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2015-09-20 07:27:50 +00:00
Device tracker platform that adds support for OwnTracks over MQTT.
2015-09-20 07:27:50 +00:00
2015-10-13 18:55:15 +00:00
For more details about this platform, please refer to the documentation at
2015-11-09 12:12:18 +00:00
2015-09-20 07:27:50 +00:00
import asyncio
import base64
2015-09-20 07:27:50 +00:00
import json
2015-09-21 03:09:53 +00:00
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
2015-09-20 07:27:50 +00:00
import voluptuous as vol
from homeassistant.components import mqtt
import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv
from homeassistant.components import zone as zone_comp
from homeassistant.components.device_tracker import (
from homeassistant.const import STATE_HOME
from homeassistant.core import callback
from homeassistant.util import slugify, decorator
2015-09-20 07:27:50 +00:00
2017-10-27 06:01:32 +00:00
REQUIREMENTS = ['libnacl==1.6.1']
2015-09-20 07:27:50 +00:00
2016-10-06 00:32:29 +00:00
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
2016-01-29 11:49:44 +00:00
HANDLERS = decorator.Registry()
2016-01-29 11:49:44 +00:00
BEACON_DEV_ID = 'beacon'
2016-10-06 00:32:29 +00:00
CONF_MAX_GPS_ACCURACY = 'max_gps_accuracy'
CONF_SECRET = 'secret'
CONF_WAYPOINT_WHITELIST = 'waypoint_whitelist'
CONF_MQTT_TOPIC = 'mqtt_topic'
CONF_REGION_MAPPING = 'region_mapping'
CONF_EVENTS_ONLY = 'events_only'
2015-09-20 07:27:50 +00:00
2016-09-07 01:35:10 +00:00
vol.Optional(CONF_MAX_GPS_ACCURACY): vol.Coerce(float),
vol.Optional(CONF_WAYPOINT_IMPORT, default=True): cv.boolean,
vol.Optional(CONF_EVENTS_ONLY, default=False): cv.boolean,
2016-10-04 07:57:37 +00:00
vol.Optional(CONF_WAYPOINT_WHITELIST): vol.All(
cv.ensure_list, [cv.string]),
vol.Optional(CONF_SECRET): vol.Any(
vol.Schema({vol.Optional(cv.string): cv.string}),
vol.Optional(CONF_REGION_MAPPING, default=REGION_MAPPING): dict
2016-10-04 07:57:37 +00:00
def get_cipher():
"""Return decryption function and length of key.
Async friendly.
2016-10-04 07:57:37 +00:00
from libnacl import crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES as KEYLEN
from libnacl.secret import SecretBox
def decrypt(ciphertext, key):
"""Decrypt ciphertext using key."""
return SecretBox(key).decrypt(ciphertext)
return (KEYLEN, decrypt)
def async_setup_scanner(hass, config, async_see, discovery_info=None):
2016-10-06 00:32:29 +00:00
"""Set up an OwnTracks tracker."""
context = context_from_config(async_see, config)
2016-10-04 07:57:37 +00:00
def async_handle_mqtt_message(topic, payload, qos):
"""Handle incoming OwnTracks message."""
2015-09-20 18:46:01 +00:00
message = json.loads(payload)
2015-09-20 18:46:01 +00:00
except ValueError:
# If invalid JSON
_LOGGER.error("Unable to parse payload as JSON: %s", payload)
2015-09-20 07:27:50 +00:00
message['topic'] = topic
2016-09-24 07:04:03 +00:00
yield from async_handle_message(hass, context, message)
2016-01-29 11:49:44 +00:00
yield from mqtt.async_subscribe(
hass, context.mqtt_topic, async_handle_mqtt_message, 1)
return True
2016-01-03 16:12:11 +00:00
2015-09-20 07:27:50 +00:00
def _parse_topic(topic, subscribe_topic):
"""Parse an MQTT topic {sub_topic}/user/dev, return (user, dev) tuple.
Async friendly.
subscription = subscribe_topic.split('/')
user_index = subscription.index('#')
except ValueError:
_LOGGER.error("Can't parse subscription topic: '%s'", subscribe_topic)
topic_list = topic.split('/')
user, device = topic_list[user_index], topic_list[user_index + 1]
except IndexError:
_LOGGER.error("Can't parse topic: '%s'", topic)
return user, device
def _parse_see_args(message, subscribe_topic):
"""Parse the OwnTracks location parameters, into the format see expects.
