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"""Test the translation helper."""
import asyncio
from os import path
import pathlib
2021-01-01 21:31:56 +00:00
from unittest.mock import Mock, patch
import pytest
from homeassistant.generated import config_flows
from homeassistant.helpers import translation
from homeassistant.loader import async_get_integration
from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component
def mock_config_flows():
"""Mock the config flows."""
2022-03-21 03:38:13 +00:00
flows = {"integration": [], "helper": {}}
2019-07-31 19:25:30 +00:00
with patch.object(config_flows, "FLOWS", flows):
yield flows
def test_recursive_flatten():
"""Test the flatten function."""
2019-07-31 19:25:30 +00:00
data = {"parent1": {"child1": "data1", "child2": "data2"}, "parent2": "data3"}
flattened = translation.recursive_flatten("prefix.", data)
assert flattened == {
"prefix.parent1.child1": "data1",
"prefix.parent1.child2": "data2",
"prefix.parent2": "data3",
async def test_component_translation_path(hass, enable_custom_integrations):
"""Test the component translation file function."""
2019-07-31 19:25:30 +00:00
assert await async_setup_component(
{"switch": [{"platform": "test"}, {"platform": "test_embedded"}]},
assert await async_setup_component(hass, "test_package", {"test_package"})
(int_test, int_test_embedded, int_test_package,) = await asyncio.gather(
async_get_integration(hass, "test"),
async_get_integration(hass, "test_embedded"),
async_get_integration(hass, "test_package"),
2019-07-31 19:25:30 +00:00
assert path.normpath(
translation.component_translation_path("switch.test", "en", int_test)
2019-07-31 19:25:30 +00:00
) == path.normpath(
hass.config.path("custom_components", "test", "translations", "switch.en.json")
2019-07-31 19:25:30 +00:00
assert path.normpath(
"switch.test_embedded", "en", int_test_embedded
2019-07-31 19:25:30 +00:00
) == path.normpath(
"custom_components", "test_embedded", "translations", "switch.en.json"
2019-07-31 19:25:30 +00:00
assert path.normpath(
translation.component_translation_path("test_package", "en", int_test_package)
2019-07-31 19:25:30 +00:00
) == path.normpath(
hass.config.path("custom_components", "test_package", "translations", "en.json")
2019-07-31 19:25:30 +00:00
def test_load_translations_files(hass):
"""Test the load translation files function."""
# Test one valid and one invalid file
file1 = hass.config.path(
"custom_components", "test", "translations", "switch.en.json"
2019-07-31 19:25:30 +00:00
file2 = hass.config.path(
"custom_components", "test", "translations", "invalid.json"
2019-07-31 19:25:30 +00:00
assert translation.load_translations_files(
{"switch.test": file1, "invalid": file2}
) == {
"switch.test": {
"state": {"string1": "Value 1", "string2": "Value 2"},
"something": "else",
2019-07-31 19:25:30 +00:00
"invalid": {},
async def test_get_translations(hass, mock_config_flows, enable_custom_integrations):
"""Test the get translations helper."""
translations = await translation.async_get_translations(hass, "en", "state")
assert translations == {}
2019-07-31 19:25:30 +00:00
assert await async_setup_component(hass, "switch", {"switch": {"platform": "test"}})
await hass.async_block_till_done()
translations = await translation.async_get_translations(hass, "en", "state")
2019-09-10 20:07:55 +00:00
assert translations["component.switch.state.string1"] == "Value 1"
assert translations["component.switch.state.string2"] == "Value 2"
translations = await translation.async_get_translations(hass, "de", "state")
assert "component.switch.something" not in translations
2019-09-10 20:07:55 +00:00
assert translations["component.switch.state.string1"] == "German Value 1"
assert translations["component.switch.state.string2"] == "German Value 2"
# Test a partial translation
translations = await translation.async_get_translations(hass, "es", "state")
2019-09-10 20:07:55 +00:00
assert translations["component.switch.state.string1"] == "Spanish Value 1"
assert translations["component.switch.state.string2"] == "Value 2"
# Test that an untranslated language falls back to English.
translations = await translation.async_get_translations(
hass, "invalid-language", "state"
2019-09-10 20:07:55 +00:00
assert translations["component.switch.state.string1"] == "Value 1"
assert translations["component.switch.state.string2"] == "Value 2"
async def test_get_translations_loads_config_flows(hass, mock_config_flows):
"""Test the get translations helper loads config flow translations."""
