
406 lines
14 KiB
Raw Normal View History

"""Constants for the Tuya integration."""
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
from tuya_iot import TuyaCloudOpenAPIEndpoint
DOMAIN = "tuya"
CONF_AUTH_TYPE = "auth_type"
CONF_PROJECT_TYPE = "tuya_project_type"
CONF_ENDPOINT = "endpoint"
CONF_ACCESS_ID = "access_id"
CONF_ACCESS_SECRET = "access_secret"
CONF_USERNAME = "username"
CONF_PASSWORD = "password"
CONF_COUNTRY_CODE = "country_code"
CONF_APP_TYPE = "tuya_app_type"
TUYA_DISCOVERY_NEW = "tuya_discovery_new"
TUYA_HA_SIGNAL_UPDATE_ENTITY = "tuya_entry_update"
"bh", # Smart Kettle
"cwysj", # Pet Water Feeder
"cz", # Socket
"dc", # Light string
"dd", # Light strip
"dj", # Light
"dlq", # Breaker
"fs", # Fan
"fs", # Fan
"fwl", # Ambient light
"jsq", # Humidifier's light
"kfj", # Coffee maker
"kg", # Switch
"kj", # Air Purifier
"kt", # Air conditioner
"ldcg", # Luminance Sensor
"mcs", # Door Window Sensor
"pc", # Power Strip
"pir", # PIR Detector
"qn", # Heater
"sos", # SOS Button
2021-10-15 20:28:14 +00:00
"sgbj", # Siren Alarm
"wk", # Thermostat
"xdd", # Ceiling Light
"xxj", # Diffuser
TUYA_SMART_APP = "tuyaSmart"
SMARTLIFE_APP = "smartlife"
2021-10-14 19:04:02 +00:00
2021-10-14 20:15:41 +00:00
2021-10-14 19:04:02 +00:00
2021-10-15 20:28:14 +00:00
2021-10-14 19:04:02 +00:00
class DPCode(str, Enum):
"""Device Property Codes used by Tuya.
2021-10-15 20:28:14 +00:00
ALARM_SWITCH = "alarm_switch" # Alarm switch
ALARM_TIME = "alarm_time" # Alarm time
ALARM_VOLUME = "alarm_volume" # Alarm volume
ANION = "anion" # Ionizer unit
2021-10-14 19:04:02 +00:00
BATTERY_PERCENTAGE = "battery_percentage" # Battery percentage
BATTERY_STATE = "battery_state" # Battery state
BRIGHT_STATE = "bright_state" # Brightness status
BRIGHT_VALUE = "bright_value" # Brightness
C_F = "c_f" # Temperature unit switching
CHILD_LOCK = "child_lock" # Child lock
CO2_VALUE = "co2_value" # CO2 concentration
COLOUR_DATA = "colour_data" # Colored light mode
COLOUR_DATA_V2 = "colour_data_v2" # Colored light mode
2021-10-14 16:50:51 +00:00
CONCENTRATION_SET = "concentration_set" # Concentration setting
CUP_NUMBER = "cup_number" # NUmber of cups
2021-10-14 19:04:02 +00:00
CUR_CURRENT = "cur_current" # Actual current
CUR_POWER = "cur_power" # Actual power
CUR_VOLTAGE = "cur_voltage" # Actual voltage
DOORCONTACT_STATE = "doorcontact_state" # Status of door window sensor
FAN_DIRECTION = "fan_direction" # Fan direction
FAN_SPEED_ENUM = "fan_speed_enum" # Speed mode
FAN_SPEED_PERCENT = "fan_speed_percent" # Stepless speed
FILTER_RESET = "filter_reset" # Filter (cartridge) reset
HUMIDITY_CURRENT = "humidity_current" # Current humidity
HUMIDITY_SET = "humidity_set" # Humidity setting
HUMIDITY_VALUE = "humidity_value" # Humidity
LIGHT = "light" # Light
LOCK = "lock" # Lock / Child lock
2021-10-14 16:50:51 +00:00
MATERIAL = "material" # Material
MODE = "mode" # Working mode / Mode
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MUFFLING = "muffling" # Muffling
PIR = "pir" # Motion sensor
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POWDER_SET = "powder_set" # Powder
PUMP_RESET = "pump_reset" # Water pump reset
SHAKE = "shake" # Oscillating
SOS = "sos" # Emergency State
SOS_STATE = "sos_state" # Emergency mode
SPEED = "speed" # Speed level
START = "start" # Start
SWING = "swing" # Swing mode