Async friendly.
user, device = _parse_topic(message['topic'], subscribe_topic)
dev_id = slugify('{}_{}'.format(user, device))
kwargs = {
'dev_id': dev_id,
'host_name': user,
'gps': (message['lat'], message['lon']),
'attributes': {}
if 'acc' in message:
kwargs['gps_accuracy'] = message['acc']
if 'batt' in message:
kwargs['battery'] = message['batt']
if 'vel' in message:
kwargs['attributes']['velocity'] = message['vel']
if 'tid' in message:
kwargs['attributes']['tid'] = message['tid']
if 'addr' in message:
kwargs['attributes']['address'] = message['addr']
2018-02-09 22:06:31 +00:00
if 'cog' in message:
kwargs['attributes']['course'] = message['cog']
if 't' in message:
if message['t'] == 'c':
kwargs['attributes'][ATTR_SOURCE_TYPE] = SOURCE_TYPE_GPS
if message['t'] == 'b':
return dev_id, kwargs
def _set_gps_from_zone(kwargs, location, zone):
"""Set the see parameters from the zone parameters.
Async friendly.
if zone is not None:
kwargs['gps'] = (
kwargs['gps_accuracy'] = zone.attributes['radius']
2016-03-13 18:01:29 +00:00
kwargs['location_name'] = location
return kwargs
def _decrypt_payload(secret, topic, ciphertext):
"""Decrypt encrypted payload."""
keylen, decrypt = get_cipher()
except OSError:
"Ignoring encrypted payload because libsodium not installed")
return None
if isinstance(secret, dict):
key = secret.get(topic)
key = secret
if key is None:
"Ignoring encrypted payload because no decryption key known "
"for topic %s", topic)
return None
key = key.encode("utf-8")
key = key[:keylen]
key = key.ljust(keylen, b'\0')
ciphertext = base64.b64decode(ciphertext)
message = decrypt(ciphertext, key)
message = message.decode("utf-8")
_LOGGER.debug("Decrypted payload: %s", message)
return message
except ValueError:
"Ignoring encrypted payload because unable to decrypt using "
"key for topic %s", topic)
return None
def context_from_config(async_see, config):
"""Create an async context from Home Assistant config."""
max_gps_accuracy = config.get(CONF_MAX_GPS_ACCURACY)
waypoint_import = config.get(CONF_WAYPOINT_IMPORT)
waypoint_whitelist = config.get(CONF_WAYPOINT_WHITELIST)
secret = config.get(CONF_SECRET)
region_mapping = config.get(CONF_REGION_MAPPING)
events_only = config.get(CONF_EVENTS_ONLY)
mqtt_topic = config.get(CONF_MQTT_TOPIC)
return OwnTracksContext(async_see, secret, max_gps_accuracy,
waypoint_import, waypoint_whitelist,
region_mapping, events_only, mqtt_topic)
class OwnTracksContext:
"""Hold the current OwnTracks context."""
def __init__(self, async_see, secret, max_gps_accuracy, import_waypoints,
waypoint_whitelist, region_mapping, events_only, mqtt_topic):
"""Initialize an OwnTracks context."""
self.async_see = async_see
self.secret = secret
self.max_gps_accuracy = max_gps_accuracy
OwnTracks work. Beacon logic and testcases (#10183) * OwnTracks work. Beacon logic and testcases The existing test cases don't really make clear what is being tested and the iBeacon / Region / Zone / Tracker thing is all a bit confused. I'm distinguishing a fixed-place beacon used to trigger entrance into an HA zone (as a Region Beacon) from a beacon affixed to a portable or mobile object (as a Mobile Beacon). The behaviors and test cases for those usages should be different. A Region Beacon will be named the same as a Home Assistant Zone and seeing an event from that beacon should trigger a device tracker update related to that zone. It would be appropriate, though unnecessary, to configure the Region Beacon with the GPS coordinates of its static physical location. A Mobile Beacon is not named after any HA Zone and seeing the beacon triggers an update in HA setting the location of the beacon to the current device_tracker location. In this way, when my_phone sees the beacon on my_keys, the location of my_keys is set to where my_phone is. And when my_phone stops seeing my_keys, my_keys location is the location of my_phone the last time it saw them. A Mobile Beacon's GPS information should be ignored because it's almost certain to be incorrect because the beacon moves. In fact, beacons typcially come configured with lat/lon as 0.0/0.0 so using the location of the beacon in an update has a nasty habit of setting you and your keys on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. Leave message handling is changed to treat mobile beacons differently from region beacons and gps regions. active beacons should be a set. you shouldn't end up with multiple "active" entries for the same beacon. Let's enforce that with the correct data structure. Added test for real-world bug that is fixed. A series of mobile beacon and region beacon enter and leave events could cause a mobile beacon to stick to the tracking device even though it had tracked through a "leave" event. Changed two tests to look at the size of the 'mobile_beacons_active' structure rather than at the object which will allow this test to work with any sort of list, set, etc. * Removing excess logging and unnecessary try catch. From review on PR #10183 I've removed some info logging that was unnecessary and I've made the suggested changes to an if block and a try/catch.
