
858 lines
26 KiB
Raw Normal View History

"""Tests for the collection helper."""
from __future__ import annotations
from datetime import timedelta
import logging
from freezegun.api import FrozenDateTimeFactory
import pytest
import voluptuous as vol
from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant
from homeassistant.helpers import (
entity_registry as er,
from homeassistant.helpers.typing import ConfigType
from homeassistant.util.dt import utcnow
from tests.common import flush_store
2023-02-20 10:42:56 +00:00
from tests.typing import WebSocketGenerator
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def track_changes(coll: collection.ObservableCollection):
"""Create helper to track changes in a collection."""
changes = []
async def listener(*args):
return changes
class MockEntity(collection.CollectionEntity):
"""Entity that is config based."""
def __init__(self, config: ConfigType) -> None:
"""Initialize entity."""
self._config = config
def from_storage(cls, config: ConfigType) -> MockEntity:
"""Create instance from storage."""
return cls(config)
def from_yaml(cls, config: ConfigType) -> MockEntity:
"""Create instance from storage."""
raise NotImplementedError
def unique_id(self) -> str:
"""Return unique ID of entity."""
return self._config["id"]
def name(self) -> str:
"""Return name of entity."""
return self._config["name"]
def state(self) -> str:
"""Return state of entity."""
return self._config["state"]
async def async_update_config(self, config: ConfigType) -> None:
"""Update entity config."""
self._config = config
class MockObservableCollection(collection.ObservableCollection):
"""Mock observable collection which can create entities."""
def create_entity(
entity_class: type[collection.CollectionEntity], config: ConfigType
) -> collection.CollectionEntity:
"""Create a CollectionEntity instance."""
return entity_class.from_storage(config)
class MockStorageCollection(collection.DictStorageCollection):
"""Mock storage collection."""
async def _process_create_data(self, data: dict) -> dict:
"""Validate the config is valid."""
if "name" not in data:
raise ValueError("invalid")
return data
def _get_suggested_id(self, info: dict) -> str:
"""Suggest an ID based on the config."""
return info["name"]
async def _update_data(self, item: dict, update_data: dict) -> dict:
"""Return a new updated data object."""
return {**item, **update_data}
def test_id_manager() -> None:
"""Test the ID manager."""
id_manager = collection.IDManager()
assert not id_manager.has_id("some_id")
data = {}
assert not id_manager.has_id("some_id")
data["some_id"] = 1
assert id_manager.has_id("some_id")
assert id_manager.generate_id("some_id") == "some_id_2"
assert id_manager.generate_id("bla") == "bla"
async def test_observable_collection() -> None:
"""Test observerable collection."""
coll = collection.ObservableCollection(None)
assert coll.async_items() == []["bla"] = 1
assert coll.async_items() == [1]
changes = track_changes(coll)
await coll.notify_changes(
[collection.CollectionChange("mock_type", "mock_id", {"mock": "item"})]
assert len(changes) == 1
assert changes[0] == ("mock_type", "mock_id", {"mock": "item"})
async def test_yaml_collection() -> None:
"""Test a YAML collection."""
id_manager = collection.IDManager()
coll = collection.YamlCollection(_LOGGER, id_manager)
changes = track_changes(coll)
await coll.async_load(
[{"id": "mock-1", "name": "Mock 1"}, {"id": "mock-2", "name": "Mock 2"}]
assert id_manager.has_id("mock-1")
assert id_manager.has_id("mock-2")
assert len(changes) == 2
assert changes[0] == (
{"id": "mock-1", "name": "Mock 1"},
assert changes[1] == (
{"id": "mock-2", "name": "Mock 2"},
2020-01-05 10:16:37 +00:00
# Test loading new data. Mock 1 is updated, 2 removed, 3 added.
await coll.async_load(
[{"id": "mock-1", "name": "Mock 1-updated"}, {"id": "mock-3", "name": "Mock 3"}]
assert len(changes) == 5
assert changes[2] == (
{"id": "mock-1", "name": "Mock 1-updated"},
assert changes[3] == (
{"id": "mock-3", "name": "Mock 3"},
assert changes[4] == (
{"id": "mock-2", "name": "Mock 2"},
2020-01-05 10:16:37 +00:00
async def test_yaml_collection_skipping_duplicate_ids() -> None:
"""Test YAML collection skipping duplicate IDs."""