SWITCH = "switch" # Switch
SWITCH_1 = "switch_1" # Switch 1
SWITCH_2 = "switch_2" # Switch 2
SWITCH_3 = "switch_3" # Switch 3
SWITCH_4 = "switch_4" # Switch 4
SWITCH_5 = "switch_5" # Switch 5
SWITCH_6 = "switch_6" # Switch 6
SWITCH_BACKLIGHT = "switch_backlight" # Backlight switch
SWITCH_HORIZONTAL = "switch_horizontal" # Horizontal swing flap switch
SWITCH_LED = "switch_led" # Switch
SWITCH_SPRAY = "switch_spray" # Spraying switch
SWITCH_USB1 = "switch_usb1" # USB 1
SWITCH_USB2 = "switch_usb2" # USB 2
SWITCH_USB3 = "switch_usb3" # USB 3
SWITCH_USB4 = "switch_usb4" # USB 4
SWITCH_USB5 = "switch_usb5" # USB 5
SWITCH_USB6 = "switch_usb6" # USB 6
SWITCH_VERTICAL = "switch_vertical" # Vertical swing flap switch
SWITCH_VOICE = "switch_voice" # Voice switch
TEMP_CURRENT = "temp_current" # Current temperature in °C
TEMP_CURRENT_F = "temp_current_f" # Current temperature in °F
TEMP_SET = "temp_set" # Set the temperature in °C
TEMP_SET_F = "temp_set_f" # Set the temperature in °F
TEMP_UNIT_CONVERT = "temp_unit_convert" # Temperature unit switching
TEMP_VALUE = "temp_value" # Color temperature
TEMPER_ALARM = "temper_alarm" # Tamper alarm
UV = "uv" # UV sterilization
WARM = "warm" # Heat preservation
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WARM_TIME = "warm_time" # Heat preservation time
WATER_RESET = "water_reset" # Resetting of water usage days
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WATER_SET = "water_set" # Water level
WET = "wet" # Humidification
WORK_MODE = "work_mode" # Working mode
class Country:
"""Describe a supported country."""
name: str
country_code: str
endpoint: str = TuyaCloudOpenAPIEndpoint.AMERICA
Country("Afghanistan", "93"),
Country("Albania", "355"),
Country("Algeria", "213"),
Country("American Samoa", "1-684"),
Country("Andorra", "376"),
Country("Angola", "244"),
Country("Anguilla", "1-264"),
Country("Antarctica", "672"),
Country("Antigua and Barbuda", "1-268"),
Country("Argentina", "54", TuyaCloudOpenAPIEndpoint.EUROPE),
Country("Armenia", "374"),
Country("Aruba", "297"),
Country("Australia", "61"),
Country("Austria", "43", TuyaCloudOpenAPIEndpoint.EUROPE),
Country("Azerbaijan", "994"),
Country("Bahamas", "1-242"),
Country("Bahrain", "973"),
Country("Bangladesh", "880"),
Country("Barbados", "1-246"),
Country("Belarus", "375"),
Country("Belgium", "32", TuyaCloudOpenAPIEndpoint.EUROPE),
Country("Belize", "501"),
Country("Benin", "229"),
Country("Bermuda", "1-441"),
Country("Bhutan", "975"),
Country("Bolivia", "591"),
Country("Bosnia and Herzegovina", "387"),
Country("Botswana", "267"),
Country("Brazil", "55", TuyaCloudOpenAPIEndpoint.EUROPE),
Country("British Indian Ocean Territory", "246"),
Country("British Virgin Islands", "1-284"),
Country("Brunei", "673"),
Country("Bulgaria", "359"),
Country("Burkina Faso", "226"),
Country("Burundi", "257"),
Country("Cambodia", "855"),
Country("Cameroon", "237"),
Country("Canada", "1", TuyaCloudOpenAPIEndpoint.AMERICA),
Country("Cape Verde", "238"),
Country("Cayman Islands", "1-345"),
Country("Central African Republic", "236"),
Country("Chad", "235"),
Country("Chile", "56"),
Country("China", "86", TuyaCloudOpenAPIEndpoint.CHINA),
Country("Christmas Island", "61"),
Country("Cocos Islands", "61"),
Country("Colombia", "57"),
Country("Comoros", "269"),
Country("Cook Islands", "682"),