2017-10-31 07:18:45 +00:00
self.mobile_beacons_active = defaultdict(set)
self.regions_entered = defaultdict(list)
self.import_waypoints = import_waypoints
self.waypoint_whitelist = waypoint_whitelist
self.region_mapping = region_mapping
self.events_only = events_only
self.mqtt_topic = mqtt_topic
def async_valid_accuracy(self, message):
"""Check if we should ignore this message."""
acc = message.get('acc')
if acc is None:
return False
acc = float(acc)
except ValueError:
return False
if acc == 0:
"Ignoring %s update because GPS accuracy is zero: %s",
message['_type'], message)
return False
if self.max_gps_accuracy is not None and \
acc > self.max_gps_accuracy:"Ignoring %s update because expected GPS "
"accuracy %s is not met: %s",
message['_type'], self.max_gps_accuracy,
return False
return True
OwnTracks work. Beacon logic and testcases (#10183) * OwnTracks work. Beacon logic and testcases The existing test cases don't really make clear what is being tested and the iBeacon / Region / Zone / Tracker thing is all a bit confused. I'm distinguishing a fixed-place beacon used to trigger entrance into an HA zone (as a Region Beacon) from a beacon affixed to a portable or mobile object (as a Mobile Beacon). The behaviors and test cases for those usages should be different. A Region Beacon will be named the same as a Home Assistant Zone and seeing an event from that beacon should trigger a device tracker update related to that zone. It would be appropriate, though unnecessary, to configure the Region Beacon with the GPS coordinates of its static physical location. A Mobile Beacon is not named after any HA Zone and seeing the beacon triggers an update in HA setting the location of the beacon to the current device_tracker location. In this way, when my_phone sees the beacon on my_keys, the location of my_keys is set to where my_phone is. And when my_phone stops seeing my_keys, my_keys location is the location of my_phone the last time it saw them. A Mobile Beacon's GPS information should be ignored because it's almost certain to be incorrect because the beacon moves. In fact, beacons typcially come configured with lat/lon as 0.0/0.0 so using the location of the beacon in an update has a nasty habit of setting you and your keys on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. Leave message handling is changed to treat mobile beacons differently from region beacons and gps regions. active beacons should be a set. you shouldn't end up with multiple "active" entries for the same beacon. Let's enforce that with the correct data structure. Added test for real-world bug that is fixed. A series of mobile beacon and region beacon enter and leave events could cause a mobile beacon to stick to the tracking device even though it had tracked through a "leave" event. Changed two tests to look at the size of the 'mobile_beacons_active' structure rather than at the object which will allow this test to work with any sort of list, set, etc. * Removing excess logging and unnecessary try catch. From review on PR #10183 I've removed some info logging that was unnecessary and I've made the suggested changes to an if block and a try/catch.
2017-10-31 07:18:45 +00:00
def async_see_beacons(self, hass, dev_id, kwargs_param):
"""Set active beacons to the current location."""
kwargs = kwargs_param.copy()
OwnTracks work. Beacon logic and testcases (#10183) * OwnTracks work. Beacon logic and testcases The existing test cases don't really make clear what is being tested and the iBeacon / Region / Zone / Tracker thing is all a bit confused. I'm distinguishing a fixed-place beacon used to trigger entrance into an HA zone (as a Region Beacon) from a beacon affixed to a portable or mobile object (as a Mobile Beacon). The behaviors and test cases for those usages should be different. A Region Beacon will be named the same as a Home Assistant Zone and seeing an event from that beacon should trigger a device tracker update related to that zone. It would be appropriate, though unnecessary, to configure the Region Beacon with the GPS coordinates of its static physical location. A Mobile Beacon is not named after any HA Zone and seeing the beacon triggers an update in HA setting the location of the beacon to the current device_tracker location. In this way, when my_phone sees the beacon on my_keys, the location of my_keys is set to where my_phone is. And when my_phone stops seeing my_keys, my_keys location is the location of my_phone the last time it saw them. A Mobile Beacon's GPS information should be ignored because it's almost certain to be incorrect because the beacon moves. In fact, beacons typcially come configured with lat/lon as 0.0/0.0 so using the location of the beacon in an update has a nasty habit of setting you and your keys on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. Leave message handling is changed to treat mobile beacons differently from region beacons and gps regions. active beacons should be a set. you shouldn't end up with multiple "active" entries for the same beacon. Let's enforce that with the correct data structure. Added test for real-world bug that is fixed. A series of mobile beacon and region beacon enter and leave events could cause a mobile beacon to stick to the tracking device even though it had tracked through a "leave" event. Changed two tests to look at the size of the 'mobile_beacons_active' structure rather than at the object which will allow this test to work with any sort of list, set, etc. * Removing excess logging and unnecessary try catch. From review on PR #10183 I've removed some info logging that was unnecessary and I've made the suggested changes to an if block and a try/catch.
