53 +00:00
"""Unsubscribe when removed."""
self._sub_state = subscription.async_unsubscribe_topics(
2021-01-09 16:46:53 +00:00
self.hass, self._sub_state
await MqttAttributes.async_will_remove_from_hass(self)
await MqttAvailability.async_will_remove_from_hass(self)
await MqttDiscoveryUpdate.async_will_remove_from_hass(self)
debug_info.remove_entity_data(self.hass, self.entity_id)
2021-01-09 16:46:53 +00:00
2022-02-04 16:35:32 +00:00
async def async_publish(
topic: str,
payload: PublishPayloadType,
qos: int = 0,
retain: bool = False,
encoding: str | None = DEFAULT_ENCODING,
) -> None:
2022-02-04 16:35:32 +00:00
"""Publish message to an MQTT topic."""
log_message(self.hass, self.entity_id, topic, payload, qos, retain)
await async_publish(
2021-01-09 16:46:53 +00:00
def config_schema() -> vol.Schema:
2021-01-09 16:46:53 +00:00
"""Return the config schema."""
def _set_entity_name(self, config: ConfigType) -> None:
"""Help setting the entity name if needed."""
self._issue_key = None
entity_name: str | None | UndefinedType = config.get(CONF_NAME, UNDEFINED)
# Only set _attr_name if it is needed
if entity_name is not UNDEFINED:
self._attr_name = entity_name
elif not self._default_to_device_class_name():
# Assign the default name
self._attr_name = self._default_name
elif hasattr(self, "_attr_name"):
# An entity name was not set in the config
# don't set the name attribute and derive
# the name from the device_class
delattr(self, "_attr_name")
if CONF_DEVICE in config:
device_name: str
if CONF_NAME not in config[CONF_DEVICE]:
"MQTT device information always needs to include a name, got %s, "
"if device information is shared between multiple entities, the device "
"name must be included in each entity's device configuration",
elif (device_name := config[CONF_DEVICE][CONF_NAME]) == entity_name:
self._attr_name = None
if not self._discovery:
self._issue_key = "entity_name_is_device_name_yaml"
"MQTT device name is equal to entity name in your config %s, "
"this is not expected. Please correct your configuration. "
"The entity name will be set to `null`",
elif isinstance(entity_name, str) and entity_name.startswith(device_name):
self._attr_name = (
new_entity_name := entity_name[len(device_name) :].lstrip()
if device_name[:1].isupper():
# Ensure a capital if the device name first char is a capital
new_entity_name = new_entity_name[:1].upper() + new_entity_name[1:]
if not self._discovery:
self._issue_key = "entity_name_startswith_device_name_yaml"
"MQTT entity name starts with the device name in your config %s, "
"this is not expected. Please correct your configuration. "
"The device name prefix will be stripped off the entity name "
"and becomes '%s'",
def collect_issues(self) -> None:
"""Process issues for MQTT entities."""
if self._issue_key is None:
mqtt_data = get_mqtt_data(self.hass)
issues = mqtt_data.issues.setdefault(self._issue_key, set())
def _setup_common_attributes_from_config(self, config: ConfigType) -> None:
"""(Re)Setup the common attributes for the entity."""
self._attr_entity_category = config.get(CONF_ENTITY_CATEGORY)
self._attr_entity_registry_enabled_default = bool(
self._attr_icon = config.get(CONF_ICON)
# Set the entity name if needed
def _setup_from_config(self, config: ConfigType) -> None:
2021-01-09 16:46:53 +00:00
"""(Re)Setup the entity."""
def _prepare_subscribe_topics(self) -> None:
"""(Re)Subscribe to topics."""
2021-01-09 16:46:53 +00:00
async def _subscribe_topics(self) -> None:
2021-01-09 16:46:53 +00:00
"""(Re)Subscribe to topics."""
Refactor MQTT discovery (#67966) * Proof of concept * remove notify platform * remove loose test * Add rework from #67912 (#1) * Move notify serviceupdater to Mixins * Move tag discovery handler to Mixins * fix tests * Add typing for async_load_platform_helper * Add add entry unload support for notify platform * Simplify discovery updates * Remove not needed extra logic * Cleanup inrelevant or duplicate code * reuse update_device and move to mixins * Remove notify platform * revert changes to notify platform * Rename update class * unify tag entry setup * Use shared code for device_trigger `update_device` * PoC shared dispatcher for device_trigger * Fix bugs * Improve typing - remove async_update * Unload config_entry and tests * Release dispatcher after setup and deduplicate * closures to methods, revert `in` to `=`, updates * Re-add update support for tag platform * Re-add update support for device-trigger platform * Cleanup rediscovery code revert related changes * Undo discovery code shift * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * revert doc string changes * move conditions * typing and check config_entry_id * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * cleanup not used attribute * Remove entry_unload code and tests * update comment * add second comment Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <>
2022-04-15 10:35:08 +00:00
def update_device(
hass: HomeAssistant,
config_entry: ConfigEntry,
config: ConfigType,
) -> str | None:
"""Update device registry."""
