Inject and process a GroupValueRead telegram addressed to `group_address`.
-`knx.receive_response(group_address: str, payload: int | tuple[int, ...])`
Inject and process a GroupValueResponse telegram addressed to `group_address` containing `payload`.
-`knx.receive_write(group_address: str, payload: int | tuple[int, ...])`
Inject and process a GroupValueWrite telegram addressed to `group_address` containing `payload`.
Receive some telegrams and assert state.
# receive OFF telegram
await knx.receive_write("1/2/3", False)
# assert OFF state
state = hass.states.get("switch.test_switch")
assert state.state is STATE_OFF
## Notes
- For `payload` in `assert_*` and `receive_*` use `int` for DPT 1, 2 and 3 payload values (DPTBinary) and `tuple` for other DPTs (DPTArray).
-`await self.hass.async_block_till_done()` is called before `KNXTestKit.assert_*` and after `KNXTestKit.receive_*` so you don't have to explicitly call it.
- Make sure to assert every outgoing telegram that was created in a test. `assert_no_telegram` is automatically called on teardown.
- Make sure to `knx.receive_response()` for every Read-request sent form StateUpdater, or to pass its timeout, to not have lingering tasks when finishing the tests.