2017-10-31 07:18:45 +00:00
# Mobile beacons should always be set to the location of the
# tracking device. I get the device state and make the necessary
# changes to kwargs.
device_tracker_state = hass.states.get(
if device_tracker_state is not None:
acc = device_tracker_state.attributes.get("gps_accuracy")
lat = device_tracker_state.attributes.get("latitude")
lon = device_tracker_state.attributes.get("longitude")
kwargs['gps_accuracy'] = acc
kwargs['gps'] = (lat, lon)
# the battery state applies to the tracking device, not the beacon
OwnTracks work. Beacon logic and testcases (#10183) * OwnTracks work. Beacon logic and testcases The existing test cases don't really make clear what is being tested and the iBeacon / Region / Zone / Tracker thing is all a bit confused. I'm distinguishing a fixed-place beacon used to trigger entrance into an HA zone (as a Region Beacon) from a beacon affixed to a portable or mobile object (as a Mobile Beacon). The behaviors and test cases for those usages should be different. A Region Beacon will be named the same as a Home Assistant Zone and seeing an event from that beacon should trigger a device tracker update related to that zone. It would be appropriate, though unnecessary, to configure the Region Beacon with the GPS coordinates of its static physical location. A Mobile Beacon is not named after any HA Zone and seeing the beacon triggers an update in HA setting the location of the beacon to the current device_tracker location. In this way, when my_phone sees the beacon on my_keys, the location of my_keys is set to where my_phone is. And when my_phone stops seeing my_keys, my_keys location is the location of my_phone the last time it saw them. A Mobile Beacon's GPS information should be ignored because it's almost certain to be incorrect because the beacon moves. In fact, beacons typcially come configured with lat/lon as 0.0/0.0 so using the location of the beacon in an update has a nasty habit of setting you and your keys on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. Leave message handling is changed to treat mobile beacons differently from region beacons and gps regions. active beacons should be a set. you shouldn't end up with multiple "active" entries for the same beacon. Let's enforce that with the correct data structure. Added test for real-world bug that is fixed. A series of mobile beacon and region beacon enter and leave events could cause a mobile beacon to stick to the tracking device even though it had tracked through a "leave" event. Changed two tests to look at the size of the 'mobile_beacons_active' structure rather than at the object which will allow this test to work with any sort of list, set, etc. * Removing excess logging and unnecessary try catch. From review on PR #10183 I've removed some info logging that was unnecessary and I've made the suggested changes to an if block and a try/catch.
2017-10-31 07:18:45 +00:00
# kwargs location is the beacon's configured lat/lon
kwargs.pop('battery', None)
for beacon in self.mobile_beacons_active[dev_id]:
kwargs['dev_id'] = "{}_{}".format(BEACON_DEV_ID, beacon)
kwargs['host_name'] = beacon
yield from self.async_see(**kwargs)
def async_handle_location_message(hass, context, message):
"""Handle a location message."""
if not context.async_valid_accuracy(message):
if context.events_only:
_LOGGER.debug("Location update ignored due to events_only setting")
dev_id, kwargs = _parse_see_args(message, context.mqtt_topic)
if context.regions_entered[dev_id]:
"Location update ignored, inside region %s",
yield from context.async_see(**kwargs)
OwnTracks work. Beacon logic and testcases (#10183) * OwnTracks work. Beacon logic and testcases The existing test cases don't really make clear what is being tested and the iBeacon / Region / Zone / Tracker thing is all a bit confused. I'm distinguishing a fixed-place beacon used to trigger entrance into an HA zone (as a Region Beacon) from a beacon affixed to a portable or mobile object (as a Mobile Beacon). The behaviors and test cases for those usages should be different. A Region Beacon will be named the same as a Home Assistant Zone and seeing an event from that beacon should trigger a device tracker update related to that zone. It would be appropriate, though unnecessary, to configure the Region Beacon with the GPS coordinates of its static physical location. A Mobile Beacon is not named after any HA Zone and seeing the beacon triggers an update in HA setting the location of the beacon to the current device_tracker location. In this way, when my_phone sees the beacon on my_keys, the location of my_keys is set to where my_phone is. And when my_phone stops seeing my_keys, my_keys location is the location of my_phone the last time it saw them. A Mobile Beacon's GPS information should be ignored because it's almost certain to be incorrect because the beacon moves. In fact, beacons typcially come configured with lat/lon as 0.0/0.0 so using the location of the beacon in an update has a nasty habit of setting you and your keys on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. Leave message handling is changed to treat mobile beacons differently from region beacons and gps regions. active beacons should be a set. you shouldn't end up with multiple "active" entries for the same beacon. Let's enforce that with the correct data structure. Added test for real-world bug that is fixed. A series of mobile beacon and region beacon enter and leave events could cause a mobile beacon to stick to the tracking device even though it had tracked through a "leave" event. Changed two tests to look at the size of the 'mobile_beacons_active' structure rather than at the object which will allow this test to work with any sort of list, set, etc. * Removing excess logging and unnecessary try catch. From review on PR #10183 I've removed some info logging that was unnecessary and I've made the suggested changes to an if block and a try/catch.