if CONF_DEVICE not in config:
return None
device: DeviceEntry | None = None
Refactor MQTT discovery (#67966) * Proof of concept * remove notify platform * remove loose test * Add rework from #67912 (#1) * Move notify serviceupdater to Mixins * Move tag discovery handler to Mixins * fix tests * Add typing for async_load_platform_helper * Add add entry unload support for notify platform * Simplify discovery updates * Remove not needed extra logic * Cleanup inrelevant or duplicate code * reuse update_device and move to mixins * Remove notify platform * revert changes to notify platform * Rename update class * unify tag entry setup * Use shared code for device_trigger `update_device` * PoC shared dispatcher for device_trigger * Fix bugs * Improve typing - remove async_update * Unload config_entry and tests * Release dispatcher after setup and deduplicate * closures to methods, revert `in` to `=`, updates * Re-add update support for tag platform * Re-add update support for device-trigger platform * Cleanup rediscovery code revert related changes * Undo discovery code shift * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * revert doc string changes * move conditions * typing and check config_entry_id * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * cleanup not used attribute * Remove entry_unload code and tests * update comment * add second comment Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <>
2022-04-15 10:35:08 +00:00
device_registry = dr.async_get(hass)
config_entry_id = config_entry.entry_id
device_info = device_info_from_specifications(config[CONF_DEVICE])
Refactor MQTT discovery (#67966) * Proof of concept * remove notify platform * remove loose test * Add rework from #67912 (#1) * Move notify serviceupdater to Mixins * Move tag discovery handler to Mixins * fix tests * Add typing for async_load_platform_helper * Add add entry unload support for notify platform * Simplify discovery updates * Remove not needed extra logic * Cleanup inrelevant or duplicate code * reuse update_device and move to mixins * Remove notify platform * revert changes to notify platform * Rename update class * unify tag entry setup * Use shared code for device_trigger `update_device` * PoC shared dispatcher for device_trigger * Fix bugs * Improve typing - remove async_update * Unload config_entry and tests * Release dispatcher after setup and deduplicate * closures to methods, revert `in` to `=`, updates * Re-add update support for tag platform * Re-add update support for device-trigger platform * Cleanup rediscovery code revert related changes * Undo discovery code shift * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * revert doc string changes * move conditions * typing and check config_entry_id * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * cleanup not used attribute * Remove entry_unload code and tests * update comment * add second comment Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <>
2022-04-15 10:35:08 +00:00
if config_entry_id is not None and device_info is not None:
update_device_info = cast(dict[str, Any], device_info)
Refactor MQTT discovery (#67966) * Proof of concept * remove notify platform * remove loose test * Add rework from #67912 (#1) * Move notify serviceupdater to Mixins * Move tag discovery handler to Mixins * fix tests * Add typing for async_load_platform_helper * Add add entry unload support for notify platform * Simplify discovery updates * Remove not needed extra logic * Cleanup inrelevant or duplicate code * reuse update_device and move to mixins * Remove notify platform * revert changes to notify platform * Rename update class * unify tag entry setup * Use shared code for device_trigger `update_device` * PoC shared dispatcher for device_trigger * Fix bugs * Improve typing - remove async_update * Unload config_entry and tests * Release dispatcher after setup and deduplicate * closures to methods, revert `in` to `=`, updates * Re-add update support for tag platform * Re-add update support for device-trigger platform * Cleanup rediscovery code revert related changes * Undo discovery code shift * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * revert doc string changes * move conditions * typing and check config_entry_id * Update homeassistant/components/mqtt/ Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <> * cleanup not used attribute * Remove entry_unload code and tests * update comment * add second comment Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <>
2022-04-15 10:35:08 +00:00
update_device_info["config_entry_id"] = config_entry_id
device = device_registry.async_get_or_create(**update_device_info)
return if device else None
def async_removed_from_device(
hass: HomeAssistant,
event: EventType[EventDeviceRegistryUpdatedData],
mqtt_device_id: str,
config_entry_id: str,
) -> bool:
"""Check if the passed event indicates MQTT was removed from a device."""
if["action"] not in ("remove", "update"):
return False
if["action"] == "update":
if "config_entries" not in["changes"]:
return False
device_registry = dr.async_get(hass)
if (
device_entry := device_registry.async_get(["device_id"])
) and config_entry_id in device_entry.config_entries:
# Not removed from device
return False
return True