mirror of https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea.git
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111 lines
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import {isDocumentFragmentOrElementNode} from '../utils/dom.ts';
import type {Promisable} from 'type-fest';
import type {InitPerformanceTracer} from './init.ts';
let globalSelectorObserverInited = false;
type SelectorHandler = {selector: string, handler: (el: HTMLElement) => void};
const selectorHandlers: SelectorHandler[] = [];
type GlobalEventFunc<T extends HTMLElement, E extends Event> = (el: T, e: E) => Promisable<void>;
const globalEventFuncs: Record<string, GlobalEventFunc<HTMLElement, Event>> = {};
type GlobalInitFunc<T extends HTMLElement> = (el: T) => Promisable<void>;
const globalInitFuncs: Record<string, GlobalInitFunc<HTMLElement>> = {};
// It handles the global events for all `<div data-global-click="onSomeElemClick"></div>` elements.
export function registerGlobalEventFunc<T extends HTMLElement, E extends Event>(event: string, name: string, func: GlobalEventFunc<T, E>) {
globalEventFuncs[`${event}:${name}`] = func as GlobalEventFunc<HTMLElement, Event>;
// It handles the global init functions by a selector, for example:
// > registerGlobalSelectorObserver('.ui.dropdown:not(.custom)', (el) => { initDropdown(el, ...) });
// ATTENTION: For most cases, it's recommended to use registerGlobalInitFunc instead,
// Because this selector-based approach is less efficient and less maintainable.
// But if there are already a lot of elements on many pages, this selector-based approach is more convenient for exiting code.
export function registerGlobalSelectorFunc(selector: string, handler: (el: HTMLElement) => void) {
selectorHandlers.push({selector, handler});
// Then initAddedElementObserver will call this handler for all existing elements after all handlers are added.
// This approach makes the init stage only need to do one "querySelectorAll".
if (!globalSelectorObserverInited) return;
for (const el of document.querySelectorAll<HTMLElement>(selector)) {
// It handles the global init functions for all `<div data-global-int="initSomeElem"></div>` elements.
export function registerGlobalInitFunc<T extends HTMLElement>(name: string, handler: GlobalInitFunc<T>) {
globalInitFuncs[name] = handler as GlobalInitFunc<HTMLElement>;
// The "global init" functions are managed internally and called by callGlobalInitFunc
// They must be ready before initGlobalSelectorObserver is called.
if (globalSelectorObserverInited) throw new Error('registerGlobalInitFunc() must be called before initGlobalSelectorObserver()');
function callGlobalInitFunc(el: HTMLElement) {
const initFunc = el.getAttribute('data-global-init');
const func = globalInitFuncs[initFunc];
if (!func) throw new Error(`Global init function "${initFunc}" not found`);
type GiteaGlobalInitElement = Partial<HTMLElement> & {_giteaGlobalInited: boolean};
if ((el as GiteaGlobalInitElement)._giteaGlobalInited) throw new Error(`Global init function "${initFunc}" already executed`);
(el as GiteaGlobalInitElement)._giteaGlobalInited = true;
function attachGlobalEvents() {
// add global "[data-global-click]" event handler
document.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
const elem = (e.target as HTMLElement).closest<HTMLElement>('[data-global-click]');
if (!elem) return;
const funcName = elem.getAttribute('data-global-click');
const func = globalEventFuncs[`click:${funcName}`];
if (!func) throw new Error(`Global event function "click:${funcName}" not found`);
func(elem, e);
export function initGlobalSelectorObserver(perfTracer?: InitPerformanceTracer): void {
if (globalSelectorObserverInited) throw new Error('initGlobalSelectorObserver() already called');
globalSelectorObserverInited = true;
selectorHandlers.push({selector: '[data-global-init]', handler: callGlobalInitFunc});
const observer = new MutationObserver((mutationList) => {
const len = mutationList.length;
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
const mutation = mutationList[i];
const len = mutation.addedNodes.length;
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
const addedNode = mutation.addedNodes[i] as HTMLElement;
if (!isDocumentFragmentOrElementNode(addedNode)) continue;
for (const {selector, handler} of selectorHandlers) {
if (addedNode.matches(selector)) {
for (const el of addedNode.querySelectorAll<HTMLElement>(selector)) {
if (perfTracer) {
for (const {selector, handler} of selectorHandlers) {
perfTracer.recordCall(`initGlobalSelectorObserver ${selector}`, () => {
for (const el of document.querySelectorAll<HTMLElement>(selector)) {
} else {
for (const {selector, handler} of selectorHandlers) {
for (const el of document.querySelectorAll<HTMLElement>(selector)) {
observer.observe(document, {subtree: true, childList: true});