2017-10-31 07:18:45 +00:00
yield from context.async_see_beacons(hass, dev_id, kwargs)
def _async_transition_message_enter(hass, context, message, location):
"""Execute enter event."""
zone = hass.states.get("zone.{}".format(slugify(location)))
dev_id, kwargs = _parse_see_args(message, context.mqtt_topic)
if zone is None and message.get('t') == 'b':
OwnTracks work. Beacon logic and testcases (#10183) * OwnTracks work. Beacon logic and testcases The existing test cases don't really make clear what is being tested and the iBeacon / Region / Zone / Tracker thing is all a bit confused. I'm distinguishing a fixed-place beacon used to trigger entrance into an HA zone (as a Region Beacon) from a beacon affixed to a portable or mobile object (as a Mobile Beacon). The behaviors and test cases for those usages should be different. A Region Beacon will be named the same as a Home Assistant Zone and seeing an event from that beacon should trigger a device tracker update related to that zone. It would be appropriate, though unnecessary, to configure the Region Beacon with the GPS coordinates of its static physical location. A Mobile Beacon is not named after any HA Zone and seeing the beacon triggers an update in HA setting the location of the beacon to the current device_tracker location. In this way, when my_phone sees the beacon on my_keys, the location of my_keys is set to where my_phone is. And when my_phone stops seeing my_keys, my_keys location is the location of my_phone the last time it saw them. A Mobile Beacon's GPS information should be ignored because it's almost certain to be incorrect because the beacon moves. In fact, beacons typcially come configured with lat/lon as 0.0/0.0 so using the location of the beacon in an update has a nasty habit of setting you and your keys on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. Leave message handling is changed to treat mobile beacons differently from region beacons and gps regions. active beacons should be a set. you shouldn't end up with multiple "active" entries for the same beacon. Let's enforce that with the correct data structure. Added test for real-world bug that is fixed. A series of mobile beacon and region beacon enter and leave events could cause a mobile beacon to stick to the tracking device even though it had tracked through a "leave" event. Changed two tests to look at the size of the 'mobile_beacons_active' structure rather than at the object which will allow this test to work with any sort of list, set, etc. * Removing excess logging and unnecessary try catch. From review on PR #10183 I've removed some info logging that was unnecessary and I've made the suggested changes to an if block and a try/catch.
2017-10-31 07:18:45 +00:00
# Not a HA zone, and a beacon so mobile beacon.
# kwargs will contain the lat/lon of the beacon
# which is not where the beacon actually is
# and is probably set to 0/0
beacons = context.mobile_beacons_active[dev_id]
if location not in beacons:
OwnTracks work. Beacon logic and testcases (#10183) * OwnTracks work. Beacon logic and testcases The existing test cases don't really make clear what is being tested and the iBeacon / Region / Zone / Tracker thing is all a bit confused. I'm distinguishing a fixed-place beacon used to trigger entrance into an HA zone (as a Region Beacon) from a beacon affixed to a portable or mobile object (as a Mobile Beacon). The behaviors and test cases for those usages should be different. A Region Beacon will be named the same as a Home Assistant Zone and seeing an event from that beacon should trigger a device tracker update related to that zone. It would be appropriate, though unnecessary, to configure the Region Beacon with the GPS coordinates of its static physical location. A Mobile Beacon is not named after any HA Zone and seeing the beacon triggers an update in HA setting the location of the beacon to the current device_tracker location. In this way, when my_phone sees the beacon on my_keys, the location of my_keys is set to where my_phone is. And when my_phone stops seeing my_keys, my_keys location is the location of my_phone the last time it saw them. A Mobile Beacon's GPS information should be ignored because it's almost certain to be incorrect because the beacon moves. In fact, beacons typcially come configured with lat/lon as 0.0/0.0 so using the location of the beacon in an update has a nasty habit of setting you and your keys on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. Leave message handling is changed to treat mobile beacons differently from region beacons and gps regions. active beacons should be a set. you shouldn't end up with multiple "active" entries for the same beacon. Let's enforce that with the correct data structure. Added test for real-world bug that is fixed. A series of mobile beacon and region beacon enter and leave events could cause a mobile beacon to stick to the tracking device even though it had tracked through a "leave" event. Changed two tests to look at the size of the 'mobile_beacons_active' structure rather than at the object which will allow this test to work with any sort of list, set, etc. * Removing excess logging and unnecessary try catch. From review on PR #10183 I've removed some info logging that was unnecessary and I've made the suggested changes to an if block and a try/catch.