2022-03-21 03:38:13 +00:00
integration = Mock(file_path=pathlib.Path(__file__)) = "Component 1"
2019-07-31 19:25:30 +00:00
with patch(
), patch(
return_value={"component1": {"title": "world"}},
), patch(
translations = await translation.async_get_translations(
hass, "en", "title", config_flow=True
translations_again = await translation.async_get_translations(
hass, "en", "title", config_flow=True
assert translations == translations_again
assert translations == {
"component.component1.title": "world",
assert "component1" not in hass.config.components
2022-03-21 03:38:13 +00:00
integration = Mock(file_path=pathlib.Path(__file__)) = "Component 2"
with patch(
), patch(
return_value={"component2": {"title": "world"}},
), patch(
translations = await translation.async_get_translations(
hass, "en", "title", config_flow=True
translations_again = await translation.async_get_translations(
hass, "en", "title", config_flow=True
assert translations == translations_again
assert translations == {
"component.component1.title": "world",
"component.component2.title": "world",
translations_all_cached = await translation.async_get_translations(
hass, "en", "title", config_flow=True
assert translations == translations_all_cached
assert "component1" not in hass.config.components
assert "component2" not in hass.config.components
async def test_get_translations_while_loading_components(hass):
"""Test the get translations helper loads config flow translations."""
integration = Mock(file_path=pathlib.Path(__file__)) = "Component 1"
load_count = 0
def mock_load_translation_files(files):
"""Mock load translation files."""
nonlocal load_count
load_count += 1
# Mimic race condition by loading a component during setup
return {"component1": {"title": "world"}}
with patch(
), patch(
), patch(
2019-07-31 19:25:30 +00:00
tasks = [
translation.async_get_translations(hass, "en", "title") for _ in range(5)
all_translations = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
assert all_translations[0] == {
"component.component1.title": "world",
assert load_count == 1
async def test_get_translation_categories(hass):
"""Test the get translations helper loads config flow translations."""
with patch.object(translation, "async_get_config_flows", return_value={"light"}):
translations = await translation.async_get_translations(
hass, "en", "title", None, True
assert "component.light.title" in translations
translations = await translation.async_get_translations(
hass, "en", "device_automation", None, True
assert "component.light.device_automation.action_type.turn_on" in translations
async def test_translation_merging(hass, caplog):
"""Test we merge translations of two integrations."""
translations = await translation.async_get_translations(hass, "en", "state")
assert "component.sensor.state.moon__phase.first_quarter" in translations
# Patch in some bad translation data
orig_load_translations = translation.load_translations_files
def mock_load_translations_files(files):
"""Mock loading."""
result = orig_load_translations(files)
result["sensor.season"] = {"state": "bad data"}
return result
with patch(
translations = await translation.async_get_translations(hass, "en", "state")
assert "component.sensor.state.moon__phase.first_quarter" in translations
assert (
"An integration providing translations for sensor provided invalid data: bad data"
in caplog.text
async def test_translation_merging_loaded_apart(hass, caplog):
"""Test we merge translations of two integrations when they are not loaded at the same time."""
translations = await translation.async_get_translations(hass, "en", "state")
assert "component.sensor.state.moon__phase.first_quarter" not in translations
translations = await translation.async_get_translations(hass, "en", "state")
assert "component.sensor.state.moon__phase.first_quarter" in translations
translations = await translation.async_get_translations(
hass, "en", "state", integrations={"sensor"}
assert "component.sensor.state.moon__phase.first_quarter" in translations
async def test_translation_merging_loaded_together(hass, caplog):
"""Test we merge translations of two integrations when they are loaded at the same time."""
hue_translations = await translation.async_get_translations(
hass, "en", "config", integrations={"hue"}
homekit_translations = await translation.async_get_translations(
hass, "en", "config", integrations={"homekit"}
translations = await translation.async_get_translations(
hass, "en", "config", integrations={"hue", "homekit"}
assert translations == hue_translations | homekit_translations
async def test_caching(hass):
"""Test we cache data."""
# Patch with same method so we can count invocations
with patch(
) as mock_merge:
load1 = await translation.async_get_translations(hass, "en", "state")
assert len(mock_merge.mock_calls) == 1
load2 = await translation.async_get_translations(hass, "en", "state")
assert len(mock_merge.mock_calls) == 1
assert load1 == load2
for key in load1:
assert key.startswith("component.sensor.state.") or key.startswith(
load_sensor_only = await translation.async_get_translations(
hass, "en", "state", integrations={"sensor"}
assert load_sensor_only
for key in load_sensor_only:
assert key.startswith("component.sensor.state.")
load_light_only = await translation.async_get_translations(
hass, "en", "state", integrations={"light"}
assert load_light_only
for key in load_light_only:
assert key.startswith("component.light.state.")
# Patch with same method so we can count invocations
with patch(
) as mock_build:
load_sensor_only = await translation.async_get_translations(
hass, "en", "title", integrations={"sensor"}
assert load_sensor_only
for key in load_sensor_only:
assert key == "component.sensor.title"
assert len(mock_build.mock_calls) == 0
assert await translation.async_get_translations(
hass, "en", "title", integrations={"sensor"}
assert len(mock_build.mock_calls) == 0
load_light_only = await translation.async_get_translations(
hass, "en", "title", integrations={"media_player"}
assert load_light_only
for key in load_light_only:
assert key == "component.media_player.title"
assert len(mock_build.mock_calls) > 1
async def test_custom_component_translations(hass, enable_custom_integrations):
"""Test getting translation from custom components."""
assert await translation.async_get_translations(hass, "en", "state") == {}