Country("Costa Rica", "506"),
Country("Croatia", "385", TuyaCloudOpenAPIEndpoint.EUROPE),
Country("Cuba", "53"),
Country("Curacao", "599"),
Country("Cyprus", "357", TuyaCloudOpenAPIEndpoint.EUROPE),
Country("Czech Republic", "420", TuyaCloudOpenAPIEndpoint.EUROPE),
Country("Democratic Republic of the Congo", "243"),
Country("Denmark", "45", TuyaCloudOpenAPIEndpoint.EUROPE),
Country("Djibouti", "253"),
Country("Dominica", "1-767"),
Country("Dominican Republic", "1-809"),
Country("East Timor", "670"),
Country("Ecuador", "593"),
Country("Egypt", "20"),
Country("El Salvador", "503"),
Country("Equatorial Guinea", "240"),
Country("Eritrea", "291"),
Country("Estonia", "372", TuyaCloudOpenAPIEndpoint.EUROPE),
Country("Ethiopia", "251"),
Country("Falkland Islands", "500"),
Country("Faroe Islands", "298"),
Country("Fiji", "679"),
Country("Finland", "358", TuyaCloudOpenAPIEndpoint.EUROPE),
Country("France", "33", TuyaCloudOpenAPIEndpoint.EUROPE),
Country("French Polynesia", "689"),
Country("Gabon", "241"),
Country("Gambia", "220"),
Country("Georgia", "995"),
Country("Germany", "49", TuyaCloudOpenAPIEndpoint.EUROPE),
Country("Ghana", "233"),
Country("Gibraltar", "350"),
Country("Greece", "30", TuyaCloudOpenAPIEndpoint.EUROPE),
Country("Greenland", "299"),
Country("Grenada", "1-473"),
Country("Guam", "1-671"),
Country("Guatemala", "502"),
Country("Guernsey", "44-1481"),
Country("Guinea", "224"),
Country("Guinea-Bissau", "245"),
Country("Guyana", "592"),
Country("Haiti", "509"),
Country("Honduras", "504"),
Country("Hong Kong", "852"),
Country("Hungary", "36", TuyaCloudOpenAPIEndpoint.EUROPE),
Country("Iceland", "354", TuyaCloudOpenAPIEndpoint.EUROPE),
Country("India", "91", TuyaCloudOpenAPIEndpoint.INDIA),
Country("Indonesia", "62"),
Country("Iran", "98"),
Country("Iraq", "964"),
Country("Ireland", "353", TuyaCloudOpenAPIEndpoint.EUROPE),
Country("Isle of Man", "44-1624"),
Country("Israel", "972"),
Country("Italy", "39", TuyaCloudOpenAPIEndpoint.EUROPE),
Country("Ivory Coast", "225"),
Country("Jamaica", "1-876"),
Country("Japan", "81", TuyaCloudOpenAPIEndpoint.EUROPE),
Country("Jersey", "44-1534"),
Country("Jordan", "962"),
Country("Kazakhstan", "7"),
Country("Kenya", "254"),
Country("Kiribati", "686"),
Country("Kosovo", "383"),
Country("Kuwait", "965"),
Country("Kyrgyzstan", "996"),
Country("Laos", "856"),
Country("Latvia", "371", TuyaCloudOpenAPIEndpoint.EUROPE),
Country("Lebanon", "961"),
Country("Lesotho", "266"),
Country("Liberia", "231"),
Country("Libya", "218"),
Country("Liechtenstein", "423", TuyaCloudOpenAPIEndpoint.EUROPE),
Country("Lithuania", "370", TuyaCloudOpenAPIEndpoint.EUROPE),
Country("Luxembourg", "352", TuyaCloudOpenAPIEndpoint.EUROPE),
Country("Macau", "853"),
Country("Macedonia", "389"),
Country("Madagascar", "261"),
Country("Malawi", "265"),
Country("Malaysia", "60"),
Country("Maldives", "960"),
Country("Mali", "223"),
Country("Malta", "356", TuyaCloudOpenAPIEndpoint.EUROPE),
Country("Marshall Islands", "692"),
Country("Mauritania", "222"),
Country("Mauritius", "230"),
Country("Mayotte", "262"),
Country("Mexico", "52"),
Country("Micronesia", "691"),
Country("Moldova", "373"),
Country("Monaco", "377"),
Country("Mongolia", "976"),
Country("Montenegro", "382"),
Country("Montserrat", "1-664"),
Country("Morocco", "212"),
Country("Mozambique", "258"),
Country("Myanmar", "95"),