2017-10-31 07:18:45 +00:00
beacons.add(location)"Added beacon %s", location)
OwnTracks work. Beacon logic and testcases (#10183) * OwnTracks work. Beacon logic and testcases The existing test cases don't really make clear what is being tested and the iBeacon / Region / Zone / Tracker thing is all a bit confused. I'm distinguishing a fixed-place beacon used to trigger entrance into an HA zone (as a Region Beacon) from a beacon affixed to a portable or mobile object (as a Mobile Beacon). The behaviors and test cases for those usages should be different. A Region Beacon will be named the same as a Home Assistant Zone and seeing an event from that beacon should trigger a device tracker update related to that zone. It would be appropriate, though unnecessary, to configure the Region Beacon with the GPS coordinates of its static physical location. A Mobile Beacon is not named after any HA Zone and seeing the beacon triggers an update in HA setting the location of the beacon to the current device_tracker location. In this way, when my_phone sees the beacon on my_keys, the location of my_keys is set to where my_phone is. And when my_phone stops seeing my_keys, my_keys location is the location of my_phone the last time it saw them. A Mobile Beacon's GPS information should be ignored because it's almost certain to be incorrect because the beacon moves. In fact, beacons typcially come configured with lat/lon as 0.0/0.0 so using the location of the beacon in an update has a nasty habit of setting you and your keys on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. Leave message handling is changed to treat mobile beacons differently from region beacons and gps regions. active beacons should be a set. you shouldn't end up with multiple "active" entries for the same beacon. Let's enforce that with the correct data structure. Added test for real-world bug that is fixed. A series of mobile beacon and region beacon enter and leave events could cause a mobile beacon to stick to the tracking device even though it had tracked through a "leave" event. Changed two tests to look at the size of the 'mobile_beacons_active' structure rather than at the object which will allow this test to work with any sort of list, set, etc. * Removing excess logging and unnecessary try catch. From review on PR #10183 I've removed some info logging that was unnecessary and I've made the suggested changes to an if block and a try/catch.
2017-10-31 07:18:45 +00:00
yield from context.async_see_beacons(hass, dev_id, kwargs)
# Normal region
regions = context.regions_entered[dev_id]
if location not in regions:
regions.append(location)"Enter region %s", location)
_set_gps_from_zone(kwargs, location, zone)
OwnTracks work. Beacon logic and testcases (#10183) * OwnTracks work. Beacon logic and testcases The existing test cases don't really make clear what is being tested and the iBeacon / Region / Zone / Tracker thing is all a bit confused. I'm distinguishing a fixed-place beacon used to trigger entrance into an HA zone (as a Region Beacon) from a beacon affixed to a portable or mobile object (as a Mobile Beacon). The behaviors and test cases for those usages should be different. A Region Beacon will be named the same as a Home Assistant Zone and seeing an event from that beacon should trigger a device tracker update related to that zone. It would be appropriate, though unnecessary, to configure the Region Beacon with the GPS coordinates of its static physical location. A Mobile Beacon is not named after any HA Zone and seeing the beacon triggers an update in HA setting the location of the beacon to the current device_tracker location. In this way, when my_phone sees the beacon on my_keys, the location of my_keys is set to where my_phone is. And when my_phone stops seeing my_keys, my_keys location is the location of my_phone the last time it saw them. A Mobile Beacon's GPS information should be ignored because it's almost certain to be incorrect because the beacon moves. In fact, beacons typcially come configured with lat/lon as 0.0/0.0 so using the location of the beacon in an update has a nasty habit of setting you and your keys on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. Leave message handling is changed to treat mobile beacons differently from region beacons and gps regions. active beacons should be a set. you shouldn't end up with multiple "active" entries for the same beacon. Let's enforce that with the correct data structure. Added test for real-world bug that is fixed. A series of mobile beacon and region beacon enter and leave events could cause a mobile beacon to stick to the tracking device even though it had tracked through a "leave" event. Changed two tests to look at the size of the 'mobile_beacons_active' structure rather than at the object which will allow this test to work with any sort of list, set, etc. * Removing excess logging and unnecessary try catch. From review on PR #10183 I've removed some info logging that was unnecessary and I've made the suggested changes to an if block and a try/catch.