id_manager = collection.IDManager()
id_manager.add_collection({"existing": True})
coll = collection.YamlCollection(_LOGGER, id_manager)
changes = track_changes(coll)
await coll.async_load(
[{"id": "mock-1", "name": "Mock 1"}, {"id": "existing", "name": "Mock 2"}]
assert len(changes) == 1
assert changes[0] == (
{"id": "mock-1", "name": "Mock 1"},
async def test_storage_collection(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None:
"""Test storage collection."""
store = storage.Store(hass, 1, "test-data")
await store.async_save(
"items": [
{"id": "mock-1", "name": "Mock 1", "data": 1},
{"id": "mock-2", "name": "Mock 2", "data": 2},
id_manager = collection.IDManager()
coll = MockStorageCollection(store, id_manager)
changes = track_changes(coll)
await coll.async_load()
assert id_manager.has_id("mock-1")
assert id_manager.has_id("mock-2")
assert len(changes) == 2
assert changes[0] == (
{"id": "mock-1", "name": "Mock 1", "data": 1},
assert changes[1] == (
{"id": "mock-2", "name": "Mock 2", "data": 2},
item = await coll.async_create_item({"name": "Mock 3"})
assert item["id"] == "mock_3"
assert len(changes) == 3
assert changes[2] == (
{"id": "mock_3", "name": "Mock 3"},
updated_item = await coll.async_update_item("mock-2", {"name": "Mock 2 updated"})
assert id_manager.has_id("mock-2")
assert updated_item == {"id": "mock-2", "name": "Mock 2 updated", "data": 2}
assert len(changes) == 4
assert changes[3] == (collection.CHANGE_UPDATED, "mock-2", updated_item)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
await coll.async_update_item("mock-2", {"id": "mock-2-updated"})
assert id_manager.has_id("mock-2")
assert not id_manager.has_id("mock-2-updated")
assert len(changes) == 4
await flush_store(store)
assert await storage.Store(hass, 1, "test-data").async_load() == {
"items": [
{"id": "mock-1", "name": "Mock 1", "data": 1},
{"id": "mock-2", "name": "Mock 2 updated", "data": 2},
{"id": "mock_3", "name": "Mock 3"},
async def test_storage_collection_update_modifiet_at(
hass: HomeAssistant,
entity_registry: er.EntityRegistry,
freezer: FrozenDateTimeFactory,
) -> None:
"""Test that updating a storage collection will update the modified_at datetime in the entity registry."""
entities: dict[str, TestEntity] = {}
class TestEntity(MockEntity):
"""Entity that is config based."""
def __init__(self, config: ConfigType) -> None:
"""Initialize entity."""
self._state = "initial"
def from_storage(cls, config: ConfigType) -> TestEntity:
"""Create instance from storage."""
obj = super().from_storage(config)
entities[obj.unique_id] = obj
return obj
def state(self) -> str:
"""Return state of entity."""
return self._state
def set_state(self, value: str) -> None:
"""Set value."""
