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"""Support for powering relays in a DoorBird video doorbell."""
import datetime
import logging
import voluptuous as vol
from homeassistant.components.doorbird import DOMAIN as DOORBIRD_DOMAIN
from homeassistant.components.switch import SwitchDevice, PLATFORM_SCHEMA
from homeassistant.const import CONF_SWITCHES
import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv
DEPENDENCIES = ['doorbird']
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
"open_door": {
"name": "Open Door",
"icon": {
True: "lock-open",
False: "lock"
"time": datetime.timedelta(seconds=3)
"light_on": {
"name": "Light On",
"icon": {
True: "lightbulb-on",
False: "lightbulb"
"time": datetime.timedelta(minutes=5)
vol.Required(CONF_SWITCHES, default=[]):
def setup_platform(hass, config, add_devices, discovery_info=None):
"""Set up the DoorBird switch platform."""
device =
switches = []
for switch in SWITCHES:
_LOGGER.debug("Adding DoorBird switch %s", SWITCHES[switch]["name"])
switches.append(DoorBirdSwitch(device, switch))
add_devices(switches)"Added DoorBird switches")
class DoorBirdSwitch(SwitchDevice):
"""A relay in a DoorBird device."""
def __init__(self, device, switch):
"""Initialize a relay in a DoorBird device."""
self._device = device
self._switch = switch
self._state = False
self._assume_off = datetime.datetime.min
def name(self):
"""Get the name of the switch."""
return SWITCHES[self._switch]["name"]
def icon(self):
"""Get an icon to display."""
return "mdi:{}".format(SWITCHES[self._switch]["icon"][self._state])
def is_on(self):
"""Get the assumed state of the relay."""
return self._state
def turn_on(self, **kwargs):
"""Power the relay."""
if self._switch == "open_door":
self._state = self._device.open_door()
elif self._switch == "light_on":
self._state = self._device.turn_light_on()
now =
self._assume_off = now + SWITCHES[self._switch]["time"]
def turn_off(self, **kwargs):
"""The relays are time-based."""
raise NotImplementedError("DoorBird relays cannot be manually turned "
def update(self):
"""Wait for the correct amount of assumed time to pass."""
if self._state and self._assume_off <=
self._state = False
self._assume_off = datetime.datetime.min