2017-10-31 07:18:45 +00:00
yield from context.async_see(**kwargs)
yield from context.async_see_beacons(hass, dev_id, kwargs)
def _async_transition_message_leave(hass, context, message, location):
"""Execute leave event."""
dev_id, kwargs = _parse_see_args(message, context.mqtt_topic)
regions = context.regions_entered[dev_id]
if location in regions:
OwnTracks work. Beacon logic and testcases (#10183) * OwnTracks work. Beacon logic and testcases The existing test cases don't really make clear what is being tested and the iBeacon / Region / Zone / Tracker thing is all a bit confused. I'm distinguishing a fixed-place beacon used to trigger entrance into an HA zone (as a Region Beacon) from a beacon affixed to a portable or mobile object (as a Mobile Beacon). The behaviors and test cases for those usages should be different. A Region Beacon will be named the same as a Home Assistant Zone and seeing an event from that beacon should trigger a device tracker update related to that zone. It would be appropriate, though unnecessary, to configure the Region Beacon with the GPS coordinates of its static physical location. A Mobile Beacon is not named after any HA Zone and seeing the beacon triggers an update in HA setting the location of the beacon to the current device_tracker location. In this way, when my_phone sees the beacon on my_keys, the location of my_keys is set to where my_phone is. And when my_phone stops seeing my_keys, my_keys location is the location of my_phone the last time it saw them. A Mobile Beacon's GPS information should be ignored because it's almost certain to be incorrect because the beacon moves. In fact, beacons typcially come configured with lat/lon as 0.0/0.0 so using the location of the beacon in an update has a nasty habit of setting you and your keys on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. Leave message handling is changed to treat mobile beacons differently from region beacons and gps regions. active beacons should be a set. you shouldn't end up with multiple "active" entries for the same beacon. Let's enforce that with the correct data structure. Added test for real-world bug that is fixed. A series of mobile beacon and region beacon enter and leave events could cause a mobile beacon to stick to the tracking device even though it had tracked through a "leave" event. Changed two tests to look at the size of the 'mobile_beacons_active' structure rather than at the object which will allow this test to work with any sort of list, set, etc. * Removing excess logging and unnecessary try catch. From review on PR #10183 I've removed some info logging that was unnecessary and I've made the suggested changes to an if block and a try/catch.
2017-10-31 07:18:45 +00:00
beacons = context.mobile_beacons_active[dev_id]
if location in beacons:
beacons.remove(location)"Remove beacon %s", location)
yield from context.async_see_beacons(hass, dev_id, kwargs)
OwnTracks work. Beacon logic and testcases (#10183) * OwnTracks work. Beacon logic and testcases The existing test cases don't really make clear what is being tested and the iBeacon / Region / Zone / Tracker thing is all a bit confused. I'm distinguishing a fixed-place beacon used to trigger entrance into an HA zone (as a Region Beacon) from a beacon affixed to a portable or mobile object (as a Mobile Beacon). The behaviors and test cases for those usages should be different. A Region Beacon will be named the same as a Home Assistant Zone and seeing an event from that beacon should trigger a device tracker update related to that zone. It would be appropriate, though unnecessary, to configure the Region Beacon with the GPS coordinates of its static physical location. A Mobile Beacon is not named after any HA Zone and seeing the beacon triggers an update in HA setting the location of the beacon to the current device_tracker location. In this way, when my_phone sees the beacon on my_keys, the location of my_keys is set to where my_phone is. And when my_phone stops seeing my_keys, my_keys location is the location of my_phone the last time it saw them. A Mobile Beacon's GPS information should be ignored because it's almost certain to be incorrect because the beacon moves. In fact, beacons typcially come configured with lat/lon as 0.0/0.0 so using the location of the beacon in an update has a nasty habit of setting you and your keys on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. Leave message handling is changed to treat mobile beacons differently from region beacons and gps regions. active beacons should be a set. you shouldn't end up with multiple "active" entries for the same beacon. Let's enforce that with the correct data structure. Added test for real-world bug that is fixed. A series of mobile beacon and region beacon enter and leave events could cause a mobile beacon to stick to the tracking device even though it had tracked through a "leave" event. Changed two tests to look at the size of the 'mobile_beacons_active' structure rather than at the object which will allow this test to work with any sort of list, set, etc. * Removing excess logging and unnecessary try catch. From review on PR #10183 I've removed some info logging that was unnecessary and I've made the suggested changes to an if block and a try/catch.
