example:The garage door has been open for 10 minutes.
description:Optional title for your notification. Will be composed as '%title\n%message'
example:'Your Garage Door Friend'
description:An array of pre-authorized chat_ids to send the notification to. If not present, first allowed chat_id is the default.
example:'[12345, 67890] or 12345'
description:"Parser for the message text: `html` or `markdown`."
description:Sends the message silently. iOS users and Web users will not receive a notification, Android users will receive a notification with no sound.
description:Disables link previews for links in the message.
description:An array of pre-authorized chat_ids to send the document to. If not present, first allowed chat_id is the default.
example:'[12345, 67890] or 12345'
description:Sends the message silently. iOS users and Web users will not receive a notification, Android users will receive a notification with no sound.
description:Enable or disable SSL certificate verification. Set to false if you're downloading the file from a URL and you don't want to validate the SSL certificate of the server.
description:An array of pre-authorized chat_ids to send the document to. If not present, first allowed chat_id is the default.
example:'[12345, 67890] or 12345'
description:Sends the message silently. iOS users and Web users will not receive a notification, Android users will receive a notification with no sound.
description:Enable or disable SSL certificate verification. Set to false if you're downloading the file from a URL and you don't want to validate the SSL certificate of the server.
description:Username for a URL which require HTTP basic authentication.
description:Password for a URL which require HTTP basic authentication.
description:An array of pre-authorized chat_ids to send the document to. If not present, first allowed chat_id is the default.
example:'[12345, 67890] or 12345'
description:Sends the message silently. iOS users and Web users will not receive a notification, Android users will receive a notification with no sound.
description:Enable or disable SSL certificate verification. Set to false if you're downloading the file from a URL and you don't want to validate the SSL certificate of the server.
description:Username for a URL which require HTTP basic authentication.
description:Password for a URL which require HTTP basic authentication.
description:An array of pre-authorized chat_ids to send the document to. If not present, first allowed chat_id is the default.
example:'[12345, 67890] or 12345'
description:Sends the message silently. iOS users and Web users will not receive a notification, Android users will receive a notification with no sound.
description:Enable or disable SSL certificate verification. Set to false if you're downloading the file from a URL and you don't want to validate the SSL certificate of the server.
description:An array of pre-authorized chat_ids to send the location to. If not present, first allowed chat_id is the default.
example:'[12345, 67890] or 12345'
description:Sends the message silently. iOS users and Web users will not receive a notification, Android users will receive a notification with no sound.
description:Respond to a callback query originated by clicking on an online keyboard button. The answer will be displayed to the user as a notification at the top of the chat screen or as an alert.
description:Unformatted text message body of the notification.