self._state = value
store = storage.Store(hass, 1, "test-data")
data = {"id": "mock-1", "name": "Mock 1", "data": 1}
await store.async_save(
"items": [
id_manager = collection.IDManager()
ent_comp = entity_component.EntityComponent(_LOGGER, "test", hass)
await ent_comp.async_setup({})
coll = MockStorageCollection(store, id_manager)
collection.sync_entity_lifecycle(hass, "test", "test", ent_comp, coll, TestEntity)
changes = track_changes(coll)
await coll.async_load()
assert id_manager.has_id("mock-1")
assert len(changes) == 1
assert changes[0] == (collection.CHANGE_ADDED, "mock-1", data)
modified_1 = entity_registry.async_get("test.mock_1").modified_at
assert modified_1 == utcnow()
updated_item = await coll.async_update_item("mock-1", {"data": 2})
assert id_manager.has_id("mock-1")
assert updated_item == {"id": "mock-1", "name": "Mock 1", "data": 2}
assert len(changes) == 2
assert changes[1] == (collection.CHANGE_UPDATED, "mock-1", updated_item)
modified_2 = entity_registry.async_get("test.mock_1").modified_at
assert modified_2 > modified_1
assert modified_2 == utcnow()
modified_3 = entity_registry.async_get("test.mock_1").modified_at
assert modified_3 == modified_2
async def test_attach_entity_component_collection(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None:
"""Test attaching collection to entity component."""
ent_comp = entity_component.EntityComponent(_LOGGER, "test", hass)
await ent_comp.async_setup({})
coll = MockObservableCollection(None)
collection.sync_entity_lifecycle(hass, "test", "test", ent_comp, coll, MockEntity)
await coll.notify_changes(
{"id": "mock_id", "state": "initial", "name": "Mock 1"},
assert hass.states.get("test.mock_1").name == "Mock 1"
assert hass.states.get("test.mock_1").state == "initial"
await coll.notify_changes(
{"id": "mock_id", "state": "second", "name": "Mock 1 updated"},
assert hass.states.get("test.mock_1").name == "Mock 1 updated"
assert hass.states.get("test.mock_1").state == "second"
await coll.notify_changes(
[collection.CollectionChange(collection.CHANGE_REMOVED, "mock_id", None)],
assert hass.states.get("test.mock_1") is None
async def test_entity_component_collection_abort(
hass: HomeAssistant, entity_registry: er.EntityRegistry
) -> None:
"""Test aborted entity adding is handled."""
ent_comp = entity_component.EntityComponent(_LOGGER, "test", hass)
await ent_comp.async_setup({})
coll = MockObservableCollection(None)
async_update_config_calls = []
async_remove_calls = []
class MockMockEntity(MockEntity):
"""Track calls to async_update_config and async_remove."""
async def async_update_config(self, config):
nonlocal async_update_config_calls
await super().async_update_config()
async def async_remove(self, *, force_remove: bool = False):
nonlocal async_remove_calls
await super().async_remove()
hass, "test", "test", ent_comp, coll, MockMockEntity
await coll.notify_changes(
{"id": "mock_id", "state": "initial", "name": "Mock 1"},
assert hass.states.get("test.mock_1") is None
await coll.notify_changes(
{"id": "mock_id", "state": "second", "name": "Mock 1 updated"},
assert hass.states.get("test.mock_1") is None
assert len(async_update_config_calls) == 0
await coll.notify_changes(
[collection.CollectionChange(collection.CHANGE_REMOVED, "mock_id", None)],
assert hass.states.get("test.mock_1") is None
assert len(async_remove_calls) == 0
async def test_entity_component_collection_entity_removed(
hass: HomeAssistant, entity_registry: er.EntityRegistry
) -> None:
"""Test entity removal is handled."""
ent_comp = entity_component.EntityComponent(_LOGGER, "test", hass)
await ent_comp.async_setup({})
coll = MockObservableCollection(None)
async_update_config_calls = []
async_remove_calls = []
class MockMockEntity(MockEntity):
"""Track calls to async_update_config and async_remove."""