2017-10-31 07:18:45 +00:00
new_region = regions[-1] if regions else None
if new_region:
# Exit to previous region
zone = hass.states.get(
_set_gps_from_zone(kwargs, new_region, zone)"Exit to %s", new_region)
yield from context.async_see(**kwargs)
yield from context.async_see_beacons(hass, dev_id, kwargs)
return"Exit to GPS")
# Check for GPS accuracy
if context.async_valid_accuracy(message):
yield from context.async_see(**kwargs)
OwnTracks work. Beacon logic and testcases (#10183) * OwnTracks work. Beacon logic and testcases The existing test cases don't really make clear what is being tested and the iBeacon / Region / Zone / Tracker thing is all a bit confused. I'm distinguishing a fixed-place beacon used to trigger entrance into an HA zone (as a Region Beacon) from a beacon affixed to a portable or mobile object (as a Mobile Beacon). The behaviors and test cases for those usages should be different. A Region Beacon will be named the same as a Home Assistant Zone and seeing an event from that beacon should trigger a device tracker update related to that zone. It would be appropriate, though unnecessary, to configure the Region Beacon with the GPS coordinates of its static physical location. A Mobile Beacon is not named after any HA Zone and seeing the beacon triggers an update in HA setting the location of the beacon to the current device_tracker location. In this way, when my_phone sees the beacon on my_keys, the location of my_keys is set to where my_phone is. And when my_phone stops seeing my_keys, my_keys location is the location of my_phone the last time it saw them. A Mobile Beacon's GPS information should be ignored because it's almost certain to be incorrect because the beacon moves. In fact, beacons typcially come configured with lat/lon as 0.0/0.0 so using the location of the beacon in an update has a nasty habit of setting you and your keys on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. Leave message handling is changed to treat mobile beacons differently from region beacons and gps regions. active beacons should be a set. you shouldn't end up with multiple "active" entries for the same beacon. Let's enforce that with the correct data structure. Added test for real-world bug that is fixed. A series of mobile beacon and region beacon enter and leave events could cause a mobile beacon to stick to the tracking device even though it had tracked through a "leave" event. Changed two tests to look at the size of the 'mobile_beacons_active' structure rather than at the object which will allow this test to work with any sort of list, set, etc. * Removing excess logging and unnecessary try catch. From review on PR #10183 I've removed some info logging that was unnecessary and I've made the suggested changes to an if block and a try/catch.
2017-10-31 07:18:45 +00:00
yield from context.async_see_beacons(hass, dev_id, kwargs)
def async_handle_transition_message(hass, context, message):
"""Handle a transition message."""
if message.get('desc') is None:
"Location missing from `Entering/Leaving` message - "
"please turn `Share` on in OwnTracks app")
# OwnTracks uses - at the start of a beacon zone
# to switch on 'hold mode' - ignore this
location = message['desc'].lstrip("-")
# Create a layer of indirection for Owntracks instances that may name
# regions differently than their HA names
if location in context.region_mapping:
location = context.region_mapping[location]
if location.lower() == 'home':
location = STATE_HOME
if message['event'] == 'enter':
yield from _async_transition_message_enter(
hass, context, message, location)
elif message['event'] == 'leave':
yield from _async_transition_message_leave(
hass, context, message, location)
"Misformatted mqtt msgs, _type=transition, event=%s",
def async_handle_waypoint(hass, name_base, waypoint):
"""Handle a waypoint."""
name = waypoint['desc']
pretty_name = '{} - {}'.format(name_base, name)
lat = waypoint['lat']
lon = waypoint['lon']
rad = waypoint['rad']
# check zone exists
entity_id = zone_comp.ENTITY_ID_FORMAT.format(slugify(pretty_name))
# Check if state already exists
if hass.states.get(entity_id) is not None:
zone = zone_comp.Zone(hass, pretty_name, lat, lon, rad,
zone_comp.ICON_IMPORT, False)
zone.entity_id = entity_id
yield from zone.async_update_ha_state()
def async_handle_waypoints_message(hass, context, message):
"""Handle a waypoints message."""
if not context.import_waypoints:
if context.waypoint_whitelist is not None:
user = _parse_topic(message['topic'], context.mqtt_topic)[0]
if user not in context.waypoint_whitelist:
if 'waypoints' in message:
wayps = message['waypoints']
wayps = [message]"Got %d waypoints from %s", len(wayps), message['topic'])
name_base = ' '.join(_parse_topic(message['topic'], context.mqtt_topic))
for wayp in wayps:
yield from async_handle_waypoint(hass, name_base, wayp)
def async_handle_encrypted_message(hass, context, message):
"""Handle an encrypted message."""
plaintext_payload = _decrypt_payload(context.secret, message['topic'],
if plaintext_payload is None:
decrypted = json.loads(plaintext_payload)
decrypted['topic'] = message['topic']
yield from async_handle_message(hass, context, decrypted)
def async_handle_not_impl_msg(hass, context, message):
"""Handle valid but not implemented message types."""
_LOGGER.debug('Not handling %s message: %s', message.get("_type"), message)
def async_handle_unsupported_msg(hass, context, message):
"""Handle an unsupported or invalid message type."""
_LOGGER.warning('Received unsupported message type: %s.',
def async_handle_message(hass, context, message):
"""Handle an OwnTracks message."""
msgtype = message.get('_type')
handler = HANDLERS.get(msgtype, async_handle_unsupported_msg)
yield from handler(hass, context, message)