2020-04-08 15:22:25 +00:00
"""Constants for National Weather Service Integration."""
DOMAIN = "nws"
CONF_STATION = "station"
ATTRIBUTION = "Data from National Weather Service/NOAA"
ATTR_FORECAST_PRECIP_PROB = "precipitation_probability"
"exceptional": [
"Hurricane conditions",
"Tropical storm conditions",
"snowy": ["Snow", "Sleet", "Blizzard"],
"snowy-rainy": [
"Freezing rain/snow",
"Freezing rain",
"Rain/freezing rain",
"hail": [],
"lightning-rainy": [
"Thunderstorm (high cloud cover)",
"Thunderstorm (medium cloud cover)",
"Thunderstorm (low cloud cover)",
"lightning": [],
"pouring": [],
"rainy": [
"Rain showers (high cloud cover)",
"Rain showers (low cloud cover)",
"windy-variant": ["Mostly cloudy and windy", "Overcast and windy"],
"windy": [
"Fair/clear and windy",
"A few clouds and windy",
"Partly cloudy and windy",
"fog": ["Fog/mist"],
"clear": ["Fair/clear"], # sunny and clear-night
"cloudy": ["Mostly cloudy", "Overcast"],
"partlycloudy": ["A few clouds", "Partly cloudy"],
2020-04-16 14:15:55 +00:00
DAYNIGHT = "daynight"
HOURLY = "hourly"
2020-04-18 13:59:20 +00:00
NWS_DATA = "nws data"
COORDINATOR_OBSERVATION = "coordinator_observation"
COORDINATOR_FORECAST = "coordinator_forecast"
COORDINATOR_FORECAST_HOURLY = "coordinator_forecast_hourly"