async def async_update_config(self, config):
nonlocal async_update_config_calls
await super().async_update_config()
async def async_remove(self, *, force_remove: bool = False):
nonlocal async_remove_calls
await super().async_remove()
hass, "test", "test", ent_comp, coll, MockMockEntity
"test", "test", "mock_id", suggested_object_id="mock_1"
await coll.notify_changes(
{"id": "mock_id", "state": "initial", "name": "Mock 1"},
assert hass.states.get("test.mock_1").name == "Mock 1"
assert hass.states.get("test.mock_1").state == "initial"
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert hass.states.get("test.mock_1") is None
assert len(async_remove_calls) == 1
await coll.notify_changes(
{"id": "mock_id", "state": "second", "name": "Mock 1 updated"},
assert hass.states.get("test.mock_1") is None
assert len(async_update_config_calls) == 0
await coll.notify_changes(
[collection.CollectionChange(collection.CHANGE_REMOVED, "mock_id", None)],
assert hass.states.get("test.mock_1") is None
assert len(async_remove_calls) == 1
2023-02-20 10:42:56 +00:00
async def test_storage_collection_websocket(
hass: HomeAssistant, hass_ws_client: WebSocketGenerator
) -> None:
"""Test exposing a storage collection via websockets."""
store = storage.Store(hass, 1, "test-data")
coll = MockStorageCollection(store)
changes = track_changes(coll)
{vol.Required("name"): str, vol.Required("immutable_string"): str},
{vol.Optional("name"): str},
client = await hass_ws_client(hass)
# Create invalid
await client.send_json_auto_id(
"type": "test_item/collection/create",
"name": 1,
# Forgot to add immutable_string
response = await client.receive_json()
assert not response["success"]
assert response["error"]["code"] == "invalid_format"
assert len(changes) == 0
# Create
await client.send_json_auto_id(
"type": "test_item/collection/create",
"name": "Initial Name",
"immutable_string": "no-changes",
response = await client.receive_json()
assert response["success"]
assert response["result"] == {
"id": "initial_name",
"name": "Initial Name",
"immutable_string": "no-changes",
assert len(changes) == 1
assert changes[0] == (collection.CHANGE_ADDED, "initial_name", response["result"])
# List
await client.send_json_auto_id({"type": "test_item/collection/list"})
response = await client.receive_json()
assert response["success"]
assert response["result"] == [
"id": "initial_name",
"name": "Initial Name",
"immutable_string": "no-changes",
assert len(changes) == 1
# Update invalid data
await client.send_json_auto_id(
"type": "test_item/collection/update",
"test_item_id": "initial_name",
"immutable_string": "no-changes",
response = await client.receive_json()
assert not response["success"]
assert response["error"]["code"] == "invalid_format"
assert len(changes) == 1
# Update invalid item
await client.send_json_auto_id(
"type": "test_item/collection/update",
"test_item_id": "non-existing",
"name": "Updated name",
response = await client.receive_json()
assert not response["success"]
assert response["error"]["code"] == "not_found"
assert len(changes) == 1
# Update
await client.send_json_auto_id(
"type": "test_item/collection/update",
"test_item_id": "initial_name",
"name": "Updated name",
response = await client.receive_json()
assert response["success"]
assert response["result"] == {
"id": "initial_name",
"name": "Updated name",
"immutable_string": "no-changes",
assert len(changes) == 2
assert changes[1] == (collection.CHANGE_UPDATED, "initial_name", response["result"])
# Delete invalid ID
await client.send_json_auto_id(
{"type": "test_item/collection/update", "test_item_id": "non-existing"}
response = await client.receive_json()
assert not response["success"]
assert response["error"]["code"] == "not_found"
assert len(changes) == 2
# Delete
await client.send_json_auto_id(
{"type": "test_item/collection/delete", "test_item_id": "initial_name"}
response = await client.receive_json()
assert response["success"]
assert len(changes) == 3
assert changes[2] == (
"id": "initial_name",
"immutable_string": "no-changes",
"name": "Updated name",
async def test_storage_collection_websocket_subscribe(
hass: HomeAssistant, hass_ws_client: WebSocketGenerator
) -> None:
"""Test exposing a storage collection via websockets."""