Country("Namibia", "264"),
Country("Nauru", "674"),
Country("Nepal", "977"),
Country("Netherlands", "31", TuyaCloudOpenAPIEndpoint.EUROPE),
Country("Netherlands Antilles", "599"),
Country("New Caledonia", "687"),
Country("New Zealand", "64"),
Country("Nicaragua", "505"),
Country("Niger", "227"),
Country("Nigeria", "234"),
Country("Niue", "683"),
Country("North Korea", "850"),
Country("Northern Mariana Islands", "1-670"),
Country("Norway", "47"),
Country("Oman", "968"),
Country("Pakistan", "92"),
Country("Palau", "680"),
Country("Palestine", "970"),
Country("Panama", "507"),
Country("Papua New Guinea", "675"),
Country("Paraguay", "595"),
Country("Peru", "51"),
Country("Philippines", "63"),
Country("Pitcairn", "64"),
Country("Poland", "48", TuyaCloudOpenAPIEndpoint.EUROPE),
Country("Portugal", "351", TuyaCloudOpenAPIEndpoint.EUROPE),
Country("Puerto Rico", "1-787, 1-939"),
Country("Qatar", "974"),
Country("Republic of the Congo", "242"),
Country("Reunion", "262"),
Country("Romania", "40", TuyaCloudOpenAPIEndpoint.EUROPE),
Country("Russia", "7", TuyaCloudOpenAPIEndpoint.EUROPE),
Country("Rwanda", "250"),
Country("Saint Barthelemy", "590"),
Country("Saint Helena", "290"),
Country("Saint Kitts and Nevis", "1-869"),
Country("Saint Lucia", "1-758"),
Country("Saint Martin", "590"),
Country("Saint Pierre and Miquelon", "508"),
Country("Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "1-784"),
Country("Samoa", "685"),
Country("San Marino", "378"),
Country("Sao Tome and Principe", "239"),
Country("Saudi Arabia", "966"),
Country("Senegal", "221"),
Country("Serbia", "381"),
Country("Seychelles", "248"),
Country("Sierra Leone", "232"),
Country("Singapore", "65"),
Country("Sint Maarten", "1-721"),
Country("Slovakia", "421", TuyaCloudOpenAPIEndpoint.EUROPE),
Country("Slovenia", "386", TuyaCloudOpenAPIEndpoint.EUROPE),
Country("Solomon Islands", "677"),
Country("Somalia", "252"),
Country("South Africa", "27"),
Country("South Korea", "82"),
Country("South Sudan", "211"),
Country("Spain", "34", TuyaCloudOpenAPIEndpoint.EUROPE),
Country("Sri Lanka", "94"),
Country("Sudan", "249"),
Country("Suriname", "597"),
Country("Svalbard and Jan Mayen", "47", TuyaCloudOpenAPIEndpoint.EUROPE),
Country("Swaziland", "268"),
Country("Sweden", "46", TuyaCloudOpenAPIEndpoint.EUROPE),
Country("Switzerland", "41"),
Country("Syria", "963"),
Country("Taiwan", "886"),
Country("Tajikistan", "992"),
Country("Tanzania", "255"),
Country("Thailand", "66"),
Country("Togo", "228"),
Country("Tokelau", "690"),
Country("Tonga", "676"),
Country("Trinidad and Tobago", "1-868"),
Country("Tunisia", "216"),
Country("Turkey", "90"),
Country("Turkmenistan", "993"),
Country("Turks and Caicos Islands", "1-649"),
Country("Tuvalu", "688"),
Country("U.S. Virgin Islands", "1-340"),
Country("Uganda", "256"),
Country("Ukraine", "380"),
Country("United Arab Emirates", "971"),
Country("United Kingdom", "44", TuyaCloudOpenAPIEndpoint.EUROPE),
Country("United States", "1", TuyaCloudOpenAPIEndpoint.AMERICA),
Country("Uruguay", "598"),
Country("Uzbekistan", "998"),
Country("Vanuatu", "678"),
Country("Vatican", "379"),
Country("Venezuela", "58"),
Country("Vietnam", "84"),
Country("Wallis and Futuna", "681"),
Country("Western Sahara", "212"),
Country("Yemen", "967"),
Country("Zambia", "260"),
Country("Zimbabwe", "263"),