Lauri Eskola 9a4a499f07
Issue #3024527 by alexpott, markconroy, waako, occupant: Add and configure stylelint-order
2019-04-01 20:16:16 +03:00
config Issue #2459971 by Gábor Hojtsy: The langcode key on configuration files is not explicit in configuration schema 2015-03-31 10:40:13 +01:00
css Issue #3024527 by alexpott, markconroy, waako, occupant: Add and configure stylelint-order 2019-04-01 20:16:16 +03:00
files SA-CORE-2019-002 by greggles, cashwilliams, EclipseGc, larowlan, samuel.mortenson, alexpott, tedbow, effulgentsia, Fabianx, xjm, mlhess 2019-01-15 11:43:08 -06:00
migrations Issue #2711099 by heddn, Jo Fitzgerald, edysmp, edgewl2, alexpott, Charlotte17, mikeryan, masipila, quietone, maxocub, phenaproxima: Categorize migrations according to their type 2018-02-15 06:27:23 +00:00
src Issue #3039287 by bendeguz.csirmaz, effulgentsia, xjm, alexpott, catch, jibran, hampercm, tedbow, Joseph Zhao, dawehner: Implement changes required to remove support for PHP 5.5 and 5.6 2019-03-29 00:19:57 -07:00
templates Issue #1898452 by joelpittet, amitgoyal, gnuget, steinmb, thedavidmeister, jenlampton, zaphoyd, Cottser, robmc, disasm, azinoman | c4rl: Simpletest.module - Convert theme_simpletest_result_summary functions to Twig. 2014-07-04 18:29:48 +01:00
tests Issue #3038901 by Lendude, dww, Mile23: Speed up the tests on DrupalCI by not running slow tests last 2019-03-21 19:50:41 +10:00
simpletest.api.php Revert "Issue #2234479 by Mile23, alexpott, dawehner, alberto56, joachim: Deprecate hook_test_* hooks in simpletest" 2019-01-26 14:37:03 +00:00
simpletest.es6.js Issue #2981652 by ApacheEx, corbacho, drpal, dawehner, xjm, alexpott, lauriii: Format core JavaScript using recently add Prettier 2018-08-09 18:49:18 +03:00
simpletest.install Issue #2244513 by kim.pepper, phenaproxima, 20th, andrei.dincu, beejeebus, Berdir, alexpott, jibran, andypost, larowlan, Chadwick Wood, acbramley, Wim Leers, sun, xjm, YesCT, chx, tim.plunkett: Move the unmanaged file APIs to the file_system service (file.inc) 2019-02-23 22:35:15 +00:00
simpletest.js Issue #2880007 by drpal, nod_, droplet: Auto-fix ESLint errors and warnings 2017-07-06 09:21:40 +03:00
simpletest.libraries.yml Issue #1996238 by sun, nod_, damiankloip, Wim Leers, longwave, alexpott, Xano, mdrummond, Mark Carver, Jeff Burnz, highrockmedia, joelpittet, et al: Replace hook_library_info() by *.libraries.yml file. 2014-02-22 20:56:51 -08:00
simpletest.links.menu.yml Issue #2578989 by ifrik, alvar0hurtad0, jhodgdon, Bojhan, snehi, mairi, rachel_norfolk: Update link descriptions on the Configuration page that are not correct for D8 2015-10-04 23:38:58 -07:00
simpletest.links.task.yml Issue #2291137 by cilefen | webchick: Rename various *links.yml files to improve DX. 2014-07-15 12:29:14 +01:00
simpletest.module Issue #2244513 by kim.pepper, phenaproxima, 20th, andrei.dincu, beejeebus, Berdir, alexpott, jibran, andypost, larowlan, Chadwick Wood, acbramley, Wim Leers, sun, xjm, YesCT, chx, tim.plunkett: Move the unmanaged file APIs to the file_system service (file.inc) 2019-02-23 22:35:15 +00:00
simpletest.permissions.yml Issue #2328411 by dawehner, geerlingguy, herom: Convert all permissions to yml files and permission callbacks. 2014-09-18 08:41:29 +01:00
simpletest.routing.yml Issue #2501895 by ifrik, jhodgdon: Too many pages with the same name ("Settings") 2015-09-08 11:24:01 +01:00
simpletest.services.yml Issue #2893117 by Mile23, Berdir, Yogesh Pawar, xjm, catch, alexpott: Improve HTML caching of Simpletest UI test form 2018-03-02 12:44:43 +00:00