store = storage.Store(hass, 1, "test-data")
coll = MockStorageCollection(store)
changes = track_changes(coll)
{vol.Required("name"): str, vol.Required("immutable_string"): str},
{vol.Optional("name"): str},
client = await hass_ws_client(hass)
# Subscribe
await client.send_json_auto_id({"type": "test_item/collection/subscribe"})
response = await client.receive_json()
assert response["success"]
assert response["result"] is None
assert len(changes) == 0
event_id = response["id"]
response = await client.receive_json()
assert response["id"] == event_id
assert response["event"] == []
# Create invalid
await client.send_json_auto_id(
"type": "test_item/collection/create",
"name": 1,
# Forgot to add immutable_string
response = await client.receive_json()
assert not response["success"]
assert response["error"]["code"] == "invalid_format"
assert len(changes) == 0
# Create
await client.send_json_auto_id(
"type": "test_item/collection/create",
"name": "Initial Name",
"immutable_string": "no-changes",
response = await client.receive_json()
assert response["id"] == event_id
assert response["event"] == [
"change_type": "added",
"item": {
"id": "initial_name",
"immutable_string": "no-changes",
"name": "Initial Name",
"test_item_id": "initial_name",
response = await client.receive_json()
assert response["success"]
assert response["result"] == {
"id": "initial_name",
"name": "Initial Name",
"immutable_string": "no-changes",
assert len(changes) == 1
assert changes[0] == (collection.CHANGE_ADDED, "initial_name", response["result"])
# Subscribe again
await client.send_json_auto_id({"type": "test_item/collection/subscribe"})
response = await client.receive_json()
assert response["success"]
assert response["result"] is None
event_id_2 = response["id"]
response = await client.receive_json()
assert response["id"] == event_id_2
assert response["event"] == [
"change_type": "added",
"item": {
"id": "initial_name",
"immutable_string": "no-changes",
"name": "Initial Name",
"test_item_id": "initial_name",
await client.send_json_auto_id(
{"type": "unsubscribe_events", "subscription": event_id_2}
response = await client.receive_json()
assert response["success"]
# List
await client.send_json_auto_id({"type": "test_item/collection/list"})
response = await client.receive_json()
assert response["success"]
assert response["result"] == [
"id": "initial_name",
"name": "Initial Name",
"immutable_string": "no-changes",
assert len(changes) == 1
# Update invalid data
await client.send_json_auto_id(
"type": "test_item/collection/update",
"test_item_id": "initial_name",
"immutable_string": "no-changes",
response = await client.receive_json()
assert not response["success"]
assert response["error"]["code"] == "invalid_format"
assert len(changes) == 1
# Update invalid item
await client.send_json_auto_id(
"type": "test_item/collection/update",
"test_item_id": "non-existing",
"name": "Updated name",
response = await client.receive_json()
assert not response["success"]
assert response["error"]["code"] == "not_found"
assert len(changes) == 1
# Update
await client.send_json_auto_id(
"type": "test_item/collection/update",
"test_item_id": "initial_name",
"name": "Updated name",
response = await client.receive_json()
assert response["id"] == event_id
assert response["event"] == [
"change_type": "updated",
"item": {
"id": "initial_name",
"immutable_string": "no-changes",
"name": "Updated name",
"test_item_id": "initial_name",
response = await client.receive_json()
assert response["success"]
assert response["result"] == {
"id": "initial_name",
"name": "Updated name",
"immutable_string": "no-changes",
assert len(changes) == 2
assert changes[1] == (collection.CHANGE_UPDATED, "initial_name", response["result"])
# Delete invalid ID
await client.send_json_auto_id(
{"type": "test_item/collection/update", "test_item_id": "non-existing"}
response = await client.receive_json()
assert not response["success"]
assert response["error"]["code"] == "not_found"
assert len(changes) == 2
# Delete
await client.send_json_auto_id(
{"type": "test_item/collection/delete", "test_item_id": "initial_name"}
response = await client.receive_json()
assert response["id"] == event_id
assert response["event"] == [
"change_type": "removed",
"item": {
"id": "initial_name",
"immutable_string": "no-changes",
"name": "Updated name",
"test_item_id": "initial_name",
response = await client.receive_json()
assert response["success"]
assert len(changes) == 3
assert changes[2] == (
"id": "initial_name",
"immutable_string": "no-changes",
"name": "Updated name",